15 research outputs found

    Penerapan Sistem SCADA Dalam Perancangan Model Inferensi Logika Fuzzy Mamdani Pada Pembebanan Trafo Gardu Distribusi

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    Tujuan penelitian ini membuat prototype sistem SCADA dalam proses sistem kendali dan model logika Fuzzy Mamdani pada pembebanan trafo gardu distribusi berbasis mikrokontroller. Sistem kendali dan pemantauan berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) yang dapat memudahkan. Fungsi utama SCADA yang diterapkan yaitu Penerapan metode logika Fuzzy Mamdani dengan fungsi implikasi menggunakan metode MIN pada Segi Telemetering dengan pengukuran nilai arus dan tegangan, Sedangkan Segi Telekontrolling terdapat pada proses recovery atau menghidupkan dan mematikan pada gardu distribusi saat terjadi gangguan adapun Segi Telesignaling yaitu saat pengiriman sinyal notifikasi untuk mengaktifkan proses recovery gardu saat gangguan. Adapun Akuisisi Data terdapat pada saat penyimpanan data SAIDI SAIFI dan penyimpanan hasil monitoring perangkat. Dari hasil pengujian perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, terutama dalam pengujian sistem ketika gardu dimatikan proses pemulihan berjalan sesuai dengan skenario awal. Setelah gardu relay dilanjutkan, data disimpan mengikuti waktu mati, seumur hidup, durasi, dan periode data

    Teknologi Dan Teknik Sistem Komputasi Pervasif Dalam Sistem Layanan Kesehatan: Studi Literatur Sistematis

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    . Technology of pervasive computing can be applied in daily activities such as sport, education, game and public interest such as public health. In healthcare system, the issues about high cost and errors in reviewing of patient record are still a major topic for healthcare provider (hospital). The technology of pervasive computing was developed to address these issues. This study will discuss the technology to support healthcare system. The main purpose is that users need to know the technology and its characteristics in order to prevent fatal actions in its use. The integration of different kinds of technology such as mobile devices, wireless networks, sensors, and wearable technologies is able to give better healthcare service than the technology itself

    Teknologi dan Teknik Sistem Komputasi Pervasif dalam Sistem Layanan Kesehatan: Studi Literatur Sistematis

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    Activities of daily life recognition using process representation modelling to support intention analysis

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    Purpose – This paper aims to focus on applying a range of traditional classification- and semantic reasoning-based techniques to recognise activities of daily life (ADLs). ADL recognition plays an important role in tracking functional decline among elderly people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Accurate recognition enables smart environments to support and assist the elderly to lead an independent life for as long as possible. However, the ability to represent the complex structure of an ADL in a flexible manner remains a challenge. Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents an ADL recognition approach, which uses a hierarchical structure for the representation and modelling of the activities, its associated tasks and their relationships. This study describes an approach in constructing ADLs based on a task-specific and intention-oriented plan representation language called Asbru. The proposed method is particularly flexible and adaptable for caregivers to be able to model daily schedules for Alzheimer’s patients. Findings – A proof of concept prototype evaluation has been conducted for the validation of the proposed ADL recognition engine, which has comparable recognition results with existing ADL recognition approaches. Originality/value – The work presented in this paper is novel, as the developed ADL recognition approach takes into account all relationships and dependencies within the modelled ADLs. This is very useful when conducting activity recognition with very limited features

    Progress in ambient assisted systems for independent living by the elderly

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    One of the challenges of the ageing population in many countries is the efficient delivery of health and care services, which is further complicated by the increase in neurological conditions among the elderly due to rising life expectancy. Personal care of the elderly is of concern to their relatives, in case they are alone in their homes and unforeseen circumstances occur, affecting their wellbeing. The alternative; i.e. care in nursing homes or hospitals is costly and increases further if specialized care is mobilized to patients’ place of residence. Enabling technologies for independent living by the elderly such as the ambient assisted living systems (AALS) are seen as essential to enhancing care in a cost-effective manner. In light of significant advances in telecommunication, computing and sensor miniaturization, as well as the ubiquity of mobile and connected devices embodying the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), end-to-end solutions for ambient assisted living have become a reality. The premise of such applications is the continuous and most often real-time monitoring of the environment and occupant behavior using an event-driven intelligent system, thereby providing a facility for monitoring and assessment, and triggering assistance as and when needed. As a growing area of research, it is essential to investigate the approaches for developing AALS in literature to identify current practices and directions for future research. This paper is, therefore, aimed at a comprehensive and critical review of the frameworks and sensor systems used in various ambient assisted living systems, as well as their objectives and relationships with care and clinical systems. Findings from our work suggest that most frameworks focused on activity monitoring for assessing immediate risks while the opportunities for integrating environmental factors for analytics and decision-making, in particular for the long-term care were often overlooked. The potential for wearable devices and sensors, as well as distributed storage and access (e.g. cloud) are yet to be fully appreciated. There is a distinct lack of strong supporting clinical evidence from the implemented technologies. Socio-cultural aspects such as divergence among groups, acceptability and usability of AALS were also overlooked. Future systems need to look into the issues of privacy and cyber security

    Human activities of daily living recognition using fuzzy logic for elderly home monitoring

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    International audienceLearning and recognizing human activities of daily living(ADL), is very useful and essential to build a pervasive home monitoring system. These monitoring technologies are indispensable for developing the next generation of smart houses. In this paper we describe a fuzzy logic system for recognizing activities in home environment using a set of sensors: physiological sensors (cardiac frequency, activity or agitation, posture and fall detection sensor), microphones, infrared sensors, debit sensors and state-change sensors. Motivated by the fact that fuzzy controllers have been successfully embedded within billions of dollars in commercial products, plus the characteristic of data providing from each sensor, the fusion of the different sensors has been performed by using fuzzy logic. This fuzzy logic approach allowed us to recognize several activities of daily living (ADLs) for ubiquitous healthcar

    Behavioural modelling for ambient assisted living

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    Tese de doutoramento - MAP-i (University of Minho, Aveiro, and Porto)A mudança incomum na rotina diária ao nível da mobilidade de um idoso em sua casa, pode ser um sinal ou sintoma precoce para a possibilidade de vir a desenvolver um problema de saúde. O recurso a diferentes sensores pode ser um meio para complementar os sistemas de cuidados de saúde tradicionais, de forma a obter uma visão mais detalhada da mobilidade diária do individuo em sua casa, enquanto realiza as suas tarefas diárias. Acreditamos, que os dados recolhidos a partir de sensores de baixo custo, como sensores de presença e ocupação, podem ser utilizados para fornecer evidências sobre os hábitos diários de mobilidade dos idosos que vivem sozinhos em casa e detetar desta forma mudanças nas suas rotinas. Neste trabalho, validamos esta hipótese, desenvolvendo um sistema que aprende automaticamente as transições diárias entre divisões da habitação e hábitos de estadia em cada uma dessas divisões em cada momento do dia e consequentemente gera alarmes sempre que os desvios são detetados. Apresentamos neste trabalho um algoritmo que processa os fluxos de dados dos diferentes sensores e identifica características que descrevem a rotina diária de mobilidade de um idoso que vive sozinho em casa. Para isso foi definido um conjunto de dimensões baseadas nos dados extraídos dos sensores, como parte do nosso Behaviour Monitoring System (BMS). Fomos capazes de detetar com um atraso mínimo os comportamentos incomuns e ao mesmo tempo, durações de confirmação da deteção elevadas, de tal modo suficientes para um conjunto comum de situações anormais. Apresentamos e avaliamos o BMS com dados sintetizados, produzidos por um gerador de dados desenvolvido para este efeito e projetado para simular diferentes perfis de mobilidade de indivíduos em casa, e também com dados reais obtidos de trabalhos de investigação anteriores. Os resultados indicam que o BMS deteta várias mudanças de mobilidade que podem ser sintomas para problemas de saúde comuns. O sistema proposto é uma abordagem útil para a aprendizagem dos hábitos de mobilidade em ambientes domésticos, com potencial para detetar alterações comportamentais que ocorrem devido a problemas de saúde, e assim encorajar a monitorização dos comportamentos e dos cuidados de saúde dos idosos.Unusual changes in the regular daily mobility routine of an elderly at home can be an indicator or early symptoms for developing a health problem. Sensor technology can be utilised to complement the traditional healthcare systems to gain a more detailed view of the daily mobility of a person at home when performing everyday tasks. We hypothesise that data collected from low-cost sensors such as presence and occupancy sensors can be analysed to provide insights on the daily mobility habits of the elderly living alone at home and to detect routine changes. We validate this hypothesis by designing a system that automatically learns the daily room-to-room transitions and stays habits in each room at each time of the day and generates alarm notifications when deviations are detected. We present an algorithm to process the sensor data streams and compute features that describe the daily mobility routine of an elderly living alone at home. This was done by defining a set of sensor-driven dimensions extracted from the sensor data as part of our Behaviour Monitoring System (BMS). We are able to achieve low detection delay with confirmation time that is high enough to convey the detection of a set of common abnormal situations. We illustrate and evaluate BMS with synthetic data, generated by a developed data generator that was designed to mimic different users’ mobility profiles at home, and also with real-life dataset collected from prior research work. Results indicate BMS detects several mobility changes that can be symptoms of common health problems. The proposed system is a useful approach for learning the mobility habits at home environments, with the potential to detect behaviour changes that occur due to health problems, and therefore, motivating progress toward behaviour monitoring and elder’s care

    A Big Bang Big Crunch Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System for Machine Vision-Based Event Detection and Summarization in Real-world Ambient Assisted Living

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    The recent years have witnessed the prevalence and abundance of vision sensors in various applications such as security surveillance, healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) among others. This is so as to realize intelligent environments which are capable of detecting users’ actions and gestures so that the needed services can be provided automatically and instantly to maximize user comfort and safety as well as to minimize energy. However, it is very challenging to automatically detect important events and human behaviour from vision sensors and summarize them in real time. This is due to the massive data sizes related to video analysis applications and the high level of uncertainties associated with the real world unstructured environments occupied by various users. Machine vision based systems can help detect and summarize important information which cannot be detected by any other sensor; for example, how much water a candidate drank and whether or not they had something to eat. However, conventional non-fuzzy based methods are not robust enough to recognize the various complex types of behaviour in AAL applications. Fuzzy logic system (FLS) is an established field of research to robustly handle uncertainties in complicated real-world problems. In this thesis, we will present a general recognition and classification framework based on fuzzy logic systems which allows for behaviour recognition and event summarisation using 2D/3D video sensors in AAL applications. I started by investigating the use of 2D CCTV camera based system where I proposed and developed novel IT2FLS-based methods for silhouette extraction and 2D behaviour recognition which outperform the traditional on the publicly available Weizmann human action dataset. I will also present a novel system based on 3D RGB-D vision sensors and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic based Systems (IT2FLSs) ) generated by the Big Bang Big Crunch (BB-BC) algorithm for the real time automatic detection and summarization of important events and human behaviour. I will present several real world experiments which were conducted for AAL related behaviour with various users. It will be shown that the proposed BB-BC IT2FLSs outperforms its Type-1 FLSs (T1FLSs) counterpart as well as other conventional non-fuzzy methods, and that performance improvement rises when the number of subjects increases. It will be shown that by utilizing the recognized output activity together with relevant event descriptions (such as video data, timestamp, location and user identification) detailed events are efficiently summarized and stored in our back-end SQL event database, which provides services including event searching, activity retrieval and high-definition video playback to the front-end user interfaces