37 research outputs found

    Neuro-Fuzzy Based Intelligent Approaches to Nonlinear System Identification and Forecasting

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    Nearly three decades back nonlinear system identification consisted of several ad-hoc approaches, which were restricted to a very limited class of systems. However, with the advent of the various soft computing methodologies like neural networks and the fuzzy logic combined with optimization techniques, a wider class of systems can be handled at present. Complex systems may be of diverse characteristics and nature. These systems may be linear or nonlinear, continuous or discrete, time varying or time invariant, static or dynamic, short term or long term, central or distributed, predictable or unpredictable, ill or well defined. Neurofuzzy hybrid modelling approaches have been developed as an ideal technique for utilising linguistic values and numerical data. This Thesis is focused on the development of advanced neurofuzzy modelling architectures and their application to real case studies. Three potential requirements have been identified as desirable characteristics for such design: A model needs to have minimum number of rules; a model needs to be generic acting either as Multi-Input-Single-Output (MISO) or Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) identification model; a model needs to have a versatile nonlinear membership function. Initially, a MIMO Adaptive Fuzzy Logic System (AFLS) model which incorporates a prototype defuzzification scheme, while utilising an efficient, compared to the Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK) based systems, fuzzification layer has been developed for the detection of meat spoilage using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The identification strategy involved not only the classification of beef fillet samples in their respective quality class (i.e. fresh, semi-fresh and spoiled), but also the simultaneous prediction of their associated microbiological population directly from FTIR spectra. In the case of AFLS, the number of memberships for each input variable was directly associated to the number of rules, hence, the “curse of dimensionality” problem was significantly reduced. Results confirmed the advantage of the proposed scheme against Adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) techniques used in the same case study. In the case of MISO systems, the TSK based structure, has been utilized in many neurofuzzy systems, like ANFIS. At the next stage of research, an Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Neural Network (AFINN) has been developed for the monitoring the spoilage of minced beef utilising multispectral imaging information. This model, which follows the TSK structure, incorporates a clustering pre-processing stage for the definition of fuzzy rules, while its final fuzzy rule base is determined by competitive learning. In this specific case study, AFINN model was also able to predict for the first time in the literature, the beef’s temperature directly from imaging information. Results again proved the superiority of the adopted model. By extending the line of research and adopting specific design concepts from the previous case studies, the Asymmetric Gaussian Fuzzy Inference Neural Network (AGFINN) architecture has been developed. This architecture has been designed based on the above design principles. A clustering preprocessing scheme has been applied to minimise the number of fuzzy rules. AGFINN incorporates features from the AFLS concept, by having the same number of rules as well as fuzzy memberships. In spite of the extensive use of the standard symmetric Gaussian membership functions, AGFINN utilizes an asymmetric function acting as input linguistic node. Since the asymmetric Gaussian membership function’s variability and flexibility are higher than the traditional one, it can partition the input space more effectively. AGFINN can be built either as an MISO or as an MIMO system. In the MISO case, a TSK defuzzification scheme has been implemented, while two different learning algorithms have been implemented. AGFINN has been tested on real datasets related to electricity price forecasting for the ISO New England Power Distribution System. Its performance was compared against a number of alternative models, including ANFIS, AFLS, MLP and Wavelet Neural Network (WNN), and proved to be superior. The concept of asymmetric functions proved to be a valid hypothesis and certainly it can find application to other architectures, such as in Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network models, by designing a suitable flexible wavelet membership function. AGFINN’s MIMO characteristics also make the proposed architecture suitable for a larger range of applications/problems

    Simultaneous identification, tracking control and disturbance rejection of uncertain nonlinear dynamics systems: A unified neural approach

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    Previous works of traditional zeroing neural networks (or termed Zhang neural networks, ZNN) show great success for solving specific time-variant problems of known systems in an ideal environment. However, it is still a challenging issue for the ZNN to effectively solve time-variant problems for uncertain systems without the prior knowledge. Simultaneously, the involvement of external disturbances in the neural network model makes it even hard for time-variant problem solving due to the intensively computational burden and low accuracy. In this paper, a unified neural approach of simultaneous identification, tracking control and disturbance rejection in the framework of the ZNN is proposed to address the time-variant tracking control of uncertain nonlinear dynamics systems (UNDS). The neural network model derived by the proposed approach captures hidden relations between inputs and outputs of the UNDS. The proposed model shows outstanding tracking performance even under the influences of uncertainties and disturbances. Then, the continuous-time model is discretized via Euler forward formula (EFF). The corresponding discrete algorithm and block diagram are also presented for the convenience of implementation. Theoretical analyses on the convergence property and discretization accuracy are presented to verify the performance of the neural network model. Finally, numerical studies, robot applications, performance comparisons and tests demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed neural network model for the time-variant tracking control of UNDS

    Fuzzy Counter Propagation Neural Network Control for a Class of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

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    Fuzzy Counter Propagation Neural Network (FCPN) controller design is developed, for a class of nonlinear dynamical systems. In this process, the weight connecting between the instar and outstar, that is, input-hidden and hidden-output layer, respectively, is adjusted by using Fuzzy Competitive Learning (FCL). FCL paradigm adopts the principle of learning, which is used to calculate Best Matched Node (BMN) which is proposed. This strategy offers a robust control of nonlinear dynamical systems. FCPN is compared with the existing network like Dynamic Network (DN) and Back Propagation Network (BPN) on the basis of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Square Error (MSE), Best Fit Rate (BFR), and so forth. It envisages that the proposed FCPN gives better results than DN and BPN. The effectiveness of the proposed FCPN algorithms is demonstrated through simulations of four nonlinear dynamical systems and multiple input and single output (MISO) and a single input and single output (SISO) gas furnace Box-Jenkins time series data

    Active disturbance cancellation in nonlinear dynamical systems using neural networks

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    A proposal for the use of a time delay CMAC neural network for disturbance cancellation in nonlinear dynamical systems is presented. Appropriate modifications to the CMAC training algorithm are derived which allow convergent adaptation for a variety of secondary signal paths. Analytical bounds on the maximum learning gain are presented which guarantee convergence of the algorithm and provide insight into the necessary reduction in learning gain as a function of the system parameters. Effectiveness of the algorithm is evaluated through mathematical analysis, simulation studies, and experimental application of the technique on an acoustic duct laboratory model

    Training ANFIS Model with an Improved Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    This paper proposes a novel method of training the parameters of adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Different from the previous works which emphasized on gradient descent (GD) method, we present an approach to train the parameters of ANFIS by using an improved version of quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO). This novel variant of QPSO employs an adaptive dynamical controlling method for the contraction-expansion (CE) coefficient which is the most influential algorithmic parameter for the performance of the QPSO algorithm. The ANFIS trained by the proposed QPSO with adaptive dynamical CE coefficient (QPSO-ADCEC) is applied to five example systems. The simulation results show that the ANFIS-QPSO-ADCEC method performs much better than the original ANFIS, ANFIS-PSO, and ANFIS-QPSO methods

    Time series prediction and channel equalizer using artificial neural networks with VLSI implementation

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    The architecture and training procedure of a novel recurrent neural network (RNN), referred to as the multifeedbacklayer neural network (MFLNN), is described in this paper. The main difference of the proposed network compared to the available RNNs is that the temporal relations are provided by means of neurons arranged in three feedback layers, not by simple feedback elements, in order to enrich the representation capabilities of the recurrent networks. The feedback layers provide local and global recurrences via nonlinear processing elements. In these feedback layers, weighted sums of the delayed outputs of the hidden and of the output layers are passed through certain activation functions and applied to the feedforward neurons via adjustable weights. Both online and offline training procedures based on the backpropagation through time (BPTT) algorithm are developed. The adjoint model of the MFLNN is built to compute the derivatives with respect to the MFLNN weights which are then used in the training procedures. The Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) method with a trust region approach is used to update the MFLNN weights. The performance of the MFLNN is demonstrated by applying to several illustrative temporal problems including chaotic time series prediction and nonlinear dynamic system identification, and it performed better than several networks available in the literature

    Supervised fault tolerant control architecture for nonlinear systems

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    Scope: The growing complexity of physical plants and control missions inevitably leads to increasing occurrence, diversity and severity of faults. Availability, defined as the probability that a system or equipment will operate satisfactory and effectively at any point of time, becomes a factor of increasing importance. Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) is a field of research that aims to increase availability and reduce the risk of safety hazards and other undesirable consequences by specifically designing control algorithms capable of maintaining stability and/or performance despite the occurrence of faults. This report presents a novel FTC solution based on a hierarchical architecture in which an adaptive critic controller is overseen by a supervisor managing a dynamic model bank of fault solutions.Findings and Conclusions: The presented work has demonstrated that the implementation of a synergistic combination of a reconfigurable controller and a fault diagnosis and controller malfunction detection supervisor based on three distinct quality indexes generates an efficient and reliable FTC architecture. The application of adaptive critic designs as reconfigurable controllers is shown to give the hierarchical algorithm the degree of flexibility required to deal with both abrupt and incipient unknown changes in the plant dynamics due to faults. The proposed supervisor system is used to accelerate the convergence of the method by loading new initial conditions to the controller when the plant is affected by a known abrupt fault. Moreover, the developed fault diagnosis decision logic is capable of recognizing new fault scenarios and assimilating them online to the dynamic model bank, along with parameters for the corresponding controller. The introduction of the weight quality index has made possible to distinguish between faults in the plant and controller malfunctions caused by online training divergence or local minima convergence. In order to achieve application-specific key FTC specifications, a methodology for initializing and tuning twelve distinct parameters of the quality indexes was also developed. Finally, a series of key steps that form the basis for the fault development information extraction module capable of providing the probability of occurrence of future faults to the user, are also included in this report

    Combined Wavelet-neural Clasifier For Power Distribution Systems

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002Bu çalışmada, dağıtım sistemlerinde hibrid “Dalgacık-Yapay Sinir ağı (YSA) tabanlı” bir yaklaşımla arıza sınıflama işlemi gerçeklenmiştir. 34.5 kV “Sağmalcılar-Maltepe” dağıtım sistemi PSCAD/EMTDC yazılımı kullanılarak arıza sınıflayıcı için gereken veri üretilmiştir. Tezin amacı, on farklı kısa-devre sistem arızalarını tanımlayabilecek bir sınıflayıcı tasarlamaktır. Sistemde kullanılan arıza işaretleri 5 kHZ lik örnekleme frekansı ile üretilmiştir. Farklı arıza noktaları ve farklı arıza oluşum açılarındaki hat-akımları ve hat-toprak gerilimlerini içeren sistem arızaları ile bir veritabanı oluşturulmuştur. “Çoklu-çözünürlük işaret ayrıştırma” tekniği kullanılarak altı-kanal akım ve gerilim örneklerinden karakteristik bigi çıkarılmıştır. PSCAD/EMTDC ile üretilen veri bu şekilde bir ön islemden geçirildikten sonra YSA-tabanlı bir yapı ile sınıflama islemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu yapının görevi çeşitli sistem ve arıza koşullarını kapsayan karmaşık arıza sınıflama problemini çözebilmektir. Bu çalışmada, Kohonen’in öğrenme algoritmasını kullanan bir “Kendine-Organize harita” ile “eğitilebilen vektör kuantalama” teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Bu “dalgacık-sinir ağı” tabanlı arıza sınıflayıcı ile eğitim kümesi için % 99-100 arasında ve sınıflayıcıya daha önce hiç verilmemiş test kümesi ile de %85-92 arasında sınıflama oranları elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen başarım oranları literatürdeki sonuçlara yakındır. Geliştirilen birleşik “dalgacık-sinir ağı” tabanlı sınıflayıcı elektrik dağıtım sistemlerindeki arızaların belirlenmesinde iyi sonuçlar vermiş ve iyi bir performans sağlamıştır.In this study an integrated design of fault classifier in a distribution system by using a hybrid “Wavelet- Artificial neural network (ANN) based” approach is implemented. Data for the fault classifier is produced by using PSCAD/EMTDC simulation program on 34.5 kV “Sagmalcılar-Maltepe” distribution system in Istanbul. The objective is to design a classifier capable of recognizing ten classes of three-phase system faults. The signals are generated at an equivalent sampling rate of 5 KHz per channel. A database of line currents and line-to-ground voltages is built up including system faults at different fault inception angles and fault locations. The characteristic information over six-channel of current and voltage samples is extracted by the “wavelet multi-resolution analysis” technique, which is a preprocessing unit to obtain a small size of interpretable features from the raw data. After preprocessing the raw data, an ANN-based tool was employed for classification task. The main idea in this approach is solving the complex fault (three-phase short-circuit) classification problem under various system and fault conditions. In this project, a self-organizing map, with Kohonen’s learning algorithm and type-one learning vector quantization technique is implemented into the fault classification study. The performance of the wavelet-neural fault classification scheme is found to be around “99-100%” for the training data and around “85-92%” for the test data, which the classifier has not been trained on. This result is comparable to the studied fault classifiers in the literature. Combined wavelet-neural classifier showed a promising future to identify the faults in electric distribution systemsYüksek LisansM.Sc