27 research outputs found

    Screen-based musical instruments as semiotic machines

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    The ixi software project started in 2000 with the intention to explore new interactive patterns and virtual interfaces in computer music software. The aim of this paper is not to describe these programs, as they have been described elsewhere, but rather explicate the theoretical background that underlies the design of these screen-based instruments. After an analysis of the similarities and differences in the design of acoustic and screen-based instruments, the paper describes how the creation of an interface is essentially the creation of a semiotic system that affects and influences the musician and the composer. Finally the terminology of this semiotics is explained as an interaction model

    IXI software: open controllers for open source audio software

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    Sound has been liberated. The 20th century freed music from various compositional constraints and ideologies, and during the last decade we have witnessed a transformation in the way sound is organized in terms of composition, production, distribution and consumption. This paper is concerned with the production part of this complex structure and will describe some of the ideas, experiments and conclusions of ixi software over the last years. ixi has been building open interfaces to be used with open source audio programming environments. We will go through which cultural and technological changes have affected our work and describe the situation of audio programming as it appears to us today, as inventors of virtual screen-based instruments

    The acoustic, the digital and the body: a survey on musical instruments

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    This paper reports on a survey conducted in the autumn of 2006 with the objective to understand people's relationship to their musical tools. The survey focused on the question of embodiment and its different modalities in the fields of acoustic and digital instruments. The questions of control, instrumental entropy, limitations and creativity were addressed in relation to people's activities of playing, creating or modifying their instruments. The approach used in the survey was phenomenological, i.e. we were concerned with the experience of playing, composing for and designing digital or acoustic instruments. At the time of analysis, we had 209 replies from musicians, composers, engineers, designers, artists and others interested in this topic. The survey was mainly aimed at instrumentalists and people who create their own instruments or compositions in flexible audio programming environments such as SuperCollider, Pure Data, ChucK, Max/MSP, CSound, etc

    The ixiQuarks: merging code and GUI in one creative space

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    This paper reports on ixiQuarks; an environment of instruments and effects that is built on top of the audio programming language SuperCollider. The rationale of these instruments is to explore alternative ways of designing musical interaction in screen-based software, and investigate how semiotics in interface design affects the musical output. The ixiQuarks are part of external libraries available to SuperCollider through the Quarks system. They are software instruments based on a non- realist design ideology that rejects the simulation of acoustic instruments or music hardware and focuses on experimentation at the level of musical interaction. In this environment we try to merge the graphical with the textual in the same instruments, allowing the user to reprogram and change parts of them in runtime. After a short introduction to SuperCollider and the Quark system, we will describe the ixiQuarks and the philosophical basis of their design. We conclude by looking at how they can be seen as epistemic tools that influence the musician in a complex hermeneutic circle of interpretation and signification

    Cyclical Flow: Spatial Synthesis Sound Toy as Multichannel Composition Tool

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    This paper outlines and discusses an interactive system designed as a playful ‘sound toy’ for spatial composition. Proposed models of composition and design in this context are discussed. The design, functionality and application of the software system is then outlined and summarised. The paper concludes with observations from use, and discussion of future developments

    Spectron: Graphical Model for Interacting With Timbre

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    Los algoritmos para crear y manipular el sonido por medios electrónicos o digitales han crecido en cantidad y complejidad desde la creación de los primeros sintetizadores anålogos. Sin embargo, las técnicas para visualizar estos modelos de síntesis no han crecido a la par de los sintetizadores hardware o software. En este artículo se muestran posibilidades para representar y controlar gråficamente el timbre, basadas en la visualización de los paråmetros involucrados en su modelo de síntesis. Un grupo de datos muy simple fue extraído de un sintetizador substractivo comercial y analizado con dos aproximaciones diferentes, reducción dimensional y visualización abstracta de datos. Los resultados de estas aproximaciones diferentes fueron usados como lineamientos para crear un prototipo de sintetizador digital: el sintetizador Spectron. Este prototipo usa el gråfico de Amplitud vs. Frecuencia como su principal herramienta para informar a cerca del timbre e interactuar con el, fue desarrollado en PureData y su control plantea una simplificación en la cantidad de variables de un oscilador clåsico al mismo tiempo que expande las posibilidades para generar timbres adicionales a los de estos osciladores clåsicos.The algorithms for creating and manipulating sound by electronic or digital means have grown in number and complexity since the creation of the first analog synthesizers. The techniques for visualizing these synthesis models have not increasingly grown with synthesizers, neither in hardware nor in software. In this paper, the possibilities to graphically represent and control timbre are presented, based on displaying the parameters involved in its synthesis model. A very simple data set was extracted from a commercial subtractive synthesizer and analyzed in two different approaches, dimensionality reduction and abstract data visualization. The results of these two different approaches were used as leads to design a synthesizer prototype: the Spectron synthesizer. This prototype uses an Amplitude vs. Frequency graphic as itŽs main interface to give information about the timbre and to interact with it, itŽs control offers a simplification in the amount of variables of a classic oscillator and expands its possibilities to generate additional timbre

    Panorama del Arte vasco contemporĂĄneo en relaciĂłn con las nuevas tecnologĂ­as

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    En esta ponencia se hace un recorrido por los diferentes movimientos artísticos que han estado ligados al desarrollo de un arte que experimenta con las nuevas tecnologías, siendo conscientes que estas divisiones solo suponen un marco espaciotemporal para el estudio, ya que desde el punto de vista del artista creador todas las tecnologías, viejas y nuevas, forman parte de un proceso global. Pero no es menos cierto que cada una de las nuevas tecnologías ha aportado al arte una serie de contenidos diferentes y una renovación de anteriores lenguajes.Teknologia berriekin esperimentatzen duen arte mota baten garapenarekin loturik egon diren arte mugimenduak arakatzen dira txosten honetan, ondo jakinik bereizketa hauek azterketarako esparru espazio-tenporal bat besterik ez direla, ezen, artista sortzailearen ikuspuntutik, teknologia guztiak, zaharrak zein berriak, prozesu global baten osagaiak diren. Egia ere bada, alabaina, teknologia berri bakoitzak eduki desberdinak ekarri dizkiola arteari, bai eta aurreko hizkuntzen berrikuntza ere.Dans ce compte-rendu on parcourt les différents mouvements artistiques qui ont été liés au développement d'un art qui expérimente les nouvelles technologies, étant conscients que ces divisions représentent seulement un cadre spatiotemporel pour l'étude, car du point de vue de l'artiste créateur toutes les technologies, anciennes ou nouvelles, font partie du processus global. Mais il est certain que chacune des nouvelles technologies a apporté à l'art une série de contenus différents et une rénovation des langages précédents.A brief tour of the twenty-five years of history of the Centre of Arts and Crafts in Deba. Starting from its forerunner, the Experimental School of Art set up by Jorge Oteiza to the current situation of the Centre. Some characteristics of a unique and atypical experience dedicated to teaching and reserving the traditional arts and crafts but always in close connection with the artistic world

    Widgets RĂ©actifs 3D pour l’interaction musicale

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    National audienceNotre travail porte sur l'utilisation de l'interaction 3D immersive pour la performance musicale. De nombreuses recherches ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur l'utilisation d'interfaces graphiques pour le contrĂŽle musical. Elles ont notamment dĂ©crit l'intĂ©rĂȘt que prĂ©sentent les widgets rĂ©actifs, Ă©lĂ©ments graphiques qui permettent Ă  la fois le contrĂŽle de processus sonores et la visualisation d'informations sur ces processus. D'autres recherches ont montrĂ© les possibilitĂ©s apportĂ©es par la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle en matiĂšre d'immersion et d'interaction. NĂ©anmoins, aucune des applications 3D musicales dĂ©veloppĂ©es jusqu'Ă  maintenant n'exploite les avantages des widgets rĂ©actifs. Nous cherchons donc Ă  explorer cette voie. Pour cela, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un outil de crĂ©ation d'interfaces 3D, Poulpe3D. Il nous semble primordial de chercher la meilleure façon d'associer les paramĂštres visuels des widgets et les paramĂštres perceptifs sonores afin de permettre un contrĂŽle efficace et un retour d'informations pertinent. Pour cela, nous nous appuyons sur plusieurs pistes de recherche, qui nous conduisent Ă  penser qu'il est impossible de fixer ces associations de maniĂšre objective et Ă  envisager une sĂ©rie de tests en utilisant un outil 3D de mapping intĂ©grĂ© Ă  Poulpe3D. Cet outil donne la possibilitĂ© Ă  chaque utilisateur de configurer les liens selon ses prĂ©fĂ©rences

    Rethinking Interaction: Identity and Agency in the Performance of “Interactive” Electronic Music

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    This document investigates interaction between human performers and various interactive technologies in the performance of interactive electronic and computer music. Specifically, it observes how the identity and agency of the interactive technology is experienced and perceived by the human performer. First, a close examination of George Lewis’ creation of and performance with his own historic interactive electronic and computer works reveals his disposition of interaction as improvisation. This disposition is contextualized within then contemporary social and political issues related to African American experimental musicians as well as an emerging culture of electronic and computer musicians concerned with interactivity. Second, an auto-ethnographic study reveals a contemporary performers perspective via the author’s own direct interactive experience with electronic and computer systems. These experiences were documented and analyzed using Actor Network Theory, Critical Technical Practice, theories of Embodiment and Embodied Cognition, Lewis’s conceptions of improvisation, as well as Tracy McMullen’s theory of the Improvisative. Analyses from both studies revealed that when and how performers chose to “other” interactive technologies significantly influenced their actions. The implications of this are discussed in terms of identity formation both within performances of interactive electronic music and interactive technologies generally