299 research outputs found

    Convolution products for hypercomplex Fourier transforms

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    Hypercomplex Fourier transforms are increasingly used in signal processing for the analysis of higher-dimensional signals such as color images. A main stumbling block for further applications, in particular concerning filter design in the Fourier domain, is the lack of a proper convolution theorem. The present paper develops and studies two conceptually new ways to define convolution products for such transforms. As a by-product, convolution theorems are obtained that will enable the development and fast implementation of new filters for quaternionic signals and systems, as well as for their higher dimensional counterparts.Comment: 18 pages, two columns, accepted in J. Math. Imaging Visio

    The Study of Properties of n-D Analytic Signals and Their Spectra in Complex and Hypercomplex Domains

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    In the paper, two various representations of a n-dimensional (n-D) real signal u(x1,x2,…,xn) are investigated. The first one is the n-D complex analytic signal with a single-orthant spectrum defined by Hahn in 1992 as the extension of the 1-D Gabor’s analytic signal. It is compared with two hypercomplex approaches: the known n-D Clifford analytic signal and the Cayley-Dickson analytic signal defined by the Author in 2009. The signal-domain and frequency-domain definitions of these signals are presented and compared in 2-D and 3-D. Some new relations between the spectra in 2-D and 3-D hypercomplex domains are presented. The paper is illustrated with the example of a 2-D separable Cauchy pulse

    New techniques for the two-sided quaternionic fourier transform

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    In this paper, it is shown that there exists a Hermite basis for the two-sided quaternionic Fourier transform. This basis is subsequently used to give an alternative proof for the inversion theorem and to give insight in translation and convolution for the quaternionic Fourier transform

    Fourier transforms of hypercomplex signals

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    An overview is given to a new approach for obtaining generalized Fourier transforms in the context of hypercomplex analysis (or Clifford analysis). These transforms are applicable to higher-dimensional signals with several components and are different from the classical Fourier transform in that they mix the components of the signal. Subsequently, attention is focused on the special case of the so-called Clifford-Fourier transform where recently a lot of progress has been made. A fractional version of this transform is introduced and a series expansion for its integral kernel is obtained

    Instantaneous frequency and amplitude of complex signals based on quaternion Fourier transform

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    The ideas of instantaneous amplitude and phase are well understood for signals with real-valued samples, based on the analytic signal which is a complex signal with one-sided Fourier transform. We extend these ideas to signals with complex-valued samples, using a quaternion-valued equivalent of the analytic signal obtained from a one-sided quaternion Fourier transform which we refer to as the hypercomplex representation of the complex signal. We present the necessary properties of the quaternion Fourier transform, particularly its symmetries in the frequency domain and formulae for convolution and the quaternion Fourier transform of the Hilbert transform. The hypercomplex representation may be interpreted as an ordered pair of complex signals or as a quaternion signal. We discuss its derivation and properties and show that its quaternion Fourier transform is one-sided. It is shown how to derive from the hypercomplex representation a complex envelope and a phase. A classical result in the case of real signals is that an amplitude modulated signal may be analysed into its envelope and carrier using the analytic signal provided that the modulating signal has frequency content not overlapping with that of the carrier. We show that this idea extends to the complex case, provided that the complex signal modulates an orthonormal complex exponential. Orthonormal complex modulation can be represented mathematically by a polar representation of quaternions previously derived by the authors. As in the classical case, there is a restriction of non-overlapping frequency content between the modulating complex signal and the orthonormal complex exponential. We show that, under these conditions, modulation in the time domain is equivalent to a frequency shift in the quaternion Fourier domain. Examples are presented to demonstrate these concepts

    Complex and Hypercomplex Discrete Fourier Transforms Based on Matrix Exponential Form of Euler's Formula

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    We show that the discrete complex, and numerous hypercomplex, Fourier transforms defined and used so far by a number of researchers can be unified into a single framework based on a matrix exponential version of Euler's formula ejθ=cosθ+jsinθe^{j\theta}=\cos\theta+j\sin\theta, and a matrix root of -1 isomorphic to the imaginary root jj. The transforms thus defined can be computed using standard matrix multiplications and additions with no hypercomplex code, the complex or hypercomplex algebra being represented by the form of the matrix root of -1, so that the matrix multiplications are equivalent to multiplications in the appropriate algebra. We present examples from the complex, quaternion and biquaternion algebras, and from Clifford algebras Cl1,1 and Cl2,0. The significance of this result is both in the theoretical unification, and also in the scope it affords for insight into the structure of the various transforms, since the formulation is such a simple generalization of the classic complex case. It also shows that hypercomplex discrete Fourier transforms may be computed using standard matrix arithmetic packages without the need for a hypercomplex library, which is of importance in providing a reference implementation for verifying implementations based on hypercomplex code.Comment: The paper has been revised since the second version to make some of the reasons for the paper clearer, to include reviews of prior hypercomplex transforms, and to clarify some points in the conclusion

    Fractional fourier transforms of hypercomplex signals

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    An overview is given to a new approach for obtaining generalized Fourier transforms in the context of hypercomplex analysis (or Clifford analysis). These transforms are applicable to higher-dimensional signals with several components and are different from the classical Fourier transform in that they mix the components of the signal. Subsequently, attention is focused on the special case of the so-called Clifford-Fourier transform where recently a lot of progress has been made. A fractional version of this transform is introduced and a series expansion for its integral kernel is obtained. For the case of dimension 2, also an explicit expression for the kernel is given