37 research outputs found

    Wpływ jakości materiałów dydaktycznych w e-learningu na zaangażowanie w procesie uczenia się

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the crucial elements, influencing the quality of teaching and learning materials, used in e-learning courses, and thus – form and effectiveness of distance courses. What is crucial in preparing high-quality teaching and learning materials, supporting learners’ high motivation level, and their engagement in learning activities is the practical use of the research results on the cognitive learning processes. This, in turn, results in high-quality teaching and better learning outcomes. This approach is most important in designing e-learning courses, in which the teachers’ engagement, as well as social interactions between participants, cannot directly improve the learners’ motivation.Celem artykułu jest omówienie najważniejszych elementów, mających wpływ na jakość materiałów dydaktycznych, a tym samym kształt i efektywność kursów e-learningowych. Wykorzystanie znajomości wyników badań związanych z procesami poznawczymi i motywacją osób uczących się oraz części składowych procesu dydaktycznego jest bowiem kluczowe w przygotowaniu wysokiej jakości materiałów, wspomagających osoby uczące się w utrzymaniu wysokiego poziomu motywacji i zaangażowania, co następnie przekłada się na jakość procesu kształcenia oraz wyniki uzyskiwane przez jego uczestników. Ma to największe znaczenie w przypadku projektowania kursów e-learningowych, w których zaangażowanie osób prowadzących, jak też interakcje między ich uczestnikami w mniejszym stopniu niż w przypadku kształcenia tradycyjnego mogą wpływać na zwiększenie motywacji osób uczących się


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    Since start of 21st century, use of digital technology increased in Pakistan to meet requirements of global changes in eduation. Study for “An analysis of the perception of science students about the use of technology in classrooms at the secondary level in Islamabad” was conducted and Objectives of the study were (1) to assess perception of students regarding use of technology  in a classroom at the secondary level and; (2) to find out the availability of technology in teaching-learning process in Islamabad Model College for Boys.  Data was acquired from secondary school students of class 9th, 10th and 11th, through a survey questionnaire. Study was descriptive in nature and straitified random sampling technique was used. Population was 8056 students and 499 students were sample. Findings shows that, using digital technology in the classroom might enhance students' learning. It was cocluded that digital learning is advantageous for each classroom. It is recommended that, much more work is required to be done to encourage a technological catch-up

    Efficacy of Flipped Classroom and Literature in ESL And EFL: A Revision of a Case Study

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    We present here a case study that aims to determine to what extent Flipped Classroom is a valid way to introduce difficult and demanding reading texts in the ESL EFL classroom in a university course of English language. In the case of the study, the content objective is the introduction of the reading of passages from Macbeth written by William Shakespeare in a specialized university course for English language students whose linguistic competence is in the region of B2 CFRL. This study revisits some of previously obtained data and crosses these new items with new data gathered during the research described in this paper. We obtain some interesting findings that support the hypothesis that using alternative teaching methods, as Flipped Classroom, can be a valid tool to introduce demanding texts in an environment as the one here described

    Appendices: Failures, errors and mistakes: A systematic review of the literature

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    Terms such as failure, mistakes, errors, obstacles, and struggle are used interchangeably, but each carry different connotations and discipline-specific meanings. Reactions to experiencing a failure can range as well, from being seen as having educative value to be debilitating. These reactions are based on criteria like environment, prior experiences and individual characteristics, to name a few. The purpose of this chapter is to synthesize and clarify how these terms are articulated and utilized in research studies and commentaries published between 1970 and 2017. Through a systematic literature review, we will discuss similarities and differences in how researchers defined these terms, as well as how these definitions differ by cultural context, discipline, and age of participants. Next, we briefly highlight how our research findings on failure within making and tinkering contexts contribute to our current thinking on failure, mistakes, and errors. Our research included approximately 500 youths and 150 educators situated in a variety of settings that implement making and tinkering programs and/or activities including an informal educational setting (i.e., museum), a formal educational setting (i.e., public middle school), and a hybrid setting (i.e., science center running after-school programming at local school sites). We conclude with open questions and recommendations for the field to consider when conducting research around failures, errors, and mistakes in educational contexts


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi bangun ruang kubus dan balok menggunakan model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom dengan Learning Cycle 5E. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SDN Sukarahayu 01 Kabupaten Bekasi pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2022/2023 dengan subyek penelitian terdiri dari 21 orang siswa kelas V. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif studi kasus di kelas V dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, reflektif jurnal, lembar kerja siswa dan tes pemahaman konsep. Data dianalisis berdasarkan konsep pada bangun ruang kubus dan balok. Berdasarkan penelitian, siswa selama mengikuti model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom dengan Learning Cycle 5E mengalami pengembangan pemahaman konsep pada sub-materi karakteristik bangun ruang kubus dan balok. Berdasarkan grafik, pemahaman konsep siswa meningkat sampai 95% di sub-materi karakteristik bangun ruang kubus dan balok dan di sub-materi volume bangun ruang kubus dan balok pemahaman siswa meningkat sampai 86%. Miskonsepsi terbesar terjadi pada tahap engagement, karena siswa masih menggunakan pengetahuan awalnya. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian kubus dan balok, namun siswa masih mengalami kesulitan menggunakan rumus pada penyelesaian soal. Model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom dengan Learning Cycle 5E, selain berperan dalam mengembangkan pemahaman konsep siswa, model ini juga berperan mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi dan berkolaborasi dalam pembelajaran matematika. This study aims to develop students' conceptual understanding of cube and block geometric shapes using the Flipped Classroom Learning model with 5E Learning Cycle. The research was conducted at SDN Sukarahayu 01 Bekasi Regency in the even semester of the 2022/2023 school year with 21 students in class V as the research subjects. understanding of concepts, observations, reflective journals and student worksheets. Data were analyzed based on the concept of cubic and beam geometric shapes. Based on the research, students while following the Flipped Classroom Learning model with Learning Cycle 5E experienced a development of conceptual understanding in the sub-matter of the characteristics of cubical and rectangular shapes. Based on the graphs, students' understanding of concepts increased by 95% in the sub-material on the characteristics of geometric shapes of cubes and blocks and in the sub-material on the volume of geometric shapes of cubes and blocks on students' understanding increased by 86%. The biggest misconception occurs at the engagement stage, because students are still using their initial knowledge. Students can identify the parts of cubes and blocks, but students still have difficulty using formulas in problem solving. The Flipped Classroom Learning model with Learning Cycle 5E, besides playing a role in developing students' conceptual understanding, this model also plays a role in developing communication and collaboration skills in learning mathematics

    Using Sports to Develop Community in the Mathematics Classroom

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    A positive classroom climate and community should be achieved in every classroom (Frisby, 2020, pgs. 199-200). This sense of community is especially sparse in the field of mathematics education. According to the High School Athletics Participation Survey (2019) the number of high schoolers participating in sports continues to rise. Sport ideologies could offer a bridge to connect mathematics classrooms and establish community in ways a pure educational perspective has not been able to. The purpose of this analysis is to shed light on an alternate perspective of mathematics education and incorporate sport philosophies to foster community building by establishing rapport, reducing anxiety, and normalizing failure in the mathematics classroom

    Academic Achievement In Flipped Classrooms

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    Since the inception of the flipped classroom model, the teaching pedagogy has become increasingly popular in both K-12 and collegiate classrooms. In a traditional classroom model, students become familiar in class with lectures and complete additional practice work at home in order to iron out any misunderstandings of the material. The flipped classroom model reverses roles with students becoming initially familiar with the class materials at home and then engaging in further practice in class with the teacher and fellow students. Although this teaching method is still in its infancy, the results so far reveal the flipped classroom model significantly improves a student’s ability to retain and master material. This study seeks to analyze a variety of different studies focusing on K-12 implementation of the flipped classroom model in order to determine overall effectiveness of the model. This study will use meta-analysis methodology to come to a better understanding of the success of the flipped classroom model across a variety of different sample sizes, populations, and research methodologies. While this study will not add any original field data to the study of the flipped classroom model, it will provide a singular source analyzing existing data to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the pedagogical model

    Revisión bibliográfica y análisis sobre b-learning y la socialización del alumnado en educación primaria

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    La modalidad educativa de b-learning se incorporó al sistema educativo hace algunos años y se ha implantado con fuerza, sobre todo a nivel universitario. El objetivo del estudio es analizar las investigaciones publicadas sobre b-learning en la etapa de Educación Primaria a través de una revisión bibliográfica centrada en los últimos 5 años. Aunque el estudio confirma que la tendencia no ha cambiado y el modelo sigue teniendo más presencia en niveles superiores, poco a poco, se van viendo estudios sobre b-learning en Educación Primaria. En su mayoría, son estudios enfocados a la eficacia en cuanto al rendimiento académico, pero podemos encontrar investigaciones donde el foco de estudio se centra en otras aportaciones del modelo. Dentro de la modalidad mixta, el modelo más utilizado y popularizado es el aula invertida, modelo que asume principios pedagógicos tales como el aprendizaje activo, significativo, social, cooperativo... En estos tiempos de pandemia, donde se necesita la distancia social, el reto al que se enfrenta este modelo supone suplir debidamente los beneficios que conlleva la interacción social con propuestas innovadoras e interesantes para el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. The educational modality of b-learning was incorporated into the educational system a few years ago and has been strongly implemented, especially at the university level. The objective of the study is to analyze the published research on b- learning in the Primary Education stage through a Bibliographic Review focused on the last 5 years. Although the study confirms that the trend has not changed and the model continues to have more presence at higher levels, little by little, studies on b-learning in primary education are being seen. Most of them are studies focused on effectiveness in terms of academic performance, but we can find research where the focus of study is focused on other contributions of the model. Within the mixed- mode, the model most widely used and popularized is the classroom inverted, a model that assumes pedagogical principles such as active learning, significant, social, cooperative... In these times of pandemic, where the social distance, the challenge of this model is to supply adequately the benefits of social interaction with innovative and interesting for the teaching and learning process

    Käänteisen opetuksen positiivisia vaikutuksia matematiikan opetuksessa

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    Käänteinen opetus on kerännyt suurta suosiota viime vuosien aikana opettajien sekä oppilaiden keskuudessa. Käänteinen opetus muuttaa opetustapahtumien kulkua ja tekee oppimisesta mielekkäämpää oppilaille myös matematiikassa. Oppilaat eivät enää jää yksin kohtaamiensa ongelmien ja vaikeuksien kanssa, vaan opettaja pystyy tehokkaammin tarjoamaan ammattitaitoaan oppilaiden tueksi. Kirjallisuuden perusteella käänteinen opetus muuttaa oppimisen oppilaskeskeisemmäksi ja antaa oppilaille vapaammat kädet oman oppimisensa kehittämiseen. Samalla opettaja saa enemmän mahdollisuuksia toteuttaa pedagogisia menetelmiään. Kotona tehtävän itenäisen työskentelyn lisäksi vertaisoppiminen on erityisessä roolissa käänteisen opetuksen luokkahuonetilanteissa, minkä voi nähdä kokoavana tekijänä käänteisen opetuksen toimivuudelle. Oppilaat työskentelevät itsenäisesti sekä ryhmissä eriyttäen itse ja toimien vertaistukena toisilleen. Käänteinen opetus soveltuu myös teknologian hyödyntämisen vuoksi vastaamaan opetussuunnitelmien sisältöä

    Textile education during the 2020 pandemic: experiences in US, South Africa and Germany

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on higher education across the world. In this paper we consider how textile education has been impacted and what approaches have been employed to maintain quality education and laboratory experience when traditional methods are not appropriate. This paper considers three different countries – United States, South Africa and Germany. Each has been affected in a different way, has a different sociological makeup, and has developed distinct solutions to the challenge. Methods related to HyFlex, flipped classrooms, and blending learning have been applied by all three institutions. Lectures have been presented as pre-recorded videos, synchronous video conferencing, and hybrid. Similarly, laboratory and studio experiences have been handled through pre-recorded video, guided “at home” experiments, and modified in-person experiences. This paper gives an overview of the laboratory and studio experiences, time spent in preparation, and reaction of the students to remedies. It also addresses best practices from each country in the three continents