139 research outputs found


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    We consider a firm that delivers its products across several customers or markets, each with unique revenue and uncertain demand size for a single selling season. Given that the firm experiences a long procurement lead time, the firm must decide, far in advance of the selling season not only the markets to be pursued but also the procurement quantity. In this dissertation, we present several operational scenarios in which the firm must decide which customer demands to satisfy, at what level to satisfy each customer demand, and how much to produce (or order) in total. Traditionally, a newsvendor approach to the single period problem assumes the use of an expected profit objective. However, maximizing expected profit would not be appropriate for firms that cannot afford successive losses or negligible profits over several consecutive selling seasons. Such a setting would most likely require minimizing the downside risk of accepting uncertain demands into the production plan. We consider the implications of such competing objectives. We also investigate the impact that various forms of demand can have on the flexibility of a firm in their customer/market selection process. a firm may face a small set of unconfirmed orders, and each order will often either come in at a predefined level, or it will not come in at all. We explore optimization solution methods for this all-or-nothing demand case with risk-averse objective utilizing conditional value at risk (CVaR) concept from portfolio management. Finally, in this research, we explore extensions of the market selection problem. First, we consider the impact of incorporating market-specific expediting costs into the demand selection and procurement decisions. Using a lost sales assumption instead of an expediting assumption, we perform a similar analysis using market-specific lost sales costs. For each extension we investigate two different approaches: i) Greedy approach: here we allocate order quantity to market with lowest expediting cost (lowest expected revenue) first. ii) Rationing approach: here we find the shortage (lost sale) then ration it across all the markets. We present ideas and approaches for each of these extensions to the selective newsvendor problem

    On Risk and Uncertainty in Inventory Problems with Stochastic Nature

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    Supply Chain

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    Traditionally supply chain management has meant factories, assembly lines, warehouses, transportation vehicles, and time sheets. Modern supply chain management is a highly complex, multidimensional problem set with virtually endless number of variables for optimization. An Internet enabled supply chain may have just-in-time delivery, precise inventory visibility, and up-to-the-minute distribution-tracking capabilities. Technology advances have enabled supply chains to become strategic weapons that can help avoid disasters, lower costs, and make money. From internal enterprise processes to external business transactions with suppliers, transporters, channels and end-users marks the wide range of challenges researchers have to handle. The aim of this book is at revealing and illustrating this diversity in terms of scientific and theoretical fundamentals, prevailing concepts as well as current practical applications

    Electronic Part Total Cost Of Ownership And Sourcing Decisions For Long Life Cycle Products

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    The manufacture and support of long life cycle products rely on the availability of suitable parts from competent suppliers which, over long periods of time, leaves parts susceptible to a number of possible long-term supply chain disruptions. Potential supply chain failures can be supplier-related (e.g., bankruptcy, changes in manufacturing process, non-compliance), parts-related (e.g., obsolescence, reliability, design changes), logistical (e.g., transportation mishaps, natural disasters, accidental occurrences) and political/legislative (e.g., trade regulations, embargo, national conflict). Solutions to mitigating the risk of supply chain failure include the strategic formulation of suitable part sourcing strategies. Sourcing strategies refer to the selection of a set of suppliers from which to purchase parts; sourcing strategies include sole, single, dual, second and multi-sourcing. Utilizing various sourcing strategies offer one way of offsetting or avoiding the risk of part unavailability (and its associated penalties) as well as possible benefits from competitive pricing. Although supply chain risks and sourcing strategies have been extensively studied for high-volume, short life cycle products, the applicability of existing work to long life cycle products is unknown. Existing methods used to study part sourcing decisions in high-volume consumer oriented applications are procurement-centric where cost tradeoffs on the part level focus on part pricing, negotiation practices and purchase volumes. These studies are commonplace for strategic part management for short life cycle products; however, conventional procurement approaches offer only a limited view for parts used in long life cycle products. Procurement-driven decision making provides little to no insight into the accumulation of life cycle cost (attributed to the adoption, use and support of the part), which can be significantly larger than procurement costs in long life cycle products. This dissertation defines the sourcing constraints imposed by the shortage of suppliers as a part becomes obsolete or is subject to other long-term supply chain disruptions. A life cycle approach is presented to compare the total cost of ownership of introducing and supporting a set of suppliers, for electronic parts in long life cycle products, against the benefit of reduced long-term supply chain disruption risk. The estimation of risk combines the likelihood or probability of long-term supply chain disruptions (throughout the part's procurement and support life within an OEM's product portfolio) with the consequence of the disruption (impact on the part's total cost of ownership) to determine the "expected cost" associated with a particular sourcing strategy. This dissertation focuses on comparing sourcing strategies used in long life cycle systems and provides application-specific insight into the cost benefits of sourcing strategies towards proactively mitigating DMSMS type part obsolescence

    Integrated Block Sharing: A Win–Win Strategy for Hospitals and Surgeons

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    We consider the problem of balancing two competing objectives in the pursuit of efïŹcient management of operating rooms in a hospital: providing surgeons with predictable, reliable access to the operating room and maintaining high utilization of capacity. The common solution to the ïŹrst problem (in practice) is to grant exclusive “block time,” in which a portion of the week in an operating room is designated to a particular surgeon, barring other surgeons from using this room/time. As a major improvement over this existing approach, we model the possibility of “shared” block time, which need only satisfy capacity constraints in expectation. We reduce the computational difïŹculty of the resulting NP-hard block-scheduling problem by implementing a column-generation approach and demonstrate the efïŹcacy of this technique using simulation, calibrated to a real hospital’s historical data and objectives. Our simulations illustrate substantial beneïŹts to hospitals under a variety of circumstances and demonstrate the advantages of our new approach relative to a benchmark method taken from the recent literature

    Leveraging the Granularity of Healthcare Data: Essays on Operating Room Scheduling for Productivity and Nurse Retention

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    The primary objective of this dissertation is to provide insights for healthcare practitioners to leverage the granularity of their healthcare data. In particular, leveraging the granularity of healthcare data using data analytics helps practitioners to manage operating room scheduling for productivity and nurse retention. This dissertation addresses the practical challenges of operating room (OR) scheduling by combining the existing insights from the prior literature through various tools in data analytics. In doing so, this dissertation consists of three chapters that operationally quantify the operational characteristics of the operating room and surgical team scheduling to improve operating room outcomes, including OR planning and OR nurse retention. This dissertation contributes to healthcare operations research and practice by emphasizing the importance of using granular information from hospitals’ electronic health records. While the prior research suggests that different team compositions affect OR productivity and OR time prediction, the empirical insights on how the team composition information can be utilized in practice are limited. We fill this gap by presenting data-driven approaches to use this information for OR time prediction and nurse retention. The first and third chapters deal with OR time prediction with the granular procedure, patient, and detailed team information to improve the OR scheduling. The second chapter deals with the OR nurse retention problem under OR nurses’ unique work scheduling environment. The first chapter, which is a joint work with Ahmet Colak, Lawrence Fredendall, and Robert Allen, examines drivers of OR time and their impact on OR time allocation mismatches (i.e., deviations of scheduled OR time from the realized OR time). Building on contemporary health care and empirical methodologies, the chapter identifies two mechanisms that spur scheduling mismatches: (i) OR time allocations that take place before team selections and (ii) OR time allocations that do not incorporate granular team and case data inputs. Using a two-stage estimation framework, the chapter shows how under- and over-allocation of OR times could be mitigated in a newsvendor ii setting using improved OR time predictions for the mean and variance estimates. The chapter’s empirical findings indicate that scheduling methods and the resulting scheduling mismatches have a significant impact on team performance, and deploying granular data inputs about teams—such as dyadic team experience, workload, and back-to-back case assignments—and updating OR times at the time of team selection improve OR time predictions significantly. In particular, the chapter estimates a 32% reduction in absolute mismatch times and a more than 20% reduction in OR costs. The second chapter, which is a joint work with Ahmet Colak and Lawrence Fredendall, addresses the turnover of OR nurses who work with various partners to perform various surgical procedures. Using an instrumental variable approach, the chapter identifies the causal relationship between OR nurses’ work scheduling and their turnover. To quantify the work scheduling characteristics—procedure, partner, and workload assignments, the chapter leverages the granularity of the OR nurse work scheduling data. Because unobserved personal reasons of OR nurses may lead to a potential endogeneity of schedule characteristics, the chapter instruments for the schedule characteristics using nurse peers’ average characteristics. The results suggest that there are significant connections between nurse departure probability and how procedures, partners, and workload are configured in nurses’ schedules. Nurses’ propensity to quit increases with high exposure and diversity to new procedures and partners and with high workload volatility while decreasing with the workload in their schedules. Furthermore, these effects are significantly moderated by the seniority of nurses in the hospital. The chapter also offers several explanations of what might drive these results. The chapter provides strategic reasoning for why hospitals must pay attention to designing the procedure, partner, and workload assignments in nurse scheduling to increase the retention rate in the ongoing nursing shortage and high nurse turnover in the U.S. The third chapter, which is a joint work with Ahmet Colak, Lawrence Fredendall, Babur De los Santos, and Benjamin Grant, systematically reviews the literature to gain more insights into addressing the challenges in OR scheduling to utilize granular team information for OR time prediction. Research in OR scheduling—allocating time to surgical procedures—is entering a new phase of research direction. Recent studies indicate that utilizing team information in OR scheduling can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of OR time, reducing the total cost of idle time and overtime. Despite the importance, utilizing granular team information is challenging due to the multiple decision-makers in surgical team scheduling and the presence of hierarchical structure in surgical teams. Some studies provide some insights on the relative influence of team members, which iii partly helps address these challenges, but there are still limited insights on which decision-maker has the greatest influence on OR time prediction and how hierarchy is aligned with the relative impact of surgical team members. In its findings, the chapter confirms that there are limited empirical insights in the existing literature. Based on the prior insights and the most recent development in this domain, this chapter proposes several empirical strategies that would help address these challenges and determine the key decision-makers to use granular team information of the most importance

    Planning and Scheduling Surgeries under Stochastic Environment

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    This dissertation presents an integrated approach to planning and scheduling surgeries in operating-rooms (ORs) at strategic, tactical and operational levels. We deal with uncertainties of surgery demand and durations to reflect a reality in OR management. The strategic part of the dissertation studies capacity decisions that allocate surgical specialties to OR days with the objective of minimizing total expected costs due to penalties for any patients who are not accommodated and for under- (i.e., idleness) and over- (i.e., overtime) usage of OR capacity. It presents a prototypical non-linear, stochastic programming model to structure the problem and four adaptations, along with associated solution approaches, with the goal of facilitating solution by overcoming the computational disadvantages of the prototype. Each of these models offers advantages but is also attended by disadvantages. Computational tests compare the four models and solution approaches with respect to solution quality and run time. The tactical part of the dissertation prescribes an approach to optimize a master surgical schedule (MSS), which adheres to the block scheduling policy, using a new type of newsvendor-based model. Our newsvendor approach prescribes the optimal duration of each block and the best permutation, obtained by solving the sequential newsvendor problem, determines the optimal block sequence. We obtain closed-form solutions for the case in which surgery durations follow the normal distribution. Furthermore, we give a closed-form solution for optimal block duration with no-shows. We conduct numerical tests for surgery durations that follow normal, lognormal and gamma distributions. Results show that the closed-form solutions associated with the normal distribution gives close approximations to solutions associated with log-normal and gamma distributions. The operational part of the dissertation prescribes an optimal rule to sequence two or three surgeries in a block. The smallest-variance-first-rule (SV) is generally accepted as the optimal policy for sequencing two surgeries, although it has been proven formally only for several restricted cases. We extend prior work, studying three distributions as models of surgery duration (the lognormal, gamma, and normal) and including overtime in a total-cost objective function comprising surgeon-and-patient- waiting-, operating-room-idle-, and staff over-times. We specify expected waiting- and idle- time as functions of the parameters of surgery duration to identify the best rule to sequence two surgeries. We compare the relative values of expected waiting- and idle- times numerically with that of expected overtime. Results recommend that the SV rule be used to minimize total expected cost of waiting-, idle- and over-time. We find that gamma and normal distributions with the same mean and variance as the lognormal give nearly the same expected waiting- and idle- times, observing that the lognormal in combination with either the gamma or normal gives a similar result. Lastly, the dissertation investigates an appointment system with deterministic arrival times (D) and non-identical exponential service times (M). For two customers, we show that both the smallest-mean-first-rule and the SV minimize the sum of expected waiting- and idle-times. We prove that neither is optimal for three customers, but verifies that the first customer in the sequence should be the one with the smallest variance (mean)

    Maximising the value of supply chain finance

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    Supply Chain Finance (SCF) arrangements aim to add value by taking a cooperative approach to financing the supply chain. Interest in SCF has been increasing, and decision makers need a comprehensive view of possible applications and their potential. By means of theoretical and empirical exploration, we develop a conceptual framework that allows for positioning of SCF concepts and practices. The framework is based on a delineation of four archetypal SCF policies and the criteria that are relevant for adoption of each policy. The two main contributions of our framework are: (1) it explicitly considers operational motives as well as the financial motives that could prompt a firm to engage financial cooperation; and (2) it uses a discounted cash flow approach to illustrate the trade-offs that arise from different risks in SCF implementations. We use the framework to review policies that have been used in reverse factoring, an SCF practice that has recently become popular. Our study reveals implications for all the parties involved in an SCF implementation
