15 research outputs found

    Field Spectroscopy in the VNIR-SWIR region to discriminate between Mediterranean native plants and exotic-invasive shrubs based on leaf tannin content

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    The invasive shrub, Acacia longifolia, native to southeastern Australia, has a negative impact on vegetation and ecosystem functioning in Portuguese dune ecosystems. In order to spectrally discriminate A. longifolia from other non-native and native species, we developed a classification model based on leaf reflectance spectra (350–2500 nm) and condensed leaf tannin content. High variation of leaf tannin content is common for Mediterranean shrub and tree species, in particular between N-fixing and non-N-fixing species, as well as within the genus, Acacia. However, variation in leaf tannin content has not been studied in coastal dune ecosystems in southwest Portugal. We hypothesized that condensed tannin concentration varies significantly across species, further allowing for distinguishing invasive, nitrogen-fixing A. longifolia from other vegetation based on leaf spectral reflectance data. Spectral field measurements were carried out using an ASD FieldSpec FR spectroradiometer attached to an ASD leaf clip in order to collect 750 in situ leaf reflectance spectra of seven frequent plant species at three study sites in southwest Portugal. We applied partial least squares (PLS) regression to predict the obtained leaf reflectance spectra of A. longifolia individuals to their corresponding tannin concentration. A. longifolia had the lowest tannin concentration of all investigated species. Four wavelength regions (675–710 nm, 1060–1170 nm, 1360–1450 nm and 1630–1740 nm) were identified as being highly correlated with tannin concentration. A spectra-based classification model of the different plant species was calculated using a principal component analysis-linear discriminant analysis (PCA-LDA). The best prediction of A. longifolia was achieved by using wavelength regions between 1360–1450 nm and 1630–1740 nm, resulting in a user’s accuracy of 98.9%. In comparison, selecting the entire wavelength range, the best user accuracy only reached 86.5% for A. longifolia individuals

    The Potential of Hyperspectral Patterns of Winter Wheat to Detect Changes in Soil Microbial Community Composition

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    Reliable information on soil status and crop health is crucial for detecting and mitigating disasters like pollution or minimizing impact from soil-borne diseases. While infestation with an aggressive soil pathogen can be detected via reflected light spectra, it is unknown to what extent hyperspectral reflectance could be used to detect overall changes in soil biodiversity. We tested the hypotheses that spectra can be used to (1) separate plants growing with microbial communities from different farms; (2) to separate plants growing in different microbial communities due to different land use; and (3) separate plants according to microbial species loss. We measured hyperspectral reflectance patterns of winter wheat plants growing in sterilized soils inoculated with microbial suspensions under controlled conditions. Microbial communities varied due to geographical distance, land use and microbial species loss caused by serial dilution. After 3 months of growth in the presence of microbes from the two different farms plant hyperspectral reflectance patterns differed significantly from each other, while within farms the effects of land use via microbes on plant reflectance spectra were weak. Species loss via dilution on the other hand affected a number of spectral indices for some of the soils. Spectral reflectance can be indicative of differences in microbial communities, with the Renormalized Difference Vegetation Index the most common responding index. Also, a positive correlation was found between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and the bacterial species richness, which suggests that plants perform better with higher microbial diversity. There is considerable variation between the soil origins and currently it is not possible yet to make sufficient reliable predictions about the soil microbial community based on the spectral reflectance. We conclude that measuring plant hyperspectral reflectance has potential for detecting changes in microbial communities yet due to its sensitivity high replication is necessary and a strict sampling design to exclude other ‘noise’ factors.</p

    Site-Specific Weed Management Using Remote Sensing

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    Identification of the spectral signature of noxious weed St. John’s wort and development of a tracking methodology via remote sensing

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    Through geographical and evolutionary isolation, Australia is highly susceptible to invasive plants including noxious weeds. Significant environmental and economic impacts created by the presence of noxious weeds became the driving factors in targeting effective and efficient detection and tracking methodologies in this research project. This project aims to determine the spectral signature of the declared noxious weed St. John’s wort (hypericum perforatum L.) through the application of remote sensing techniques to satellite imagery incorporating known locations. The intention here is to enhance practices undertaken by local control authorities and other stakeholders by enabling effective remote detection and tracking capabilities. Specific project objectives include acquisition of freely available, regularly captured remotely sensed data, utilisation of freely available geographic information system / remote sensing software packages and techniques, mapping existing occurrences of St. John’s wort throughout the Bega Valley Shire local government area, and investigation of the potential to use the techniques adopted in St. John’s wort identification and tracking programs. The project methodology included identification of background pertinent to noxious weeds (specifically St. John’s wort), review of remote sensing techniques, identification of the spectral signature of St. John’s wort through compilation of a list of known locations and application of remote sensing land cover classification techniques, and review and discussion of the potential to develop identification and tracking programs. Results obtained through application of the project methodology ranged in accuracy through different seasonal points of data capture. Key project limitations contributing to the accuracy of results include data resolution and site accessibility. Privacy implications removed the potential to ground truth results during the analysis phase, and the relatively coarse resolution of the freely available satellite imagery used had a correlation to accuracy of results obtained via the land cover classification technique utilised. Conclusions drawn reiterate the implications of data and site access limitations inherent to the project, as do the recommendations for further study

    A multiscale remote sensing assessment of subtropical indigenous forests along the wild coast, South Africa

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    The subtropical forests located along South Africa’s Wild Coast region, declared as one of the biodiversity hotspots, provide benefits to the local and national economy. However, there is evidence of increased pressure exerted on the forests by growing population and reduced income from activities not related to forest products. The ability of remote sensing to quantify subtropical forest changes over time, perform species discrimination (using field spectroscopy) and integrating field spectral and multispectral data were all assessed in this study. Investigations were conducted at pixel, leaf and sub-pixel levels. Both per-pixel and sub-pixel classification methods were used for improved forest characterisation. Using SPOT 6 imagery for 2013, the study determined the best classification algorithm for mapping sub-tropical forest and other land cover types to be the maximum likelihood classifier. Maximum likelihood outperformed minimum distance, spectral angle mapper and spectral information divergence algorithms, based on overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient values. Forest change analysis was made based on spectral measurements made at top of the atmosphere (TOC) level. When applied to the 2005 and 2009 SPOT 5 images, subtropical forest changes between 2005-2009 and 2009-2013 were quantified. A temporal analysis of forest cover trends in the periods 2005-2009 and 2009-2013 identified a decreasing trend of -3648.42 and -946.98 ha respectively, which translated to 7.81 percent and 2.20 percent decrease. Although there is evidence of a trend towards decreased rates of forest loss, more conservation efforts are required to protect the Wild Coast ecosystem. Using field spectral measurements data, the hierarchical method (comprising One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction, Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and Jeffries Matusita method) successfully selected optimal wavelengths for species discrimination at leaf level. Only 17 out of 2150 wavelengths were identified, thereby reducing the complexities related to data dimensionality. The optimal 17 wavelength bands were noted in the visible (438, 442, 512 and 695 nm), near infrared (724, 729, 750, 758, 856, 936, 1179, 1507 and 1673 nm) and mid-infrared (2220, 2465, 2469 and 2482 nm) portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Jeffries-Matusita (JM) distance method confirmed the separability of the selected wavelength bands. Using these 17 wavelengths, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classified subtropical species at leaf level more accurately than partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) and random forest (RF). In addition, the study integrated field-collected canopy spectral and multispectral data to discriminate proportions of semi-deciduous and evergreen subtropical forests at sub-pixel level. By using the 2013 land cover (using MLC) to mask non-forested portions before sub-pixel classification (using MTMF), the proportional maps were a product of two classifiers. The proportional maps show higher proportions of evergreen forests along the coast while semi-deciduous subtropical forest species were mainly on inland parts of the Wild Coast. These maps had high accuracy, thereby proving the ability of an integration of field spectral and multispectral data in mapping semi-deciduous and evergreen forest species. Overall, the study has demonstrated the importance of the MLC and LDA and served to integrate field spectral and multispectral data in subtropical forest characterisation at both leaf and top-of-atmosphere levels. The success of both the MLC and LDA further highlighted how essential parametric classifiers are in remote sensing forestry applications. Main subtropical characteristics highlighted in this study were species discrimination at leaf level, quantifying forest change at pixel level and discriminating semi-deciduous and evergreen forests at sub-pixel level

    Understanding Striga occurrence and risk under changing climatic conditions across different agroecological farming systems at local and regional scales122

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThe invasion by Striga in most cereal crop fields in Africa has posed an acute threat to food security and socioeconomic integrity. Consequently, numerous technological and research developments have been made to minimize and even control the Striga impacts on crop production. So far, efforts to control Striga have primarily focused on the manipulation of the genetics of the host crops, as well as understanding the phenological and physiological traits, along with the chemical composition of the weed

    UAV and field spectrometer based remote sensing for maize phenotyping, varietal discrimination and yield forecasting.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Maize is the major staple food crop in the majority of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. However, production statistics (croplands and yields) are rarely measured, and where they are recorded, accuracy is poor because the statistics are updated through the farm survey method, which is error-prone and is time-consuming, and expensive. There is an urgent need to use affordable, accurate, timely, and readily accessible data collection and spatial analysis tools, including robust data extraction and processing techniques for precise yield forecasting for decision support and early warning systems. Meeting Africa’s rising food demand, which is driven by population growth and low productivity requires doubling the current production of major grain crops like maize by 2050. This requires innovative approaches and mechanisms that support accurate yield forecasting for early warning systems coupled with accelerated crop genetic improvement. Recent advances in remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) have enabled detailed cropland mapping, spatial analysis of land suitability, crop type, and varietal discrimination, and ultimately grain yield forecasting in the developed world. However, although remote sensing and spatial analysis afforded us unprecedented opportunities for detailed data collection, their application in maize in Africa is still limited. In Africa, the challenge of crop yield forecasting using remote sensing is a daunting task because agriculture is highly fragmented, cropland is spatially heterogeneous, and cropping systems are highly diverse and mosaic. The dearth of data on the application of remote sensing and GIS in crop yield forecasting and land suitability analysis is not only worrying but catastrophic to food security monitoring and early warning systems in a continent burdened with chronic food shortages. Furthermore, accelerated crop genetic improvement to increase yield and achieve better adaptation to climate change is an issue of increasing urgency in order to satisfy the ever-increasing food demand. Recently, crop improvement programs are exploring the use of remotely sensed data that can be used cost-effectively for varietal evaluation and analysis in crop phenotyping, which currently remains a major bottleneck in crop genetic improvement. Yet studies on evaluation of maize varietal response to abiotic and biotic stresses found in the target production environments are limited. Therefore, the aim of this study was to model spatial land suitability for maize production using GIS and explore the potential use of field spectrometer and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) based remotely sensed data in maize varietal discrimination, high-throughput phenotyping, and yield prediction. Firstly, an overview of major remote-sensing platforms and their applicability to estimating maize grain yield in the African agricultural context, including research challenges was provided. Secondly, maize land suitability analysis using GIS and analytical hierarchical process (AHP) was performed in Zimbabwe. Finally, the utility of proximal and UAV-based remotely sensed data for maize phenotyping, varietal discrimination, and yield forecasting were explored. The results showed that the use of remote sensing data in estimating maize yield in the African agricultural systems is still limited and obtaining accurate and reliable maize yield estimates using remotely sensed data remains a challenge due to the highly fragmented and spatially heterogeneous nature of the cropping systems. Our results underscored the urgent need to use sensors with high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution, coupled with appropriate classification techniques and accurate ground truth data in estimating maize yield and its spatiotemporal dynamics in heterogeneous African agricultural landscapes for designing appropriate food security interventions. In addition, using modern spatial analysis tools is effective in assessing land suitability for targeting location-specific interventions and can serve as a decision support tool for policymakers and land-use planners regarding maize production and varietal placement. Discriminating maize varieties using remotely sensed data is crucial for crop monitoring, high throughput phenotyping, and yield forecasting. Using proximal sensing, our study showed that maize varietal discrimination is possible at certain phenological growth stages at the field level, which is crucial for yield forecasting and varietal phenotyping in crop improvement. In addition, the use of proximal remote sensing data with appropriate pre-processing algorithms such as auto scaling and generalized least squares weighting significantly improved the discrimination ability of partial least square discriminant analysis, and identify optimal spectral bands for maize varietal discrimination. Using proximal sensing was not only able to discriminate maize varieties but also identified the ideal phenological stage for varietal discrimination. Flowering and onset of senescence appeared to be the most ideal stages for accurate varietal discrimination using our data. In this study, we also demonstrated the potential use of UAV-based remotely sensed data in maize varietal phenotyping in crop improvement. Using multi-temporal UAV-derived multispectral data and Random Forest (RF) algorithm, our study identified not only the optimal bands and indices but also the ideal growth stage for accurate varietal phenotyping under maize streak virus (MSV) infection. The RF classifier selected green normalized difference vegetation index (GNDVI), green Chlorophyll Index (CIgreen), Red-edge Chlorophyll Index (CIred-edge), and the Red band as the most important variables for classification. The results demonstrated that spectral bands and vegetation indices measured at the vegetative stage are the most important for the classification of maize varietal response to MSV. Further analysis to predict MSV disease and grain yield using UAV-derived multispectral imaging data using multiple models showed that Red and NIR bands were frequently selected in most of the models that gave the highest prediction precision for grain yield. Combining the NIR band with Red band improved the explanatory power of the prediction models. This was also true with the selected indices. Thus, not all indices or bands measure the same aspect of biophysical parameters or crop productivity, and combining them increased the joint predictive power, consequently increased complementarity. Overall, the study has demonstrated the potential use of spatial analysis tools in land suitability analysis for maize production and the utility of remotely sensed data in maize varietal discrimination, phenotyping, and yield prediction. These results are useful for targeting location-specific interventions for varietal placement and integrating UAV-based high-throughput phenotyping systems in crop genetic improvement to address continental food security, especially as climate change accelerates

    Remote sensing grass quantity under different grassland management treatments practised in the Southern African rangelands.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2016.Abstract available in PDF file

    Suivi écologique des prairies semi-naturelles : analyse statistique de séries temporelles denses d'images satellite à haute résolution spatiale

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    ID ProdINRA 415874Grasslands are a significant source of biodiversity in farmed landscapes that is important to monitor. New generation satellites such as Sentinel-2 offer new opportunities for grassland’s monitoring thanks to their combined high spatial and temporal resolutions. Conversely, the new type of data provided by these sensors involves big data and high dimensional issues because of the increasing number of pixels to process and the large number of spectro-temporal variables. This thesis explores the potential of the new generation satellites to monitor biodiversity and factors that influence biodiversity in semi-natural grasslands. Tools suitable for the statistical analysis of grasslands using dense satellite image time series (SITS) with high spatial resolution are provided. First, we show that the spectro-temporal response of grasslands is characterized by its variability within and among the grasslands. Then, for the statistical analysis, grasslands are modeled at the object level to be consistent with ecological models that represent grasslands at the field scale. We propose to model the distribution of pixels in a grassland by a Gaussian distribution. Following this modeling, similarity measures between two Gaussian distributions robust to the high dimension are developed for the classification of grasslands using dense SITS: the High-Dimensional Kullback-Leibler Divergence and the α-Gaussian Mean Kernel. The latter out-performs conventional methods used with Support Vector Machines for the classification of grasslands according to their management practices and to their age. Finally, indicators of grassland biodiversity issued from dense SITS are proposed through spectro-temporal heterogeneity measures derived from the unsupervised clustering of grasslands. Their correlation with the Shannon index is significant but low. The results suggest that the spectro-temporal variations measured from SITS at a spatial resolution of 10 meters covering the period when the practices occur are more related to the intensity of management practices than to the species diversity. Therefore, although the spatial and spectral properties of Sentinel-2 seem limited to assess the species diversity in grasslands directly, this satellite should make possible the continuous monitoring of factors influencing biodiversity in grasslands. In this thesis, we provided methods that account for the heterogeneity within grasslands and enable the use of all the spectral andtemporal information provided by new generation satellites.Les prairies représentent une source importante de biodiversité dans les paysages agricoles qu’il est important de surveiller. Les satellites de nouvelle génération tels que Sentinel-2 offrent de nouvelles opportunités pour le suivi des prairies grâce à leurs hautes résolutions spatiale et temporelle combinées. Cependant, le nouveau type de données fourni par ces satellites implique des problèmes liés au big data et à la grande dimension des données en raison du nombre croissant de pixels à traiter et du nombre élevé de variables spectro-temporelles. Cette thèse explore le potentiel des satellites de nouvelle génération pour le suivi de la biodiversité et des facteurs qui influencent la biodiversité dans les prairies semi-naturelles. Des outils adaptés à l’analyse statistique des prairies à partir de séries temporelles d’images satellites (STIS) denses à haute résolution spatiale sont proposés. Tout d’abord, nous montrons que la réponse spectro-temporelle des prairies est caractérisée par sa variabilité au sein des prairies et parmi les prairies. Puis, pour les analyses statistiques, les prairies sont modélisées à l’échelle de l’objet pour être cohérent avec les modèles écologiques qui représentent les prairies à l’échelle de la parcelle. Nous proposons de modéliser la distribution des pixels dans une prairie par une loi gaussienne. A partir de cette modélisation, des mesures de similarité entre deux lois gaussiennes robustes à la grande dimension sont développées pour la classification des prairies en utilisant des STIS denses: High-Dimensional Kullback-Leibler Divergence et α-Gaussian Mean Kernel. Cette dernière est plus performante que les méthodes conventionnelles utilisées avec les machines à vecteur de support (SVM) pour la classification du mode de gestion et de l’âge des prairies. Enfin, des indicateurs de biodiversité des prairies issus de STIS denses sont proposés à travers des mesures d’hétérogénéité spectro-temporelle dérivées du clustering non supervisé des prairies. Leur corrélation avec l’indice de Shannon est significative mais faible. Les résultats suggèrent que les variations spectro-temporelles mesurées à partir de STIS à 10 mètres de résolution spatiale et qui couvrent la période où ont lieu les pratiques agricoles sont plus liées à l’intensité des pratiques qu’à la diversité en espèces. Ainsi, bien que les propriétés spatiales et temporelles de Sentinel-2 semblent limitées pour estimer directement la diversité en espèces des prairies, ce satellite devrait permettre le suivi continu des facteurs influençant la biodiversité dans les prairies. Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé des méthodes qui prennent en compte l’hétérogénéité au sein des prairies et qui permettent l’utilisation de toute l’information spectrale et temporelle fournie par les satellites de nouvelle génération

    Variabilidad en la respuesta espectral de especies forestales en un contexto urbano

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    La discriminación correcta de especies es fundamental para la gestión del arbolado urbano y su cuantificación mediante inventarios forestales. En el presente estudio se evalúo el potencial de clasificación de 3 especies forestales: Erythrina fusca, Ficus benjamina y Terminalia catappa, aplicando un Análisis Discriminante Lineal a los datos obtenidos a partir de una imagen de alta resolución espacial con 4 bandas espectrales (R, G, B y NIR) y la adquisición de espectros foliares de reflectancia tomados en 3 alturas de la copa. Los individuos muestreados estaban localizados en 3 Campus universitarios de la ciudad de Medellín: Universidad Nacional, Eafit y Universidad de Medellín. La clasificación a partir de los datos multiespectrales obtuvo mejores resultados con la información espectral sin transformar con una precisión general de 67,25%. Sin embargo, las precisiones individuales para las especies E. fusca y F. benjamina fueron 87,41% y 83,33%, respectivamente; T. catappa no fue discriminada con este tipo de datos. A partir de los datos hiperespectrales, se observó una mejor clasificación con los espectros transformados con Varianza Normal Estándar (SNV), obteniendo una precisión general de 78,69%, y específica de 82,99%, 51,68% y 94,89% para E. fusca, F. benjamina y T. catappa, respectivamente. Las bandas seleccionadas con el algoritmo Relief que influyeron en la discriminación espectral de especies correspondieron a una región del espectro visible (400 – 420 nm) y del borde rojo (716 – 745 nm), además de un intervalo en el infrarrojo cercano (841 – 907 nm). Se evidenciaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P < 0,05) en la reflectancia foliar dentro del perfil vertical del dosel, mostrando un patrón descendente desde la altura superior a la inferior. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los espectros foliares de acuerdo con la clasificación de los árboles según la distancia y tipo a las fuentes contaminantes (vías). Estos resultados sugieren que los datos hiperespectrales son una fuente potencial de información para la identificación de especies forestales y pueden proporcionar un conocimiento a priori de la composición florística en la ejecución de inventarios forestales urbanos.Magister en Medio Ambiente y DesarrolloMaestrí