35 research outputs found

    Signcryption schemes with threshold unsigncryption, and applications

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThe goal of a signcryption scheme is to achieve the same functionalities as encryption and signature together, but in a more efficient way than encrypting and signing separately. To increase security and reliability in some applications, the unsigncryption phase can be distributed among a group of users, through a (t, n)-threshold process. In this work we consider this task of threshold unsigncryption, which has received very few attention from the cryptographic literature up to now (maybe surprisingly, due to its potential applications). First we describe in detail the security requirements that a scheme for such a task should satisfy: existential unforgeability and indistinguishability, under insider chosen message/ciphertext attacks, in a multi-user setting. Then we show that generic constructions of signcryption schemes (by combining encryption and signature schemes) do not offer this level of security in the scenario of threshold unsigncryption. For this reason, we propose two new protocols for threshold unsigncryption, which we prove to be secure, one in the random oracle model and one in the standard model. The two proposed schemes enjoy an additional property that can be very useful. Namely, the unsigncryption protocol can be divided in two phases: a first one where the authenticity of the ciphertext is verified, maybe by a single party; and a second one where the ciphertext is decrypted by a subset of t receivers, without using the identity of the sender. As a consequence, the schemes can be used in applications requiring some level of anonymity, such as electronic auctions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Contributions to secret sharing and other distributed cryptosystems

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    The present thesis deals with primitives related to the eld of distributed cryptography. First, we study signcryption schemes, which provide at the same time the functionalities of encryption and signature, where the unsigncryption operation is distributed. We consider this primitive from a theoretical point of view and set a security framework for it. Then, we present two signcryption schemes with threshold unsigncryption, with di erent properties. Furthermore, we use their authenticity property to apply them in the development of a di erent primitive: digital signatures with distributed veri cation. The second block of the thesis deals with the primitive of multi-secret sharing schemes. After stating some e ciency limitations of multi-secret sharing schemes in an information-theoretic scenario, we present several multi-secret sharing schemes with provable computational security. Finally, we use the results in multi-secret sharing schemes to generalize the traditional framework of distributed cryptography (with a single policy of authorized subsets) into a multipolicy setting, and we present both a multi-policy distributed decryption scheme and a multi-policy distributed signature scheme. Additionally, we give a short outlook on how to apply the presented multi-secret sharing schemes in the design of other multi-policy cryptosystems, like the signcryption schemes considered in this thesis. For all the schemes proposed throughout the thesis, we follow the same formal structure. After de ning the protocols of the primitive and the corresponding security model, we propose the new scheme and formally prove its security, by showing a reduction to some computationally hard mathematical problem.Avui en dia les persones estan implicades cada dia més en diferents activitats digitals tant en la seva vida professional com en el seu temps lliure. Molts articles de paper, com diners i tiquets, estan sent reemplaçats més i més per objectes digitals. La criptografia juga un paper crucial en aquesta transformació, perquè proporciona seguretat en la comunicació entre els diferents participants que utilitzen un canal digital. Depenent de la situació específica, alguns requisits de seguretat en la comunicació poden incloure privacitat (o confidencialitat), autenticitat, integritat o no-repudi. En algunes situacions, repartir l'operació secreta entre un grup de participants fa el procés més segur i fiable que quan la informació secreta està centralitzada en un únic participant; la criptografia distribuïda és l’àrea de la criptografia que estudia aquestes situacions. Aquesta tesi tracta de primitives relacionades amb el camp de la criptografia distribuïda. Primer, estudiem esquemes “signcryption”, que ofereixen a la vegada les funcionalitats de xifrat i signatura, on l'operació de “unsigncryption” està distribuïda. Considerem aquesta primitiva des d’un punt de vista teòric i establim un marc de seguretat per ella. Llavors, presentem dos esquemes “signcryption” amb operació de “unsigncryption” determinada per una estructura llindar, cada un amb diferents propietats. A més, utilitzem la seva propietat d’autenticitat per desenvolupar una nova primitiva: signatures digitals amb verificació distribuïda. El segon bloc de la tesi tracta la primitiva dels esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets. Després de demostrar algunes limitacions en l’eficiència dels esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets en un escenari de teoria de la informació, presentem diversos esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets amb seguretat computacional demostrable. Finalment, utilitzem els resultats obtinguts en els esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets per generalitzar el paradigma tradicional de la criptografia distribuïda (amb una única política de subconjunts autoritzats) a un marc multi-política, i presentem un esquema de desxifrat distribuït amb multi-política i un esquema de signatura distribuïda amb multi-política. A més, donem indicacions de com es poden aplicar els nostres esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets en el disseny d’altres criptosistemes amb multi-política, com per exemple els esquemes “signcryption” considerats en aquesta tesi. Per tots els esquemes proposats al llarg d’aquesta tesi, seguim la mateixa estructura formal. Després de definir els protocols de la primitiva primitius i el model de seguretat corresponent, proposem el nou esquema i demostrem formalment la seva seguretat, mitjançant una reducció a algun problema matemàtic computacionalment difícil

    Lightweight certificateless and provably-secure signcryptosystem for the internet of things

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose an elliptic curve-based signcryption scheme derived from the standardized signature KCDSA (Korean Certificate-based Digital Signature Algorithm) in the context of the Internet of Things. Our solution has several advantages. First, the scheme is provably secure in the random oracle model. Second, it provides the following security properties: outsider/insider confidentiality and unforgeability; non-repudiation and public verifiability, while being efficient in terms of communication and computation costs. Third, the scheme offers the certificateless feature, so certificates are not needed to verify the user's public keys. For illustration, we conducted experimental evaluation based on a sensor Wismote platform and compared the performance of the proposed scheme to concurrent scheme

    On the Security of Identity Based Threshold Unsigncryption Schemes

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    Signcryption is a cryptographic primitive that provides confidentiality and authenticity simultaneously at a cost significantly lower than that of the naive combination of encrypting and signing the message. Threshold signcryption is used when a message to be sent needs the authentication of a certain number of members in an organisation, and until and unless a given number of members (known as the threshold) join the signcyption process, a particular message cannot be signcrypted. Threshold unsigncryption is used when this constraint is applicable during the unsigncryption process. In this work, we cryptanalyze two threshold unsigncryption schemes. We show that both these schemes do not meet the stringent requirements of insider security and propose attacks on both confidentiality and unforgeability. We also propose an improved identity based threshold unsigncryption scheme and give the formal proof of security in a new stronger security model

    An ID-Based Signcryption Scheme with Compartmented Secret Sharing for Unsigncryption

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    In this paper the ID-based signcryption scheme of Li, Xin, and Hu is extended to a compartmented scheme. If an organization is partitioned into different compartments, this scheme allows any member of a specific compartment to participate in the unsigncryption; moreover, each member of a compartment has information unique to that individual. This construction is the first (to the authors’ knowledge) to combine identity-based encryption, Shamir’s threshold scheme, and signcryption into an implementable compartmented sharing scheme

    An Efficient and Provably Secure ID-Based Threshold Signcryption Scheme

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    Signcryption is a cryptographic primitive that performs digital signature and public key encryption simultaneously, at a lower computational costs and communication overheads than the signature-then-encryption approach. Recently, two identity-based threshold signcryption schemes[12],[26] have been proposed by combining the concepts of identity-based threshold signature and signcryption together. However, the formal models and security proofs for both schemes are not considered. In this paper, we formalize the concept of identity-based threshold signcryption and give a new scheme based on the bilinear pairings. We prove its confidentiality under the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption and its unforgeability under the Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model. Our scheme turns out to be more efficient than the two previously proposed schemes

    A Constructive Perspective on Signcryption Security

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    Signcryption is a public-key cryptographic primitive, originally introduced by Zheng (Crypto \u2797), that allows parties to establish secure communication without the need of prior key agreement. Instead, a party registers its public key at a certificate authority (CA), and only needs to retrieve the public key of the intended partner from the CA before being able to protect the communication. Signcryption schemes provide both authenticity and confidentiality of sent messages and can offer a simpler interface to applications and better performance compared to generic compositions of signature and encryption schemes. Although introduced two decades ago, the question which security notions of signcryption are adequate in which applications has still not reached a fully satisfactory answer. To resolve this question, we conduct a constructive analysis of this public-key primitive. Similar to previous constructive studies for other important primitives, this treatment allows to identify the natural goal that signcryption schemes should achieve and to formalize this goal in a composable framework. More specifically, we capture the goal of signcryption as a gracefully-degrading secure network, which is basically a network of independent parties that allows secure communication between any two parties. However, when a party is compromised, its respective security guarantees are lost, while all guarantees for the remaining users remain unaffected. We show which security notions for signcryption are sufficient to construct this kind of secure network from a certificate authority (or key registration resource) and insecure communication. Our study does not only unveil that it is the so-called insider-security notion that enables this construction, but also that a weaker version thereof would already be sufficient. This may be of interest in the context of practical signcryption schemes that do not achieve the stronger notions. Last but not least, we observe that the graceful-degradation property is actually an essential feature of signcryption that stands out in comparison to alternative and more standard constructions that achieve secure communication from the same assumptions. This underlines the vital importance of the insider security notion for signcryption and strongly supports, in contrast to the initial belief, the recent trend to consider the insider security notion as the standard notion for signcryption

    New Conditional Privacy-preserving Encryption Schemes in Communication Network

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    Nowadays the communication networks have acted as nearly the most important fundamental infrastructure in our human society. The basic service provided by the communication networks are like that provided by the ubiquitous public utilities. For example, the cable television network provides the distribution of information to its subscribers, which is much like the water or gas supply systems which distribute the commodities to citizens. The communication network also facilitates the development of many network-based applications such as industrial pipeline controlling in the industrial network, voice over long-term evolution (VoLTE) in the mobile network and mixture reality (MR) in the computer network, etc. Since the communication network plays such a vital role in almost every aspect of our life, undoubtedly, the information transmitted over it should be guarded properly. Roughly, such information can be categorized into either the communicated message or the sensitive information related to the users. Since we already got cryptographical tools, such as encryption schemes, to ensure the confidentiality of communicated messages, it is the sensitive personal information which should be paid special attentions to. Moreover, for the benefit of reducing the network burden in some instances, it may require that only communication information among legitimated users, such as streaming media service subscribers, can be stored and then relayed in the network. In this case, the network should be empowered with the capability to verify whether the transmitted message is exchanged between legitimated users without leaking the privacy of those users. Meanwhile, the intended receiver of a transmitted message should be able to identify the exact message sender for future communication. In order to cater to those requirements, we re-define a notion named conditional user privacy preservation. In this thesis, we investigate the problem how to preserve user conditional privacy in pubic key encryption schemes, which are used to secure the transmitted information in the communication networks. In fact, even the term conditional privacy preservation has appeared in existing works before, there still have great differences between our conditional privacy preservation definition and the one proposed before. For example, in our definition, we do not need a trusted third party (TTP) to help tracing the sender of a message. Besides, the verification of a given encrypted message can be done without any secret. In this thesis, we also introduce more desirable features to our redefined notion user conditional privacy preservation. In our second work, we consider not only the conditional privacy of the message sender but also that of the intended message receiver. This work presents a new encryption scheme which can be implemented in communication networks where there exists a blacklist containing a list of blocked communication channels, and each of them is established by a pair of sender and receiver. With this encryption scheme, a verifier can confirm whether one ciphertext is belonging to a legitimated communication channel without knowing the exact sender and receiver of that ciphertext. With our two previous works, for a given ciphertext, we ensure that no one except its intended receiver can identify the sender. However, the receiver of one message may behave dishonest when it tries to retrieve the real message sender, which incurs the problem that the receiver of a message might manipulate the origin of the message successfully for its own benefit. To tackle this problem, we present a novel encryption scheme in our third work. Apart from preserving user conditional privacy, this work also enforces the receiver to give a publicly verifiable proof so as to convince others that it is honest during the process of identifying the actual message sender. In our forth work, we show our special interest in the access control encryption, or ACE for short, and find this primitive can inherently achieve user conditional privacy preservation to some extent. we present a newly constructed ACE scheme in this work, and our scheme has advantages over existing ACE schemes in two aspects. Firstly, our ACE scheme is more reliable than existing ones since we utilize a distributed sanitizing algorithm and thus avoid the so called single point failure happened in ACE systems with only one sanitizer. Then, since the ciphertext and key size of our scheme is more compact than that of the existing ACE schemes, our scheme enjoys better scalability

    Attribute-Based Signcryption : Signer Privacy, Strong Unforgeability and IND-CCA2 Security in Adaptive-Predicates Attack

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    An Attribute-Based Signcryption (ABSC) is a natural extension of Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) and Attribute-Based Signature (ABS), where we have the message confidentiality and authenticity together. Since the signer privacy is captured in security of ABS, it is quite natural to expect that the signer privacy will also be preserved in ABSC. In this paper, first we propose an ABSC scheme which is \textit{weak existential unforgeable, IND-CCA2} secure in \textit{adaptive-predicates} attack and achieves \textit{signer privacy}. Secondly, by applying strongly unforgeable one-time signature (OTS), the above scheme is lifted to an ABSC scheme to attain \textit{strong existential unforgeability} in \textit{adaptive-predicates} model. Both the ABSC schemes are constructed on common setup, i.e the public parameters and key are same for both the encryption and signature modules. Our first construction is in the flavor of CtE&S\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S} paradigm, except one extra component that will be computed using both signature components and ciphertext components. The second proposed construction follows a new paradigm (extension of CtE&S\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S}), we call it ``Commit then Encrypt and Sign then Sign (CtE&StS\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S}{t}\mathcal{S}). The last signature is done using a strong OTS scheme. Since the non-repudiation is achieved by CtE&S\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S} paradigm, our systems also achieve the same

    Cryptanalysis of Li et al.\u27s Identity-Based Threshold Signcryption Scheme

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    Signcryption is a cryptographic primitive that aims at providing confidentiality and authentication simultaneously. Recently in May 2008, a scheme for identity based threshold signcryption was proposed by Fagen Li and Yong Yu. They have proved the confidentiality of their scheme and have also claimed the unforgeability without providing satisfactory proof. In this paper, we show that in their signcryption scheme the secret key of the sender is exposed(total break) to the clerk during sincryption and hence insecure in the presence of malicious clerks. Further, we propose a corrected version of the scheme and formally prove its security under the existing security model for signcryption