2,371 research outputs found

    The nonlinear analysis of horizontal oil-water two-phase flow in a small diameter pipe

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    Horizontal oil-water two-phase flows are frequently encountered in many industrial processes but the understanding of the dynamic behavior underlying the different flow patterns is still a challenge. In this study, we first conduct experiments of horizontal oil-water flows in a small diameter pipe, and collect the fluctuation signals from conductance probes. The multi-scale power-law correlations of the oil-water flow structures are investigated using detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) based on the magnitude and sign decomposition of the raw signals. The analysis reveals the scaling behavior of different flow structures; five conductive flow patterns are indentified based on the magnitude and sign scaling exponents at different time scales. In addition, the transfer entropy (TE) in a state space is used to study the information transferring characteristics of the oil-water mixture flowing past a conductance cross-correlation velocity probe. The results of TE indicate that the transferring information depends on the flow conditions and can be used to show changes in the flow patterns

    Two-phase flow meter for determining water and solids volumetric flow rate in vertical and inclined solids-in-water flows

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    Multiphase flow can be defined as the simultaneous flow of a stream of two or more phases. Solids-in-water flow is a multiphase flows where solids and liquid are both present. Due to the density differences of the two phases, the results for such flow is often to have non-uniform profiles of the local volume fraction and local axial velocity for both phases in the flow cross-section. These non-uniform profiles are clearly noticeable in solids-in-water stratified flow with moving bed for inclined and horizontal pipelines. However in many industrial applications, such as oil and gas industry, food industry and mining industry, multiphase flows also exist and it is essentially important to determine the phase concentration and velocity distributions in through the pipe cross-section in order to be able to estimate the accurately the volumetric flow rate for each phase. This thesis describe the development of a novel non-intrusive flow meter that can be used for measuring the local volume fraction distribution and local axial velocity distributions of the continuous and discontinuous phases in highly non-uniform multiphase flows for which the continuous phase is electrically conducting and the discontinuous phase is an insulator. The developed flow meter is based on combining two measurement techniques: the Impedance cross correlation ICC technique and the electromagnetic velocity profiler EVP technique. Impedance cross correlation ICC is a non-invasive technique used to measure the local volume fraction distributions for both phases and the local velocity distribution for the dispersed phase over the pipe cross-section, whilst the electromagnetic velocity profiler EVP technique is used to v measure the local axial velocity profile of the continuous phase through the pipe cross-section. By using these profiles the volumetric flow rates of both phases can be calculated. A number of experiments were carried out in solid-in-water flow in the University of Huddersfield solids-in-water flow loop which has an 80 mm ID and an approximately 3m long working section. ICC and EVP systems were mounted at 1.6 m from the working section inlet which was inclined at 0 and 30 degree to the vertical. The obtained result for the flow parameters including phase volume fraction and velocity profiles and volumetric flow rates, have been compared with reference measurements and error sources of difference with their reference measurements have been identified and investigated

    Two-phase slug flow measurement using ultra-sonic techniques in combination with T-Y junctions

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    The accurate measurement of multiphase flows of oil/water/gas is a critical element of oil exploration and production. Thus, over the last three decades; the development and deployment of in-line multiphase flow metering systems has been a major focus worldwide. Accurate measurement of multiphase flow in the oil and gas industry is difficult because there is a wide range of flow regimes and multiphase meters do not generally perform well under the intermittent slug flow conditions which commonly occur in oil production. This thesis investigates the use of Doppler and cross-correlation ultrasonic measurements made in different high gas void fraction flow, partially separated liquid and gas flows, and homogeneous flow and raw slug flow, to assess the accuracy of measurement in these regimes. This approach has been tested on water/air flows in a 50mm diameter pipe facility. The system employs a partial gas/liquid separation and homogenisation using a T-Y junction configuration. A combination of ultrasonic measurement techniques was used to measure flow velocities and conductivity rings to measure the gas fraction. In the partially separated regime, ultrasonic cross-correlation and conductivity rings are used to measure the liquid flow-rate. In the homogeneous flow, a clamp-on ultrasonic Doppler meter is used to measure the homogeneous velocity and combined with conductivity ring measurements to provide measurement of the liquid and gas flow-rates. The slug flow regime measurements employ the raw Doppler shift data from the ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter, together with the slug flow closure equation and combined with gas fraction obtained by conductivity rings, to determine the liquid and gas flow-rates. Measurements were made with liquid velocities from 1.0m/s to 2.0m/s with gas void fractions up to 60%. Using these techniques the accuracies of the liquid flow-rate measurement in the partially separated, homogeneous and slug regimes were 10%, 10% and 15% respectively. The accuracy of the gas flow-rate in both the homogeneous and raw slug regimes was 10%. The method offers the possibility of further improvement in the accuracy by combining measurement from different regimes

    Liquid Holdup Measurement in Crude Oil Transportation Using Capacitance Sensors and Electrical Capacitance Tomography: Concept Review

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    Liquid holdup is one of the most significant parameters in multiphase flow.Accurate measurement of liquid holdup is required to calculate pressure drops in oil and gas wells which is essential in analyzing the well production, performance, well designing and optimization. This study reviewed different methods used in measuring liquid holdup and highlighted the most effective methods currently used in multiphase combinations. More importantly, liquid holdup measurements using capacitance sensors in slug flow, bubble flow, churn flow, annular flow and coaxial flow are discussed. The features considered during the review include, electrode material, angle of rotation, curvature and guard electrodes. The operational issues observed when using capacitance based sensors were highlighted. In single capacitance sensors like the helical arrangement which has high sensitivity, error in symmetry and inability to measure fluids with lower dielectric constants were however observed. Concave sensors are more accurate for phase shift detection but lower sensitivity compared to the helical type. From the knowledge and technical gaps identified from literature, this study proposed Electrical Capacitance Tomography tool with dual capacitance sensor for effective liquid holdup measurement in oil and gas transportation pipelines because of its ability to determine the dielectric permittivity distribution inside the pipeline from external capacitance measurements with real-time imaging of the multiphase flow

    Impedance Sensors for Fast Multiphase Flow Measurement and Imaging

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    Multiphase flow denotes the simultaneous flow of two or more physically distinct and immiscible substances and it can be widely found in several engineering applications, for instance, power generation, chemical engineering and crude oil extraction and processing. In many of those applications, multiphase flows determine safety and efficiency aspects of processes and plants where they occur. Therefore, the measurement and imaging of multiphase flows has received much attention in recent years, largely driven by a need of many industry branches to accurately quantify, predict and control the flow of multiphase mixtures. Moreover, multiphase flow measurements also form the basis in which models and simulations can be developed and validated. In this work, the use of electrical impedance techniques for multiphase flow measurement has been investigated. Three different impedance sensor systems to quantify and monitor multiphase flows have been developed, implemented and metrologically evaluated. The first one is a complex permittivity needle probe which can detect the phases of a multiphase flow at its probe tip by simultaneous measurement of the electrical conductivity and permittivity at up to 20 kHz repetition rate. Two-dimensional images of the phase distribution in pipe cross section can be obtained by the newly developed capacitance wire-mesh sensor. The sensor is able to discriminate fluids with different relative permittivity (dielectric constant) values in a multiphase flow and achieves frame frequencies of up to 10 000 frames per second. The third sensor introduced in this thesis is a planar array sensor which can be employed to visualize fluid distributions along the surface of objects and near-wall flows. The planar sensor can be mounted onto the wall of pipes or vessels and thus has a minimal influence on the flow. It can be operated by a conductivity-based as well as permittivity-based electronics at imaging speeds of up to 10 000 frames/s. All three sensor modalities have been employed in different flow applications which are discussed in this thesis. The main contribution of this research work to the field of multiphase flow measurement technology is therefore the development, characterization and application of new sensors based on electrical impedance measurement. All sensors present high-speed capability and two of them allow for imaging phase fraction distributions. The sensors are furthermore very robust and can thus easily be employed in a number of multiphase flow applications in research and industry

    Non-invasive velocity and volume fraction profile measurement in multiphase flows

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    Multiphase flow is the simultaneous flow of two or more phases, in direct contact, and is important in the oil industry, e.g. in production wells, in sub-sea pipelines and during the drilling of wells. The behaviour of the flow will depend on the properties of the constituent phases, the flow velocities and volume fractions of the phases and the geometry of the system. In solids-in-liquid flows, measurement of the local solids volume fraction distribution and the local axial solids velocity distribution in the flow cross section is important for many reasons including health and safety and economic reasons, particularly in oil well drilling operations. However upward inclined solidsliquid flows which are frequently encountered during oil well drilling operations are not well understood. Inclined solids-liquid flows result in non- uniform profiles of the solids volume fraction and axial solids velocity in the flow cross- section. In order to measure the solids volumetric flow rate in these situations it is necessary to measure the distributions of the local solids volume fraction and the local axial solids velocity and then to integrate the product of these local properties in the flow cross section. This thesis describes the development of a non-intrusive Impedance Cross-Correlation (ICC) device to measure the local solids volume fraction distribution and the local solids axial solids velocity distribution in upward inclined solids-water flows in which these distributions are highly non-uniform. The ICC device comprises a non-conductive pipe section of 80mm internal diameter fitted with two arrays of electrodes, denoted „array A‟ and „array B‟, separated by an axial distance of 50mm. At each array, eight electrodes are equispaced over the internal circumference of the pipe. A control system consisting of a microcontroller and analogue switches is used such that, for arrays A and B, any of the eight electrodes can be configured as an "excitation electrode" (V+), a "virtual earth measurement electrode" (Ve) or an "earth electrode" (E) thus enabling the local mixture conductance in different regions of the flow cross-section to be measured and thereby allowing the local solids volume fraction in each region to be deduced. The conductance signals from arrays A and B are also cross-correlated to yield the local solids axial velocity in the regions of flow under interrogation. A number of experiments were carried out in solids-in-water flows in a flow loop with an 80 mm inner diameter, 1.68m long Perspex test section which was inclined at three different inclination angle to the vertical ( o 0 , o 15 and o 30 ). The obtained results show good quantitative agreement with previous work carried out using intrusive local probes. Integration of the flow profiles in the cross section also yielded excellent quantitative agreement with reference measurements of the mean solids volume fraction, the mean solids velocity and the solids volumetric flow rate. Furthermore, this study also showed good qualitative agreement with high speed film of the flow. It is believed that the method of velocity and volume fraction profile measurement described in this thesis is much simpler to implement, more accurate and less expensive than the currently very popular technique of dual-plane Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT). Finally, the thesis describes a mathematical model for predicting the axial velocity distribution of inclined solids-water flows using the solids volume fraction profiles measured by the ICC device. Good agreement was obtained between the predicted velocity profiles and the velocity profiles measured using the ICC device.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Intelligent Multiphase Flow Measurement

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    The oil and gas industry’s goal of developing high performing multiphase flow metering systems capable of reducing costs in the exploitation of marginal oil and gas reserves, especially in remote environments, cannot be over emphasised. Development of a cost-effective multiphase flow meter to determine the individual phase flow rates of oil, water and gas was experimentally investigated by means of low cost, simple and non-intrusive commercially available sensors. Features from absolute pressure, differential pressure (axial), gamma densitometer, conductivity and capacitance meters, in combination with pattern recognition techniques were used to detect shifts in flow conditions, such as flow structure, pressure and salinity changes and measured multiphase flow parameters simultaneously without the need for preconditioning or prior knowledge of either phase. The experiments were carried out at the National Engineering Laboratory (NEL) Multiphase facility. Data was sampled at 250 Hz across a wide spectrum of flow conditions. Fluids used were nitrogen gas, oil (Forties and Beryl crude oil – D80, 33o API gravity) and water (salinity levels of 50 and 100 g/l MgSO4). The sensor spool piece was horizontally mounted on a 4-inch (102mm) pipe, and the database was obtained from two different locations on the flow loop. The ability to learn from ‘experience’ is a feature of neural networks. The use of neural networks allows re-calibration of the measuring system on line through a retraining process when new information becomes available. Some benefits and capabilities of intelligent multiphase flow systems include: Reduction in the physical size of installations. Sensor fusion by merging the operating envelopes of different sensors employed provided even better results. Monitoring of flow conditions, not just flow rate but also composition of components. Using conventional sensors within the system will present the industry with a much lower cost multiphase meter, and better reliability. Comment [HS1]: I think this word should be measured to make the sentence read correctly

    NASA patent abstracts bibliography: A continuing bibliography. Section 1: Abstracts (supplement 23)

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    Abstracts are cited for 129 patents and patent applications introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system during the period January 1983 through June 1983. Each entry consists of a citation, an abstract, and in most cases, a key illustration selected from the patent or patent application

    Index to 1983 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 8, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1983 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Single Molecule Electrophoresis and Optical Detection Using Thermoplastic Nanofluidic Devices: An Experimental and Simulation Study

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    Nanofludic devices provide a great platform for single molecular analysis. The unique phenomena in nanoscale gained such interest in investigating the single molecular behavior in nanochannels. Sizes less than 200 nm in one or two-dimensional structures have lead to fascinating observations not accessible in microscale. When a single molecule translocates through a nanotube it interacts with channel walls by adsorption/ desorption, van der Waals interactions and hydrophilic interactions providing a mechanism for separation without any extra additives. Moreover, double layer thickness governed by the background electrolyte plays a vital role. We report single molecular electrophoresis phenomena in nanochannels and nanoslits based on experiment and simulation studies. This will provide the guidance for sequencing DNA by clipped single monomer nucleotides based on their unique time-of-flight (ToF) signatures when electrokinetically driven through a nanotube. The nanofluidic devices were fabricated in thermoplastic devices using mixed micro-scale and nanoscale methodologies. We also report a novel bonding methodology at low temperature using thermoplastic devices with high glass transition substrate sealed to a low glass transition cover plate. This approach prevents distorted nanochannels specially when fabricating nanochannels less than 50 nm to facilitate DNA stretching studies. Genomic mapping of single molecules has gained attention significantly during the last decade. Genomic mapping of DNA molecules facilitated region-specific drug development. We study the development of a nanofluidic-based sensor to monitor chemotherapy responses in cancer patients by stretching their genomic DNA in nanochannels and identifying the specific damage sites
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