38 research outputs found

    The mediating effect of employee’s trust on e-government and good governance in the public sector of developing countries

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    The main purpose of this paper is to study the mediating effect of employee‟s trust between e-government and good governance in the public sector of the developing countries.In addition, it presents a conceptual research framework to understand these relationships supported by literature review from recent studies.The main findings indicate that empowering public sector employees through practicing e-government creates trustworthy behaviors which are necessary to promote effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and innovativeness as means of good governance. Implications and limitations of the study are also discussed where future studies are recommended to extend the research empirically and highlight more on governments of developing countries which are in need to such kind of transformation for an effective economic refor

    Measuring The Impact Of Trust On Job Performance And Self-Efficacy In A Project: Evidence From Saudi Arabia

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    The individual’s ability to complete the given task effectively can be termed as Self-efficacy. Employee performance is examined about outcomes and behavior. Job performance determines the quality as well as the quantity accomplished by employees over a period. Trust has been widely used as a mediating variable in previous research and has been found to exhibit positive mediating effects on the variables. In our research, we have investigated the factors (Team-self-efficacy and trust) affecting the project team members’ job performance. We have conducted a study to collect data and test the model proposed on 155 respondents (project team members) of a large construction company at Saudi Arabia. The findings demonstrated that trust partially mediated the relationship between the team job performance and self-efficacy. Additionally, significant positive correlations between the variables were found. There have been several studies examining the variables as discussed in the paper. However, there is a paucity of research on small groups like the project teams worldwide. The significance of the results and future research directions were analyzed and discussed. The importance of the results and directions for future research were also put forward

    Knowledge Contribution Motivators – An Expectation-Confirmation Approach

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    Individual knowledge needs to be shared across IS developing organizations to provide information for all types of decisions. Considering knowledge management (KM) as a two-part process of knowledge contribution and knowledge seeking, we focus on the former one as it is (1) the required condition for knowledge sharing and (2) the greater challenge to accomplish by organizations compared to implementing successful knowledge seeking. Distinguishing different types of individual and organizational extrinsic motivators based on self-determination theory, we use expectation-confirmation theory (ECT) to analyze the extent to which software developers’ expectations towards knowledge contributions are fulfilled by organizations. Additionally, showing extrinsic motivators’ importance for software developers to contribute to KM systems, we provide organizations a roadmap for setting favorable conditions. Whereas our consolidation of previous research on knowledge contribution provides guidelines for future research on extrinsic motivators, we contribute to existing theory by applying ECT to the context of KM contribution

    The informal institutions and the knowledge sharing: the mediating effect of the social identity and the organizational trust

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    The aim of this scientific paper is to determine the extent to which social identity and organizational trust mediate the relationship between the informal institutions and the knowledge sharing. Based on a review of literature and relying on the theoretical perspective of sociological neo-institutionalism and on the resource based-view, the research hypothesis was formulated. Using a cross-sectional and with Mexican public sector organizations and through the perceptions of 252 public servants the hypothesis was tested. Multivariate analysis (SEM) was performed. The results confirm that the informal institutions legitimize the performance of organizations but do not guarantee its real efficiency. However, research shows that intervening valuable resources management (social identity and organizational trust) helps to take advantage of opportunities and neutralize threats from the environment generating new capabilities: the knowledge sharing

    As instituições informais e a partilha do conhecimento: o efeito mediador da identidade social e a confiança organizacional

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    The aim of this scientific paper is to determine the extent to which social identity and organizational trust mediate the relationship between informal institutions and the exchange of knowledge. Based on a review of literature and relying on the theoretical perspective of new institutionalism and on the resource based-view the research hypotheses were formulated. Using a cross-sectional and with Mexican public sector organizations and through the perceptions of 252 public servants the hypotheses were tested. Multivariate analysis (SEM) was performed. The results confirm the importance of informal institutions that legitimize the performance of organizations but do not guarantee its real efficiency. However, research shows that intervening valuable resources management (social identity and organizational trust) helps to exploit opportunities and neutralize threats from the environment generating new capabilities: the exchange of knowledge.O objetivo deste artigo científico é determinar em que medida a identidade social e a confiança organizacional medeiam a relação entre as instituições informais e o intercâmbio de conhecimento. Com base na revisão da literatura e contando com a perspectiva teórica do neo-institucionalismo sociológico e a teoria de recursos e capacidades a hipótese de pesquisa foi formulada. Através de um mexicano organizações do setor transeccional e público através de estudo de percepção de 252 servidores públicos a hipótese foi testada. Realizou-se análise multivariante. Os resultados confirmam a importância das instituições informais que legitiman o desempenho das organizações mas não garantem sua eficiência real. Não obstante, a investigação mostra que mediante o gerenciamento interviniente de recursos valiosos (identidade social e confiança organizacional) se ajuda a explodir as oportunidades e a neutralizar as ameaças do ambiente se gerando novas capacidades: o intercâmbio de conhecimento

    ¿Puede ser el género un determinante del desempeño organizacional y del intercambio de conocimiento en organizaciones del sector público?

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    The objective of this scientific article is to determine if gender affects the relationship between organizational performance and knowledge sharing in public sector organizations. Based on the literature review and drawing from the theoretical perspective of a resource-based view, the research hypotheses were formulated. Through a cross-sectional study, of ten Mexican organizations from the public sector and through the perception of 239 public servants, these hypotheses were tested. A linear regression analysis was performed. The results confirm the importance of gender as a determinant variable in the management and administration of the organizations. This research also shows that the intervening management of valuable resources (knowledge) helps to generate strategies (organizational performance) that have no cost for public sector organizations.El objetivo de este artículo científico es determinar si el género afecta la relación entre el desempeño organizacional y el conocimiento compartido en organizaciones del sector público. Con base en la revisión de literatura y mediante la Teoría de Recursos y capacidades, las hipótesis fueron formuladas. A través de un estudio transeccional, con diez organizaciones del sector público y mediante la percepción de 239 servidores públicos, las hipótesis fueron probadas. Un análisis de regresión lineal fue desarrollado. Los resultados confirman la importancia del género como una variable determinante en la administración y gestión de las organizaciones. Esta investigación también muestra que la gestión adecuada de recursos valiosos tales como el conocimiento, ayuda a generar estrategias (desempeño organizacional) que no tienen ningún costo para las organizaciones del sector público

    Sharing information and knowledge between Brazilian researchers

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    The CIC among Brazilian researchers refers to the activity of providing information and knowledge that enables the joint work of experts for the resolution of problems and development of new ideas or theories, which usually result in joint scientific publications. Thus, the objective of this article is to elaborate a model that relates the factors that influence the diffusion of the CIC among Brazilian researchers in the modality "productivity" of CNPq, as mechanisms for generating innovations and new knowledge, measured by scientific production. As for the method, in a first moment a bibliographic research was carried out to evaluate existing models in the literature regarding the determining factors of the ICC on the capacity of innovation and generation of innovations in the HEIs, especially in the research groups. Next, the structural and measurement model was elaborated and validated using an online questionnaire for data collection, with five-point likert questions, sent to researchers in the productivity modality in research, levels SR, 2, 1A, 1B and 1C of CNPq.  The questionnaire was answered by 262 researchers and the collected data were analyzed using the SEM analysis instrument based on PLS. The results found indicated that the hypotheses of the model were accepted. The results revealed that the individual characteristics of the researchers, the organizational characteristics and the technology contribute to the CIC, which in turn favors the generation of publications and promotion of knowledge. In addition, individual characteristics and publications contribute to the advancement of innovation

    Does Critical Success Factors of KM Mediate the KS-Driven Performance in the Software Sector of Pakistan?

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    This research tends to investigate role of KS practices on overall performance of software sector using critical success factors of KM (i.e. KM process and infrastructure capabilities) as intermediate measures. In this regard, a survey method using the adapted instrument to draw the inference from data collected from software developers.  The parallel multiple mediation model proposed and tested by using Process Macro. The findings of study reveal that KS practices have a significant and positive effect on the overall performance in terms of operational excellence, financial achievement, customer intimacy, product leadership. The results indicate that all the constructs of KM process and infrastructure capabilities partially mediates the relationship between KS practices and performance of software sector. Hence, findings of study support all the suggested hypotheses and draws the inference that KM process and infrastructure capabilities support the theoretical prisms of KBV initiatives


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    O compartilhamento de informações e conhecimento entre pesquisadores refere-se à atividade de disponibilizar informações e know-how que possibilite o trabalho conjunto de especialistas para a resolução de problemas, para desenvolver novas ideias ou teorias e que normalmente resultam em publicações científicas conjuntas. Este projeto tem como objetivo elaborar um modelo que relaciona os fatores que influenciam a criação e o compartilhamento de informações entre os bolsistas produtividade em pesquisa do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) com seus pares e a capacidade de geração de inovações e de conhecimentos, medida pela produção científica. Quanto ao método, em um primeiro momento foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica a fim de se avaliar os modelos existentes na literatura a respeito dos fatores determinantes do compartilhamento e sobre a capacidade de inovação e de geração de inovações nas IES, em especial nos grupos de pesquisas. A seguir, foram elaborados os modelos estrutural e de mensuração que foram validados utilizando um questionário on-line para a coleta dos dados, com questões tipo likert de cinco pontos, enviado aos pesquisadores com bolsa na modalidade produtividade em pesquisa, níveis SR, 1A, 1B e 1C do CNPq. O questionário foi respondido por 252 bolsistas e os dados coletados foram analisados utilizando a estatística descritiva e a structural equation modeling (SEM) based on partial least squares (PLS). Os resultados encontrados indicaram que as 5 hipóteses do modelo foram aceitas. As características individuais dos pesquisadores, as características organizacionais e a tecnologia contribuem para o compartilhamento de conhecimento que favorece a geração de publicações. Além disso, as características individuais e as publicações contribuem para a inovação

    The mediating effect of good governance on the relationship between e-government and public trust in Lebanon

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    The main objective of this research is to study the mediating effect of good governance on the relationship between e-government and public trust in Lebanon. As an effective tool for economic reform, there is a need to adopt e-government practices to enhance the public trust towards the government. Based on extensive literature review and conceptual background including the theories of institutional-based trust and the diffusion of innovation, the theoretical research framework was developed. Primary data was collected using survey involving 400 Lebanese employees in Beirut. The data have been analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research findings revealed that eight hypotheses were accepted while five hypothesis were rejected indicating that e-government practices including e-services have a significant and positive effect on both good governance and public trust in Lebanon. However, e-administration has a positive effect on good governance but not on public trust. E-procurement has insignificant effect on both good governance and public trust. Good governance has a positive and significant effect on public trust, but it has no mediating effect on the relationship between e-government including e-administration and public trust. The findings also show that good governance mediates the effect of both e-service and e-procurement on public trust. This research contributes practically by offering practitioners and policy makers in governments the guidelines on how they can empower and build citizens‟ trust by providing efficient, transparent and accountable government services. Future studies are suggested to extend the research empirically in terms of respondents, geographical location and methodology of analysi