254,335 research outputs found

    Spiritual Assessment within Clinical Interventions Focused on Quality of Life Assessment in Palliative Care: A Secondary Analysis of a Systematic Review

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    One of the most crucial palliative care challenges is in determining how patients' needs are defined and assessed. Although physical and psychological needs are commonly documented in patient's charts, spiritual needs are less frequently reported. The aim of this review was to determine which explicit, longitudinal documentation of spiritual concerns would sufficiently affect clinical care to alleviate spiritual distress or promote spiritual wellbeing. A secondary analysis of a systematic review originally aimed at appraising the effectiveness of complex interventions focused on quality of life in palliative care was conducted. Five databases were searched for articles reporting interventions focused on QoL including at least two or more QoL dimensions. A narrative synthesis was performed to synthesize findings. In total, 10 studies were included. Only three studies included spiritual wellbeing assessment. Spirituality tools used to assess spiritual wellbeing were different between studies: Hospital QoL Index 14; Spiritual Needs Inventory; Missoula-Vitas QoL Index; and the Needs Assessment Tool: Progressive Disease-Cancer. Only one study reported a healthcare professional's session training in the use of the QoL tool. Two out of three studies showed in participants an improvement in spiritual wellbeing, but changes in spiritual wellbeing scores were not significant. Overall patients receiving interventions focused on QoL assessment experienced both improvements in their QoL and in their spiritual needs. Although spiritual changes were not significant, the results provide evidence that a spiritual need exists and that spiritual care should be appropriately planned and delivered. Spiritual needs assessment precedes spiritual caring. It is essential that interventions focused on QoL assessment in palliative care include training on how to conduct a spiritual assessment and appropriate interventions to be offered to patients to address their spiritual needs


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    Analisis kebutuhan pelatihan merupakan langkah awal dan strategis dalam penyelenggaraan sebuah program pelatihan, sehingga perlu perhatian khusus dalam pengelolaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran bagaimana proses analisis kebutuhan pelatihan untuk desain program diklat teknis capacity building bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Sulawesi Selatan yang mencakup langkah-langkah analisis kebutuhan pelatihan, implementasi analisis kebutuhan pelatihan, cara penetapan pilihan kompetensi berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan pelatihan dan faktor-faktor yang menghambat implementasi proses analisis kebutuhan pelatihan. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan observasi. Untuk teknik analisis data yang dilakukan adalah reduksi data, displai data dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Sedangkan uji keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi metodologis dan member checking. Temuan penelitian secara umum menunjukkan bahwa, proses analisis kebutuhan pelatihan dilakukan dengan memperhatikan tahapan-tahapan analisis kebutuhan. Langkah-langkah dalam proses analisis kebutuhan pelatihan diawali dengan melakukan klarifikasi masalah kinerja dan diakhiri dengan pembuatan laporan analisis kebutuhan pelatihan. Secara khusus temuan penelitian menunjukan analisis kebutuhan pelatihan dilakukan pada beberapa tingkatan sebagai berikut: (1) Tingkat Organisasi dengan melakukan analisis organisasi; (2) Tingkat Jabatan dengan melakukan analisis jabatan; (3) Tingkat Individu dengan melalui asesmen pegawai; Dari hasil tiga tingkatan analisis kebutuhan tersebut kemudian dibuat matriks kebutuhan diklat bagi pegawai. ;---Training needs analysis is the first step in the strategic and implementation of a training program, so it needs special attention in its management, This research aims to gain an overview of how the process of training needs analysis to design technical training programs of capacity building for the Civil Service Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Sulawesi Selatan which comprises the steps of a training needs analysis, implementation, training needs analysis, to stipulate the selection of competency based on the results of the analysis training needs and the factors that hinder the implementation of a training needs analysis process. The research method used descriptive qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data through interviews, documentation, and observation. For the data analysis technique is the reduction of data, display data and drawing conclusions/ verification. While the validity of test data using methodological triangulation and member checking. The study's findings generally show that the process of training needs analysis conducted to step by step of needs analysis. Steps in the process of training needs analysis begins with a clarification of the performance and ending with the training needs analysis report creation. In particular the findings of a study of the training needs analysis conducted on several levels as follows: (1) Level of Organization to conduct an analysis of the organization; (2) Level Position by conducting a job analysis; (3) Level Individuals with through employee assessment; Of the three levels result of analysis are then created training needs matrix for employees

    Diploma internal assessment toolkit

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    2017-18 VCU Faculty Handbook

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    The VCU Faculty Handbook contains information about the university, its campus and the surrounding community. The Handbook is not a complete guide to academics, research and other services, but is intended as a reference guide to orient new and continuing faculty to the university and provides additional sources for information. For detailed school or department information, please reach out to the specific departmental office. The VCU Office of Faculty Affairs is committed to updating the Handbook on a yearly basis

    Ethical Fashion Africa Project Update

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_Ethical_Fashion_Africa_Update.pdf: 317 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Software Engineers' Information Seeking Behavior in Change Impact Analysis - An Interview Study

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    Software engineers working in large projects must navigate complex information landscapes. Change Impact Analysis (CIA) is a task that relies on engineers' successful information seeking in databases storing, e.g., source code, requirements, design descriptions, and test case specifications. Several previous approaches to support information seeking are task-specific, thus understanding engineers' seeking behavior in specific tasks is fundamental. We present an industrial case study on how engineers seek information in CIA, with a particular focus on traceability and development artifacts that are not source code. We show that engineers have different information seeking behavior, and that some do not consider traceability particularly useful when conducting CIA. Furthermore, we observe a tendency for engineers to prefer less rigid types of support rather than formal approaches, i.e., engineers value support that allows flexibility in how to practically conduct CIA. Finally, due to diverse information seeking behavior, we argue that future CIA support should embrace individual preferences to identify change impact by empowering several seeking alternatives, including searching, browsing, and tracing.Comment: Accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Program Comprehensio

    FLA Toolbox: Hours of Work

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_toolbox__Hours.pdf: 34 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Case Management Program For Frail Elders Manual, August 2008

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    The purpose of this manual is to guide operation of the Case Management Program for Frail Elders. After Background, Program Administration, Definitions, Consumer Eligibility, and Program Standards, the order follows the flow of a consumer entering the pro-gram from referral through ongoing case activities. The manual is written assuming the reader is the Case Manager. The effective date will appear in the bottom left hand corner of each page. This manual will be updated as needed via Iowa Aging Program Instructions (IAPI). This manual is used in conjunction with the Department of Human Services’ manuals which provide more detail about policies and procedures within the Medicaid elderly waiver program

    Monitoring and Assessing the Use of External Quality Review Organizations to Improve Services for Young Children: A Toolkit for State Medicaid Agencies

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    Assesses the extent to which states use external quality review organizations in studying the quality of preventive and developmental services for young children enrolled in Medicaid, and provides guidance on determining their scope of work

    Every child matters: joint area reviews of children's services

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