12 research outputs found

    Optimizing Scan Homogeneity for Building Full-3D Lidars based on Rotating a Multi-Beam Velodyne Rangefinder

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    Multi-beam lidar (MBL) scanners are compact, light, and accessible 3D sensors with high data rates, but they offer limited vertical resolution and field of view (FOV). Some recent robotics research has profited from the addition of a degree-of-freedom (DOF) to an MBL to build rotating multi-beam lidars (RMBL) that can achieve high-resolution scans with full spherical FOV. In a previous work, we offered a methodology to analyze the complex 3D scan measurement distributions produced by RMBLs with a rolling DOF and no pitching. In this paper, we investigate the effect of introducing constant pitch angles in the construction of the RMBLs with the purpose of finding a kinematic configuration that optimizes scan homogeneity with a spherical FOV. To this end, we propose a scalar index of 3D sensor homogeneity that is based on the spherical formulation of Ripley's K function. The optimization is performed for the widely used Puck (VLP-16) and HDL-32 sensors by Velodyne.This work was partially funded by the Spanish project {DPI2015-65186-R}. The publication has received support from Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Andalucía Tech

    Contributions to Intelligent Scene Understanding of Unstructured Environments from 3D lidar sensors

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    Además, la viabilidad de este enfoque es evaluado mediante la implementación de cuatro tipos de clasificadores de aprendizaje supervisado encontrados en métodos de procesamiento de escenas: red neuronal, máquina de vectores de soporte, procesos gaussianos, y modelos de mezcla gaussiana. La segmentación de objetos es un paso más allá hacia el entendimiento de escena, donde conjuntos de puntos 3D correspondientes al suelo y otros objetos de la escena son aislados. La tesis propone nuevas contribuciones a la segmentación de nubes de puntos basados en mapas de vóxeles caracterizados geométricamente. En concreto, la metodología propuesta se compone de dos pasos: primero, una segmentación del suelo especialmente diseñado para entornos naturales; y segundo, el posterior aislamiento de objetos individuales. Además, el método de segmentación del suelo es integrado en una nueva técnica de mapa de navegabilidad basado en cuadrícula de ocupación el cuál puede ser apropiado para robots móviles en entornos naturales. El diseño y desarrollo de un nuevo y asequible sensor lidar 3D de alta resolución también se ha propuesto en la tesis. Los nuevos MBLs, tales como los desarrollados por Velodyne, están siendo cada vez más un tipo de sensor 3D asequible y popular que ofrece alto ratio de datos en un campo de visión vertical (FOV) limitado. El diseño propuesto consiste en una plataforma giratoria que mejora la resolución y el FOV vertical de un Velodyne VLP-16 de 16 haces. Además, los complejos patrones de escaneo producidos por configuraciones de MBL que rotan se analizan tanto en simulaciones de esfera hueca como en escáneres reales en entornos representativos. Fecha de Lectura de Tesis: 11 de julio 2018.Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Resumen tesis: Los sensores lidar 3D son una tecnología clave para navegación, localización, mapeo y entendimiento de escenas en vehículos no tripulados y robots móviles. Esta tecnología, que provee nubes de puntos densas, puede ser especialmente adecuada para nuevas aplicaciones en entornos naturales o desestructurados, tales como búsqueda y rescate, exploración planetaria, agricultura, o exploración fuera de carretera. Esto es un desafío como área de investigación que incluye disciplinas que van desde el diseño de sensor a la inteligencia artificial o el aprendizaje automático (machine learning). En este contexto, esta tesis propone contribuciones al entendimiento inteligente de escenas en entornos desestructurados basado en medidas 3D de distancia a nivel del suelo. En concreto, las contribuciones principales incluyen nuevas metodologías para la clasificación de características espaciales, segmentación de objetos, y evaluación de navegabilidad en entornos naturales y urbanos, y también el diseño y desarrollo de un nuevo lidar rotatorio multi-haz (MBL). La clasificación de características espaciales es muy relevante porque es extensamente requerida como un paso fundamental previo a los problemas de entendimiento de alto nivel de una escena. Las contribuciones de la tesis en este respecto tratan de mejorar la eficacia, tanto en carga computacional como en precisión, de clasificación de aprendizaje supervisado de características de forma espacial (forma tubular, plana o difusa) obtenida mediante el análisis de componentes principales (PCA). Esto se ha conseguido proponiendo un concepto eficiente de vecindario basado en vóxel en una contribución original que define los procedimientos de aprendizaje “offline” y clasificación “online” a la vez que cinco definiciones alternativas de vectores de características basados en PCA

    3D Laser Scanner Development and Analysis

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    Digital Transformation of the Design, Construction and Management Processes of the Built Environment

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    This open access book focuses on the development of methods, interoperable and integrated ICT tools, and survey techniques for optimal management of the building process. The construction sector is facing an increasing demand for major innovations in terms of digital dematerialization and technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, advanced manufacturing, robotics, 3D printing, blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence. The demand for simplification and transparency in information management and for the rationalization and optimization of very fragmented and splintered processes is a key driver for digitization. The book describes the contribution of the ABC Department of the Polytechnic University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano) to R&D activities regarding methods and ICT tools for the interoperable management of the different phases of the building process, including design, construction, and management. Informative case studies complement the theoretical discussion. The book will be of interest to all stakeholders in the building process – owners, designers, constructors, and faculty managers – as well as the research sector

    Digital Transformation of the Design, Construction and Management Processes of the Built Environment

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    This open access book focuses on the development of methods, interoperable and integrated ICT tools, and survey techniques for optimal management of the building process. The construction sector is facing an increasing demand for major innovations in terms of digital dematerialization and technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, advanced manufacturing, robotics, 3D printing, blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence. The demand for simplification and transparency in information management and for the rationalization and optimization of very fragmented and splintered processes is a key driver for digitization. The book describes the contribution of the ABC Department of the Polytechnic University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano) to R&D activities regarding methods and ICT tools for the interoperable management of the different phases of the building process, including design, construction, and management. Informative case studies complement the theoretical discussion. The book will be of interest to all stakeholders in the building process – owners, designers, constructors, and faculty managers – as well as the research sector

    NASA Tech Briefs, February 1992

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    Topics covered include: New Product Development; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    Makers at School, Educational Robotics and Innovative Learning Environments

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    This open access book contains observations, outlines, and analyses of educational robotics methodologies and activities, and developments in the field of educational robotics emerging from the findings presented at FabLearn Italy 2019, the international conference that brought together researchers, teachers, educators and practitioners to discuss the principles of Making and educational robotics in formal, non-formal and informal education. The editors’ analysis of these extended versions of papers presented at FabLearn Italy 2019 highlight the latest findings on learning models based on Making and educational robotics. The authors investigate how innovative educational tools and methodologies can support a novel, more effective and more inclusive learner-centered approach to education. The following key topics are the focus of discussion: Makerspaces and Fab Labs in schools, a maker approach to teaching and learning; laboratory teaching and the maker approach, models, methods and instruments; curricular and non-curricular robotics in formal, non-formal and informal education; social and assistive robotics in education; the effect of innovative spaces and learning environments on the innovation of teaching, good practices and pilot projects