241 research outputs found

    Applications of Silk in Biomedical and Healthcare Textiles

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    Global trends are shifting towards environmental friendly materials and manufacturing methods. Therefore, natural fiber applications are gaining traction globally. Silk, a natural protein fiber is one of the textile fibers that have recently received more attention due to the new frontiers brought about by technological advancement that has expanded the use of silk fiber beyond the conventional textile industry. The simple and versatile nature of silk fibroin process-ability has made silk appealing in wide range of applications. Silk is biocompatible, biodegradable, easy to functionalize and has excellent mechanical properties, in addition to optical transparency. This review chapter explores the use of silk in biomedical applications and healthcare textiles. Future trends in silk applications are also highlighted

    Biomedical applications of nanofibrillar cellulose

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    Hydrogels are emerging as an important source for current biomaterial design, as they often possess intrinsic physical and mechanical similarities with soft tissue, are non-toxic and biocompatible. However, many hydrogel-based biomimetic materials are either derived from limited sources, or require external activators to achieve functionality, such as chemical crosslinking or environmental cues. Furthermore, many cross-linkers used with hydrogels are toxic, and environmental cues invoke slow responses. Therefore, to function as a rational biomaterial design for a biomedical application, these properties are preferably avoided, or improved with a composite system containing two or more polymer components to overcome these limitations. Plant-derived nanofibrillar cellulose (NFC) possesses the same intrinsic properties as many other hydrogels derived from the components of extracellular matrices (ECM). Therefore, NFC shares the biocompatibility and non-toxicity aspects of biomimetic materials. However, additional features of NFC can be exploited, such as shear-thinning properties, spontaneous self-gelation and chemical modification capabilities. Additionally, the source of NFC is practically inexhaustible, and is environmentally biodegradable, bearing no ecological burden. Therefore, when designing hydrogel-based biomaterials, NFC offers versatility, which enables the fabrication of potential biomedical applications for various purposes in an environmentally safe way. In this thesis, a wide range of potential applications of NFC-based hydrogels were investigated. These include 3D cell culturing, in vivo implantation and coating systems for drug and cell delivery, controlled drug delivery and local delivery as a bioadhesive system. These methods offer insight into the versatility of NFC-based hydrogels, which could improve the future design of biomaterials, for a safer and more efficient use in biomedical applications.Hydrogeelien kÀyttö uusien biomateriaalien lÀhteenÀ on jatkuvasti nousussa, koska niiden fysikaaliset ja mekaaniset ominaisuudet muistuttavat luontaisesti pehmytkudosta, ja ne ovat biologisesti yhteensopivia aiheuttamatta solutoksisuutta. Kuitenkin, monet hydrogeeleihin perustuvat biomimeettiset materiaalit ovat perÀisin rajallisista lÀhteistÀ tai vaativat ulkoisia aktivaattoreita funktionaalisuuden takaamiseksi. Funktionaalisuus saavutetaan usein ympÀristössÀ olevien tekijöiden avulla, kuten lÀmmön tai pH:n vaikutuksesta, tai kemiallisilla yhdisteillÀ. Monet hydrogeelejÀ aktivoivat kemialliset yhdisteet ovat kuitenkin solutoksisia, ja lisÀksi, ympÀristön kautta tapahtuva aktivointi on usein prosessina liian hidas. TÀstÀ syystÀ, funktionaalisten biomateriaalien suunnittelussa nÀitÀ ominaisuuksia pyritÀÀn vÀlttÀmÀÀn. Tai nÀitÀ ominaisuuksia pyritÀÀn korjaamaan yhdistÀmÀllÀ kahta tai useampaa polymeerikomponenttia samaan systeemiin. KasviperÀisellÀ nanofibrillaarisella selluloosalla (NFC) on samoja ominaispiirteitÀ kuin monilla muillakin hydrogeeleillÀ, jotka ovat perÀisin ekstrasellulaarisesta matriisista. TÀstÀ johtuen, NFC:llÀ on myös biomimeettisiÀ ominaisuuksia, kuten esimerkiksi biologinen yhteensopivuus ja myrkyttömyys. NÀiden lisÀksi, NFC:n muita ominaisuuksia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ, kuten leikkausohenevuutta, spontaania gelatinoitumista ja kemiallista muokattavuutta. LisÀksi NFC:n lÀhde raaka-aineena on kÀytÀnnössÀ loputon ja se on ympÀristössÀ biologisesti hajoava. NÀistÀ syistÀ NFC on erittÀin monipuolinen uusien biomateriaalien suunnittelussa. NFC:n avulla on mahdollista valmistaa potentiaalisia biolÀÀketieteellisiÀ sovelluksia erilaisiin tarkoituksiin ympÀristöystÀvÀllisellÀ tavalla. TÀssÀ työssÀ tutkittiin NFC-pohjaisten hydrogeelien mahdollisia farmaseuttisia ja biolÀÀketieteellisiÀ sovelluksia. NÀitÀ sovelluksia ovat mm. 3D-soluviljely, in vivo implantaatio- ja pÀÀllystysmateriaali lÀÀkeaineiden ja solujen kuljettamiseen elimistöön sekÀ kontrolloitu- ja paikallinen lÀÀkeannostelu bioadhesiivisena lÀÀkevalmisteena. NÀmÀ menetelmÀt kartuttavat uutta tietoa liittyen NFC-pohjaisten hydrogeelien monipuolisuuteen. LisÀksi, nÀiden menetelmien avulla on mahdollista kehittÀÀ biomateriaalien suunnittelua kohti turvallisempaa ja tehokkaampaa biolÀÀketieteellisten sovellusten kÀyttöÀ

    Topographical and Biomechanical Guidance of Electrospun Fibers for Biomedical Applications

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    Electrospinning is gaining increasing interest in the biomedical field as an eco-friendly and economic technique for production of random and oriented polymeric fibers. The aim of this review was to give an overview of electrospinning potentialities in the production of fibers for biomedical applications with a focus on the possibility to combine biomechanical and topographical stimuli. In fact, selection of the polymer and the eventual surface modification of the fibers allow selection of the proper chemical/biological signal to be administered to the cells. Moreover, a proper design of fiber orientation, dimension, and topography can give the opportunity to drive cell growth also from a spatial standpoint. At this purpose, the review contains a first introduction on potentialities of electrospinning for the obtainment of random and oriented fibers both with synthetic and natural polymers. The biological phenomena which can be guided and promoted by fibers composition and topography are in depth investigated and discussed in the second section of the paper. Finally, the recent strategies developed in the scientific community for the realization of electrospun fibers and for their surface modification for biomedical application are presented and discussed in the last section

    Multifunctional mussel inspired coatings for orthopaedic applications

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia BiomĂ©dicaCurrently, there is still a significant rate of implant failures in clinical practice. Current solutions would consist of the development of robust, biocompatible, biodegradable coatings with enhanced adhesive and bioactive properties. So, in this work the development of multifunctional coatings inspired by adhesive properties of mussels and the robust nacre structure were proposed. Based on the configuration of the 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine (DOPA) amino-acid of the mussel’s adhesive proteins, catechol groups were conjugated to chitosan (CHT) and hyaluronic acid (HA). Layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly was used to mimic the nacre structure, where the organic phase consisted of both polymers and the inorganic phase of bioactive glass nanoparticles (BGNPs). In parallel, polymeric LbL coatings were constructed for the sake of comparison. The modified polymers were characterized by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy. The construction of various LbL configurations was monitored by quartz crystal microbalance and the adhesive properties were evaluated by lap shear adhesive tests. The bioactivity and the in-vitro cell behaviour were analysed for the coatings with and without BGNPs. In-vitro tests were conducted using the cell line L929. Hydroxyapatite deposition was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). Since the structure and topography play an important role in the functional performance of the films, two LbL assembly methods, dip- and spin-coating, were compared using three different substrates: glass, stainless steel, and titanium. The coatings were characterized by SEM, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and water contact angle (WCA). Given the enhanced adhesion and bioactivity of the developed films, they could be used as coatings of a variety of implants. In addition, spin-coating was found to be a particularly suitable method for the build-up, since films with smoother and more uniform surfaces were produced.Atualmente, ainda hĂĄ uma percentagem significativa de falhas dos implantes na prĂĄtica clĂ­nica. SoluçÔes atuais envolveriam o desenvolvimento de revestimentos robustos, biocompatĂ­veis, biodegradĂĄveis, com propriedades adesivas e bioativas melhoradas. Assim, neste trabalho foi proposto o desenvolvimento de revestimentos multifuncionais inspirados nas propriedades adesivas dos mexilhĂ”es e na estrutura robusta do nĂĄcar. Baseado na configuração do aminoĂĄcido 3,4-dihidroxi-L-fenilalanina (DOPA) das proteĂ­nas adesivas dos mexilhĂ”es, foram conjugados grupos catecĂłis ao quitosano (CHT) e ao ĂĄcido hialurĂłnico (HA). A montagem camada-a-camada (LbL) foi utilizada para mimetizar a estrutura do nĂĄcar, onde a fase orgĂąnica consistiu em ambos os polĂ­meros e a fase inorgĂąnica nas nanopartĂ­culas de vidro bioativas (BGNPs). Paralelamente, foram construĂ­dos revestimentos LbL polimĂ©ricos para fins de comparação. Os polĂ­meros modificados foram caracterizados por espectroscopia ultravioleta-visĂ­vel (UV-Vis). A construção das vĂĄrias configuraçÔes LbL foi monitorizada atravĂ©s da microbalança de cristal de quartzo e as suas propriedades adesivas avaliadas atravĂ©s de testes adesivos sob tensĂŁo de corte. A bioatividade e o comportamento celular in-vitro foram analisados para os revestimentos com e sem BGNPs. Os testes in-vitro foram realizados usando a linha celular L929. A deposição de hidroxiapatita foi avaliada por microscopia eletrĂłnica de varrimento (SEM) acoplada com espectroscopia de energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDS) e por difração de raios-X (XRD). Uma vez que a estrutura e topografia apresentam um papel importante no desempenho funcional dos filmes, dois mĂ©todos de montagem LbL, revestimento por imersĂŁo e por rotação, foram comparados usando trĂȘs substratos diferentes: vidro, aço inoxidĂĄvel e titĂąnio. Os revestimentos foram caracterizados por SEM, espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FT-IR), microscopia de força atĂłmica (AFM) e Ăąngulo de contacto da ĂĄgua (WCA). Dado Ă  adesĂŁo e bioatividade melhoradas dos filmes desenvolvidos, estes poderiam ser utilizados como revestimentos para uma variedade de implantes. AlĂ©m disso, verificou-se que o revestimento por rotação foi um mĂ©todo particularmente adequado para a construção, uma vez que foram produzidos filmes com superfĂ­cies mais lisas e uniformes


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    A blend of scaffolds, biologically active molecules, and cells are required to assemble functional constructs to repair and regenerate damaged tissue or organ via tissue engineering. The scaffold supports cell growth and proliferation and acts as a medium for diverse cellular activities. Even though hydrogel\u27s high-water content and flexible nature make it a pronounced applicant as a scaffold, they exhibit significant technical limitations such as the absence of cell-binding motifs, lack of oxygen, conductivity, adhesive properties, growth of cells in a 3-dimensional (3D) microenvironment. In this thesis, a novel material platform is evaluated and studied to address the concerns mentioned earlier. The biopolymer is made by conjugating a bio ionic liquid (BIL) onto a biocompatible polymer backbone. The introduction of choline functionality significantly enhances the polymer\u27s physical, mechanical, rheological, adhesive, and electrochemical properties. Initially, the adhesive properties and functionality of the synthesized biopolymers were analyzed. In addition, evaluating the biopolymer\u27s ability to be used in in-situ 3D printing in-vivo electrical stimulation studies was performed. Furthermore, to demonstrate the biopolymer\u27s performance as a conductive gel electrolyte, electrochemical functioning was considered. In conclusion, as an application, self-oxygenating tissue scaffolds were developed based on biocompatible electrochemical cell technology, combining the properties exhibited by the new class of biomaterials, an oxygen-generating setup that alleviates anoxia in a 3D microenvironment was confirmed, thus serving as an interface between bioelectronics and biomaterials

    Additive manufacturing of sustainable biomaterials for biomedical applications

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    Biopolymers are promising environmentally benign materials applicable in multifarious applications. They are especially favorable in implantable biomedical devices thanks to their excellent unique properties, including bioactivity, renewability, bioresorbability, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and hydrophilicity. Additive manufacturing (AM) is a flexible and intricate manufacturing technology, which is widely used to fabricate biopolymer-based customized products and structures for advanced healthcare systems. Three-dimensional (3D) printing of these sustainable materials is applied in functional clinical settings including wound dressing, drug delivery systems, medical implants, and tissue engineering. The present review highlights recent advancements in different types of biopolymers, such as proteins and polysaccharides, which are employed to develop different biomedical products by using extrusion, vat polymerization, laser, and inkjet 3D printing techniques in addition to normal bioprinting and four-dimensional (4D) bioprinting techniques. This review also incorporates the influence of nanoparticles on the biological and mechanical performances of 3D-printed tissue scaffolds. This work also addresses current challenges as well as future developments of environmentally friendly polymeric materials manufactured through the AM techniques. Ideally, there is a need for more focused research on the adequate blending of these biodegradable biopolymers for achieving useful results in targeted biomedical areas. We envision that biopolymer-based 3D-printed composites have the potential to revolutionize the biomedical sector in the near future
