101 research outputs found

    The AppComposer Web application for school teachers: A platform for translating and adapting educational web applications

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    Online experimentation and interactive learning resources for teaching network engineering

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    This paper presents a case study on teaching network engineering in conjunction with interactive learning resources. This case study has been developed in collaboration with the Cisco Networking Academy in the context of the FORGE project, which promotes online learning and experimentation by offering access to virtual and remote labs. The main goal of this work is allowing learners and educators to perform network simulations within a web browser or an interactive eBook by using any type of mobile, tablet or desktop device. Learning Analytics are employed in order to monitor learning behaviour for further analysis of the learning experience offered to students

    Technological Ecosystems

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    Interdisciplinary Subject-matter Didactics for Software Engineering - Research-based Design and Evaluation of an Application-oriented Didactical Approach

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    Software zieht sich mittlerweile durch alle Bereiche des tĂ€glichen Lebens. Mit der Bedeutung von Software wĂ€chst auch die Bedeutung der Ausbildung derer, die diese Software trotz aller KomplexitĂ€t qualitativ hochwertig entwickeln können. Jedoch fehlten bisher methodisch fundierte Aussagen, was alles zu einer guten Software-Engineering-Ausbildung gehört. Diese Arbeit entwirft ein Forschungsdesign, das zu einer interdisziplinĂ€ren Fachdidaktik fĂŒr Software Engineering fĂŒhrt. Ausgehend von Kompetenzprofilen guter Software-Ingenieure werden dabei Maßnahmen fĂŒr die Hochschullehre abgeleitet, um diese Kompetenzziele zu erreichen. Diese Maßnahmen sind schließlich kompetenzorientiert zu evaluieren. Kernelemente des Forschungsansatzes umfassen also ein Kompetenzprofil, die darauf aufbauende kompetenzorientierte Weiterentwicklung von Lehrkonzepten sowie die systematische Evaluation der Wirksamkeit dieser Lehrkonzepte, um daraus RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf die Lehr-Lern-Prozesse und ihre WirkzusammenhĂ€nge zu ziehen. Das Ergebnis der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse ist ein Vorschlag fĂŒr eine interdisziplinĂ€re Fachdidaktik fĂŒr Software Engineering

    Online Course: Application Models in the Educational Process

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    Digitalization of education and the development of electronic pedagogy as a branch of pedagogical science are the conditions that actualize the analysis of online courses application mo-dels which is the purpose of this study. Based on the analysis of scientific pedagogical literature, the article addresses the typology of online courses integration models implemented in the traditional (face-to face) educational process. The author has studied and summarized the various approaches to selecting  integration models of online courses  in Russian and  foreign scientific and pedagogical literature and developed a typology of patterns of online courses application based on three criteria: the organization of the educational process (characteristics: the character of the online course incorporating in the educational process, a way of organizing the educational process), the contents of traditional face-to-face and online components in the learning content (characteristics: a change in the structure of educational process, forms and methods of training), and the organization of interaction between the subjects of the educational process (characteristics: organization of pedagogical support, organization of pedagogical interaction between the subjects). This approach made it possible to pinpoint thirty-four models of online courses application and  integration. Each model implemented in practice can be identified unambiguously when typologizing by one characteristic of the corresponding criterion and refer to several types when considering its different characteristics

    Systematic review on which analytics and learning methodologies are applied in primary and secondary education in the learning of robotics sensors

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    Robotics technology has become increasingly common both for businesses and for private citizens. Primary and secondary schools, as a mirror of societal evolution, have increasingly integrated science, technology, engineering and math concepts into their curricula. Our research questions are: “In teaching robotics to primary and secondary school students, which pedagogical-methodological interventions result in better understanding and knowledge in the use of sensors in educational robotics?”, and “In teaching robotics to primary and secondary school students, which analytical methods related to Learning Analytics processes are proposed to analyze and reflect on students’ behavior in their learning of concepts and skills of sensors in educational robotics?”. To answer these questions, we have carried out a systematic review of the literature in the Web of Science and Scopus databases regarding robotics sensors in primary and secondary education, and Learning Analytics processes. We applied PRISMA methodology and reviewed a total of 24 articles. The results show a consensus about the use of the Learning by Doing and Project-Based Learning methodologies, including their different variations, as the most common methodology for achieving optimal engagement, motivation and performance in students’ learning. Finally, future lines of research are identified from this study.This research was co-funded by the support of the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya with the help of 2017 SGR 93

    Learning Analytics in Ecuador

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    Learning Analytics allows to describe, diagnose, predict and prescribe learning, especially in Higher Education. Two thousand eight hundred fifty-three papers related to Learning Analytics are stored in the Scopus bibliography database from 2014 until the middle of 2019, evidencing the importance and increasing interest in this line of research. This research discovers specific characteristics of investigations in Learning Analytics and answers the general question: What is the actual state of Learning Analytics research in Ecuador? This research uses a systematic mapping to answer four research questions about indexed production in Learning Analytics by Ecuadorian authors. This study has been done from 2014 until June 2019 (11 semesters). Eighty-six articles about Learning Analytics were found in RRAAE, Scopus, WOS and IEEE. Sixty-eight reports were downloaded, arranged and analysed after removing duplicates, applying inclusion, exclusion and quality criteria. The methodology used is replicable by the researchers interested in establishing a baseline in general and in particular in Learning Analytics

    Internet of Energy Training through Remote Laboratory Demonstrator

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    In this paper, a new learning tool is proposed to train professional figures, such as entrepreneurs, engineers, and technicians, who need to improve their skills in the field of Internet of Energy. The proposed tool aims to cover the lack of experimental knowledge on new energy systems and to layer proper skills, which are useful to deal with challenges required by smart energy management in the new complex distributed configuration of the electric power systems, characterized by demand response services. This tool is based on a small-scale laboratory demonstrator, representative of a smart rural house, equipped with a measurement and control system. This demonstrator can be remotely accessed, through web server applications based on a low cost single-board computer. Trainers can have direct experience on the main concepts related to smart grids, renewable energy sources, electrochemical storage systems, and electric vehicles, through the use of the proposed tool managed by the web software interface. Document type: Articl

    Semester of Code: Piloting Virtual Placements for Informatics across Europe

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    VALS (Virtual Alliances for Learning Society) European Project intends to build knowledge partnerships between European Higher Education Institutions and Business stakeholders across the World to collaborate on resolving authentic business problems through Open Innovation and Open Source Software. To conduct these knowledge partnerships, the VALS project leverages the virtual placements, in which students from all European countries can be involved in the resolution of real business problems, developing by this way professional skills, and other business-related attitudes that will help them to enhance their (future) professional career. These virtual placements result in the Semester of Code, which is a set of practices, methods and processes for creating and managing real virtual placements. Following these ideas, this paper is focused in the description of how is designed this Semester of Code, how the VALS partners have developed different tools, guidelines and processes to manage and track the virtual placements and how are performed this set of tools and guidelines in order to achieve the success in the pilot tests of the Semester of Code and its virtual placements
