17 research outputs found

    Interactive visualization of video content and associated description for semantic annotation

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    In this paper, we present an intuitive graphic fra- mework introduced for the effective visualization of video content and associated audio-visual description, with the aim to facilitate a quick understanding and annotation of the semantic content of a video sequence. The basic idea consists in the visualization of a 2D feature space in which the shots of the considered video sequence are located. Moreover, the temporal position and the specific content of each shot can be displayed and analysed in more detail. The selected fea- tures are decided by the user, and can be updated during the navigation session. In the main window, shots of the consi- dered video sequence are displayed in a Cartesian plane, and the proposed environment offers various functionalities for automatically and semi-automatically finding and annotating the shot clusters in such feature space. With this tool the user can therefore explore graphically how the basic segments of a video sequence are distributed in the feature space, and can recognize and annotate the significant clusters and their structure. The experimental results show that browsing and annotating documents with the aid of the proposed visuali- zation paradigms is easy and quick, since the user has a fast and intuitive access to the audio-video content, even if he or she has not seen the document yet

    COSMOS-7: Video-oriented MPEG-7 scheme for modelling and filtering of semantic content

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    MPEG-7 prescribes a format for semantic content models for multimedia to ensure interoperability across a multitude of platforms and application domains. However, the standard leaves it open as to how the models should be used and how their content should be filtered. Filtering is a technique used to retrieve only content relevant to user requirements, thereby reducing the necessary content-sifting effort of the user. This paper proposes an MPEG-7 scheme that can be deployed for semantic content modelling and filtering of digital video. The proposed scheme, COSMOS-7, produces rich and multi-faceted semantic content models and supports a content-based filtering approach that only analyses content relating directly to the preferred content requirements of the user

    Video summarisation: A conceptual framework and survey of the state of the art

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    This is the post-print (final draft post-refereeing) version of the article. Copyright @ 2007 Elsevier Inc.Video summaries provide condensed and succinct representations of the content of a video stream through a combination of still images, video segments, graphical representations and textual descriptors. This paper presents a conceptual framework for video summarisation derived from the research literature and used as a means for surveying the research literature. The framework distinguishes between video summarisation techniques (the methods used to process content from a source video stream to achieve a summarisation of that stream) and video summaries (outputs of video summarisation techniques). Video summarisation techniques are considered within three broad categories: internal (analyse information sourced directly from the video stream), external (analyse information not sourced directly from the video stream) and hybrid (analyse a combination of internal and external information). Video summaries are considered as a function of the type of content they are derived from (object, event, perception or feature based) and the functionality offered to the user for their consumption (interactive or static, personalised or generic). It is argued that video summarisation would benefit from greater incorporation of external information, particularly user based information that is unobtrusively sourced, in order to overcome longstanding challenges such as the semantic gap and providing video summaries that have greater relevance to individual users

    Speaker Detection and Applications to Cross-Modal Analysis of Planning Meetings

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    Abstract-Detection of meeting events is one of the most important tasks in multimodal analysis of planning meetings. Speaker detection is a key step for extraction of most meaningful meeting events. In this paper, we present an approach of speaker localization using combination of visual and audio information in multimodal meeting analysis. When talking, people make a speech accompanying mouth movements and hand gestures. By computing correlation of audio signals, mouth movements, and hand motion, we detect a talking person both spatially and temporally. Three kinds of features are extracted for speaker localization. Hand movements are expressed by hand motion efforts; audio features are expressed by computing 12 mel-frequency cepstral coefficients from audio signals, and mouth movements are expressed by normalized cross-correlation coefficients of mouth area between two successive frames. A time delay neural network is trained to learn the correlation relationships, which is then applied to perform speaker localization. Experiments and applications in planning meeting environments are provided

    A Large-Scale Evaluation of Acoustic and Subjective Music Similarity Measures

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    Subjective similarity between musical pieces and artists is an elusive concept, but one that music be pursued in support of applications to provide automatic organization of large music collections. In this paper, we examine both acoustic and subjective approaches for calculating similarity between artists, comapring their performance on a common database of 400 popular artists. Specifically, we evaluate acoustic techniques based on Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients and an intermediate `anchor space' of genre classification, and subjective techniques which use data from The All Music Guide, from a survey, from playlists and personal collections, and from web-text mining. We find the following: (1) Acoustic-base measures can acheive agreement with ground truth data that is at least comparable to the internal agreement between different subjective sources. However, we observe significant differences between suerficially similar distribution modeling and comparison techniques. (2) Subjective measures from diverse sources show reasonable agreement, with the measure derived from co-occurrence in personal music collections being the most reliable overall. (3) Our methodology for large-scale cross-site music similarity evaluations is practical and convenient, yielding directly comparable numbers for different approaches. In particular, we hope that for out information-retrieval-based approach to scoring similarity measures, our paradigm of sharing common feature representations, and even our particular dataset of features for 400 artists, will be useful to other researchers

    Macro-and Micro-Expressions Facial Datasets: A Survey

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    Automatic facial expression recognition is essential for many potential applications. Thus, having a clear overview on existing datasets that have been investigated within the framework of face expression recognition is of paramount importance in designing and evaluating effective solutions, notably for neural networks-based training. In this survey, we provide a review of more than eighty facial expression datasets, while taking into account both macro-and micro-expressions. The proposed study is mostly focused on spontaneous and in-the-wild datasets, given the common trend in the research is that of considering contexts where expressions are shown in a spontaneous way and in a real context. We have also provided instances of potential applications of the investigated datasets, while putting into evidence their pros and cons. The proposed survey can help researchers to have a better understanding of the characteristics of the existing datasets, thus facilitating the choice of the data that best suits the particular context of their application

    Automatic summarization of narrative video

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    The amount of digital video content available to users is rapidly increasing. Developments in computer, digital network, and storage technologies all contribute to broaden the offer of digital video. Only users’ attention and time remain scarce resources. Users face the problem of choosing the right content to watch among hundreds of potentially interesting offers. Video and audio have a dynamic nature: they cannot be properly perceived without considering their temporal dimension. This property makes it difficult to get a good idea of what a video item is about without watching it. Video previews aim at solving this issue by providing compact representations of video items that can help users making choices in massive content collections. This thesis is concerned with solving the problem of automatic creation of video previews. To allow fast and convenient content selection, a video preview should take into consideration more than thirty requirements that we have collected by analyzing related literature on video summarization and film production. The list has been completed with additional requirements elicited by interviewing end-users, experts and practitioners in the field of video editing and multimedia. This list represents our collection of user needs with respect to video previews. The requirements, presented from the point of view of the end-users, can be divided into seven categories: duration, continuity, priority, uniqueness, exclusion, structural, and temporal order. Duration requirements deal with the durations of the preview and its subparts. Continuity requirements request video previews to be as continuous as possible. Priority requirements indicate which content should be included in the preview to convey as much information as possible in the shortest time. Uniqueness requirements aim at maximizing the efficiency of the preview by minimizing redundancy. Exclusion requirements indicate which content should not be included in the preview. Structural requirements are concerned with the structural properties of video, while temporal order requirements set the order of the sequences included in the preview. Based on these requirements, we have introduced a formal model of video summarization specialized for the generation of video previews. The basic idea is to translate the requirements into score functions. Each score function is defined to have a non-positive value if a requirement is not met, and to increase depending on the degree of fulfillment of the requirement. A global objective function is then defined that combines all the score functions and the problem of generating a preview is translated into the problem of finding the parts of the initial content that maximize the objective function. Our solution approach is based on two main steps: preparation and selection. In the preparation step, the raw audiovisual data is analyzed and segmented into basic elements that are suitable for being included in a preview. The segmentation of the raw data is based on a shot-cut detection algorithm. In the selection step various content analysis algorithms are used to perform scene segmentation, advertisements detection and to extract numerical descriptors of the content that, introduced in the objective function, allow to estimate the quality of a video preview. The core part of the selection step is the optimization step that consists in searching the set of segments that maximizes the objective function in the space of all possible previews. Instead of solving the optimization problem exactly, an approximate solution is found by means of a local search algorithm using simulated annealing. We have performed a numerical evaluation of the quality of the solutions generated by our algorithm with respect to previews generated randomly or by selecting segments uniformly in time. The results on thirty content items have shown that the local search approach outperforms the other methods. However, based on this evaluation, we cannot conclude that the degree of fulfillment of the requirements achieved by our method satisfies the end-user needs completely. To validate our approach and assess end-user satisfaction, we conducted a user evaluation study in which we compared six aspects of previews generated using our algorithm to human-made previews and to previews generated by subsampling. The results have shown that previews generated using our optimization-based approach are not as good as manually made previews, but have higher quality than previews created using subsample. The differences between the previews are statistically significant

    Система розпізнавання команд за допомогою читання з губ

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    Дипломна робота: 110 с., 28 рис., 7 табл., 2 додатки, 25 джерел. Метою роботи є розробка додатку, що зчитує команди, сказані людиною, з камери в реальному часі, та вивід цих команд на екран. У дослідженні проаналізовано методи глибокого навчання, та застосовано деякі математичні підходи. Результати роботи: - розроблено додаток, що працює в режимі реального часу - розроблено алгоритм детекції пауз між різними фразами - реалізовано інтерфейс користувача для даного додатку Додаток використовується у сферах, де немає можливості застосувати аудіо-обробку.Theme of work: "System of commands recognition using lipreading". Thesis contains 110 p., 28 fig., 7 tabl., 2 appendices and 25 sources. The purpose of the work is to develop an application that reads the commands spoken by a person from the camera in real time, and displays these commands on the screen, or perform actions that correspond to them. The study analyzed the methods of deep learning, and applied some mathematical approaches. Results of work: - A real-time application is developed - an algorithm for detecting pauses between different phrases has been developed - The user interface for this application is implemented The application is used in areas where it is not possible to apply audio processing