50 research outputs found

    Data driven decision support systems as a critical success factor for IT-Governance: an application in the financial sector

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    IT-Governance has a major impact not only on IT management but also and foremost in the Enterprises performance and control. Business uses IT agility, flexibility and innovation to pursue its objectives and to sustain its strategy. However being it more critical to the business, compliance forces IT on the opposite way of predictability, stability and regulations. Adding the current economical environment and the fact that most of the times IT departments are considered cost centres, IT-Governance decisions become more important and critical. Current IT-Governance research and practise is mainly based on management techniques and principles, leaving a gap for the contribution of information systems to IT-Governance enhancement. This research intends to provide an answer to IT-Governance requirements using Data Driven Decision Support Systems based on dimensional models. This seems a key factor to improve the IT-Governance decision making process. To address this research opportunity we have considered IT-Governance research (Peter Weill), best practises (ITIL), Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and frameworks (COBIT). Key IT-Governance processes (Change Management, Incident Management, Project Development and Service Desk Management) were studied and key process stakeholders were interviewed. Based on the facts gathered, dimensional models (data marts) were modelled and developed to answer to key improvement requirements on each IT-Governance process. A Unified Dimensional Model (IT-Governance Data warehouse) was materialized. To assess the Unified Dimensional Model, the model was applied in a bank in real working conditions. The resulting model implementation was them assessed against Peter Weill‘s Governance IT Principles.Assessment results revealed that the model satisfies all the IT-Governance Principles. The research project enables to conclude that the success of IT-Governance implementation may be fostered by Data Driven Decision Support Systems implemented using Unified Dimensional Model concepts and based on best practises, frameworks and body of knowledge that enable process oriented, data driven decision support

    Towards a framework for business continuity management : an IT governance perspective

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    The concept of business continuity management has gained wide acceptance in recent years. Recent natural disasters such as the 2004 tsunami and terrorist activities such as the 911 World Trade Centre bombing, has emphasised the importance of business continuity management. Many of these events had catastrophic consequences, which left most executives faced with the challenge of improving the continuity of their organisation. Not to long ago, these executives were also faced with the challenge of managing their IT investments in such a way that it is aligned with the strategic goals of the organisation. An initiative referred to as IT governance was developed and IT governance frameworks instantly assisted executives to obtain direct business value from IT investments. The problem statement addressed in this research is the lack of a generally accepted business continuity management framework. This research aims to leverage of the success of IT governance in an attempt to establish the beginnings of a framework for business continuity management. In addition, the research also illustrates a paradigm shift where the enterprise continuity of a typical organisation has evolved from disaster recovery to business continuity management. The research approach executed is based on the interpretivism paradigm and is used to interpret the results of the research methodology and research method. The research methodology consists of a literature survey and empirical study whereas a content analysis is used as the research method.Dissertation (M.Com (Informatics))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Informaticsunrestricte

    Differences between ITIL® v2 and ITIL® v3 with respect to service strategy and service design

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    Since the release of the latest version of ITIL (R) v3 -2011 edition, several years have passed. Nevertheless the question of differences between versions and editions remains up-to-date. The main reason is the large diversity of business environment and culture (company size, use of ICT, company strategy and policy etc.). Therefore article discusses the differences between the last two versions of ITIL (R). It is especially focused on changes in publications dealing with service strategy and service design. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of differences and changes, and thus simplify decision making for implementing ITIL (R) practices

    Information Technology Service Continuity Practices in Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

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    Disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs) not using cloud solutions to ensure information technology (IT) service continuity may not withstand the impacts of IT disruption caused by human-made and natural disasters. The loss of critical IT resources leads to business closure and a resource loss for the community, employees, and families. Grounded in the technology acceptance model, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies IT leaders in DBEs use to implement cloud solutions to minimize IT disruption. Participants included 16 IT leaders in DBEs in the U.S. state of Maryland. Data were generated through semi-structured interviews and reviews of 10 organizational documents. Data were analyzed using inductive analysis, and three themes were identified: alignment with business requirements, sustaining business growth, and trust in cloud services. One recommendation is for IT leaders in DBEs to ensure cloud-based IT service continuity practices are built into all aspects of small business operation. The implications for positive social change include the potential for economic stability for families and environments that rely on the DBEs for continuing business and employment

    IT Service Management: A Cross-national Study of ITIL Adoption

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    IT Service Management (ITSM) is transforming the management of the IT function on a global scale with major changes in work practices. The intent of this study is to empirically explore how IT service management is adopted in today’s global economy. The article examines the adoption of ITSM processes as defined in the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®). The adoption of operational processes is compared to that of tactical/strategic level processes and the contribution of country, size, and industry sector to variation in adoption of ITIL processes is assessed. Institutional theory is used as a foundation for the study. The analysis is based on 623 responses to three surveys conducted in the UK, USA, DACH (German-speaking countries) and Australia. The study found organisations adopting ITIL implemented more operational level processes than the tactical/strategic level processes. DACH countries exhibit higher ITIL process adoption than the UK, USA, and Australia. Adoption varied on industry sector, and, in part, on organisation size. Based on a discussion of theory and practice, the article derives insights for academics and industry when introducing ITSM in the IT function

    Organisational pathways: creativity to productivity

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    In this paper a new model (Bounded Innovation Management Model, BIMM) based on systems thinking principles is presented to contribute to the research being conducted in mapping creativity to productivity pathways. This research was conducted in five information technology companies in New Zealand all presenting different pathways from creativity to productivity. It has been discovered that: (i) evolutionary pathways oscillates about and are contained by the bounds that are in place through management practices; (ii) revolutionary pathways tend to operate outside such bounds and oscillate in the surrounding space; (iii) the creative pathway to successful production tends to be stifled if completely contained within management bounds; and (iv) managers’ perceived pathways may vary from the actual pathways within an organisation. This research contributes to the existing systems thinking body of knowledge

    Understanding how organizations operate their IT capacity-management processes

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    There is a lack of understanding of how organizations operate their IT capacity-management processes. Within the body of literature on IT capacity-management there is an abundance of advice for organizations on how to set up or run the processes for IT capacity-management, but very little in the way of describing the processes as performed and operated in organizations out in the field. Using qualitative methods this research sought to gain an understanding of how organizations are operating their IT capacity-management processes in the field. A dozen subjects from 10 organizations were interviewed and the data were analyzed with a grounded theory approach. Cloud computing was found to be a disruptive technology providing the occasion for major changes in the structures of IT capacity-management. The differences in these structures were expressed through an IT capacity-management structures spectrum. The relative relationships between the roles in these structures as plotted along this spectrum were found to have the IT capacity-management role migrate from mediator, to directly linked to the data center, to largely absent. The results provide the IT capacity-management field and managers in IT a starting point from which to shape career development and organizational change management efforts as an organization migrates from a classic structure to a cloud structure

    Adjust and implement the transition methodology is ADSM engagements

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    Documento confidencial. Não pode ser disponibilizado para consultaTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Review of IT Service Management Tools Currently in Use in Finland : ITIL®, Implementation and Functionality

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    This thesis was carried out for itSMF Finland, an IT Service Management (ITSM) cooperation forum. The itSMF Finland is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of best practice ITSM. ITSM is about providing a framework to structure IT-related activities and the interaction of IT technical personnel with business customers and users. ITSM practices have existed for some time already, but the technology to support it has only recently become more advanced and comprehensive. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the requirements for ITSM tools and to create a “snapshot” of the current situation of the ITSM tool market in Finland. IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) was chosen as a framework for this thesis, which is considered as de-facto best practice model in ITSM. This research investigates the requirements stated in ITIL® for the ITSM technologies. Nine tools were chosen for interviews. The object of the interviews was to gain information about what functionalities are included in the tools, how the vendor supports the customer in the implementation project, and what the customer experiences are regarding the implementation and use of the tool. These results were then compared to the ITIL® framework. ITIL® recommends the tools to be utilized in the organization to provide data for analysis and improvement of the service provision and also to support the service lifecycle. All tools in this study were ITSM suites that have functionalities to support the service lifecycle widely. Based on the interviews the study shows that the tools are important for the organizations, but are not as widely used as they could be. The implementation projects varied greatly, but were relatively successful in all cases. All in all, the tools were considered beneficial for the organizations in all cases. This thesis provides important key-points to be kept in mind when selecting, implementing and using an ITSM tool. When selecting an ITSM tool it is extremely important to identify the benefits that it will bring to the organization. In the implementation phase it is essential to have clear goals, good design work and sufficient training. This ensures that the tool will be used as it was designed and opposition in the organization toward this change will be minimal.Tutkimus tehtiin itSMF Finlandille, IT-palveluhallinnan yhteistyöfoorumille, joka pyrkii parantamaan IT-palvelunhallinnan toimintatapoja Suomessa ja maailmalla. IT-palvelunhallintaan kuuluu muun muassa loppukäyttäjille tarkoitetut tukipalvelut, tietojärjestelmien vikatilojen selvittäminen ja yhteydenpito tietojärjestelmien toimittajiin. IT-palvelunhallinnan käytännöt ovat olleet käytössä jo kauan, mutta käytäntöjä tukeva teknologia on kehittynyt ja tullut entistä monipuolisemmaksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää IT-palveluhallinnan työkalujen vaatimuksia sekä tutkia Suomen markkinoilla käytössä olevien IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalujen toiminnallisuuksia sekä niiden käyttökokemuksia. Tutkimuksen viitekehykseksi valittiin IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) -malli, josta on muodostunut parhaiden käytäntöjen ohjeistus IT-palvelunhallinnalle. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ITIL®:n suosituksia IT-palvelunhallinan teknologioiden osalta. Tämän lisäksi tutkimukseen valittiin yhdeksän työkalua. Kaikkien työkalujen käytöstä haastateltiin sekä toimittajaa että yhtä heidän asiakastaan. Haastattelujen perusteella selvitettiin työkalujen toiminnallisuuksia ja kuinka implementaatioprojektia tuetaan toimittajan puolelta sekä käyttäjäkokemuksia työkalun käytöstä ja implementointivaiheesta asiakkaan puolelta. ITIL® suosittelee IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalua organisaatioille tukemaan jokapäiväisiä toimintoja ja tuottamalla tietoa organisaation palveluista sekä tukemaan yrityksen koko elinkaarimallia. Tutkimuksessa mukana olleet työkalut olivat IT-palvelunhallinnan-ohjelmistoja eli työkaluja, jotka tukevat elinkaarimallin monta osaa. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että työkalut ovat tärkeitä yrityksille, mutta niitä ei kuitenkaan käytetä koko laajuudessaan. Käyttöönottoprojektit työkaluille olivat hyvin erilaisia, mutta usein hyvin menestyneitä. Jokaisessa tapauksessa työkalu auttoi organisaatiota toimimaan paremmin. Tämä tutkimus esittää asioita, jotka on hyvä pitää mielessään IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalua valitessa, implementoitaessa ja käytettäessä. Työkalua valitessa on tärkeää ymmärtää, mitä työkalun tulee tuoda yritykseen. Työkalun käyttöönotossa tärkeitä asioita ovat selkeät tavoitteet, hyvä suunnittelu sekä onnistunut koulutus. Nämä edesauttavat työkalun omaksumista yrityksessä sekä vähentävät mahdollista muutosvastarintaa

    It Service Management for the Nlp an Executive Overview

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    Implementation of IT Service Management (ITSM) processes as prescribed by the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) or in Microsoft Operation of Framework (MOF) can be a difficult undertaking. The Regis University Networking Lab Practicum (NLP) has opted to align its current IT Management methodology with the current best practices employed by other organizations. An initial analysis in the form of an executive overview was conducted in order to substantiate the benefits of IT Service Management and to determine the implementation feasibility in an organization comprised mainly of transient IT personnel. The impetus for the transition away from business as usual in major companies and corporations was directly correlated to the lack of consumer confidence brought about by recent corporate scandals. Due to the extensive nature of the unscrupulous behavior of corporate executives, Congress was forced to enact new legislation to stem the tide of malfeasance. The new legislation took the form of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. This act contained numerous provisions that dictate increased verifiable and auditable financial disclosures that reflect the status of operations in a real-time mode. In order to comply with this new regulation, IT systems needed to become much more reliable. IT Service Management provides the necessary processes to comply with the new demands of the changing business environment. Conversely, these processes and procedures are new to most corporations in the domestic market and thus there were very few American case studies to substantiate the benefits of IT Service Management. This thesis attempts to clarify the numerous interrelated processes recommended by IT Service Management through the use of research, nomenclature, and templates. The templates are in the form of flowcharts that visually identify important issues and concerns that are brought to the attention of the middle managers of the Networking Lab Practicum. With this new correlated documentation fellow students can map out a future course of action that will lead to the full implementation of ITSM for Regis University