13 research outputs found

    ICT collective appropriation on childhood and its impact on the community: the 5D educational model potentials and limits

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    Uruguay became the first – and so far the only – country in the world to provide a laptop to each public school student and teacher since 2007. Six years after the beginning of the plan, several studies and assessment reports have highlighted the breakdown of the pattern of inequality of access to computers and the Internet thanks to the Plan. Despite this, other studies find that the community impact of the plan is almost zero in social and neighborhood organizations. This article presents the theoretical and methodological framework for research that aims to analyze how the impact of the Ceibal Plan can be improved by fostering the emergence of communities of practice through the introduction of the Fifth Dimension Educational Model (5D)2 in a context of social vulnerability in Uruguay. The methodological approach adopted to implement the research is Participatory Action Research, which focuses on a recursive process of reflection and action and is carried out with local people rather than on them. In addition, the time factor becomes a key element for understanding the processes of negotiation and rearrangement that are required in constructing Participatory Action Research

    Interacciones en grupos de aprendizaje on line

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    Este estudio, en el marco del proyecto "Drog@", del Programa de la Unión Europea "Interreg III-A" (España-Portugal), se propone describir el progreso de las interacciones en grupos de aprendizaje en red como un indicador de la consolidación del grupo, diferenciando entre intervenciones centradas en la tarea, en los contenidos y de carácter afectivas. Tras explorar la evolución de tales tipos de interacciones a lo largo de un curso, identificamos cuatro tipos de modelos: crecimiento final, discreto, regular y decreciente. Se observan indicios de la importancia de las intervenciones afectivas en su papel de estímulo a la participación, la presencia social, y el sentimiento de pertenencia y cooperación entre sus miembros. No obstante, hay que avanzar en estudios que combinen estrategias cuantitativas, ampliando el control a variables personales y ambientales que permitan obtener resultados más concluyentes y predictivos sobre el comportamiento y evolución de los grupos de aprendizaje on line

    Interacciones en grupos de aprendizaje on line

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    Este estudio, en el marco del proyecto "Drog@", del Programa de la Unión Europea "Interreg III-A" (España-Portugal), se propone describir el progreso de las interacciones en grupos de aprendizaje en red como un indicador de la consolidación del grupo, diferenciando entre intervenciones centradas en la tarea, en los contenidos y de carácter afectivas. Tras explorar la evolución de tales tipos de interacciones a lo largo de un curso, identificamos cuatro tipos de modelos: crecimiento final, discreto, regular y decreciente. Se observan indicios de la importancia de las intervenciones afectivas en su papel de estímulo a la participación, la presencia social, y el sentimiento de pertenencia y cooperación entre sus miembros. No obstante, hay que avanzar en estudios que combinen estrategias cuantitativas, ampliando el control a variables personales y ambientales que permitan obtener resultados más concluyentes y predictivos sobre el comportamiento y evolución de los grupos de aprendizaje on line

    Aprendizaje cooperativo on-line a través de foros en un contexto universitario: un análisis del discurso y de las redes

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    La investigación que presentamos en este artículo es el resultado de un proyecto de innovación docente, realizado a través del campus virtual de la Universidad de Huelva, en el que los sujetos fueron estudiantes de tercer curso de la Diplomatura de Educación Social que cursaban el practicum. Se presenta el análisis de los procesos de aprendizaje colaborativo en un contexto asincrónico de prácticas curriculares a través del análisis del discurso y de la densidad e intensidad de las redes sociales creadas. Esta interpretación permitirá concebir próximas experiencias e investigaciones que avancen en la concepción de indicadores de calidad para estos métodos de aprendizaje

    Sistem penyeliaan latihan mengajar secara elektronik berasaskan pembelajaran kolaboratif

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    Teaching practice is a central aspect in a teacher training program. Teacher trainees are sent to schools to gain experience in real classroom situations as well as to apply theories learnt at the university. Quality training will ensure competent teachers are produced by the university. Thus, teaching practice in schools should be monitored closely, and the supervision of teacher trainees should be carried out continuously. In this context of study, the use of technology is fully utilized in both aspects of training and supervising the teacher trainees. This study aims to develop and evaluate the effect of a web teaching practice system that uses a collaborative approach. For the purpose of determining the quality of teacher trainees, a review of their generic skills has been conducted. The results show that the level of generic skills of teacher trainees is at high level (mean 3.98). The results also indicate that the level of supervision by supervisors on teacher trainees is also at high level (mean 4:53). For the purpose of developing the system via web, the study has identified a number of collaborative elements that are specifically used for the development of web-based system. The effect of the system was tested through qualitative strands. The results indicate that most of the teacher trainees agree that the developed system helps trainees improve their confidence in preparing their lesson plans. Finding also reveals that the teaching practice system of the website helps improve the level of teacher trainees’ generic skills to a high level (mean 4.02)

    Software engineering of the intelligent educational systems

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    Učenje na radnom mestu obuhvata niz aktivnosti koje zaposleni treba da preduzmu da bi savladali nove veštine potrebne za bolje obavljanje svog posla. Primeri takvih aktivnosti su: pretraživanje adekvatnih resursa relevantnih za preduzete zadatke, proučavanje materijala za učenje, primena novih aktivnosti učenja u kolaboraciji sa drugim kolegama, ljudima koji uče, kao i relevantim ekspertima, što se odražava na preduzete aktivnosti učenja i, shodno tome, na redefinisane ciljeve učenja i, zatim, na ponovnu organizaciju procesa učenja. Ove aktivnosti trebale bi biti dobro integrisane u svakodnevne radne zadatke zaposlenih i olakšane putem odgovarajućih softverskih rešenja. Da bi se znanje i iskustvo na radnom mestu uvećavalo i evoluiralo tokom vremena, saradnja i proširenje aktivnosti učenja izvan granica organizacije može biti od suštinskog značaja. Inteligentna organizacija proširiva putem učenja (IntelLEO – Intelligent Learning Extended Organization) je paradigma koja predstavlja zajednicu za učenje koja se pojavljuje kao privremena integracija dve, ili više različitih poslovnih i obrazovnih zajednica i organizacionih kultura (industrijskih, istraživačkih i obrazovnih). IntelLEO paradigma bila je predmet istraživanja u okviru IntelLEO FP7 EU projekta (http://www.intelleo.eu) u oblasti tehnološki podržanog učenja. U IntelLEO-u učenje i usklađivanje individualnih i organizacionih ciljeva dešava se unutar i kroz različite privremene, kolaborativne grupe za učenje i izgradnju znanja. Drugim rečima, IntelLEO nastaje izvan različitih granica, po vertikalnim i horizontalnim aktivnostima različitih pojedinaca i grupa. IntelLEO projekat je imao za cilj da unapredi međuorganizaciono učenje i izgradnju znanja (LKB – Learning and Knowledge Building) u takvoj proširenoj organizaciji. IntelLEO paradigma oslanja se na režim konverzije znanja, pedagoški model koji karakteriše učenje na radnom mestu i situacije konverzije znanja. Režim konverzije znanja opisuje proces učenja na radnom mestu od početne potrebe i motivacije, kroz transformaciju te potrebe u aktivnosti učenja, saradnje sa drugim učenicima, do primene novonaučenih veština u aktivnostima vezanim za posao, do sve više iskustva sa novim veštinama i u skladu sa tim, unapređenju radnog učinka. IntelLEO softversko rešenje podržano je skupom servisa koji, bazirani na opštem ontološkom okviru, olakšavaju i dalje promovišu LKB aktivnosti. Jedan od tih servisa je Content/Knowledge Provision servis (CKP servis ukratko) koji omogućava zaposlenima da upload-uju različite vrste resursa za učenje u repozitorijum znanja, da ih anotiraju i pretražuju relevantne vrste resursa za učenje kroz semantičko pretraživanje repozitorijuma znanja. Otuda ovaj servis efikasno služi kao sistem za upravljanje znanjem i mašina za semantičko pretraživanja u IntelLEO-u. Ova disertacija prikazuje koncept i implementaciju CKP servisa koji omogućava zaposlenima da efikasno koriste znanje i sadržaj sa čitavog Weba, kao i iz repozitorijuma znanja proširene organizacije. CKP servis pomaže u kreiranju radnog mesta gde se znanje deli i gde su ljudi ohrabreni da uče i preduzimaju akcije u vezi tih lekcija na najsigurniji način što je i svrha ekonomije zasnovana na tržištu...in order to learn new skills required for doing their jobs better. Examples of such activities are: searching for appropriate learning resources relevant for the undertaken tasks, studying the learning material, applying the newly learned skills in collaboration with other learners, employees, and relevant experts, reflecting upon the undertaken learning activities and accordingly redefining learning goals and re-organizing the learning process, and so on. These activities should be well integrated into the employees’ everyday working practices and facilitated through appropriate software solutions. In order for workplace knowledge and experience to increase and evolve over time, collaboration and extension of learning activities across organizational borders may be essential. Intelligent Learning Extended Organization (IntelLEO) paradigm represents a learning community emerging as a temporal integration of two or more different business and educational communities and organizational cultures (industrial, research, and educational). The IntelLEO paradigm is the subject of exploration within the IntelLEO (http://www.intelleo.eu/) FP7 EU research project in the area of technology-enhanced learning. In an IntelLEO, learning and harmonization of individual and organizational objectives happen within and across different temporal, collaborative knowledge-building and learning groups. In other words, an IntelLEO emerges across various boundaries, by vertical and horizontal activities of various individuals and groups involved. The IntelLEO project aims at enhancing cross-organizational Learning and Knowledge Building (LKB for short) practices in such an extended organization. The IntelLEO paradigm relies on the principles of knowledge conversion modes, a pedagogical model that characterizes workplace learning and knowledge-building situations. Knowledge conversion modes describe the process of learning at workplace from the initial need and motivation, through transformation of that need into learning activities, to collaboration with other learners, to application of the newly learned skills in job-related activities, to getting more experience with the new skills and improving the work performance accordingly. The IntelLEO software solution is supported by a set of services, based on the common ontology framework, facilitates and further promotes LKB activities. One of those services is Content and Knowledge Provision service (CKP service for short) that enables employees to upload different kinds of learning resources into a knowledge repository, annotate them, and (re-)discover relevant learning resources by performing semantic search over the knowledge repository. Hence, this service effectively serves as a knowledge management system and semantic search engine within an IntelLEO. This thesis presents the concept and the implementation of the CKP service and shows how it allows employees to effectively use knowledge and content from all over the Web, as well as from the extended organization's knowledge/content repositories. CKP service helps to create workplace where knowledge is shared and where people are encouraged to learn and to take action on those lessons in the surest way to complete in market-driven economy..

    Padrões de interacção num ambiente de aprendizagem colaborativa a distância : um estudo de caso com conteúdos estruturados segundo a teoria da flexibilidade cognitiva

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    Mestrado em Multimédia em EducaçãoA Globalização a que assistimos actualmente traz consigo exigências que a Sociedade deve responder de forma efectiva e adequada. O eLearning constitui, assim, uma realidade capaz de congregar esforços no sentido de permitir a construção de comunidades empenhadas em adquirir as competências necessárias para enfrentar os desafios propostos pela Globalização. É nesta perspectiva que apresentamos este estudo que procura, na sua essência, compreender o processo de interacção num ambiente de aprendizagem colaborativo a distância entre alunos de Línguas Clássicas. Cientes da importância de promover uma aprendizagem com significado para os alunos, foram desenvolvidos conteúdos que representaram o conhecimento segundo os pressupostos pedo-didácticos da Teoria da Flexibilidade Cognitiva de forma a serem trabalhados colaborativamente pelos participantes no fórum de discussão online Scaena. O trabalho desenvolvido pelos alunos decorreu ao longo de três sessões e foi integrado na disciplina de Tecnologia Educativa constante do programa curricular do 2º Semestre do 4º Ano da Licenciatura de Português, Latim e Grego, no ano lectivo de 2004-05. De índole qualitativa, a investigação efectuada privilegiou a análise de conteúdo a fim de proceder ao tratamento de dados. Para o efeito foi, ainda, utilizado o software de análise NUD*IST. Os resultados relevaram a ocorrência de padrões de interacção em todas as dimensões de análise, assim como tornaram evidente o processo de construção de conhecimento flexível numa plataforma de ensino online. Por último, os resultados apurados confirmam as mais-valias da utilização das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação para os Estudos Clássicos em contexto educativo. São, ainda, apresentadas sugestões para futuros estudos. ABSTRACT: The Globalisation we witness nowadays brings with it demands to which Society has to answer effectivelly and adequatelly. eLearning constitutes, therefore, a reality capable of congregating efforts towards allowing for the construction of communities involved in acquiring the necessary competences to face the challenges proposed by Globalisation. It is against this background that we present this study which aims, in its essence, at understanding the process of interaction in a collaborative distance learning environment between Classical Languages students. Being aware of the importance of promoting learning that is meaningful for the students, contents were developed representing knowledge according to Cognitive Flexibility Theory pedagogical and didactic principles. These would have to be worked on collaboratively by the participants in the study in the online discussion fórum Scaena. The work developed by the students evolved along three sessions and was integrated in the subject Educational Technology, which was part of the curriculum of the Portuguese, Latin and Greek Teacher Education Degree, 2nd Semestre, 4th year, in the academic year of 2004-05. Of a qualitative nature, the study conducted priviledged content analysis of data. For this effect the analysis software NUD*IST was used. Results revealed the occurrence of interaction patterns in all dimensions of analysis as well as the evidence of the process of flexible construction of knowledge in an oline learning platform. Finally the results obtained confirm the added value of the use of Information and Communication Technologies for Classical Studies in the educational context. Suggestions for future studies are put forward