10 research outputs found

    G-Sense: a graphical interface for SENSE simulator

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    “Copyright © [2009] IEEE. Reprinted from First International Conference on Advances in System Simulation.ISBN:978-1-4244-4863-0. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.”Wireless sensor networks greatly benefit from simulation before deployment, since some of these networks may contain thousands of nodes. The new challenges compared to traditional computer networks led to several approaches for network simulation, namely SENSE – Sensor Network Emulator and Simulator. However this approach presents a limited user interface, namely based on text, forcing users to have knowledge on C++ programming language. This paper presents a tool, called G-Sense, that greatly improves SENSE user friendliness, with graphical input of simulation parameters, save and load simulation features, and simulation results management with plot view. This new tool uses SENSE simulation engine in a transparent way, so the user may be focused on the simulation itself, not in the underlying simulation tool. We present G-Sense architecture, usability and extensive experiments for its validation. We believe that this tool will contribute for SENSE adoption for wireless sensor network simulation, clearly improving on its ease of use

    Wireless sensor networks lifetime assessment model development

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    In the recent years low power computing systems have gained popularity.  Networks, which use low power computer systems and transmitted data by using wireless connection are called wireless sensor networks, which  main task is to get the information from sensors and transmission network. Nowadays, the most topical researches pertaining to wireless sensor networks are grounded on the  new optimization of structure of network transmission protocol, the routing optimization in transmission network, optimization of network structure, as a result of which the life circle of wireless network sensors is possible to increase. In the present article the methodology for determining the life circle of network is discussed. The approaches in detection of life circle pertaining to the important network nodes are described

    An Overview of Centralised Middleware Components for Sensor Networks

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    Sensors are increasingly becoming part of our daily lives: motion detection, lighting control, environmental monitoring, and keeping track of energy consumption all rely on sensors. Combining data from this wide variety of sensors will result in new and innovative applications. However, access to these sensors – or the networks formed by them – is often provided via proprietary protocols and data formats, thereby obstructing the development of applications. To overcome such issues, middleware components have been employed to provide a universal interface to the sensor networks, hiding vendor-specific details from application developers. The scientific literature contains many descriptions of middleware components for sensor networks, with ideas from various fields of research. Recently, much attention in literature is aimed at what we, in this paper, define as ‘centralised’ middleware components. These components consider sensor networks that have no capacity – in terms of memory, data storage, and cpu power – to run middleware components (partially) on the sensor nodes. Often, viewed from the position of the middleware component, these sensor networks function as simple data providers for applications In this paper we introduce the term ‘centralised’ for such middleware components, guided by a literature review of existing middleware components for sensor networks. We describe their general architecture, give a description of a representative set of four centralised middleware components, and discuss advantages and disadvantages of these components. Finally, we identify directions of further research that will impact centralised middleware systems in the near future

    Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to Healthcare Promotion

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    Born on military applications, wireless sensor networks(WSNs) application grew on the promise of environment sensing and data processing capability at low cost. These networks can hold hundreds or even thousands of smart sensing nodes with processing and sensing capabilities and even integrated power through a dedicated battery. This paper surveys on the application of wireless sensor networks to healthcare promotion, namely with the use of biosensor technology applied to body sensor networks. On a wireless body sensor network, a person wears biosensors to gather data, while doing their daily activities. Currently, engineers and medical staff are cooperating on findingnew ways to properly gather meaningful data on-site and achieve a convenient way to process these data for research and on-site medical decision. New challenges that such approach brings are also considered. Moreover, it is shown that wireless sensor networks provide the technology to built wireless sensing and create a convenient infrastructure for multiple data gathering in healthcare applications. Together with real successful examples, we demonstrate the great usefulness of wireless sensor networks in healthcare promotion. The paper concludes with some guidelines for future work

    Aktif düğüm ve dinamik zaman dilimi tahsisi esaslı kablosuz algılayıcı ağ ortam erişim kontrol protokolü

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Kablosuz Algılayıcı Ağlar (KAA’lar); kurulum kolaylığı, kendi kendine organize olabilme, bakım gereksinimlerinin az olması gibi benzersiz özellikleri sayesinde farklı alanlarda geniş bir uygulama potansiyeline sahiptir. Ancak algılayıcı düğümlerin güç, hesaplama kapasitesi ve bellek bakımından kısıtlı kaynaklara sahip olması; geleneksel kablosuz ağlardaki birçok protokol ve algoritmanın KAA’lara doğrudan uygulanamamasına sebep olmaktadır. Ayrıca uygulamaların gereksinimlerinin farklılıklar göstermesi geliştirilecek haberleşme protokollerinin de uygulamaya-özel olmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu tez çalışması kapsamındaki KAA’lar, olay güdümlü uygulamaları içermektedir. Özellikle çok sayıda düğümün uzak ve erişilmesi güç yerlere rastgele ve yoğun olarak yerleştirildiği uygulamalarda, düğümlerin enerjilerini sağladıkları pilleri değiştirmek ya da şarj etmek çoğu zaman oldukça zor ve hatta imkansızdır. Dolayısıyla bu tez çalışmasında da esas alındığı üzere, enerji verimliliği başlıca tasarım ölçütü haline gelmektedir. Olay güdümlü KAA uygulamalarında algılanan verinin mümkün olan en kısa zamanda iletilmesi gerektiği için iletişim gecikme değerlerinin belirli sınırlar içerisinde tutulması da büyük önem taşımaktadır. Geleneksel TDMA tabanlı OEK protokolleri, olay güdümlü KAA uygulamaları için çok uygun değildir. Literatürde bu tür uygulamalar için geliştirilmiş protokoller de bulunmaktadır; ancak, söz konusu protokoller sadece kaynak düğümlere zaman dilimi tahsisi gerçekleştirmekte, aynı verinin tekrar iletilmesinin meydana getireceği veri fazlalığını dikkate almamaktadırlar. Belli bir bölgeden eşzamanlı olarak gelecek aynı verinin olayın/durumun değerlendirilmesine katkı sağlamayacağı fikrinden hareketle, benzer içerikli veriye sahip kaynak düğümlerden sadece birine zaman dilimi tahsis edilmesi ile veri trafiğinin, enerji tüketiminin ve uçtan uca gecikmenin azaltılabileceği düşüncesi bu tez çalışmasının başlatılma sebebini oluşturmuştur. Bu doktora tezinde, olay güdümlü KAA uygulamaları için geliştirilen bir OEK protokolü sunulmaktadır. OEK tasarım aşamasında kullanılan ve aktif düğüm belirleme yöntemi (ADBY) olarak adlandırılan genel bir içerik tabanlı çizelgeleme yaklaşımı geliştirilmiştir. ADBY’nin uygulaması olarak TDMA-tabanlı yeni bir OEK protokolü (M-BMA) gerçekleştirilmiş bulunmaktadır. Eşleniği olan protokollerle yapılan karşılaştırmalı başarım değerlendirmeleri ile M-BMA protokolünün enerji tasarrufunda ve gecikmenin azaltılmasında sağladığı iyileştirme gösterilmiştir. SUMMARYThe unique features of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) such as ease of installation, self-organizing, simple maintenance requirements etc. make them have a wide range of applications in many different areas. On the other hand, many protocols and algorithms used in traditional wireless networks are not feasible to be applied directly to WSNs due to the strictly limited power, computation capability and memory resources of sensor nodes. Moreover, distinct requirements of WSN applications usually impose applicationspecific approaches for communication protocols. Event driven WSN applications are targeted in the scope of this thesis. Especially in the applications, where a large number of sensor nodes are randomly and densely deployed in remote and difficult to reach networking environments, changing batteries supplying energy to the sensor nodes is extremely difficult, even impossible. Therefore energy efficiency becomes one of the most important WSN design criteria as in this thesis. Keeping the communication delays in some given limits is also critically important for this kind of applications since the sensed data should be transmitted as soon as possible in event driven WSN applications. Conventional TDMA based MAC protocols are not well suited to the event driven WSN applications. In the literature, there are some MAC protocols specially designed for these applications but they allocate time slots to only source nodes and do not take into consideration data redundancy resulting from the same data retransmitted from the same region. By the opinion that getting the similar data from the same region simultaneously does not provide additional contribution for evaluation of the event/situation, the fundamental motivation of this thesis work is to reduce data redundancy, energy consumption and latency by assigning a time slot to only one of the source nodes all with the same data sensed and to be sent. In this PhD thesis, a MAC protocol (M-BMA) for event driven WSN applications is proposed. A new generic content based scheduling approach, named as active node determination method (ANDM), has been developed and deployed in the MAC design stages. By means of comparative performance analyses with its counterpart protocols, it has been concluded that the M-BMA protocol provides improvement in energy saving and latency reduction

    Cross-layer energy optimisation of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    Recent technological developments in embedded systems have led to the emergence of a new class of networks, known asWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where individual nodes cooperate wirelessly with each other with the goal of sensing and interacting with the environment.Many routing protocols have been developed tomeet the unique and challenging characteristics of WSNs (notably very limited power resources to sustain an expected lifetime of perhaps years, and the restricted computation, storage and communication capabilities of nodes that are nonetheless required to support large networks and diverse applications). No standards for routing have been developed yet for WSNs, nor has any protocol gained a dominant position among the research community. Routing has a significant influence on the overall WSN lifetime, and providing an energy efficient routing protocol remains an open problem. This thesis addresses the issue of designing WSN routing methods that feature energy efficiency. A common time reference across nodes is required in mostWSN applications. It is needed, for example, to time-stamp sensor samples and for duty cycling of nodes. Alsomany routing protocols require that nodes communicate according to some predefined schedule. However, independent distribution of the time information, without considering the routing algorithm schedule or network topology may lead to a failure of the synchronisation protocol. This was confirmed empirically, and was shown to result in loss of connectivity. This can be avoided by integrating the synchronisation service into the network layer with a so-called cross-layer approach. This approach introduces interactions between the layers of a conventional layered network stack, so that the routing layer may share information with other layers. I explore whether energy efficiency can be enhanced through the use of cross-layer optimisations and present three novel cross-layer routing algorithms. The first protocol, designed for hierarchical, cluster based networks and called CLEAR (Cross Layer Efficient Architecture for Routing), uses the routing algorithm to distribute time information which can be used for efficient duty cycling of nodes. The second method - called RISS (Routing Integrated Synchronization Service) - integrates time synchronization into the network layer and is designed to work well in flat, non-hierarchical network topologies. The third method - called SCALE (Smart Clustering Adapted LEACH) - addresses the influence of the intra-cluster topology on the energy dissipation of nodes. I also investigate the impact of the hop distance on network lifetime and propose a method of determining the optimal location of the relay node (the node through which data is routed in a two-hop network). I also address the problem of predicting the transition region (the zone separating the region where all packets can be received and that where no data can be received) and I describe a way of preventing the forwarding of packets through relays belonging in this transition region. I implemented and tested the performance of these solutions in simulations and also deployed these routing techniques on sensor nodes using TinyOS. I compared the average power consumption of the nodes and the precision of time synchronization with the corresponding parameters of a number of existing algorithms. All proposed schemes extend the network lifetime and due to their lightweight architecture they are very efficient on WSN nodes with constrained resources. Hence it is recommended that a cross-layer approach should be a feature of any routing algorithm for WSNs

    Soluções para redes de sensores sem fio com mobilidade: protocolo de roteamento com priorização de mensagens e mecanismo de predição de conectividade local

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2013.As redes de sensores sem fio (RSSF) proporcionam uma ampla gama de aplicações em diversos setores da sociedade. A comunicação entre os nodos sensores é o elemento básico do funcionamento das redes de sensores. Por isso, o trabalho desta tese se concentra em duas questões essenciais para aperfeiçoamento de protocolos de rede. Primeiramente, uma arquitetura para protocolos de roteamento com garantia de qualidade de serviço foi proposta no escopo de cenárioscom mobilidade. O protocolo proposto utiliza métricas para tomada de decisão para realizar retransmissão de mensagens que refletem as condições da rede, sejam redes densas ou esparsas, com grande ou pouca carga de mensagem. A proposta do protocolo de comunicação foi avaliada sob a ótica de um cenário de aplicação envolvendo mobilidade e diferentes cargas de mensagens. Além disso, as métricas foram desagregadas e analisadas para verificar a sua influência para diferentes condições de rede. Em conjunto à análise das métricas, diversos trabalhos da literatura foram analisados sob os mesmos aspectos e condições de rede para melhor avaliar o ganho do protocolo proposto, o qual se mostrou hábil para o atendimento de requisitos de qualidade de serviço demandado pela aplicação. O segundo aspecto igualmente importante para o desempenho das redes de sensores trata-se do aspecto fundamental para realização da comunicação em ambientes com mobilidade, que é a conectividade. A conectividade foi estudada na sua característica essencial que se refere ao enlace entre dois nodos móveis. Dois modelos foram projetados para proporcionar a estimativa de conectividade por meio da qualidade de enlace para protocolos e aplicações. O primeiro modelo proposto se baseia no comportamento estatístico dos padrões de mobilidade para realizar a estimativa da qualidade de enlace. O segundo modelo proposto se baseia no método de aprendizado sistema classificador para aprender o comportamento do padrão de mobilidade. Ambos os modelos foram implementados e testados com diferentes padrões de mobilidade. Ademais, alguns trabalhos da literatura também foram implementados, avaliados e comparados com os modelos propostos. O método de aprendizado com sistema classificador se mostrou eficiente na estimação de conectividade, bem como capaz de se adaptar a mudanças no padrão de mobilidade.Abstract : Wireless sensor networks (WSN) provide a wide range of applications in various sectors of society. The communication among the sensor nodes is the basic element of sensor networks function. Given this premisse, this thesis focuses on two key issues for the improvement of network protocols. Firstly, an protocol for routing protocols with guaranteed quality of service was proposed to deal with mobility scenarios. The proposed protocol uses several metrics that reflect the network conditions in dense or sparse networks with small or large load of messages for routing decisions. The proposed communication protocol was evaluated from the perspective of an application scenario involving mobility and different loads of messages. Furthermore, the metrics were disaggregated and analyzed to check their influence with different network conditions. Moreover, several algorithms from the iii literature were analyzed under the same aspects and network conditions to better assess the gain of the proposed protocol. The proposed protocol proved to be able to fulfill the quality of service requirements demanded by the application. The second equally important aspect for the performance of WSN it is the fundamental aspect for achieving communication in environments with mobility: the connectivity. Two models were designed to provide connectivity estimation by means of link quality to improve protocols and applications. The first proposed model is based on statistical behavior mobility patterns to perform the estimation of link quality. The second proposed model is based on a learning method classifier system to learn the behavior of the mobility pattern. Both models were implemented and tested with different mobility patterns. Furthermore, other existing approaches have also been implemented, evaluated, and contrasted against the proposed models. The learning method with classifier system is efficient for estimation of connectivity, as well as able to adapt to changes in mobility pattern

    Data gathering techniques on wireless sensor networks

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    The nearly exponential growth of the performance/price and performance/size ratios of computers has given rise to the development of inexpensive, miniaturized systems with wireless and sensing capabilities. Such wireless sensors are able to produce a wealth of information about our personal environment, in agricultural and industrial monitoring, and many other scenarios. Each sensor due to its miniature nature has severe resource constraints in terms of processing power, storage space, battery capacity and bandwidth of radio. Our goal in this research is to maximize the extraction of information out of the sensor network by efficient resource utilization

    Self-organization and management of wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a newly deployed networking technology consisting of multifunctional sensor nodes that are small in size and communicate over short distances. These sensor nodes are mainly in large numbers and are densely deployed either inside the phenomenon or very close to it. They can be used for various application areas (e.g. health, military, home). WSNs provide several advantages over traditional networks, such as large-scale deployment, highresolution sensed data, and application adaptive mechanisms. However, due to their unique characteristics (having dynamic topology, ad-hoc and unattended deployment, huge amount of data generation and traffic flow, limited bandwidth and energy), WSNs pose considerable challenges for network management and make application development nontrivial. Management of wireless sensor networks is extremely important in order to keep the whole network and application work properly and continuously. Despite the importance of sensor network management, there is no generalize solution available for managing and controlling these resource constrained WSNs. In network management of WSNs, energy-efficient network selforganization is one of the main challenging issues. Self-organization is the property which the sensor nodes must have to organize themselves to form the network. Selforganization of WSNs is challenging because of the tight constraints on the bandwidth and energy resources available in these networks. A self organized sensor network can be clustered or grouped into an easily manageable network. However, existing clustering schemes offer various limitations. For example, existing clustering schemes consume too much energy in cluster formation and re-formation. This thesis presents a novel cellular self-organizing hierarchical architecture for wireless sensor networks. The cellular architecture extends the network life time by efficiently utilizing nodes energy and support the scalability of the system. We have analyzed the performance of the architecture analytically and by simulations. The results obtained from simulation have shown that our cellular architecture is more energy efficient and achieves better energy consumption distribution. The cellular architecture is then mapped into a management framework to support the network management system for resource constraints WSNs. The management framework is self-managing and robust to changes in the network. It is application-co-operative and optimizes itself to support the unique requirements of each application. The management framework consists of three core functional areas i.e., configuration management, fault management, and mobility management. For configuration management, we have developed a re-configuration algorithm to support sensor networks to energy-efficiently re-form the network topology due to network dynamics i.e. node dying, node power on and off, new node joining the network and cells merging. In the area of fault management we have developed a new fault management mechanism to detect failing nodes and recover the connectivity in WSNs. For mobility management, we have developed a two phase sensor relocation solution: redundant mobile sensors are first identified and then relocated to the target location to deal with coverage holes. All the three functional areas have been evaluated and compared against existing solutions. Evaluation results show a significant improvement in terms of re-configuration, failure detection and recovery, and sensors relocation

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering