17 research outputs found

    The role of Leadership: the challenge of Knowledge Management and Learning in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations

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    El conocimiento y aprendizaje son importantes impulsores para el éxito empresarial y la competitividad,en especial en las organizaciones intensivas en conocimiento (KIO’s) cuyo negocio principal es crear y vender conocimiento (por ejemplo, organizaciones educativas, centros de I+D, empresas consultoras, entre otras). Investigaciones previas indican que unos de los factores críticos de éxito (CSF) de las prácticas de Gestión del Conocimiento (KM) es el liderazgo, pero poco de ellos lo analizan de manera cuantitativa. Este artículo tiene como objetivo exploar y explicar la realación entre el liderazgo y el éxito de la KM. Los resultados muestran una relación positiva entre la dimensión estratégica del liderazgo y el éxito de las prácticas de KM. Este modelo está testado utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Con este estudio se contribuye al reconocimiento de la importancia del liderazgo para mejorar la creación y diseminación del conocimiento en las KIO’s. En este sentido, los resultados ayudarán a los directivos y profesores para incrementar la efectividad del aprendizaje

    Knowledge Management Hybrid Strategy with People, Technology and Process Pillars

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    The importance of knowledge management (KM) contributes organizational competitiveness, which is widely addressed and became a central topic of management agenda in the last decade. This chapter examines three major KM pillars, including people, process, and technology, for effective KM deployment. Based on a questionnaire‐based survey, the study investigates the perceived importance of three KM pillars that influence organizational inclinations of KM strategies and ultimately affect organizational performance. Quantitative findings are sought from 44 key informants in organizations. The results show a hybrid strategy that balances the importance of people, process, and technology pillars brings desirable impact on organizational performance, comparing with the KM strategy inclined to a particular KM pillar. Recommendations of KM endeavors on three KM pillars are provided to suggest the joint efforts from both management and employees

    The impact of the strategic factor in knowledge management projects in the consulting industry

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    Los proyectos de Gestión del Conocimiento en el sector de la consultoría se han convertido en una necesidad para conseguir ventajas competitivas sostenibles en el tiempo. Entre todos los factores que influyen en el éxito de un proyecto de Gestión del Conocimiento, los factores estratégicos tienen un peso decisivo según la literatura existente. A pesar de que muchos estudios anteriores han destacado el papel del factor estratégico para lograr el éxito de un proyecto de Gestión del Conocimiento, pocos lo han cuantificado. El objetivo de este artículo se centra, en identificar los elementos que configuran el factor estratégico y de cuantificar su contribución en la maximización de beneficios. La metodología de la investigación se basa en los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales para validar las hipótesis. Los resultados confirman la importancia de la dimensión estratégica en un proyecto de Gestión del Conocimiento en las empresas de consultoríaThe projects of Knowledge Management in the consulting industry have become a necessity to obtain sustainable competitive advantages. Between all the factors that influence in the success of a Knowledge Management project, the strategic ones have a decisive weight according to existing literature. Although many studies raise the issue of strategy’s influence on Knowledge Management success, few have measured them. This paper aims to identify the elements that configure the strategic dimension and measure its contribution in order to maximize the profit. The research methodology is based on a Structural Equation Model to validate the hypothesis. The findings highlight the huge influence of strategy in Knowledge Management project’s success in the consultancy industryPeer Reviewe


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    The continuous technological development and the consistent reliance on ICT, has raised the expectations towards ubiquitous connectivity to an extent that technical failures or social disconnects are a serious threat for project teams and their performance, especially when team members are scattered around the world. We analyse hypo-connectivity, the state in which users face too few connectivity to work efficiently, and focus on its impact in project teams. By applying a mixed method approach in the context of an international consulting company, we investigate the two-sided phenomenon of hypo-connectivity and aim to identify the consequences of hypo-connectivity on communication effectiveness and efficiency, as well as the role of connectivity norms in this relationship. Our results show that hypo-connectivity has a negative influence on communication effectiveness and efficiency, which consequently leads to decreased performance, increased frustration, and conflicts. However, the establishment of connectivity norms in project teams can ease the effects of hypo-connectivity, sustain the communication flow and balance the negative impact. We conclude that people actually “need to talk” about the dos and don’ts that sustain their communication flow and develop connectivity norms that could help the team circumvent the negative effects of hypo-connectivity

    The role of Leadership: the challenge of Knowledge Management and Learning in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations

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    El conocimiento y aprendizaje son importantes impulsores para el éxito empresarial y la competitividad,en especial en las organizaciones intensivas en conocimiento (KIO’s) cuyo negocio principal es crear y vender conocimiento (por ejemplo, organizaciones educativas, centros de I+D, empresas consultoras, entre otras). Investigaciones previas indican que unos de los factores críticos de éxito (CSF) de las prácticas de Gestión del Conocimiento (KM) es el liderazgo, pero poco de ellos lo analizan de manera cuantitativa. Este artículo tiene como objetivo exploar y explicar la realación entre el liderazgo y el éxito de la KM. Los resultados muestran una relación positiva entre la dimensión estratégica del liderazgo y el éxito de las prácticas de KM. Este modelo está testado utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Con este estudio se contribuye al reconocimiento de la importancia del liderazgo para mejorar la creación y diseminación del conocimiento en las KIO’s. En este sentido, los resultados ayudarán a los directivos y profesores para incrementar la efectividad del aprendizaje

    Knowing Through Consulting in Action

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    Management consulting firms are often discussed as being the firms whose core product is knowledge itself. However, despite the fact that consulting firms are generally aware of the value of knowledge for their own organizations and for their clients, the empirical evidence shows that even today the (economic and, above all, cognitive) value-creation potential related to the transition from consulting approaches geared to the transfer of “best practices” (consultant as expert) to consulting approaches geared to the cooperative creation of new knowledge and managerial capabilities (consultant as a facilitator of new managerial knowledge and capabilities creation processes) is rarely consciously perceived and, consequently, is not adequately planned for and exploited. This book interprets management consulting from a knowledge perspective, and proposes a general conceptual framework for investigating and interpreting that potential

    Knowledge transfer from Portugal Telecom to OI: the role of expatriates

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    JEL classification: F2, M1The present study intends to explore the types of knowledge transferred from the headquarters to the subsidiary. As well as to clarify the role that expatriates play in the process of knowledge transfer. For this study, we used the case study of Portugal Telecom (parent) with the Brazilian Oi (subsidiary). Quantitative and qualitative methods were applied. In order to strengthen the results obtained with the quantitative methods (questionnaires), the expatriates who were involved in the project of knowledge transfer from Portugal Telecom to Oi were also interviewed. The study indicates that expatriates are actively involved in the areas of knowledge transfer. Finally, this study concludes with the limitations and suggestions for future research.O presente estudo pretende explorar os tipos de conhecimento transferido da casa mãe para a subsidiária. Bem como clarificar o papel que os expatriados desempenham no processo de transferência de conhecimento. Para este estudo é utilizado o caso de estudo da Portugal Telecom (casa mãe) com a brasileira Oi (subsidiária). Foram aplicados métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. Com o objectivo de fortalecer os resultados obtidos via questionário (quantitativos), foram também entrevistados expatriados que estiveram envolvidos no projecto de transferência de conhecimento da Portugal Telecom para a Oi. O estudo indica que os expatriados participam activamente nas áreas de transferência de conhecimento. Por fim, este estudo é concluído com as limitações e as sugestões para pesquisas futuras

    Intra-organizational knowledge transfer process in Vietnam's information technology companies

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    Intra-organizational knowledge transfer has attracted much attention of researchers and practitioners in recent years since knowledge transfer has been considered as a critical determinant of an organization’s capacity to confer sustainable competitive advantage. Despite extensive research on knowledge transfer issues, the effect of knowledge transfer on organizational performance still has not been fully examined or attracted adequate empirical testing. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate organizational factors influencing intra-organizational knowledge transfer, and examine the relationship between knowledge transfer process, its antecedents and organizational performance. Drawing on several theoretical streams, an integrated theoretical model of intra organizational knowledge transfer together with 13 hypotheses were developed and tested in the context of IT companies in Vietnam. To achieve the objectives, a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative studies was applied. A quantitative survey was employed to test hypotheses in the conceptual model derived from relevant literature. Data were collected from a survey of 218 managers and technical staff working in 36 IT companies located in Hanoi and HoChiMinh City. Multiple regression techniques were used to analyze the data. A case study research was conducted with the aim of illustrating the intra organizational knowledge transfer process within a company operating in a transition economy like Vietnam. Data for case study were mainly collected by interviewing managers and technical staff during a one-month field study in the FPT Software Solutions Company. The main findings showed that intra-organizational knowledge transfer is most affected by organizational culture, incentive system and organizational structure. Adaptability and solidarity are two culture values enabling the transfer process. A transparent and flexible incentive system motivates individuals to exchange and apply knowledge in their daily work. High level of centralization creates difficulties for social interaction and reduces autonomy and active involvement of employees, vi which are essential for successful knowledge transfer. High formalization facilitates the knowledge transfer process by providing a clear direction for employees and enhancing communication flow through an extensive monitoring and reporting requirement. The frequency of using IT tools did not significantly influence the intra organizational knowledge transfer process after other independent variables were added in the regression model. This suggests either that IT tools may not directly itself is not enough to ensure successful knowledge transfer. Therefore, to facilitate knowledge transfer process, it is important to foster knowledge-sharing attitude through providing greater opportunities for deeper involvement of users in the system. Although the knowledge transfer process was found not to mediate the relationship between its antecedents and organizational performance, the process itself moderately predicts organizational performance. This suggests that intra organizational knowledge transfer process should be considered as one of the factors contributing to company performance. The research has filled gaps in existing literature in several ways. Firstly, it extends our understanding of the important facilitators of intra-organizational knowledge transfer process. Secondly, it attempts to integrate both soft and hard organizational factors to create a comprehensive model of intra-organizational knowledge transfer. Thirdly, it clarifies the role of the intra-organizational knowledge transfer process in improving the company’s performance in a transition economy. Overall, the results of the study contribute to the advancement of research in the area of intra-organizational knowledge transfer and provide practical implications for managers of IT companies in Vietnam by shedding light on determinant factors of knowledge transfer process and examining the link between knowledge transfer process and firm performance

    Re-energising Knowledge Management: Communication challenges, interdisciplinary intersections, and paradigm change

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    Knowledge Management (KM) in the 1990s was a key upwardly-mobile management discipline. Indeed, a proliferation of articles suggested KM had the potential to make a radical departure from conventional views of organisational assets and resources, and even held the promise of transforming economies. Instead, however, KM has tended to become incorporated as a subset of traditional management. This thesis suggests that, as a result, knowledge has been perceived simply as another resource to be managed for competitive advantage. It further argues that KM need not subscribe to conventional views of management and that knowledge need not be just another resource to be exploited, hoarded, and traded. Instead, it contends that knowledge is an outcome of the process of connecting to one another in new ways and explores the field’s still-unrealised potential for generating fresh approaches relevant to contemporary conditions. In seeking to revive the excitement, and rekindle the potential, that originally surrounded the field, the thesis intervenes in current debates in KM. It attends to, and expands, the existing discourses of KM while presenting the case for a re-energised understanding of the communication of knowledge. Exploring intersections with other disciplines as well as KM’s own multidisciplinary base, it proposes transdisciplinary research as a productive focus for KM. In making these recommendations for KM’s future, the thesis seeks to make the field more responsive to current complex and dynamic academic, organisational, and social contexts. Its overall goal is not only to ensure KM’s ongoing relevance and effectiveness as a field, but to direct KM towards fulfilling its early potential