39 research outputs found

    Automated daily human activity recognition for video surveillance using neural network

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    Surveillance video systems are gaining increasing attention in the field of computer vision due to its demands of users for the seek of security. It is promising to observe the human movement and predict such kind of sense of movements. The need arises to develop a surveillance system that capable to overcome the shortcoming of depending on the human resource to stay monitoring, observing the normal and suspect event all the time without any absent mind and to facilitate the control of huge surveillance system network. In this paper, an intelligent human activity system recognition is developed. Series of digital image processing techniques were used in each stage of the proposed system, such as background subtraction, binarization, and morphological operation. A robust neural network was built based on the human activities features database, which was extracted from the frame sequences. Multi-layer feed forward perceptron network used to classify the activities model in the dataset. The classification results show a high performance in all of the stages of training, testing and validation. Finally, these results lead to achieving a promising performance in the activity recognition rate

    Revisión del estado del arte sobre tendencias tecnológicas para el análisis del comportamiento y actividades humanas

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    The study of human behavior allows the knowledge about people's behaviors, behavior determined by multiple factors: cultural, social, psychological, genetic, religious, among others, which affect the relationships and interaction with the environment. The infinity of data in our lives and the search for behavioral patterns from that data has been an amazing work whose benefit is focused on the determined patterns and intelligent analysis that lead to new knowledge. A significant amount of resources from pattern recognition in human activities and daily life has had greater dominance in the management of mobility, health and wellness.The current paper presents a review of technologies for human behavior analysis and use as tools for diagnosis, assistance, for interaction in intelligent environments and assisted robotics applications. The main scope is to give an overview of the technological advances in the analysis of human behavior, activities of daily living and mobility, and the benefits obtained.El estudio del comportamiento humano permite el conocimiento sobre las conductas de las personas, conducta determinada por múltiples factores: culturales, sociales, psicológicos, genéticos, religiosos, entre otros; que inciden en las relaciones y la interacción con el entorno. La infinidad de datos en nuestras vidas y la búsqueda de patrones de comportamiento a partir de esos datos ha sido un trabajo asombroso cuyo provecho se centra en los patrones determinados y el análisis inteligente que conducen a nuevos conocimientos. Una cantidad significativa de recursos a partir del reconocimiento de patrones en las actividades humanas y de vida diaria ha tenido mayor dominio en la gestión de la movilidad, la salud y bienestar.El actual documento presenta una revisión de las tecnologías para el análisis del comportamiento humano y del uso como herramientas para el diagnóstico, asistencia, para la interacción en ambientes inteligentes y aplicaciones de robótica asistida. El alcance principal es dar una visión general de los avances tecnológicos en el análisis del comportamiento humano, actividades de la vida diaria y movilidad, y de los beneficios obtenidos

    Memory-Augmented Temporal Dynamic Learning for Action Recognition

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    Human actions captured in video sequences contain two crucial factors for action recognition, i.e., visual appearance and motion dynamics. To model these two aspects, Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks (CNNs and RNNs) are adopted in most existing successful methods for recognizing actions. However, CNN based methods are limited in modeling long-term motion dynamics. RNNs are able to learn temporal motion dynamics but lack effective ways to tackle unsteady dynamics in long-duration motion. In this work, we propose a memory-augmented temporal dynamic learning network, which learns to write the most evident information into an external memory module and ignore irrelevant ones. In particular, we present a differential memory controller to make a discrete decision on whether the external memory module should be updated with current feature. The discrete memory controller takes in the memory history, context embedding and current feature as inputs and controls information flow into the external memory module. Additionally, we train this discrete memory controller using straight-through estimator. We evaluate this end-to-end system on benchmark datasets (UCF101 and HMDB51) of human action recognition. The experimental results show consistent improvements on both datasets over prior works and our baselines.Comment: The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19

    Comparative Evaluation of Action Recognition Methods via Riemannian Manifolds, Fisher Vectors and GMMs: Ideal and Challenging Conditions

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    We present a comparative evaluation of various techniques for action recognition while keeping as many variables as possible controlled. We employ two categories of Riemannian manifolds: symmetric positive definite matrices and linear subspaces. For both categories we use their corresponding nearest neighbour classifiers, kernels, and recent kernelised sparse representations. We compare against traditional action recognition techniques based on Gaussian mixture models and Fisher vectors (FVs). We evaluate these action recognition techniques under ideal conditions, as well as their sensitivity in more challenging conditions (variations in scale and translation). Despite recent advancements for handling manifolds, manifold based techniques obtain the lowest performance and their kernel representations are more unstable in the presence of challenging conditions. The FV approach obtains the highest accuracy under ideal conditions. Moreover, FV best deals with moderate scale and translation changes

    Accelerator-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Voting Technique with NBTree and MLP Classifiers

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    In evolution and ubiquitous computing systems, accelerometer-based human activity recognition has huge potential in a large number of application domains. Accelerometer-based human activity recognition aims to identify physical activities performed by human using accelerometer; a sensor device attached to the body and returns an actual valued estimate of acceleration along the x-, y- and z-axes from which the sensor location can be estimated. In this study, an accelerator-based activity recognition model using voting technique was proposed. Two machine learning classifiers, Naïve Bayes Tree (NBTree) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), were used as ensemble classifiers in the voting technique. To evaluate the proposed voting technique, the performance of selected individual classifiers and existing voting technique was first examined, followed by the experiment to determine the performance of the proposed model. All of the experiments were performed using a standard dataset called Wireless Sensor Data Mining involving six physical human activities; jogging, walking, walking towards upstairs, walking towards downstairs, sitting and stand still. Results showed that the proposed voting technique with NBTree and MLP ensemble classifiers outperformed other individual classifiers and another previously suggested voting technique for accelerometer-based human activity recognition

    A Real-Time Feature Indexing System on Live Video Streams

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    Most of the existing video storage systems rely on offline processing to support the feature-based indexing on video streams. The feature-based indexing technique provides an effec- tive way for users to search video content through visual features, such as object categories (e.g., cars and persons). However, due to the reliance on offline processing, video streams along with their captured features cannot be searchable immediately after video streams are recorded. According to our investigation, buffering and storing live video steams are more time-consuming than the YOLO v3 object detector. Such observation motivates us to propose a real-time feature indexing (RTFI) system to enable instantaneous feature-based indexing on live video streams after video streams are captured and processed through object detectors. RTFI achieves its real-time goal via incorporating the novel design of metadata structure and data placement, the capability of modern object detector (i.e., YOLO v3), and the deduplication techniques to avoid storing repetitive video content. Notably, RTFI is the first system design for realizing real-time feature-based indexing on live video streams. RTFI is implemented on a Linux server and can improve the system throughput by upto 10.60x, compared with the base system without the proposed design. In addition, RTFI is able to make the video content searchable within 20 milliseconds for 10 live video streams after the video content is received by the proposed system, excluding the network transfer latency