1,193 research outputs found

    Organization and Usage of Learning Objects within Personal Computers

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    Research report of the ProLearn Network of Excellence (IST 507310), Deliverable 7.6To promote the integration of Desktop related Knowledge Management and Technology Enhanced Learning this deliverable aims at increasing the awareness of Desktop research within the Professional Learning community and at familiarizing the e-Learning researchers with the state-of-the-art in the relevant areas of Personal Information Management (PIM), as well as with the currently on-going activities and some of the regular PIM publication venues

    Exploiting the user interaction context for automatic task detection

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    Detecting the task a user is performing on her computer desktop is important for providing her with contextualized and personalized support. Some recent approaches propose to perform automatic user task detection by means of classifiers using captured user context data. In this paper we improve on that by using an ontology-based user interaction context model that can be automatically populated by (i) capturing simple user interaction events on the computer desktop and (ii) applying rule-based and information extraction mechanisms. We present evaluation results from a large user study we have carried out in a knowledge-intensive business environment, showing that our ontology-based approach provides new contextual features yielding good task detection performance. We also argue that good results can be achieved by training task classifiers `online' on user context data gathered in laboratory settings. Finally, we isolate a combination of contextual features that present a significantly better discriminative power than classical ones

    A spiral model for adding automatic, adaptive authoring to adaptive hypermedia

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    At present a large amount of research exists into the design and implementation of adaptive systems. However, not many target the complex task of authoring in such systems, or their evaluation. In order to tackle these problems, we have looked into the causes of the complexity. Manual annotation has proven to be a bottleneck for authoring of adaptive hypermedia. One such solution is the reuse of automatically generated metadata. In our previous work we have proposed the integration of the generic Adaptive Hypermedia authoring environment, MOT ( My Online Teacher), and a semantic desktop environment, indexed by Beagle++. A prototype, Sesame2MOT Enricher v1, was built based upon this integration approach and evaluated. After the initial evaluations, a web-based prototype was built (web-based Sesame2MOT Enricher v2 application) and integrated in MOT v2, conforming with the findings of the first set of evaluations. This new prototype underwent another evaluation. This paper thus does a synthesis of the approach in general, the initial prototype, with its first evaluations, the improved prototype and the first results from the most recent evaluation round, following the next implementation cycle of the spiral model [Boehm, 88]

    A review of user interface adaption in current semantic web browsers

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    The semantic web is an example of an innumerable corpus because it contains innumerable subjects expressed using innumerable ontologies. This paper reviews current semantic web browsers to see if they can adaptively show meaningful data presentations to users. The paper also seeks to discover if current semantic web browsers provide a rich enough set of capabilities for future user interface work to be built upon

    VOLARE: Adaptive Web Service Discovery Middleware for Mobile Systems

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    With the recent advent and widespread use of smart mobile devices, the flexibility and versatility offered by Service Oriented Architecture's (SOA) makes it an ideal approach to use in the rapidly changing mobile environment. However, the mobile setting presents a set of new challenges that service discovery methods developed for nonmobile environments cannot address. The requirements a mobile client device will have from a Web service may change due to changes in the context or the resources of the client device. In a similar manner, a mobile device that acts as a Web service provider will have different capabilities depending on its status, which may also change dramatically during runtime. This paper introduces VOLARE, a middleware-based solution that will monitor the resources and context of the device, and adapt service requests accordingly. The same method will be used to adapt the Quality of Service (QoS) levels advertised by service providers, to realistically reflect each provider's capabilities at any given moment. This approach will allow for more resource-efficient and accurate service discovery in mobile systems and will enable more reliable provider functionality in mobile devices