833,886 research outputs found

    Technological Innovation in Public Administration Transformation: Case Study of e-Government Implementation in Indonesia

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    This research investigates the impact of technological innovation on the transformation of public administration through the implementation of e-government in Indonesia. The main objective of this research is to analyze the extent to which the implementation of e-government has contributed to efficiency, transparency, and community involvement in the delivery of public services. The research methodology involves a case-study approach to e-government implementation at various levels of government in Indonesia. The results of this research highlight the positive impact of information and communication technology (ICT) innovation in the transformation of public policy, especially in Indonesia. The digitalization of public services, increasing transparency and public participation through social media, efficiency and cost savings through process automation, and efforts to increase data security are key points that support the transformation of public administration. The implementation of e-government in Indonesia, driven by central government policy, reflects efforts to improve services, efficiency, and community involvement. However, challenges such as the digital divide, resistance to change, legal and regulatory issues, and the need for inclusive public participation are things that need to be considered in implementing ICT innovation in public policy. Taking these challenges into account, this research concludes that ICT innovation can be a significant driver in achieving positive transformation in public administration, provided that it is necessary to overcome the obstacles that arise

    Optimization of E-Government Through Information Technology Management

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    E-Government has become the main driver in the transformation of public services through the management of Information Technology (IT). In this context, it is important to understand the positive impact produced by IT, as well as identify obstacles and effective management strategies to optimize E-Government. This research aims to investigate developments and challenges related to E-Government through IT management, as well as to identify effective strategies for dealing with these dynamics. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data analysis from various research sources and previous studies that are relevant to the research topic. The results of this research provide in-depth insight into the role of IT in E-Government, the challenges that need to be overcome, as well as effective strategies for managing government IT. In the future, collaboration between the public and private sectors, integration of advanced technology, and response to cyber security threats will be the key to the success of an E-Government that is more efficient and relevant to society's demands. This research provides a valuable basis for improvement and innovation in government management in the digital era

    Designing Public Innovations in Public Sector: The Process and Challenges in Taiwanese E-government

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    Researchers have found that a one-sided focus on technology dominates many e-government projects; ICT has been used mainly as a tool to enhance the efficiency and service delivery of the government. In fact, e-government should achieve public innovation goals, such as redesigning information relationships among stakeholders, enhancing citizen participation in the policymaking process, and reinforcing policy enforcement to create public value. These goals are more valuable, but also more complex than the digitization of existing governmental processes. Beside, only a few projects could achieve the public innovation diffusion goal among many e-government projects. Therefore, this case study focuses on a very important and successful e-government project in Taiwan – the e-invoicing project, by following the development timeline of this 12-year project to understand the reasons of loosing focus and the turning points to achieve the final success. With the results of this case study, this research address four main factors of success in public innovation diffusion: (a) cooperate with the right stakeholder: e-government projects requires intensive cooperation with both public and private organizations, otherwise the change agency has no complete control over its innovation offering; (b) the selection of the right diffusion mode: centralized innovation-diffusion is difficult to overcome the stereotyped perception that citizens hold toward the government, and thus, it is better to implement by a decentralized fashion; (c) the diversity of services: public innovations have an inherently higher complexity than commercial innovations because they intend to serve a diversity of citizens; and (d) assignment of the right change agent for the project: because the burden on the change agent is tremendous, only a few “policy entrepreneurs” can push through the innovation process, despite few material rewards

    Ideologies implicated in IT innovation in government: a critical discourse analysis of Mexico’s international trade administration

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    We develop a perspective of IT innovation in the public sector as a process that involves three complementary areas of ideology and concomitant dispute: first, the widespread view of e-government as a transformative force that leads to major improvements of public sector functions for the benefit of society at large; second, ideologies concerning the substantive policies enacted by public sector organizations; and third, ideology regarding public sector modernization. Our research examines how the objectives of IT projects and their actual effects in government are influenced by such ideologies and contestations that surround them. We develop our theoretical contribution with a critical discourse analysis that traces the ideological underpinnings of two consecutive IT projects for the administration of international trade in Mexico. This analysis associates the objectives of the IT projects with the emergence and ensuing contestation in Mexican politics of two ideologies: the first ideology concerns free international trade as imperative for economic development; the second ideology concerns public sector modernization that sought to overcome historically formed dysfunctionalities of public administration bureaucracies by adopting management practices from the private sector. The analysis then identifies the effects of the ideologically shaped IT projects on two key values of public administration: efficiency and legality. The insights of this research on the role of ideology in IT innovation complement organizational perspectives of e-government; socio-cognitive perspectives that focus on ideas and meaning, such as technology frames and organizing visions; and perspectives that focus on politics in IT innovation

    Electronic Government Adoption Model Among Business Organizations in Jordan

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    E-government adoption involves a significant change in the way government administrative operations with its stakeholders are being conducted. Past studies have tended to view e-government adoption in terms of a dichotomous outcome; either e-government is adopted, or it is not. Such studies give little indication of the diffusion of e-government applications. The aim of this study is to address this gap in existing research by investigating both the level and extent of usage of e-government applications. In so doing, the study draws on research in the area of innovation diffusion theories. The population of this study consisted of firms listed in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) that have adopted B2G (business-to-government) e-government. The main objective of this study is to characterize B2G e-government adoption among businesses listed in ASE. It also aims to identify factors associated with the adoption of B2G e-government and to determine the impacts of its adoption on these businesses. A total of 113 usable responses were generated for further analysis. Based on two parts, the level of e-government adoption and the extent of usage for each application, two groups of adopters were identified and labeled as basic-adopters and advanced-adopters. Technological, organizational and external factors were found to have influenced e-government adoption among businesses in ASE. It was also found that advanced-adopters had gained more significant benefits from e-government adoption than basic-adopters. In particular, advanced-adopters achieved time saving, lower cost and efficiency as well as gaining strategic benefits such as better work efficiency, lower operational cost, and reduced work-process time


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    The problem raised in this study is how the innovation of "New Sakpole" as an e-government-based public service strategy for motor vehicle tax payments in Central Java. Based on the formulation of the problem, this study aims to describe the "New Sakpole" innovation as an e-government-based public service strategy for the payment of motor vehicle taxes by the Central Java Government. The theory used in this research is the theory of public policy and innovation. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis (data reduction, presentation and conclusion). The results of the study indicate that "New Sakpole" is an innovation of the Central Java government's public policy in terms of encouraging people to be obedient and disciplined in paying motor vehicle taxes. This policy is very effective because it can cut people's time and energy, and does not cause crowds of people. The public policy of "New Sakpole" as one of the innovations of the Central Java government is a breakthrough that has never been done by other governments. This policy can be imitated by other governments in order to boost the income of the tax sector, especially the motor vehicle tax sector

    Street vendor sustainability: SMART communication approaches for green innovation

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    Background: Street vendors in Bandung City significantly contribute to economic development and job creation. However, many violate orderliness, cleanliness, and green zonation regulations. To cope with the problem, the Government of Bandung City initiates facilitation to empower the MSME to improve their business values and status and adopt the market development and preferences in terms of digital marketing, environmental friendliness, and green innovation. Purpose: The current research aimed to measure the improvement of street vendors’ capabilities of utilizing communication technology and developing green innovation. Methods: The research used a quantitative approach with a questionnaire spread to the street vendors around the City. It was participated by 89 street vendors. Result: The research demonstrated positive and strong relationships between street vendors’ skill, administration, and saving capabilities as independent variables and innovation as dependent variables. Meanwhile, the independent variable has less relation with innovation, which means they are still dependent on being capable of making green innovation. Conclusion: Referring to the research result, the facilitation and assistance programs should improve street vendors’ business skills, particularly in green practices for innovation. Implications: The research revealed the strong capability of street vendors in using digital communication, such as social media and e-commerce. Nevertheless, further research is required to examine the relationship between digital media and e-commerce capabilities in the adoption of green innovation

    The mediating effect of good governance on the relationship between e-government and public trust in Lebanon

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    The main objective of this research is to study the mediating effect of good governance on the relationship between e-government and public trust in Lebanon. As an effective tool for economic reform, there is a need to adopt e-government practices to enhance the public trust towards the government. Based on extensive literature review and conceptual background including the theories of institutional-based trust and the diffusion of innovation, the theoretical research framework was developed. Primary data was collected using survey involving 400 Lebanese employees in Beirut. The data have been analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research findings revealed that eight hypotheses were accepted while five hypothesis were rejected indicating that e-government practices including e-services have a significant and positive effect on both good governance and public trust in Lebanon. However, e-administration has a positive effect on good governance but not on public trust. E-procurement has insignificant effect on both good governance and public trust. Good governance has a positive and significant effect on public trust, but it has no mediating effect on the relationship between e-government including e-administration and public trust. The findings also show that good governance mediates the effect of both e-service and e-procurement on public trust. This research contributes practically by offering practitioners and policy makers in governments the guidelines on how they can empower and build citizens‟ trust by providing efficient, transparent and accountable government services. Future studies are suggested to extend the research empirically in terms of respondents, geographical location and methodology of analysi