143 research outputs found

    Study on Situation-oriented Classification of Sightseeing Images Based on Visual and Metadata Features

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    This thesis proposes a method for classifying sightseeing images into different situations based on their visual and metadata features. The widespread use of digital cameras and smart phones has brought about a situation where tourists take lots of photos of memorable moments during their travels and upload these photos to web albums such as Flickr or Picasa. These sightseeing images then become useful resources for others who plan to visit the places shown in the images. As scenes of sightseeing spots vary from situation to situation, the impression one gets from viewing these images depends heavily on conditions such as the weather and season. If a web-based tourist service could provide tourists with different views of sightseeing spots in various situations, visitors would be able to plan their vacations by looking at the views they enjoy. That is, such a service would be useful for tourists to plan when and where to visit. To achieve this goal, a method that can classify various sightseeing images into various situations is required. Although image classification / annotation using visual and text features is becoming a major research topic in various fields, such as information retrieval and web intelligence, image classification methods focusing on various situations have not been studied yet. One of the contributions of this thesis is to consider various situations and organize them in terms of their characteristics. The situations treated in this thesis are classified into weather-related, time-related, and season-related ones. Weather-related situations include sunshiny and cloudy situations, and color features of sky regions are expected to be effective as a means of classifying them. On the other hand, time-related situations are characterized as certain times of the day such as sunrise/sunset, daytime, and night-time. Therefore, shooting date and time, i.e., metadata attached to the photos, are important features for such a classification. Different from weather-related and time-related situations, scenery change by season will depend on the characteristics of a sightseeing spot. It may happen that even though two sightseeing spots are geographically close, one maybe season-dependent and the other not. Therefore, sightseeing spots should also be classified into season-dependent and season-independent as a preprocessing for image classification. This thesis proposes different classification methods for each of these situation types. The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 describes the background and motivation. The vast amount of sightseeing images available in the web albums is an important resource for tourists. The purpose of this thesis is to establish an efficient image classification method targeting sightseeing images showing various situations, which will add extra value to existing web-based tourist services. The related topics of the thesis, i.e., image classification / annotation, have attracted a lot of research, and various features and integration methods have been studied. However, the major focus of these studies has been general-purpose processing; methods focusing on various situations have not been studied yet. This chapter defines and organizes the situations to be handled in the thesis and discusses the challenges of classifying sightseeing images into each situation. Chapter 2 describes the existing applications of tourism informatics. Image classification and annotation methods based on supervised and unsupervised learning with various features are also covered as related work. Chapter 3 describes content-based image classification targeting weather-related and time-related situations. Visual features for identifying each target situation are considered from viewpoints such as composition of the photos and typical colors in each situation. The images are classified in a hierarchical manner, in each stage of which efficient color features, region of interests (ROI), and cluster identification method are determined. Experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain clusters for each situation with high precision and recall. Chapter 4 focuses on time-related situations and extends the content-based image classification method proposed in Chapter 3 by introducing filtering based on tag information. By using timestamps attached to images, clusters for the situations obtained by the content-based approach are verified to increase the accuracy of the classification. The time windows are adjusted by considering the geolocation of sightseeing spots, and this adjustment is based on information obtained from the Web. Experimental results show that this method can improve precision while maintaining recall in most cases. Chapter 5 focuses on season-related situations and proposes a method for classifying sightseeing spots into season-dependent and season-independent ones as preprocessing for image classification. If image processing is required in order to extract features from photos, the network load for downloading photos and the cost of image processing become a serious problem. To solve this problem, the statistical features of sightseeing spots calculated using metadata are proposed. Image processing is only applied to the spots classified as season-dependent by machine learning with the statistical features. Experimental results show that this method can classify actual sightseeing spots with high precision and recall. Chapter 6 summarizes the conclusions presented in Chapter 3 to Chapter 5. This thesis proposes three kinds of image classification methods, each of which employs efficient visual and metadata features and integration methods for the target situations. The results of this thesis are meant to contribute to tourism and related applications, which are important issues in many cities including Tokyo. As the volume of images and metadata available on the Web is still increasing at a rapid rate, the contributions of the thesis may have numerous other applications.首都大学東京, 2013-09-30, 博士(工学), 甲第437号首都大学東


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    The Glacier Complexes of the Mountain Massifs of the North-West of Inner Asia and their Dynamics

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    The subject of this paper is the glaciation of the mountain massifs Mongun-Taiga, Tavan-Boghd-Ola, Turgeni- Nuru, and Harhira-Nuru. The glaciation is represented mostly by small forms that sometimes form a single complex of domeshaped peaks. According to the authors, the modern glaciated area of the mountain massifs is 21.2 km2 (Tavan-Boghd-Ola), 20.3 km2 (Mongun-Taiga), 42 km2 (Turgeni- Nuru), and 33.1 km2 (Harhira-Nuru). The area of the glaciers has been shrinking since the mid 1960’s. In 1995–2008, the rate of reduction of the glaciers’ area has grown considerably: valley glaciers were rapidly degrading and splitting; accumulation of morainic material in the lower parts of the glaciers accelerated. Small glaciers transformed into snowfields and rock glaciers. There has been also a degradation of the highest parts of the glaciers and the collapse of the glacial complexes with a single zone of accumulation into isolated from each other glaciers. Reduced snow cover area has led to a rise in the firn line and the disintegration of a common accumulation area of the glacial complex. In the of the Mongun-Taiga massif, in 1995– 2008, the firn line rose by 200–300 m. The reduction of the glaciers significantly lagged behind the change in the position of the accumulation area boundary. In the past two years, there has been a significant recovery of the glaciers that could eventually lead to their slower degradation or stabilization of the glaciers in the study area

    Harnessing social media data to explore urban tourist patterns and the implications for retail location modelling

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    The tourism landscape in urban destinations has been spatially expanded in recent years due to the increasing prevalence of sharing economy accommodation and other tourism trends. Tourists now mix with locals to form increasingly intricate population geographies within urban neighbourhoods, bringing new demand into areas which are beyond the conventional tourist locations. How these dispersed tourist demands impact local communities has become an emerging issue in both urban and tourism studies. However, progress has been hampered by the lack of fine granular travel data which can be used for understanding urban tourist patterns at the small-area level. Paying special attention to tourist grocery demand in urban destinations, the thesis takes London as the example to present the various sources of LBSN datasets that can be used as valuable supplements to conventional surveys and statistics to produce novel tourist population estimates and new tourist grocery demand layers at the small area level. First, the work examines the potential of Weibo check-in data in London for offering greater insights into the spatial travel patterns of urban tourists from China. Then, AirDNA and Twitter datasets are used in conjunction with tourism surveys and statistics in London to model the small area tourist population maps of different tourist types and generate tourist demand estimates. Finally, Foursquare datasets are utilised to inform tourist grocery travel behaviour and help to calibrate the retail location model. The tourist travel patterns extracted from various LBSN data, at both individual and collective levels, offer tremendous value to assist the construction and calibration of spatial modelling techniques. In this case, the emphasis is on improving retail location spatial Interaction Models (SIMs) within grocery retailing. These models have seen much recent work to add non-residential demand, but demand from urban tourism has yet to be included. The additional tourist demand layer generated in this thesis is incorporated into a new custom-built SIM to assess the impacts of urban tourism on the local grocery sector and support current store operations and trading potential evaluations of future investments

    Citizen Science and Geospatial Capacity Building

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    This book is a collection of the articles published the Special Issue of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information on “Citizen Science and Geospatial Capacity Building”. The articles cover a wide range of topics regarding the applications of citizen science from a geospatial technology perspective. Several applications show the importance of Citizen Science (CitSci) and volunteered geographic information (VGI) in various stages of geodata collection, processing, analysis and visualization; and for demonstrating the capabilities, which are covered in the book. Particular emphasis is given to various problems encountered in the CitSci and VGI projects with a geospatial aspect, such as platform, tool and interface design, ontology development, spatial analysis and data quality assessment. The book also points out the needs and future research directions in these subjects, such as; (a) data quality issues especially in the light of big data; (b) ontology studies for geospatial data suited for diverse user backgrounds, data integration, and sharing; (c) development of machine learning and artificial intelligence based online tools for pattern recognition and object identification using existing repositories of CitSci and VGI projects; and (d) open science and open data practices for increasing the efficiency, decreasing the redundancy, and acknowledgement of all stakeholders

    PSiS mobile

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    Os sistemas de recomendação têm vindo a ser cada vez mais utilizados nos últimos anos. Por isso, é imprescindível que estes sistemas se adaptem à evolução da sociedade incluindo cada vez mais novas funcionalidades, tais como a adaptação do sistema ao contexto da pessoa. Esta adaptação pode ser feita através de, por exemplo, dispositivos móveis, que têm vindo a apresentar uma taxa de crescimento de vendas muito grande. Dada a crescente integração dos sistemas de recomendação com os sistemas móveis, foi elaborado um estudo sobre o estado da arte dos sistemas de auxílio ao turista que utilizam dispositivos móveis, sendo apresentadas as suas vantagens e desvantagens. Estes sistemas móveis de auxílio a turistas foram divididos em dois grupos: os que apresentam apenas a informação sobre pontos de interesse e os sistemas que são capazes de efectuar recomendações, com base no perfil do turista. Um breve estudo sobre os sistemas operativos para dispositivos móveis é apresentado, sendo especialmente focado o sistema operativo Android que foi o escolhido para esta implementação. Como os dispositivos móveis, actualmente, ainda possuem várias limitações, estas foram descritas e apresentadas as boas práticas no desenvolvimento de aplicações para este tipo de sistemas. É também apresentado um estudo que visa descobrir qual é o método mais leve e mais rápido para trocar dados entre a parte servidora e a parte móvel. Com a parte introdutória apresentada, é exposto o projecto desenvolvido nesta tese, o PSiS Mobile. Este sistema é um módulo que faz parte do projecto PSiS e pretende trazer todas as vantagens dos sistemas móveis para o sistema base já implementado. O projecto PSiS foca-se no estabelecimento de planos de visita personalizados com indicação de percursos para turistas com tempo limitado. Apoiando a definição de planos de visitas de acordo com o perfil do turista (interesses, valores pessoais, desejos, restrições, deficiências, etc.) combinando os produtos de turismo mais adequados (locais de interesse, eventos, restaurantes, etc.) em itinerários eficientes. A utilização de dispositivos móveis para acompanhamento da visita permite uma rápida interacção entre o turista e o sistema. Assim, o PSiS poderá recolher informação contextual do utilizador para que o perfil do mesmo seja enriquecido. O sistema apresentado é composto por duas partes: a parte cliente e a parte servidora. Toda a informação, como por exemplo o perfil do turista, histórico de viagens e valores de similaridade entre utilizadores está presente na parte servidora. O processo de recomendação também é efectuado pela aplicação servidora, sendo esta a responsável pela atribuição de uma classificação aos pontos de interesse tendo em conta o perfil do utilizador em causa. A base de dados do PSiS possui toda a informação relativa aos pontos de interesse numa determinada cidade ou região e o portfólio completo do histórico de visitas de cada utilizador. A componente móvel é uma parte muito importante para o sistema, pois interage com o utilizador no terreno. Um dispositivo móvel como o PDA, não só permite a apresentação de informação relevante ao utilizador, como também permite a recolha automática de informação contextual (por exemplo, a localização). Toda esta informação contribui para a definição de um perfil completo e para uma melhor adaptação do sistema às necessidades do utilizador. De forma a nem sempre estar dependente do servidor, a aplicação móvel possui rotinas para a realização de recomendações básicas. Ou seja, a aplicação móvel não realiza a classificação dos pontos de interesse, mas apenas mostra os principais resultados já formados pela parte servidora. Por exemplo, se um utilizador gostar de comida Chinesa, um restaurante Chinês nas imediações irá ter uma boa classificação e, por isso, ser recomendado. A aplicação móvel mostra ao turista o percurso definido para o dia em que o mesmo se encontra, sendo feito o rastreio do trajecto que o mesmo efectua. Assim, o sistema consegue saber se o horário do planeamento está a ser cumprido ou não. Caso não esteja, é invocado um algoritmo de planeamento que irá tentar corrigir o atraso ou o adiantamento perante o horário inicial. Depois de visitar um ponto de interesse, é pedido ao utilizador para fornecer feedback sobre o mesmo. Se desejado também é possível mostrar os pontos de interesse existentes perto do turista (usando as coordenadas GPS obtidas pelo dispositivo móvel) organizados por categorias, raio de distância, etc. Apesar dos dispositivos móveis possuírem várias restrições, pretendeu-se proporcionar ao utilizador uma boa experiência, através de uma aplicação rápida, de fácil utilização e adaptável, incluindo funcionalidades de planeamento, realidade aumentada e integração com a rede social do sistema. Todos estes factores contribuem para a disponibilização de informação detalhada ao turista.Recommendation systems have been growing in a relative number over the last years. But with the actual society evolution and expectations, these systems need to be improved to include new features, such as adapting the system to the context of the user. This adaptation can be performed using mobile devices, which nowadays are under an incredible growth rate in every business area. Since recommendation and mobile systems might be integrated, this work presents the current state of the art in tourism recommendation systems using mobile devices, and states their advantages/disadvantages. A brief study of mobile devices operating system is made and Android Operating System is described, presenting his functionalities and demonstrate how it works, in a software engineering way. Since mobile devices have several limitations a study will be presented to discover the lightest and fastest way to exchange information between a server and a mobile client. PSiS Mobile, that is the proposal of this thesis, is a mobile recommendation system and planning support, designed to provide an effective support during the visit of a tourist, providing context-aware information and recommendations about places of interest to visit based on tourist preferences and his current context

    Assessing the perceived environment through crowdsourced spatial photo content for application to the fields of landscape and urban planning

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    Assessing information on aspects of identification, perception, emotion, and social interaction with respect to the environment is of particular importance to the fields of natural resource management. Our ability to visualize this type of information has rapidly improved with the proliferation of social media sites throughout the Internet in recent years. While many methods to extract information on human behavior from crowdsourced geodata already exist, this work focuses on visualizing landscape perception for application to the fields of landscape and urban planning. Visualization of people’s perceptual responses to landscape is demonstrated with crowdsourced photo geodata from Flickr, a popular photo sharing community. A basic, general method to map, visualize and evaluate perception and perceptual values is proposed. The approach utilizes common tools for spatial knowledge discovery and builds on existing research, but is specifically designed for implementation within the context of landscape perception analysis and particularly suited as a base for further evaluation in multiple scenarios. To demonstrate the process in application, three novel types of visualizations are presented: the mapping of lines of sight in Yosemite Valley, the assessment of landscape change in the area surrounding the High Line in Manhattan, and individual location analysis for Coit Tower in San Francisco. The results suggest that analyzing crowdsourced data may contribute to a more balanced assessment of the perceived landscape, which provides a basis for a better integration of public values into planning processes.:Contents 3 1 Introduction 7 1.1 Motivation 7 1.2 Literature review and conceptual scope 9 1.3 Terminology 11 1.4 Related research 12 1.5 Objectives 14 1.6 Methodology 16 1.7 Formal conventions 21 I. Part I: Conceptual framework 23 1.1 Visual perception 23 1.2 Theory and practice in landscape perception assessment 27 1.2.1 Expert valuation versus participation 27 1.2.2 Photography-based landscape perception assessment 32 Photo-based surveys 32 Photo-based Internet surveys 35 Photo-interviewing and participant photography 37 1.2.3 Conclusions 40 1.3 Conceptual approach 42 1.3.1 A framing theory: Distributed cognition 42 1.3.2 Description of the approach 46 1.3.3 Choosing the right data source 48 Availability of crowdsourced and georeferenced photo data 48 Suitability for analyzing human behavior and perception 51 1.3.4 Relations between data and the phenomenon under observation 55 Photo taking and landscape perception 55 User motivation in the context of photo sharing in communities 61 Describing and tagging photos: Forms of attributing meaning 66 1.3.5 Considerations for measuring and weighting data 70 1.3.6 Conclusions 77 II. Part II: Application example – Flickr photo analysis and evaluation of results 80 2.1 Software architecture 80 2.2 Materials and methods 86 2.2.1 Data retrieval, initial data structure and overall quantification 86 2.2.2 Global data bias 89 2.2.3 Basic techniques for filtering and classifying data 94 Where: photo locations 94 Who: user origin 96 When: time of photo taking 102 What: tag frequency 108   2.2.4 Methods for aggregating data 113 Clustering of photo locations 113 Clustering of tag locations 115 2.3 Application to planning: techniques for visualizing data 118 2.3.1 Introduction 118 2.3.2 Tag maps 121 Description of technique 121 Results: San Francisco and Berkeley waterfront 126 Results: Berkeley downtown and university campus 129 Results: Dresden and the Elbe Valley 132 Results: Greater Toronto Area and City of Toronto 136 Results: Baden-Württemberg 143 Summary 156 2.3.3 Temporal comparison for assessing landscape change 158 Description of technique 158 Results: The High Line, NY 159 Summary 160 2.3.4 Determining lines of sight and important visual connections 161 Description of technique 161 Results: Yosemite Valley 162 Results: Golden Gate and Bay Bridge 167 Results: CN Tower, Toronto 168 Summary 170 2.3.5 Individual location analysis 171 Description of technique 171 Results: Coit Tower, San Francisco 171 Results: CN Tower, Toronto 172 Summary 173 2.4 Quality and accuracy of results 175 2.4.1 Methodology 175 2.4.2 Accuracy of data 175 2.4.3 Validity and reliability of visualizations 178 Reliability 178 Validity 180 2.5 Implementation example: the London View Framework 181 2.5.1 Description 181 2.5.2 Evaluation methodology 183 2.5.3 Analysis 184 Landmarks 184 Views 192 2.5.4 Summary 199 III. Discussion 203 3.1 Application of the framework from a wider perspective 203 3.2 Significance of results 204 3.3 Further research 205   3.4 Discussion of workshop results and further feedback 206 3.4.1 Workshops at University of Waterloo and University of Toronto, Canada 206 3.4.2 Workshop at University of Technology Dresden, Germany 209 3.4.3 Feedback from presentations, discussions, exhibitions: second thoughts 210 IV. Conclusions 212 V. References 213 5.1 Literature 213 5.2 List of web references 228 5.3 List of figures 230 5.4 List of tables 234 5.5 List of maps 235 5.6 List of appendices 236 VI. Appendices 237  Als Wahrnehmung wird der Bewusstseinsprozess des subjektiven Verstehens der Umwelt bezeichnet. Grundlage für diesen Prozess ist die Gewinnung von Informationen über die Sinne, also aus visuellen, olfaktorischen, akustischen und anderen Reizen. Die Wahrnehmung ist aber auch wesentlich durch interne Prozesse beeinflusst. Das menschliche Gehirn ist fortlaufend damit beschäftigt, sowohl bewusst als auch unbewusst Sinneswahrnehmungen mit Erinnerungen abzugleichen, zu vereinfachen, zu assoziieren, vorherzusagen oder zu vergleichen. Aus diesem Grund ist es schwierig, die Wahrnehmung von Orten und Landschaften in Planungsprozessen zu berücksichtigen. Jedoch wird genau dies von der Europäischen Landschaftskonvention gefordert, die Landschaft als einen bestimmten Bereich definiert, so wie er von Besuchern und Einwohnern wahrgenommen wird (“as a zone or area as perceived by local people or visitors”, ELC Art. 1, Abs. 38). Während viele Fortschritte und Erkenntnisse, zum Beispiel aus den Kognitionswissenschaften, heute helfen, die Wahrnehmung einzelner Menschen zu verstehen, konnte die Stadt- und Landschaftsplanung kaum profitieren. Es fehlt an Kenntnissen über das Zusammenwirken der Wahrnehmung vieler Menschen. Schon Stadtplaner Kevin Lynch beschäftigte dieses gemeinsame, kollektive ‚Bild‘ der menschlichen Umwelt ("generalized mental picture", Lynch, 1960, p. 4). Seitdem wurden kaum nennenswerte Fortschritte bei der Erfassung der allgemeinen, öffentlichen Wahrnehmung von Stadt- und Landschaft erzielt. Dies war Anlass und Motivation für die vorliegende Arbeit. Eine bisher in der Planung ungenutzte Informationsquelle für die Erfassung der Wahrnehmung vieler Menschen bietet sich in Form von crowdsourced Daten (auch ‚Big Data‘), also großen Mengen an Daten die von vielen Menschen im Internet zusammengetragen werden. Im Vergleich zu konventionellen Daten, zum Beispiel solchen die durch Experten erhoben werden und durch öffentliche Träger zur Verfügung stehen, eröffnet sich durch crowdsourced Daten eine bisher nicht verfügbare Quelle für Informationen, um die komplexen Zusammenhänge zwischen Raum, Identität und subjektiver Wahrnehmung zu verstehen. Dabei enthalten crowdsourced Daten lediglich Spuren menschlicher Entscheidungen. Aufgrund der Menge ist es aber möglich, wesentliche Informationen über die Wahrnehmung derer, die diese Daten zusammengetragen haben, zu gewinnen. Dies ermöglicht es Planern zu verstehen, wie Menschen ihre unmittelbare Umgebung wahrnehmen und mit ihr interagieren. Darüber hinaus wird es immer wichtiger, die Ansichten Vieler in Planungsprozessen zu berücksichtigen (Lynam, De Jong, Sheil, Kusumanto, & Evans, 2007; Brody, 2004). Der Wunsch nach öffentlicher Beteiligung sowie die Anzahl an beteiligten Stakeholdern nehmen dabei konstant zu. Durch das Nutzen dieser neuen Informationsquelle bietet sich eine Alternative zu herkömmlichen Ansätzen wie Umfragen, die genutzt werden um beispielsweise Meinungen, Positionen, Werte, Normen oder Vorlieben von bestimmten sozialen Gruppen zu messen. Indem es crowdsourced Daten erleichtern, solch soziokulturelle Werte zu bestimmen, können die Ergebnisse vor allem bei der schwierigen Gewichtung gegensätzlicher Interessen und Ansichten helfen. Es wird die Ansicht geteilt, dass die Nutzung von crowdsourced Daten, indem Einschätzungen von Experten ergänzt werden, letztendlich zu einer faireren, ausgeglichenen Berücksichtigung der Allgemeinheit in Entscheidungsprozessen führen kann (Erickson, 2011, p.1). Eine große Anzahl an Methoden ist bereits verfügbar, um aus dieser Datenquelle wichtige landschaftsbezogene Informationen auszulesen. Beispiele sind die Bewertung der Attraktivität von Landschaften, die Bestimmung der Bedeutung von Sehenswürdigkeiten oder Wahrzeichen, oder die Einschätzung von Reisevorlieben von Nutzergruppen. Viele der bisherigen Methoden wurden jedoch als ungenügend empfunden, um die speziellen Bedürfnisse und das breite Spektrum an Fragestellungen zur Landschaftswahrnehmung in Stadt- und Landschaftsplanung zu berücksichtigen. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, praxisrelevantes Wissen zu vermitteln, welches es Planern erlaubt, selbstständig Daten zu erforschen, zu visualisieren und zu interpretieren. Der Schlüssel für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung wird dabei in der Synthese von Wissen aus drei Kategorien gesehen, theoretische Grundlagen (1), technisches Wissen zur Datenverarbeitung (2) sowie Kenntnisse zur grafischen Visualisierungen (3). Die theoretischen Grundlagen werden im ersten Teil der Arbeit (Part I) präsentiert. In diesem Teil werden zunächst Schwachpunkte aktueller Verfahren diskutiert, um anschließend einen neuen, konzeptionell-technischen Ansatz vorzuschlagen der gezielt auf die Ergänzung bereits vorhandener Methoden zielt. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit (Part II) wird anhand eines Datenbeispiels die Anwendung des Ansatzes exemplarisch demonstriert. Fragestellungen die angesprochen werden reichen von der Datenabfrage, Verarbeitung, Analyse, Visualisierung, bis zur Interpretation von Grafiken in Planungsprozessen. Als Basis dient dabei ein Datenset mit 147 Millionen georeferenzierte Foto-Daten und 882 Millionen Tags der Fotoaustauschplatform Flickr, welches in den Jahren 2007 bis 2015 von 1,3 Millionen Nutzern zusammengetragen wurde. Anhand dieser Daten wird die Entwicklung neuer Visualisierungstechniken exemplarisch vorgestellt. Beispiele umfassen Spatio-temporal Tag Clouds, eine experimentelle Technik zur Generierung von wahrnehmungsgewichteten Karten, die Visualisierung von wahrgenommenem Landschaftswandel, das Abbilden von wahrnehmungsgewichteten Sichtlinien, sowie die Auswertung von individueller Wahrnehmung von und an bestimmten Orten. Die Anwendung dieser Techniken wird anhand verschiedener Testregionen in den USA, Kanada und Deutschland für alle Maßstabsebenen geprüft und diskutiert. Dies umfasst beispielsweise die Erfassung und Bewertung von Sichtlinien und visuellen Bezügen in Yosemite Valley, das Monitoring von wahrgenommenen Veränderungen im Bereich der High Line in New York, die Auswertung von individueller Wahrnehmung für Coit Tower in San Francisco, oder die Beurteilung von regional wahrgenommenen identitätsstiftenden Landschaftswerten für Baden-Württemberg und die Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Anschließend werden Ansätze vorgestellt, um die Qualität und Validität von Visualisierungen einzuschätzen. Abschließend wird anhand eines konkreten Planungsbeispiels, des London View Management Frameworks (LVMF), eine spezifische Implementation des Ansatzes und der Visualisierungen kurz aufgezeigt und diskutiert. Mit der Arbeit wird vor allem das breite Potential betont, welches die Nutzung von crowdsourced Daten für die Bewertung von Landschaftswahrnehmung in Stadt- und Landschaftsplanung bereithält. Insbesondere crowdsourced Fotodaten werden als wichtige zusätzliche Informationsquelle gesehen, da sie eine bisher nicht verfügbare Perspektive auf die allgemeine, öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Umwelt ermöglichen. Während der breiteren Anwendung noch einige Grenzen gesetzt sind, können die vorgestellten experimentellen Methoden und Techniken schon wichtige Aufschlüsse über eine ganze Reihe von wahrgenommenen Landschaftswerten geben. Auf konzeptioneller Ebene stellt die Arbeit eine erste Grundlage für weitere Forschung dar. Bevor jedoch eine breite Anwendung in der Praxis möglich ist, müssen entscheidende Fragen gelöst werden, beispielsweise zum Copyright, zur Definition von ethischen Standards innerhalb der Profession, sowie zum Schutz der Privatsphäre Beteiligter. Längerfristig wird nicht nur die Nutzung der Daten als wichtig angesehen, sondern auch die Erschließung der essentiellen Möglichkeiten dieser Entwicklung zur besseren Kommunikation mit Auftraggebern, Beteiligten und der Öffentlichkeit in Planungs- und Entscheidungsprozessen.:Contents 3 1 Introduction 7 1.1 Motivation 7 1.2 Literature review and conceptual scope 9 1.3 Terminology 11 1.4 Related research 12 1.5 Objectives 14 1.6 Methodology 16 1.7 Formal conventions 21 I. Part I: Conceptual framework 23 1.1 Visual perception 23 1.2 Theory and practice in landscape perception assessment 27 1.2.1 Expert valuation versus participation 27 1.2.2 Photography-based landscape perception assessment 32 Photo-based surveys 32 Photo-based Internet surveys 35 Photo-interviewing and participant photography 37 1.2.3 Conclusions 40 1.3 Conceptual approach 42 1.3.1 A framing theory: Distributed cognition 42 1.3.2 Description of the approach 46 1.3.3 Choosing the right data source 48 Availability of crowdsourced and georeferenced photo data 48 Suitability for analyzing human behavior and perception 51 1.3.4 Relations between data and the phenomenon under observation 55 Photo taking and landscape perception 55 User motivation in the context of photo sharing in communities 61 Describing and tagging photos: Forms of attributing meaning 66 1.3.5 Considerations for measuring and weighting data 70 1.3.6 Conclusions 77 II. Part II: Application example – Flickr photo analysis and evaluation of results 80 2.1 Software architecture 80 2.2 Materials and methods 86 2.2.1 Data retrieval, initial data structure and overall quantification 86 2.2.2 Global data bias 89 2.2.3 Basic techniques for filtering and classifying data 94 Where: photo locations 94 Who: user origin 96 When: time of photo taking 102 What: tag frequency 108   2.2.4 Methods for aggregating data 113 Clustering of photo locations 113 Clustering of tag locations 115 2.3 Application to planning: techniques for visualizing data 118 2.3.1 Introduction 118 2.3.2 Tag maps 121 Description of technique 121 Results: San Francisco and Berkeley waterfront 126 Results: Berkeley downtown and university campus 129 Results: Dresden and the Elbe Valley 132 Results: Greater Toronto Area and City of Toronto 136 Results: Baden-Württemberg 143 Summary 156 2.3.3 Temporal comparison for assessing landscape change 158 Description of technique 158 Results: The High Line, NY 159 Summary 160 2.3.4 Determining lines of sight and important visual connections 161 Description of technique 161 Results: Yosemite Valley 162 Results: Golden Gate and Bay Bridge 167 Results: CN Tower, Toronto 168 Summary 170 2.3.5 Individual location analysis 171 Description of technique 171 Results: Coit Tower, San Francisco 171 Results: CN Tower, Toronto 172 Summary 173 2.4 Quality and accuracy of results 175 2.4.1 Methodology 175 2.4.2 Accuracy of data 175 2.4.3 Validity and reliability of visualizations 178 Reliability 178 Validity 180 2.5 Implementation example: the London View Framework 181 2.5.1 Description 181 2.5.2 Evaluation methodology 183 2.5.3 Analysis 184 Landmarks 184 Views 192 2.5.4 Summary 199 III. Discussion 203 3.1 Application of the framework from a wider perspective 203 3.2 Significance of results 204 3.3 Further research 205   3.4 Discussion of workshop results and further feedback 206 3.4.1 Workshops at University of Waterloo and University of Toronto, Canada 206 3.4.2 Workshop at University of Technology Dresden, Germany 209 3.4.3 Feedback from presentations, discussions, exhibitions: second thoughts 210 IV. Conclusions 212 V. References 213 5.1 Literature 213 5.2 List of web references 228 5.3 List of figures 230 5.4 List of tables 234 5.5 List of maps 235 5.6 List of appendices 236 VI. Appendices 237

    Identification of Outer Continental Shelf Renewable Energy Space-Use Conflicts and Analysis of Potential Mitigation Measures

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    The ocean accommodates a wide variety of uses that are separated by time of day, season, location, and zones. Conflict can and does occur, however, when two or more groups wish to use the same space at the same time in an exclusive manner. The potential for conflict is well known and the management of ocean space and resources has been, and is being, addressed by a number of State, regional, and Federal organizations, including, among others, coastal zone management agencies, state task forces, and regional fisheries management councils. However, with new and emerging uses of the ocean, such as aquaculture and offshore renewable energy, comes the potential for new types of space-use conflicts in ocean waters. In recent years, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) (formerly the Minerals Management Service [MMS]) has examined ocean space-use conflicts and mitigation strategies in the context of offshore oil and gas exploration and production and sand and gravel dredging, activities that are both subject to BOEM regulation and oversight. BOEM now has authority to issue leases on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) for renewable energy projects, but seeks additional information on potential conflicts between existing uses of the ocean environment and this new form of activity. The broad purpose of this study was to begin to fill this gap by (1) identifying potential spaceuse conflicts between OCS renewable energy development and other uses of the ocean environment, and (2) recommending measures that BOEM can implement in order to promote avoidance or mitigation of such conflicts, thereby facilitating responsible and efficient development of OCS renewable energy resources. The result is a document intended to serve as a desktop resource that BOEM can use to inform its decision making as the agency carries out its statutory and regulatory responsibilities