530,256 research outputs found

    The self-regulated AGN feedback loop: the role of chaotic cold accretion

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    Supermassive black hole accretion and feedback play central role in the evolution of galaxies, groups, and clusters. I review how AGN feedback is tightly coupled with the formation of multiphase gas and the newly probed chaotic cold accretion (CCA). In a turbulent and heated atmosphere, cold clouds and kpc-scale filaments condense out of the plasma via thermal instability and rain toward the black hole. In the nucleus, the recurrent chaotic collisions between the cold clouds, filaments, and central torus promote angular momentum cancellation or mixing, boosting the accretion rate up to 100 times the Bondi rate. The rapid variability triggers powerful AGN outflows, which quench the cooling flow and star formation without destroying the cool core. The AGN heating stifles the formation of multiphase gas and accretion, the feedback subsides and the hot halo is allowed to cool again, restarting a new cycle. Ultimately, CCA creates a symbiotic link between the black hole and the whole host via a tight self-regulated feedback which preserves the gaseous halo in global thermal equilibrium throughout cosmic time.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; accepted for publication (IAUS 319

    Multiphase Gas and the Fractal Nature of Radiative Turbulent Mixing Layers

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    A common situation in galactic and intergalactic gas involves cold dense gas in motion relative to hot diffuse gas. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability creates a turbulent mixing layer and populates the intermediate-temperature phase, which often cools rapidly. The energy lost to cooling is balanced by the advection of hot high enthalpy gas into the mixing layer, resulting in growth and acceleration of the cold phase. This process may play a major role in determining the interstellar medium and circumgalactic medium phase structure, and accelerating cold gas in galactic winds and cosmic filaments. Cooling in these mixing layers occurs in a thin corrugated sheet, which we argue has an area with fractal dimension D=5/2D=5/2 and a thickness that adjusts to match the hot phase mixing time to the cooling time. These cooling sheet properties form the basis of a new model for how the cooling rate and hot gas inflow velocity depend on the size LL, cooling time tcoolt_{\rm cool}, relative velocity vrelv_{\rm rel}, and density contrast ρcold/ρhot\rho_{\rm cold}/\rho_{\rm hot} of the system. Entrainment is expected to be enhanced in environments with short tcoolt_{\rm cool}, large vrelv_{\rm rel}, and large ρcold/ρhot\rho_{\rm cold}/\rho_{\rm hot}. Using a large suite of three dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, we demonstrate that this fractal cooling layer model accurately captures the energetics and evolution of turbulent interfaces and can therefore be used as a foundation for understanding multiphase mixing with strong radiative cooling.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJL. Movies can be found here https://dfielding14.github.io/movies

    Constraints from deuterium on the formation of icy bodies in the Jovian system and beyond

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    We consider the role of deuterium as a potential marker of location and ambient conditions during the formation of small bodies in our Solar system. We concentrate in particular on the formation of the regular icy satellites of Jupiter and the other giant planets, but include a discussion of the implications for the Trojan asteroids and the irregular satellites. We examine in detail the formation of regular planetary satellites within the paradigm of a circum-Jovian subnebula. Particular attention is paid to the two extreme potential subnebulae - "hot" and "cold". In particular, we show that, for the case of the "hot" subnebula model, the D:H ratio in water ice measured from the regular satellites would be expected to be near-Solar. In contrast, satellites which formed in a "cold" subnebula would be expected to display a D:H ratio that is distinctly over-Solar. We then compare the results obtained with the enrichment regimes which could be expected for other families of icy small bodies in the outer Solar system - the Trojan asteroids and the irregular satellites. In doing so, we demonstrate how measurements by Laplace, the James Webb Space Telescope, HERSCHEL and ALMA will play an important role in determining the true formation locations and mechanisms of these objects.Comment: Accepted and shortly to appear in Planetary and Space Science; 11 pages with 5 figure

    Key Physical Processes in the Circumgalactic Medium

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    Spurred by rich, multi-wavelength observations and enabled by new simulations, ranging from cosmological to sub-pc scales, the last decade has seen major theoretical progress in our understanding of the circumgalactic medium. We review key physical processes in the CGM. Our conclusions include: (1) The properties of the CGM depend on a competition between gravity-driven infall and gas cooling. When cooling is slow relative to free fall, the gas is hot (roughly virial temperature) whereas the gas is cold (T~10^4 K) when cooling is rapid. (2) Gas inflows and outflows play crucial roles, as does the cosmological environment. Large-scale structure collimates cold streams and provides angular momentum. Satellite galaxies contribute to the CGM through winds and gas stripping. (3) In multiphase gas, the hot and cold phases continuously exchange mass, energy and momentum. The interaction between turbulent mixing and radiative cooling is critical. A broad spectrum of cold gas structures, going down to sub-pc scales, arises from fragmentation, coagulation, and condensation onto gas clouds. (4) Magnetic fields, thermal conduction and cosmic rays can substantially modify how the cold and hot phases interact, although microphysical uncertainties are presently large. Key open questions for future work include the mutual interplay between small-scale structure and large-scale dynamics, and how the CGM affects the evolution of galaxies.Comment: 69 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Authors' draft. Edited version will appear in the next volum

    Search for H₃âș isotopologues toward CRL 2136 IRS 1

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    Context. Deuterated interstellar molecules frequently have abundances relative to their main isotopologues much higher than the overall elemental D-to-H ratio in the cold dense interstellar medium. H₃âș and its isotopologues play a key role in the deuterium fractionation; however, the abundances of these isotopologues have not been measured empirically with respect to H₃âș to date. Aims. Our aim was to constrain the relative abundances of H₂Dâș and D₃âș in the cold outer envelope of the hot core CRL 2136 IRS 1. Methods. We carried out three observations targeting H₃âș and its isotopologues using the spectrographs CRIRES at the VLT, iSHELL at IRTF, and EXES on board SOFIA. In addition, the CO overtone band at 2.3 ÎŒm was observed by iSHELL to characterize the gas on the line of sight. Results. The H₃âș ion was detected toward CRL 2136 IRS 1 as in previous observations. Spectroscopy of lines of H₂Dâș and D₃âș resulted in non-detections. The 3σ upper limits of N(H₂Dâș)/N(H₃âș) and N(D₃âș)/N(H₃âș) are 0.24 and 0.13, respectively. The population diagram for CO is reproduced by two components of warm gas with the temperatures 58 and 530 K, assuming a local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) distribution of the rotational levels. Cold gas (<20 K) makes only a minor contribution to the CO molecular column toward CRL 2136 IRS 1. Conclusions. The critical conditions for deuterium fractionation in a dense cloud are low temperature and CO depletion. Given the revised cloud properties, it is no surprise that H₃âș isotopologues are not detected toward CRL 2136 IRS 1. The result is consistent with our current understanding of how deuterium fractionation proceeds

    Atmospheric signatures of giant exoplanet formation by pebble accretion

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    Atmospheric chemical abundances of giant planets lead to important constraints on planetary formation and migration. Studies have shown that giant planets that migrate through the protoplanetary disc can accrete substantial amounts of oxygen-rich planetesimals, leading to supersolar metallicities in the envelope and solar or subsolar C/O ratios. Pebble accretion has been demonstrated to play an important role in core accretion and to have growth rates that are consistent with planetary migration. The high pebble accretion rates allow planetary cores to start their growth beyond 10 au and subsequently migrate to cold (≳1 au), warm (∌0.1–1 au) or hot (â‰Č0.1 au) orbits. In this work we investigate how the formation of giant planets via pebble accretion influences their atmospheric chemical compositions. We find that under the standard pebble accretion scenario, where the core is isolated from the envelope, the resulting metallicities (O/H and C/H ratios) are subsolar, while the C/O ratios are supersolar. Planets that migrate through the disc to become hot Jupiters accrete substantial amounts of water vapour, but still acquire slightly subsolar O/H and supersolar C/O of 0.7–0.8. The metallicity can be substantially subsolar (∌0.2–0.5  × solar) and the C/O can even approach 1.0 if the planet accretes its envelope mostly beyond the CO2 ice line, i.e. cold Jupiters or hot Jupiters that form far out and migrate in by scattering. Allowing for core erosion yields significantly supersolar metallicities and solar or subsolar C/O, which can also be achieved by other means, e.g. photoevaporation and late-stage planetesimal accretion

    Kinetic processes in reconnection: Impact of magnetospheric hot O+ and cold ions in magnetopause reconnection and electron heating in magnetotail reconnection

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    We investigate three aspects of magnetic reconnection where kinetic processes play a strong role: hot O+ and cold ion behaviors in magnetopause reconnection, their effect on the reconnection rate, and electron heating during magnetotail reconnection. At the magnetopause, we analyze observed velocity distribution functions (VDFs) and find that hot O+, despite its large gyroradius, almost fully participates in the reconnection outflow with a demagnetization-pickup process. Finite Larmor radius effects are apparent, controlling how far the ions extend to the magnetosheath side. For cold ions, if entering the central diffusion region, they behave like hot ions; otherwise, they convect with the magnetic field adiabatically. How these species behave determines their effect on the reconnection rate. We compare the observed reconnection rate with predictions of the fluid-based Cassak-Shay formula for 8 events. The measured rate does correlate with the predictions when all magnetospheric and magnetosheath populations are included, but the correlation is better when just magnetosheath populations are used. This indicates possible deviations from the Cassak-Shay theory caused by the kinetic effects of the different populations. The diffusion region aspect ratio does not show a clear dependence on the O+ abundance, density asymmetry or guide field. To understand the electron heating, using a particle-in-cell simulation,we divide the reconnection exhaust into four sub-regions based on electron temperatures and VDFs. The same defining distributions are found in observations. The associated acceleration mechanisms are determined by tracing particles through the simulation fields. Electrons obtain initial energization from the electron diffusion region (EDR) electromagnetic fields and the parallel potential, and pitch angle scattering isotropizes the distribution. Further downstream, electrons with initial high v∄ (v⊄) are mainly accelerated with the curvature (gradient-B) drift opposite to the out-of-plane electric field, generating distinct populations in VDFs. We estimate the heating coefficient, rh = kBΔTe/miv2 Ai, using a simple model of the outflowing EDR distribution. The electron heating in 11 magnetotail reconnections shows rh∌1.5%-2.6% with considerable variations caused by the magnetotail pressure unloading, in reasonable agreement with the simulation results. Thus, both for heavy ions and electrons, we find the key to understanding the reconnection dynamics is in interpreting the individual particle behavior

    Discovery processes in designing

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    This thesis describes an interview study of forty five professionally accomplished male and female designers and architects. The study considers how each respondent designs and makes discoveries throughout conceptual design. How they start designing, what they attempt to achieve, the means they employ, how they cope with getting stuck, their breakthroughs and discoveries and the circumstances of these experiences, are the main ingredients of the study. The aim of the research is to estimate the extent to which designing may be regarded as an insightful activity, by investigating experiences of discoveries as reported by the respondents. Throughout the thesis, discoveries or ideas occurring to respondents when they are not actively designing, an apparent outcome of a latent designing or preparation activity, are referred to as cold discoveries. This label is used to distinguish these discoveries from discoveries that emerge in the run of play, when individuals are actively designing. The latter are referred to as hot discoveries. The relative insightfulness of hot and cold discoveries is also investigated. In general, the evidence from the research suggests that designing is significantly insightful. Most respondents (39:45) reported experiences of insights that have contributed to their designing. In addition there is strong evidence that cold discoveries are considerably more important, both quantitatively and qualitatively, than is currently recognized. More than half of the respondents (25:45) reported the experience of cold discoveries, many after disengaging from designing, when they had been stuck. Being stuck means they were experiencing frustration, or had recognised they were not making satisfactory progress in attempts to resolve some aspect of conceptual design. Typically these respondents reported experiencing discoveries while doing other work, performing some physical activity, resting, or very soon after resuming work. They had elected to let ideas come to them, rather than persist in searching and this strategy was successful. Moreover, many respondents (10:45) described positive attributes of cold discoveries using terms such as stronger, more potent, or pushes boundaries, which suggest their cold discoveries are more insightful than their hot discoveries. Many respondents associated their cold discoveries with mental activities such as incubation, a concept identified by Gestalt theorists nearly a century ago. They used a range of informal terms, such as ideas ticking over, or percolating away. These apparently uncontrolled mental experiences, which I refer to generically as latent preparation, varied from one respondent to another in when, where and how they occurred. Latent preparation or its outcomes, in the form of interruptive thoughts, apparently takes place at any time and during different states of consciousness and attentiveness. It appears to be, at different times, unplanned, unintentional, undirected, unnoticed, or unconscious, in combinations, not necessarily all at once. It is clearly not only an unconscious process. This suggests one, or more of the following; 1) that incubation is only a component of latent preparation, or 2) that the conventional view of incubation, as an unconscious process, does not adequately account for the range of insightful experiences of mentally productive people, such as designers, or 3) that the old issue of whether incubation is a conscious, or an unconscious process, is not vital to a systematic investigation of insightful discovery. The thesis concludes by considering prospects for further research and how the research outcomes could influence education. Apart from the findings already described, statements by the respondents about personal attributes, designing, coping with being stuck and discoveries, were wide ranging, resourceful and down-to-earth, suggesting there are many ways for individuals to become proficient, creative designers at the high end of their profession. A major implication for future research is that latent preparation may be found as readily among highly motivated and skilled individuals in other occupations unrelated to architecture or designing. The evidence of the research so far suggests there is much to be learned about latent preparation that can be usefully applied, for the benefit of individuals aiming to be designers, or simply wanting to become more adept at intervening, transforming and managing unexpected and novel situations of any kind
