19 research outputs found

    Is there a common pattern to integrate multiple management systems? A comparative analysis between organizations in Greece and Spain

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    The integration of management systems has been mainly studied considering the process within organizations and also comparing the implementation among organizations in the same country. Scarce research has been done comparing the process among organizations in different countries.Thus, the main aim of this study is to analyze and compare the implementation of the integrated management systems between organizations located in two countries, Greece and Spain, which have different ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification rates.A qualitative method has been applied. Six case studies are presented, three per country, to analyze the aspects of the process and comparing both implementation processes. All organizations have, at least, the ISO 9001 and the ISO 14001 management systems certification. The integration aspects studied are: strategy, methodology, level, audits, benefits and difficulties.The findings, although exploratory, show that the differing integration aspect among the analyzed organizations is the audits both internal and external. Greek organizations achieve higher levels of internal audits integration rather than external but these levels are lower compared to the audits integration level of the Spanish organizations. The other aspects analyzed followed a similar pattern, i.e., the majority of organizations implement first the quality management system and then the environmental, common elements analysis is the main methodology applied, the level reported show a tendency to full integration and benefits and difficulties highlighted are also similar.In addition to these results, aspects that could condition the process are proposed for future research, such as: certification rates, top management commitment, internalization of management systems, external auditors' experience, state support and their impact on sustainability. Implications for academia, organizations and certification bodies are also presented.Although the integration of management systems has been analyzed in the literature, this is one of the first studies comparing organizations in countries with different certification rates and proposing specific factors conditioning the process for future research. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Model struktur amalan terbaik faktor kejayaan kritikal sistem pengurusan kualiti projek pembinaan

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    Six Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the implementation of a Project Quality Management System (PQMS) have been determined according to previous surveys. The PQMS’s CSFs include client’s commitment, integration of quality plan, measurement and improvement, education and training, teamwork and communication, and use of information and communication technology (ICT). However, implementation of PQMS is still considered not encouraging when a number of issues such as lack of commitment from stakeholders, lack of teamwork and communication among the parties involved, lack of training and learning, uncertainty in the plans qualities involved, and voluminous of documentations still occur. These problems are augmented by lack of knowledge and skills as well as the absence of a comprehensive guide to implement PQMS. Therefore, to address these problems, a set of best practices to implement PQMS’s CSF was established through the formulation of three related objectives: 1) Determine the practices for each of PQMS’s CSF; 2) Determine the project success criteria that have a positive impact with the implementation of PQMS; and 3) Study the relationship between the practices for PQMS’s CSF and criteria for project success to form a set of best practices. The study was conducted using two methods, which was an interview with an expert to verify the elements formulated in the questionnaire and distribution of the questionnaire. Initially, 31 practices and 10 project success criteria were identified through literature review followed by interviews conducted with experts. An addition of two practices were included in the list making it 33 practices but the project success criteria remain the same. Then, the questionnaires were distributed to 500 Grade 7 contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) in Peninsular Malaysia. However, 275 were returned and only 223 were completed and accepted to analyze for this research. Then, the data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and relative importance index (RII) to achieve objectives 1 and 2, and SEM-PLS was used to achieve objective 3. The findings of the study showed that 28 of 33 practices have been identified to implement PQMS’s CSF. In the meantime, only nine of ten criteria had positive impacts with the implementation of PQMS. Thus, these findings have shown that 25 of 33 practices were determined as best practices to successful implement PQMS’s CSF in construction. These best practices can be viewed as a new contribution to the body of knowledge by being the basis as well as reference for academics and industry to ensure that construction process will be efficient in the future

    Implantació integrada de les ISO 9001 i 14001: L’exemple de LLONCH-CLIMA, SL

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    Treballs Finals del Grau de d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutora: Mercè Bernardo VilamitjanaEl present treball final de grau té l’objectiu de confirmar la hipòtesi en la que LLONCH-CLIMA, SL, organització de Mollet del Vallès en la que treballo com a responsable de qualitat i medi ambient, implanta les normes internacionals i voluntàries ISO 9001 i ISO 14001 de manera integrada, tot obtenint la certificació individual de cada norma. Tanmateix, s’estudien les normes ISO 9001 i ISO 14001, les quals marquen directrius per a la implantació de sistemes de gestió de qualitat i medi ambient, respectivament. En conclusió, a partir de l’exemple de LLONCH-CLIMA, SL, es pot determinar que la implantació integrada permet a una organització donar evidències conforme s’està aplicant la filosofia de millora contínua en totes les seves activitats, tot maximitzant la qualitat i minimitzant els seus impactes ambientals

    Organizational leadership: a study on the affects of certification to international organization for standardization (ISO)

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    Compliance to requirements of ISO is an important leadership problem for the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) and the Aviation, Space and Defense (AS&D) companies. Furthermore, the IAQG seeks to understand the valuation of ISO/AS9100 requirements (2009), audit practices, management functions, business performance, customer satisfaction, and potential future concepts for the standard to assure quality. Since the release of the AS9100C total certification growth surpassed 1,100,000 organizations in 2010 with ISO 9001 series adoption and implementation governing business operations (ASQ, 2012b; ISO, 2011; Bernardo, Llach, & Marimon, 2011). Historians such as Crosby, Juran, Deming, and others established the foundation for quality assurance. Several researchers explored the issues which complicate overall benefits of ISO certification (Iwaro & Mwasha, 2012; Karthi et al., 2012; Sampaio et al., 2009). This study examined the effects on AS&D industries from ISO compliance to identify the implications (of ever-changing requirements) through an online survey of 15,000 practitioners. The research illuminated how ISO affects AS&D industries with current and future requirements for certification. The data showed that 75% of survey respondents report implementation of the AS9100C requirements still has benefits that outweigh the cost. Findings suggest that AS&D industries perceive significant value in the AS9100C document as part of the overall ISO 9000 series. In general, the comments from the survey can provide insight into the affects of ISO certification. The study concludes by recommending continued research to learn of further impacts from ISO certification within AS&D industries to improve the AS9100 document requirements for quality management systems

    Difusão de sistemas de gestão integrados nos países do Sul da Europa

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão da QualidadeA preocupação com a procura da satisfação de novas partes interessadas, por parte das organizações, tem vindo a crescer nos últimos anos. Consequentemente, de maneira a corresponder às expectativas da sociedade, estas têm vindo a adotar e a implementar diferentes sistemas de gestão, o que leva à sua coexistência e à necessidade da sua integração, estabelecendo assim um novo ramo de investigação que tem vindo a ser estudado por diversos investigadores da área. O presente estudo procura analisar a evolução do número de sistema de gestão integrados (SGIs) ao longo dos anos para países da zona sul da Europa. Para isso foram recolhidos dados para Espanha, Grécia, Itália e Portugal. Inicialmente é feita uma análise aos dados recolhidos e das tendências evolutivas descritas por estes. De modo a prever qual seria a dinâmica de crescimento futuro do número destes sistemas foram aplicados modelos de difusão que seguem um comportamento em S, sendo estes os modelos de Gompertz e Logístico Simples. Estes modelos permitiram aferir qual a situação da evolução atual e futura para os quatro países. Adicionalmente foi realizada uma análise da correlação entre a percentagem de empresas com SGIs e alguns indicadores referentes a cada país. Este trabalho permitiu verificar que, apesar da proximidade geográfica, existem disparidades nos resultados obtidos. Não foi possível escolher apenas um dos modelos para descrição das dinâmicas de crescimento dos diferentes países. Relativamente ao estudo dos indicadores, constatou-se que indicadores relacionados com a educação, número de publicações de artigos sobre a temática dos sistemas de gestão integrados e o número de reconhecimentos EFQM apresentam uma relação linear positiva com a percentagem de empresas com SGIs implementados. Também foi possível verificar que diferentes países têm diferentes resultados relativamente a outros indicadores analisados. A principal limitação do estudo desenvolvido foi a falta de dados relativos aos SGIs, tanto em extensão temporal, como na quantidade de países que participaram no estudo.The concerns of the organizations related with new stakeholders have increased over the last few years. Hence, organizations seek to respond to various stakeholders through the adoption and implementation of different certification standards, which leads to the coexistence of several systems and the necessity of their integration, thus establishing a broad research field that has been explored extensively by management scholars. This study investigates the evolution of the integrated management systems (IMS) over the years for South European countries. So, it was collected data from Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal. At first it was made an analysis of the collected data and the evolutionary trends described by these. Then, in order to predict what will be the dynamics of growth of these systems it was applied diffusion models that follow a behaviour in S-shape, in this case Gompertz and Simple Logistic models. These allowed to know which is the situation of the current and future developments of the number of IMS for the four countries. It was also made an investigation about the correlation between the percentage of companies with IMS and some indicators for each country. This work has shown that despite the geographic proximity, there are disparities in the results obtained. Also it was concluded that a single model does not fit all the paths described for the countries studied. Regarding the study of indicators, it was found that indicators related to education, number of articles published about integrated management systems and the EFQM number of recognitions have a positive linear relationship with the percentage of companies with IMS implemented. It was observed that different countries have different results in relation to other indicators analysed. The main limitation of the study developed was the lack of data on IMS, short temporal extension and low number of countries participating

    An investigation into the impact of quality management systems on General Motors suppliers

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    Acceptable product quality is one of the central pillars of customer satisfaction, which is key to customer retention and business success. The quest to improve and maintain good product quality is as old as mankind himself. In the beginning of time, quality involved selecting edible plants, to craftsmanship then later to mass production. As time went on, various individuals and institutions made valuable contributions to quality control methods, tools and techniques as we know them today. The International Organisation for Standardisation initiated quality management standards, provide requirements, specifications and guidelines that can be used to ensure materials and products meet a certain quality level. These quality management systems were adopted by the global automotive organisations, adapted and tailored to suit their requirements. The result was the development of ISO/TS 16949, which is a requirement for all direct manufacturing suppliers to the automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), like BMW, TOYOTA and GM. Some OEMs specify additional requirements their supplier base, in case of General Motors, Quality Systems Basics (QSB) is a mandatory quality management systems requirement. QSB is designed by GM to help suppliers reduce product defects, improve internal efficiencies and improve supply chain processes. A quantitative approach was chosen, which utilised an explorative and descriptive survey questionnaire in order to complete the research study. The study will show that the majority of the respondents believed that the implementation of QSB has resulted in positive implications in their manufacturing process and supply value chain

    ISO/IEC 27001: An empirical multi-method research

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    The adoption of digital technologies, the emergence of platform-based business models, and the switch to smart working practices are increasing the number of potential entry points in firms’ networks and therefore their potential vulnerabilities. However, despite the relevance of the issue, the managerial debate on the topic is still scant and several research gaps exist. Under this premise, this doctoral thesis touches on the following aspects. First, by discussing the issue with senior executives and information security experts, it highlights the most relevant information security challenges in the context of Industry 4.0. In doing this, it also shows where current approaches fail short, and what emerging practices are gaining relevance. Second, by conducting a systematic literature review, the thesis provides a comprehensive synthesis of the academic body of knowledge on ISO/IEC 27001 (i.e., the most renowned international management standard for information security and the fourth most widespread ISO certification) as well as it formulates a theory-based research agenda to inspire future studies at the intersection between information systems and managerial disciplines. Third, by resorting to Grey models, it investigates the current and future diffusion patterns of ISO/IEC 27001 in the six most important countries in terms of issued certificates. Fourth, by performing an event study complemented by an ordinary least squares regression on a dataset of 143 US-listed companies, the dissertation sheds light on the performance implications of ISO/IEC 27001 adoption as well as the role of some contextual factors in affecting the outcomes of the adoption. Overall, this doctoral thesis provides several contributions to both theory and practice. From a theoretical point of view, it highlights the need for managerial disciplines to start addressing information security-related aspects. Moreover, it demonstrates that investments in information security pay off also from a financial perspective. From a practical point of view, it shows the increasingly central role that ISO/IEC 27001 is likely to have in the years to come and it provides managers with evidence on the possible performance effects associated to its adoption.The adoption of digital technologies, the emergence of platform-based business models, and the switch to smart working practices are increasing the number of potential entry points in firms’ networks and therefore their potential vulnerabilities. However, despite the relevance of the issue, the managerial debate on the topic is still scant and several research gaps exist. Under this premise, this doctoral thesis touches on the following aspects. First, by discussing the issue with senior executives and information security experts, it highlights the most relevant information security challenges in the context of Industry 4.0. In doing this, it also shows where current approaches fail short, and what emerging practices are gaining relevance. Second, by conducting a systematic literature review, the thesis provides a comprehensive synthesis of the academic body of knowledge on ISO/IEC 27001 (i.e., the most renowned international management standard for information security and the fourth most widespread ISO certification) as well as it formulates a theory-based research agenda to inspire future studies at the intersection between information systems and managerial disciplines. Third, by resorting to Grey models, it investigates the current and future diffusion patterns of ISO/IEC 27001 in the six most important countries in terms of issued certificates. Fourth, by performing an event study complemented by an ordinary least squares regression on a dataset of 143 US-listed companies, the dissertation sheds light on the performance implications of ISO/IEC 27001 adoption as well as the role of some contextual factors in affecting the outcomes of the adoption. Overall, this doctoral thesis provides several contributions to both theory and practice. From a theoretical point of view, it highlights the need for managerial disciplines to start addressing information security-related aspects. Moreover, it demonstrates that investments in information security pay off also from a financial perspective. From a practical point of view, it shows the increasingly central role that ISO/IEC 27001 is likely to have in the years to come and it provides managers with evidence on the possible performance effects associated to its adoption

    Análise da relação entre maturidade da Melhoria Contínua e certificação do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade na indústria automotiva.

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    O presente estudo tem o objetivo de identificar a relação entre a maturidade da melhoria contínua e a certificação do sistema de gestão da qualidade em uma cadeia logística de empresas do setor automobilístico. A melhoria contínua se torna elemento de suma importância para o desenvolvimento a todos os tipos de organizações, sejam elas com operações de produções ou prestadoras de serviços e a fim de atingir o objetivo do presente trabalho foram verificadas as seguintes proposições: o tempo de implantação do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade em empresas certificadas traz implicações em relação à maturidade da melhoria contínua; o nível da empresa na cadeia logística influencia no processo de melhoria contínua; o processo de melhoria contínua é um processo gradual de aprendizagem organizacional.Com o propósito de tratar dessa questão optou-se pelo método de Estudo de Caso explanatório qualitativo, através da utilização do método de triangulação onde foram utilizadas entrevistas com representantes, observação direta e levantamento e análise de fatos históricos. A abordagem é predominantemente descritiva qualitativa, onde se buscou analisar, classificar e interpretar fatos, sem a interferência da pesquisadora. Como resultado foi observado que nas unidades pesquisadas o tempo de certificação, não se mostrou o principal fator para o avanço no nível de maturidade na melhoria contínua. O nível na cadeia logística da organização, se demonstrou influente no processo e a aprendizagem organizacional contribuiu de forma significativa para uma maturação do sistema de melhoria contínua principalmente quando se encontra enraizada na cultura da empresa

    Liveability analysis of gated and non-gated low middle income communities in kuala lumpur, Malaysia

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the liveability conditions in gated and non-gated low middle income communities in Kuala Lumpur where rapid urban growth has led to many disruptions in the urban living environment. Hence, a livability framework was developed with dimensions from housing condition, economic condition, functional environment, social relations and community safety towards achieving the research objectives of – a) to study the liveability level in gated and non-gated communities, b) to compare the level of liveability between gated and non-gated communities, and c) to determine the dimensions and indicators which influence the level of liveability in both communities. Residents’ views were collected through a questionnaire survey which consisted of twenty-four indicators of liveability belonging to five dimensions from three communities in Kuala Lumpur. Two communities belong to non-gated and one community had gated living status. The findings of the research revealed that gated community has a better living conditions compared to the non-gated community. Thus, this research can be used as a turning point to improve the living environment of both gated and non-gated communit

    Avaliação do impacto da Certificação ISO 9001 e do conhecimento acumulado no desempenho das organizações do setor automobilístico.

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    A utilização de práticas da gestão da qualidade, a busca pela certificação ISO 9001 e a gestão do conhecimento podem criar um ambiente propício para melhoria do desempenho organizacional, contribuindo para que as organizações se mantenham competitivas no mercado em que atuam. Diversos trabalhos exploram a relação entre desempenho organizacional e as práticas de gestão da qualidade e a gestão do conhecimento isoladamente, porém poucos exploram essa relação simultaneamente. Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa aplicada utilizando abordagem quantitativa, com objetivo de analisar a relação existente entre o desenvolvimento das organizações, em termos de eficácia de sistema de gestão da qualidade e gestão baseada no conhecimento, com a qualidade do produto. Para confirmar ou refutar as hipóteses de pesquisa estabelecidas foram coletados dados utilizando survey junto a empresas integrantes da cadeia automobilística brasileira. O instrumento de pesquisa para coleta de dados foi desenvolvido baseando-se na literatura sobre os temas Gestão da Qualidade e Gestão do Conhecimento, e constitui-se de nove construtos, sendo oito compostos por variáveis independentes e um por variáveis dependentes. Conclui-se que existe forte correlação entre variáveis independentes e as variáveis dependentes satisfação do cliente, custos relacionados à qualidade do produto e taxa de produtos com defeito; existe correlação entre variáveis dos construtos fornecedores e liderança da alta gerência e a taxa de produtos com defeito. Utilizando-se o teste Qui-Quadrado, conclui-se que o desenvolvimento organizacional impacta positivamente na qualidade do produto. O tamanho das empresas pode ser positivamente relacionado às variáveis custos relacionados à qualidade do produto, desperdício e taxas de produtos com defeito. E por fim, o tempo de obtenção do certificado ISO 9001 em si não impacta no aumento da qualidade na empresa