12 research outputs found

    Augmented and virtual reality evolution and future tendency

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    Augmented reality and virtual reality technologies are increasing in popularity. Augmented reality has thrived to date mainly on mobile applications, with games like Pokémon Go or the new Google Maps utility as some of its ambassadors. On the other hand, virtual reality has been popularized mainly thanks to the videogame industry and cheaper devices. However, what was initially a failure in the industrial field is resurfacing in recent years thanks to the technological improvements in devices and processing hardware. In this work, an in-depth study of the different fields in which augmented and virtual reality have been used has been carried out. This study focuses on conducting a thorough scoping review focused on these new technologies, where the evolution of each of them during the last years in the most important categories and in the countries most involved in these technologies will be analyzed. Finally, we will analyze the future trend of these technologies and the areas in which it is necessary to investigate to further integrate these technologies into society.Universidad de Sevilla, Spain Telefonica Chair “Intelligence in Networks

    Multimodal fusion : gesture and speech input in augmented reality environment

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    Augmented Reality (AR) has the capability to interact with the virtual objects and physical objects simultaneously since it combines the real world with virtual world seamlessly. However, most AR interface applies conventional Virtual Reality (VR) interaction techniques without modification. In this paper we explore the multimodal fusion for AR with speech and hand gesture input. Multimodal fusion enables users to interact with computers through various input modalities like speech, gesture, and eye gaze. At the first stage to propose the multimodal interaction, the input modalities are decided to be selected before be integrated in an interface. The paper presents several related works about to recap the multimodal approaches until it recently has been one of the research trends in AR. It presents the assorted existing works in multimodal for VR and AR. In AR, multimodal considers as the solution to improve the interaction between the virtual and physical entities. It is an ideal interaction technique for AR applications since AR supports interactions in real and virtual worlds in the real-time. This paper describes the recent studies in AR developments that appeal gesture and speech inputs. It looks into multimodal fusion and its developments, followed by the conclusion.This paper will give a guideline on multimodal fusion on how to integrate the gesture and speech inputs in AR environment

    Hands-free wearable system for helping in assembly tasks in aerospace

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    Las operaciones de mantenimiento tienen un gran impacto en la seguridad y esperanza de vida de cualquier producto, especialmente en ciertas aplicaciones dentro de la industria aeronáutica que tiene que pasar procedimientos muy rigurosos de seguridad. Los sistemas de ayuda llevables (wearable) pueden ayudar a reducir costes y tiempo de trabajo guiando a los operarios en tareas difíciles. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar un sistema de guiado de manos libre y llevable para soporte y ayuda de operarios en tareas de ensamblaje y verificación dentro del campo de la aeronáutica. El operario es capaz de pedir información al sistema sobre una tarea específica de un modo no invasivo así como pedir asistencia técnica al líder del equipo. El sistema desarrollado ha sido probado en una compañía aeronáutica (Airbus Military) y se ha evaluado su implementación en ciertas tareas de ensamblaje. La conclusión de las pruebas ha sido que el sistema ayuda a los operarios a realizar sus tareas de una manera más rápida, precisa y segura.Maintenance operations have a great impact on the safety and life expectancy of any product. This is especially true for certain applications within the aerospace industry, which must pass rigorous security checking procedures. Wearable helping systems can help to reduce costs and working time by guiding workers in some specifi c and diffi cult tasks. The purpose of this work is developing a handless and wearable guided system that supports and helps workers in assembly and verifi cation tasks within the aeronautic fi eld. The worker is able to request information for the specifi c task in a non invasive way and also ask the Team Leader for real time technical support and assistance. The system developed has been tested in an aeronautic company (Airbus Military) and its implementation in specifi c assembly tasks assessed. It was found that the proposed system can help workers to make their tasks faster, more accurate and more secure

    Cross-Dimensional Gestural Interaction Techniques for Hybrid Immersive Environments

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    We present a set of interaction techniques for a hybrid user interface that integrates existing 2D and 3D visualization and interaction devices. Our approach is built around one- and two-handed gestures that support the seamless transition of data between co-located 2D and 3D contexts. Our testbed environment combines a 2D multi-user, multi-touch, projection surface with 3D head-tracked, see-through, head-worn displays and 3D tracked gloves to form a multi-display augmented reality. We also address some of the ways in which we can interact with private data in a collaborative, heterogeneous workspace

    A case study of augmented reality serious games

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    The study introduced in this paper examines some of the issues involved in the design and implementation of serious games that make use of tangible AR environments. Our motivation is to understand how augmented reality serious games (ARSG) can be applied to some very difficult problems in the real gaming world. Emphasis is given on the interface and the interactions between the players and the serious games themselves. In particular, two case studies are presented, ARPuzzle and ARBreakout. Results from both case studies indicate that AR gaming has the potential of revolutionizing the way that current games are played and used as well as that it can help educate players while playing

    Realidade aumentada aplicada ao design

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    Este artigo apresenta o estado da arte da Realidade Aumentada aplicada ao design. São apresentados exemplos de aplicações da Realidade Aumentada em áreas como design de produtos, arquitetura, indústria automotiva, educação e design colaborativo. Também é apresentada uma rápida visão geral sobre as tecnologias envolvidas na criação de aplicações de Realidade Aumentada.Postprint (published version

    Realidade aumentada aplicada ao design

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    Este artigo apresenta o estado da arte da Realidade Aumentada aplicada ao design. São apresentados exemplos de aplicações da Realidade Aumentada em áreas como design de produtos, arquitetura, indústria automotiva, educação e design colaborativo. Também é apresentada uma rápida visão geral sobre as tecnologias envolvidas na criação de aplicações de Realidade Aumentada.Postprint (published version

    Augmented reality device for first response scenarios

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    A prototype of a wearable computer system is proposed and implemented using commercial off-shelf components. The system is designed to allow the user to access location-specific information about an environment, and to provide capability for user tracking. Areas of applicability include primarily first response scenarios, with possible applications in maintenance or construction of buildings and other structures. Necessary preparation of the target environment prior to system\u27s deployment is limited to noninvasive labeling using optical fiducial markers. The system relies on computational vision methods for registration of labels and user position. With the system the user has access to on-demand information relevant to a particular real-world location. Team collaboration is assisted by user tracking and real-time visualizations of team member positions within the environment. The user interface and display methods are inspired by Augmented Reality1 (AR) techniques, incorporating a video-see-through Head Mounted Display (HMD) and fingerbending sensor glove.*. 1Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer research which deals with the combination of real world and computer generated data. At present, most AR research is concerned with the use of live video imagery which is digitally processed and augmented by the addition of computer generated graphics. Advanced research includes the use of motion tracking data, fiducial marker recognition using machine vision, and the construction of controlled environments containing any number of sensors and actuators. (Source: Wikipedia) *This dissertation is a compound document (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation). The CD requires the following system requirements: Adobe Acrobat; Microsoft Office; Windows MediaPlayer or RealPlayer

    Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a natural development from virtual reality (VR), which was developed several decades earlier. AR complements VR in many ways. Due to the advantages of the user being able to see both the real and virtual objects simultaneously, AR is far more intuitive, but it's not completely detached from human factors and other restrictions. AR doesn't consume as much time and effort in the applications because it's not required to construct the entire virtual scene and the environment. In this book, several new and emerging application areas of AR are presented and divided into three sections. The first section contains applications in outdoor and mobile AR, such as construction, restoration, security and surveillance. The second section deals with AR in medical, biological, and human bodies. The third and final section contains a number of new and useful applications in daily living and learning