22 research outputs found

    Deteksi Penyakit Pada Tanaman Mangga Dengan Citra Digital : Tinjauan Literatur Sistematis (SLR)

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    Abstrak: Penelitian dengan melakukan tinjauan literatur sistematis (Sistematic Literatur Review-SLR) dilakukan untuk mempelajari berbagai teknik identifikasi penyakit pada daun dengan citra digital  sebagai tahapan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman mengenai teknik identifikasi penyakit pada daun mangga dengan citra digital. Produksi Mangga di Indonesia dari tahun 2014 – 2018 secara fluktuatif selalu mengalami peningkatan dan di tahun 2018 produksi mangga di Indonesia mencapai 2.624.783 ton, proses budidaya tanaman mangga tidak selamanya dapat terlepas dari serangan penyakit. Penyakit pada tanaman mangga disebabkan oleh jamur atau bakteri yang biasanya menyerang pada bagian akar, batang, kulit batang, ranting atau buah mangga. Jenis penyakit pada tanaman mangga adalah : Penyakit mangga (Jamur Gloesoporium), Penyakit Diplodia, Cendawan jelaga, Bercak karat merah, Kudis buah, Penyakit Blendok. Penyakit pada mangga memiliki berbagai gejala dan kadang sulit didiagnosis oleh petani dan untuk itu diperlukan keahlian untuk mendiagnosis penyakit pada tanaman mangga dan bagaimana cara penanggulangannya yang biasanya keahlian tersebut terdapat pada ahli patologi tanaman professional. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu Teknologi IT dengan Sistem Cerdas yang dirancang untuk dapat mengidentifikasi secara otomatis penyakit tanaman mangga dan cara penanggulangannya berdasarkan gejala visual dengan menggunakan metode citra digital. Metode literatur review yang digunakan yaitu Compare, Contrast, Criticize, Synthesize dan Summarize. Metode Citra Digital yang dapat digunakan dalam identifikasi penyakit pada daun mangga adalah tahapan Image Acquisition, Preprocessing , Segmentation, Ekstraksi Fitur, Seleksi Fitur. Metode Klasifikasi yang dapat digunakan adalah SVM, Artificial Neural Network, Decision Tree, Convolutional Neural Network.   Kata kunci: citra digital, daun, penyakit mangga, tinjauan literatur sistematis     Abstract: Research by conducting a systematic literature review (Systematic Literature Review-SLR) was conducted to study various techniques of disease identification in leaves with digital images as a stage to gain an understanding of the techniques for disease identification on mango leaves with digital images. Mango production in Indonesia from 2014 - 2018 fluctuations has always increased and in 2018 mango production in Indonesia reached 2,624,783 tons, the process of mango cultivation is not always free from disease. Diseases of mango plants are caused by fungi or bacteria that usually attack the roots, stems, bark, twigs or mangoes. Types of diseases in mango plants are: Mango disease (Gloesoporium Fungus), Diplodia disease, sooty fungus, red rust spots, fruit scabies, Blendok disease. Diseases of mangoes have a variety of symptoms and are sometimes difficult to diagnose by farmers and expertise is needed to diagnose diseases on mango plants and how to overcome them which are usually found in professional plant pathologists. So that we need an IT Technology with an Intelligent System that is designed to be able to automatically identify mango plant diseases and how to overcome them based on visual symptoms using digital image methods. The literature review method used is Compare, Contrast, Criticize, Synthesize and Summarize. Digital image methods that can be used in the identification of diseases on mango leaves are the stages of Image Acquisition, Preprocessing, Segmentation, Feature Extraction, Feature Selection. Classification methods that can be used are SVM, Artificial Neural Network, Decision Tree, Convolutional Neural Network

    Detection of Disease on Corn Plants Using Convolutional Neural Network Methods

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    Deep Learning is still an interesting issue and is still widely studied. In this study Deep Learning was used for the diagnosis of corn plant disease using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method, with a total dataset of 3.854 images of diseases in corn plants, which consisted of three types of corn diseases namely Common Rust, Gray Leaf Spot, and Northern Leaf Blight. With an accuracy of 99%, in detecting disease in corn plants

    Convolutional neural network for maize leaf disease image classification

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    This article discusses the maize leaf disease image classification. The experimental images consist of 200 images with 4 classes: healthy, cercospora, common rust and northern leaf blight. There are 2 steps: feature extraction and classification. Feature extraction obtains features automatically using convolutional neural network (CNN). Seven CNN models were tested i.e AlexNet, virtual geometry group (VGG) 16, VGG19, GoogleNet, Inception-V3, residual network 50 (ResNet50) and ResNet101. While the classification using machine learning methods include k-Nearest neighbor, decision tree and support vector machine. Based on the testing results, the best classification was AlexNet and support vector machine with accuracy, sensitivity, specificity of 93.5%, 95.08%, and 93%, respectively


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    Rice is a staple food consumed by Indonesian people, even 75% of the world's population consumes rice and it is mostly found in Asia. Rice derived from pounded rice is a staple food so it can be consumed. In the process of planting rice, pests and diseases are not spared so that it can affect crop yields. Pest and disease attacks need fast, accurate and precise handling so that crop failures. In this paper, we will discuss the classification of leaf diseases of rice plants using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNNN) algorithm, especially the Alexnet architecture. There are 4 types of disease, namely Brown spot, Leafblast, Hispa and Healthy. Models built based on the Alexnet architecture may have differences in the level of accuracy and loss compared to other architectures due to the different stages in the sequential model formation. The dataset used is public data from Kaggle consisting of 4 classes with a total of 1,600 images. In each class the dataset is divided for training, testing and validation datasets with a ratio of 70:20:10. As for tools in the process of training datasets using Google Colab from Google. After going through the stages of the research, the research results obtained are accuracy worth 99,22%, mean average precision worth 0,24 and loss worth 0,05

    A deep learning-based mobile app system for visual identification of tomato plant disease

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    Tomato is one of many horticulture crops in Indonesia which plays a vital role in supplying public food needs. However, tomato is a very susceptible plant to pests and diseases caused by bacteria and fungus. The infected diseases should be isolated as soon as it was detected. Therefore, developing a reliable and fast system is essential for controlling tomato pests and diseases. The deep learning-based application can help to speed up the identification of tomato disease as it can perform direct identification from the image. In this research, EfficientNetB0 was implemented to perform multi-class tomato plant disease classification. The model was then deployed to an android-based application using machine learning (ML) kit library. The proposed system obtained satisfactory results, reaching an average accuracy of 91.4%

    Numerical Modeling and Design of Machine Learning Based Paddy Leaf Disease Detection System for Agricultural Applications

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    In order to satisfy the insatiable need for ever more bountiful harvests on the global market, the majority of countries deploy cutting-edge technologies to increase agricultural output. Only the most cutting-edge technologies can ensure an appropriate pace of food production. Abiotic stress factors that can affect plants at any stage of development include insects, diseases, drought, nutrient deficiencies, and weeds. On the amount and quality of agricultural production, this has a minimal effect. Identification of plant diseases is therefore essential but challenging and complicated. Paddy leaves must thus be closely watched in order to assess their health and look for disease symptoms. The productivity and production of the post-harvest period are significantly impacted by these illnesses. To gauge the severity of plant disease in the past, only visual examination (bare eye observation) methods have been employed. The skill of the analyst doing this analysis is essential to the caliber of the outcomes. Due to the large growing area and need for ongoing human monitoring, visual crop inspection takes a long time. Therefore, a system is required to replace human inspection. In order to identify the kind and severity of plant disease, image processing techniques are used in agriculture. This dissertation goes into great length regarding the many ailments that may be detected in rice fields using image processing. Identification and classification of the four rice plant diseases bacterial blight, sheath rot, blast, and brown spot are important to enhance yield. The other communicable diseases, such as stem rot, leaf scald, red stripe, and false smut, are not discussed in this paper. Despite the increased accuracy they offer, the categorization and optimization strategies utilized in this work lead it to take longer than typical to finish. It was evident that employing SVM techniques enabled superior performance results, but at a cost of substantial effort. K-means clustering is used in this paper segmentation process, which makes figuring out the cluster size, or K-value, more challenging. This clustering method operates best when used with images that are comparable in size and brightness. However, when the images have complicated sizes and intensity values, clustering is not particularly effective

    Identification of plant Syndrome using IPT

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    Agricultural productivity is something on which Indian economy highly depends. This is the one of the reasons that disease detection in plants plays a vital role in agriculture field, as having disease in plants are unavoidable. If proper care is not taken in this area, then it causes serious effects on plants and due to which the overall agriculture yield will be affected. For instance, a disease named little leaf disease is a hazardous disease found in pine trees in United States. Detection of plant disease through some automatic technique is beneficial as it reduces a large work of monitoring in big farms of crops, and at very early stage itself if detected properly by identifying the symptoms of diseases can result in increased productivity. This paper presents an algorithm for image segmentation technique which is used for automatic detection and classification of plant leaf diseases. It also covers diseases classification techniques that can be used for plant leaf disease detection. Image segmentation is one of the method which will segment the raw images in to two or more clusters and the programmed algorithm will work fine in analyzing these clusters for disease classification and prediction of type of disease that a plant leaf gets affecte

    Classifying Barako coffee leaf diseases using deep convolutional models

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    This work presents the application of recent Deep Convolutional Models (DCM) to classify Barako leaf diseases. Several selected DCMs performed image classification tasks using Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning, together with data preprocessing and augmentation. The collected dataset used totals to 4,667. Each labeled into four different classes, which included Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR), Cercospora Leaf Spots (CLS), Sooty Molds (SM), and Healthy Leaves (HL). The DCMs were trained using the partial 4,023 images and validated with the remaining 644. The classification results of the trained models VGG16, Xception, and ResNetV2-152 attained overall accuracies of 97%, 95%, and 91%, respectively. By comparing in terms of True Positive Rate (TPR), we found that Xception has the highest number of correct classifications of CLR, VGG16 with SM, and CLS, while ResNetV2-152 with the lowest TPR for CLR. The evaluated results indicate that the use of Deep Convolutional Models with an adequate amount of data, proper fine-tuning, preprocessing, and transfer learning can yield efficient classifiers for identifying several Barako leaf diseases. This work primarily contributes to the growing field of deep learning, specifically for helping farmers improve their diagnostic process by providing a solution that can automatically classify Barako leaf diseases

    Crop Diseases Severity Identification by Deep Learning Approach

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    Improving yield and maintaining crop strength with optimization in use of resources are the major requirements in smart farming. To build a smart decision support system for improving production with flexibility, it requires   Remote Sensing Systems. Now days with effective use of machine learning and deep learning techniques, it is possible to make the system flexible and cost effective. The deep learning based system has enormous potential, so that it can process a large number of input data and it can also control nonlinear functions. Here it should be discussed that from continuous monitoring of crop leaves images shall ensures the diseases identification.The research concludes that the quick advances in deep learning methodology will provide gainful and complete classification of crop with 98.7% to 99.9% accuracy. In this research, different cropdiseases are classified based on image processing and Convolutional neural network method. For classification of maize crop diseases, different models have been developed, compared, and finally best one is found out.Also the finest model has been tested for different crop diseases to check its consistency


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    Not AvailableIn recent years, deep learning techniques have become very popular in the field of image recognition and classification. Image-based diagnosis of diseases in crops using deep learning techniques has become trendy in the current scientific community. In this study, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model has been developed to identify the images of maydis leaf bight (MLB) (Cochliobolus heterostrophus) disease of maize (Zea mays L.) crop. A total of 1547 digital images of maize leaves (596 healthy and 951 infected with maydis leaf blight disease) have been collected from different agricultural farms using hand-held camera and smartphones. The images have been collected from the experimental plots of BCKV, West Bengal and ICAR-IARI, New Delhi during 2018–19. The architectural framework of popular state-of-the network ‘GoogleNet’ has been used to build the deep CNN model. The developed model has been successfully trained, validated and tested on the above-mentioned dataset. The trained model has achieved an overall accuracy of 99.14% on the separate test dataset.Not Availabl