8 research outputs found

    Fault-Tolerant Consensus in Unknown and Anonymous Networks

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    This paper investigates under which conditions information can be reliably shared and consensus can be solved in unknown and anonymous message-passing networks that suffer from crash-failures. We provide algorithms to emulate registers and solve consensus under different synchrony assumptions. For this, we introduce a novel pseudo leader-election approach which allows a leader-based consensus implementation without breaking symmetry

    Expected Linear Round Synchronization: The Missing Link for Linear Byzantine SMR

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    State Machine Replication (SMR) solutions often divide time into rounds, with a designated leader driving decisions in each round. Progress is guaranteed once all correct processes synchronize to the same round, and the leader of that round is correct. Recently suggested Byzantine SMR solutions such as HotStuff, Tendermint, and LibraBFT achieve progress with a linear message complexity and a constant time complexity once such round synchronization occurs. But round synchronization itself incurs an additional cost. By Dolev and Reischuk's lower bound, any deterministic solution must have Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) communication complexity. Yet the question of randomized round synchronization with an expected linear message complexity remained open. We present an algorithm that, for the first time, achieves round synchronization with expected linear message complexity and expected constant latency. Existing protocols can use our round synchronization algorithm to solve Byzantine SMR with the same asymptotic performance

    Anonymous Asynchronous Systems: The Case of Failure Detectors

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    Due the multiplicity of loci of control, a main issue distributed systems have to cope with lies in the uncertainty on the system state created by the adversaries that are asynchrony, failures, dynamicity, mobility, etc. Considering message-passing systems, this paper considers the uncertainty created by the net effect of three of these adversaries, namely, asynchrony, failures, and anonymity. This means that, in addition to be asynchronous and crash-prone, the processes have no identity. Trivially, agreement problems (e.g., consensus) that cannot be solved in presence of asynchrony and failures cannot be solved either when adding anonymity. The paper consequently proposes anonymous failure detectors to circumvent these impossibilities. It has several contributions. First it presents three classes of failure detectors (denoted AP, A∩ and A∑) and show that they are the anonymous counterparts of the classes of perfect failure detectors, eventual leader failure detectors and quorum failure detectors, respectively. The class A∑ is new and showing it is the anonymous counterpart of the class ∑ is not trivial. Then, the paper presents and proves correct a genuinely anonymous consensus algorithm based on the pair of anonymous failure detector classes (A∩, A∑) (“genuinely” means that, not only processes have no identity, but no process is aware of the total number of processes). This new algorithm is not a “straightforward extension” of an algorithm designed for non-anonymous systems. To benefit from A∑, it uses a novel message exchange pattern where each phase of every round is made up of sub-rounds in which appropriate control information is exchanged. Finally, the paper discusses the notions of failure detector class hierarchy and weakest failure detector class for a given problem in the context of anonymous systems

    How to solve consensus in the smallest window of synchrony

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    This paper addresses the following question: what is the minimum-sized synchronous window needed to solve consensus in an otherwise asynchronous system? In answer to this question, we present the first optimally-resilient algorithm ASAP that solves consensus as soon as possible in an eventually synchronous system, i.e., a system that from some time GST onwards, delivers messages in a timely fashion. ASAP guarantees that, in an execution with at most f failures, every process decides no later than round GST + f + 2, which is optimal

    Generalized Pseudorandom Secret Sharing and Efficient Straggler-Resilient Secure Computation

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    Secure multiparty computation (MPC) enables nn parties, of which up to tt may be corrupted, to perform joint computations on their private inputs while revealing only the outputs. Optimizing the asymptotic and concrete costs of MPC protocols has become an important line of research. Much of this research focuses on the setting of an honest majority, where n≄2t+1n \ge 2t+1, which gives rise to concretely efficient protocols that are either information-theoretic or make a black-box use of symmetric cryptography. Efficiency can be further improved in the case of a {\em strong} honest majority, where n>2t+1n>2t+1. Motivated by the goal of minimizing the communication and latency costs of MPC with a strong honest majority, we make two related contributions. \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*] \item {\bf Generalized pseudorandom secret sharing (PRSS).} Linear correlations serve as an important resource for MPC protocols and beyond. PRSS enables secure generation of many pseudorandom instances of such correlations without interaction, given replicated seeds of a pseudorandom function. We extend the PRSS technique of Cramer et al.\ (TCC 2015) for sharing degree-dd polynomials to new constructions leveraging a particular class of combinatorial designs. Our constructions yield a dramatic efficiency improvement when the degree dd is higher than the security threshold tt, not only for standard degree-dd correlations but also for several useful generalizations. In particular, correlations for locally converting between slot configurations in ``share packing\u27\u27 enable us to avoid the concrete overhead of prior works. \item {\bf Cheap straggler resilience.} In reality, communication is not fully synchronous: protocol executions suffer from variance in communication delays and occasional node or message-delivery failures. We explore the benefits of PRSS-based MPC with a strong honest majority toward robustness against such failures, in turn yielding improved latency delays. In doing so we develop a novel technique for defending against a subtle ``double-dipping\u27\u27 attack, which applies to the best existing protocols, with almost no extra cost in communication or rounds. \end{itemize} Combining the above tools requires further work, including new methods for batch verification via distributed zero-knowledge proofs (Boneh et al., CRYPTO 2019) that apply to packed secret sharing. Overall, our work demonstrates new advantages of the strong honest majority setting, and introduces new tools---in particular, generalized PRSS---that we believe will be of independent use within other cryptographic applications

    How to Choose a Timing Model?

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    Abstract When employing a consensus algorithm for state ma-chine replication, should one optimize for the case that all communication links are usually timely, or for fewer timelylinks? Does optimizing a protocol for better message complexity hamper the time complexity? In this paper, we inves-tigate these types of questions using mathematical analysis as well as experiments over PlanetLab (WAN) and a LAN.We present a new and efficient leader-based consensus protocol that has O(n) stable-state message complexity (in asystem with n processes) and requires only O(n) links to betimely at stable times. We compare this protocol with several previously suggested protocols. Our results show that aprotocol that requires fewer timely links can achieve better performance, even if it sends fewer messages. Keywords: synchrony assumptions, eventual synchrony,failure detectors, consensus algorithms, FT Middleware.

    How to choose a timing model

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    When employing a consensus algorithm for state machine replication, should one optimize for the case that all communication links are usually timely, or for fewer timely links? Does optimizing a protocol for better message complexity hamper the time complexity? In this paper, we investigate these types of questions using mathematical analysis as well as experiments over PlanetLab (WAN) and a LAN. We present a new and efficient leader-based consensus protocol that has O(n) stable-state message complexity (in a system with n processes) and requires only O(n) links to be timely at stable times. We compare this protocol with several previously suggested protocols. Our results show that a protocol that requires fewer timely links can achieve better performance, even if it sends fewer messages