38,873 research outputs found


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    NURUL ANWAR-1410130107.An Analysis of Conversational Maxim in the Script of the Movie “How to Train Your Dragon 2” Communication needs to be delivered smoothly to make it understandable. Violation in the process of giving information through conversations can be dangerous, it makes the information is not fully nor wrongly received. A communication which fulfil the conversational maxims is a good quality of communication. The speaker speaks directly with a right amount of information, truthful, in order, and exactly what he means. (Zhou, 2009:42). This research aims to find out: 1) the types of conversational maxims used in the script of “How to Train Your Dragon 2”, 2) the factors influences the types of conversational maxims used in the script of “How to Train Your Dragon 2”, and 3) The occurrence of the violation of conversational maxims in the script of “How to Train Your Dragon 2”. The researcher uses qualitative study method. This research was conducted to find out the maxims issue in “How to Train Your Dragon 2” movie’s script using documents analysis. The researcher investigated the type of the maxims, the factors influence the types of maxims used, and the violation of the maxims. It employed conversational maxims which were proposed by Grice in 1975 as its framework. The techniques of collecting data collected from the script of How to Train Your Dragon 2 movie script. The techniques of data collection are downloading, synchronizing, underlining, rewriting, and coding data. The results of research show that types of conversational maxims in the text is dominated by maxim of relation, the types of the maxims which are used by the speakers are all depend on their will to cooperate, their purpose, and the context of conversation, and the most violated maxim is the maxim of quantity. The maxim of quantity was violated in 40% of all the violation data. Key words: Pragmatics, Communication, Conversational Maxims, Movie in Learning, Script

    How to Train Your Dragon
 to Fly?

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    This paper will explore the concept that the Dragons in the motion pictures “How to Train your Dragon” and “How to Train your Dragon 2” have impractical wing sizes. It does so by estimating a surface area of the wings and then a weight before using an equation for lift for four different types of dragon; the “Terrible Terror”, the “Gronkle”, the “Night Fury” and the “Red Death”. Finally the forward velocity required for each dragon to provide lift is calculated and determined that the dragons would have to move faster than shown in the films to have any lift whatsoever. For instance the least practical breed, the “Gronkle” would need a forward velocity of 299.6 ms-1 to achieve lift while the most practical breeds are the Terrible Terror and the Night fury with 36.5 ms‑1

    Tangling with Dragons: Growing Up Fairy Tale Style in Tangled and How to Train Your Dragon

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    Animated movies are often, though not always, the modem equivalent of literary fairy tales. In the mid-1970\u27s Bruno Bettelheim published a fascinating study of classic fairy tales entitled The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. I thought it might be interesting to apply a few of his theories to three of my favorite animated films: Tangled, How to Train Your Dragon and How to Train Your Dragon 2. The inclusion of one Disney Studios movie with two from Dreamworks is not entirely arbitrary. Tangled is an adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Rapunzel, featuring a young woman as its protagonist. How to Train Your Dragon and its sequel, adapted from a contemporary series of novels by Cressida Cowell, focuses on the fortunes of a Viking boy named Hiccup. Full of fairy tale-style adventure and excitement, both animated films are about the potential difficulties and rewards of growing up, and feature plenty of adult villains who failed to do so. In addition to the male/female balance provided by pairing Tangled with the Dragon films, they also feature a wide range of problems for their heroes to overcome. Stolen from her real parents while just a baby, Rapunzel is brought up by a false mother who stifles the girl\u27s natural desire for growth and independence. Hiccup, by contrast, is motherless and largely, if not intentionally, ignored and rejected by his father, an icon of Viking manhood the boy cannot possibly hope to match. A vibrant combination of animation, vocalization and music fuels these different yet similar stories of the childhood struggle for maturity and independence. And though made long after Bettelheim wrote about the deeper meaning of fairy tales, I believe these three films illustrate, through their own medium, much of what he had to say on the subject

    How To Train Your Dragon As An Idea for Creating A Mechanical Automata Toy Made From Wood

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    This article aims to: (1) design a concept for a wooden mechanical automata toy inspired by the film "How to Train Your Dragon," (2) create a design for this toy, (3) explain the process of creating and visualizing the toy, and (4) present the final results. The creation process follows S.P. Gustami's art creation method: exploration, design, and transformation. Exploration involved observing and collecting data from YouTube and Pinterest about dragons, mechanical automata, and wooden toys. The design phase included creating sketches and working drawings, followed by executing the plan. The resulting works vary in size, color, shape, and mechanical techniques. The collection includes ten toys: Pendragon, Toothless Dragon, Robo Dragon, Domino Dragon, Guardian Dragon, Rex Dragon, Baby Dragon, Dragon Troop, Dragon Turtle, and Dragon Explorer. These toys are designed considering material, ergonomic, aesthetic, and functional aspects. The toys are characterized by their original designs, detailed craftsmanship, and simple mechanics, making them enjoyable for all age groups

    Existentialism Reflected in Antagonist Character in “How to Train Your Dragon 2” Movie

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    This research discussed about Existentialism Reflected In Antagonist Character In “How To Train Your Dragon 2” Movie. This research aimed to find out the characteristics of existentialism. This research based on Sartre’s theory about the characteristic of existentialism which consist of six characteristics including subjectivity, conscious being in the wold, contingency, anti materialism, humanity, and faith. This research was descriptive qualitative method. Then, the researcher used note cards as the instrument to get the valid data. The findings showed that there were five characteristics of existentialism in the movie. In the movie only existed subjectivity, conscious being in the world, contingency, anti materialism, and humanity. The researcher also found that there was no data of faith as one of the existentialism characteristics. The researcher concluded that people need to understand their existence that was not only from their action but also from their thought


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    This research aims to describe the types of dispreferred responses expressed by Hiccup, the male lead character in How to Train Your Dragon 2 movie, and to reveal the functions of the dispreferred responses used by Hiccup in the movie. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach. The data were the second part utterances spoken by Hiccup. The dialogues between Hiccup and the other characters in the movie were used as the context of the data. Meanwhile, the data source is How to Train Your Dragon 2 movie. The primary instrument of this research was the researcher herself. The researcher analyzed the data taken from the movie script as the secondary instrument. The data were triangulated by verifying to the lecturers and other English Language and Literature students about the relevant theories and the findings to enhance trustworthiness. The results of this research are as follows. First, there are five types of dispreferred responses found in the movie. They are (1) assessment-disagreement, (2) invitation/offer-refusal, (3) request-refusal, (4) question-no/unexpected answer, and (5) blame-admission. Assessment-disagreement dispreferred response is the main type performed by Hiccup in the movie. This happened since he is a bit rebellious and hard to agree with other characters’ opinion. Second, there are six functions of dispreferred responses performed by Hiccup in the movie. Those functions are categorized by analyzing the situation and the context of the conversations. The functions of the dispreferred responses found in the movie are (1) to state the speaker’s disagreement, (2) to defend the speaker’s argument, (3) to clear the misunderstanding, (4) to state the speaker’s own reason, (5) to show that the speaker is not interested in the topic, and (6) to state the speaker’s opinion. The functions that Hiccup often uses in this movie are to state the speaker’s disagreement and to state the speaker’s opinion. Those functions appeared as the result of Hiccup’s disagreement with the first speaker’s opinion of him

    Translation analysis on phrasal verb of how to train your dragon 1 and 2 movie Script

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    Nowadays, translation become an important part of life. Main purpose of translation which is help people to understanding the meaning from Source Language has developed in many parts of the worlds. This undergraduate thesis desribes translation and its kinds in How to Train the Dragon 1 and 2 Movie Script. The problems are kind of techniques of translation occurred in the translation of phrasal verbs and the quality of translated version of the phrasal verb in How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2 movie into Indonesian Scripts. This research used translation theory by Newmark (1988), Munday (2001), Catford (1965), Nababan (1999) and Barnwell (2006) are used to support the analysis. Meanwhile This analysis was a descriptive method with the conversation in the movie script. The data were collected by writing the dialogues containing phrasal verbs in English script in a field note and then highlighting the dialog that contain phrasal verbs in English script. The result of this research are: the writer found 51 datas of phrasal verb that used as a translation process. The writer found 6 translation process occurred in phrasal verb. Meanwhile for the quality, the translation version of the phrasal verb mostly fulfill the three aspects of good criteria of translation. Based on the result of research that have analyzed in chapter four, should be concluded; most of dialogues in script used through translation, modulation, couplet, function equivalent, transposition and synonymy whereas most of phrasal verb translated into through translation. Most of data have categories of good translation

    Meaning In The Idiomatic Expressions Founds In The Movie “How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 2019

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    This research has purpose (1) to identify the type of idiomatic expressions which were found in How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 2019 film script and (2) its meaning. This research belongs to the qualitative descriptive research type by using the film script of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 2019. The technique of data collection used in this research was content analysis. The data analysis consists of data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. Triangulation technique used in this research is triangulation by using validator. Based on the analysis conducted, it is found out that there are five types of lexemic idiom found in the film’s script out of seven types proposed in the theory. Those types are phrasal verb idiom, tournure idiom, irreversible binomial idiom, phrasal compound idiom, and incorporating verb idiom. The number of idiomatic expressions used in the film script is 55 with phrasal verb idiom as the dominant one with 19 data found (34.54%), next tornoure idiom which appear 11 times (20%), irreversible binomial idiom is one time or the least data found 1 data (1.81%), phrasal compound idiom is 11 times (20%), and incorporating verb idiom is 13 times (23.63%). Based on the analysis of the meaning of idiomatic expression, the lexical meaning dominated the meaning of idiomatic expressions with the total number of 39 (70,9%) data out of 55. The contextual meaning found in the datum only 16 data (29,09%)
