321 research outputs found

    NASA Tech Briefs, July 2013

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    Dielectrophoresis-Based Particle Sensor Using Nanoelectrode Arrays; Multi-Dimensional Damage Detection for Surfaces and Structures; ULTRA: Underwater Localization for Transit and Reconnaissance Autonomy; Autonomous Cryogenic Leak Detector for Improving Launch Site Operations; Submillimeter Planetary Atmospheric Chemistry Exploration Sounder; Method for Reduction of Silver Biocide Plating on Metal Surfaces; Silicon Micromachined Microlens Array for THz Antennas; Forward-Looking IED Detector Ground Penetrating Radar; Fully Printed, Flexible, Phased Array Antenna for Lunar Surface Communication, Battery Charge Equalizer with Transformer Array; An Efficient, Highly Flexible Multi-Channel Digital Downconverter Architecture; Dimmable Electronic Ballast for a Gas Discharge Lamp; Conductive Carbon Nanotube Inks for Use with Desktop Inkjet Printing Technology; Enhanced Schapery Theory Software Development for Modeling Failure of Fiber-Reinforced Laminates; High-Performance, Low-Temperature-Operating, Long-Lifetime Aerospace Lubricants; Carbon Nanotube Microarrays Grown on Nanoflake Substrates; Differential Muon Tomography to Continuously Monitor Changes in the Composition of Subsurface Fluids; Microgravity Drill and Anchor System; 20 Granular Media-Based Tunable Passive Vibration Suppressor; 21 Miga Aero Actuator and 2D Machined Mechanical Binary Latch; Micro-XRF for In Situ Geological Exploration of Other Planets; Hydrogen-Enhanced Lunar Oxygen Extraction and Storage Using Only Solar Power; Uplift of Ionospheric Oxygen Ions During Extreme Magnetic Storms; Miniaturized, High-Speed, Modulated X-Ray Source; Hollow-Fiber Spacesuit Water Membrane Evaporator 25 High-Power Single-Mode 2.65-micrometers InGaAsSb/AlInGaAsSb Diode Lasers; Optical Device for Converting a Laser Beam Into Two Co-aligned but Oppositely Directed Beams; A Hybrid Fiber/Solid-State Regenerative Amplifier with Tunable Pulse Widths for Satellite Laser Ranging; X-Ray Diffractive Optics; SynGenics Optimization System (SynOptSys); 29 CFD Script for Rapid TPS Damage Assessment; radEq Add-On Module for CFD Solver Loci-CHEM; Science Opportunity Analyzer (SOA) Version 8; 30 Autonomous Byte Stream Randomizer; Distributed Engine Control Empirical/Analytical Verification Tools; Dynamic Server-Based KML Code Generator Method for Level-of-Detail Traversal of Geospatial Data; Automated Planning of Science Products Based on Nadir Overflights and Alerts for Onboard and Ground Processing; Linked Autonomous Interplanetary Satellite Orbit Navigation; Risk-Constrained Dynamic Programming for Optimal Mars Entry, Descent, and Landing; Scheduling Operations for Massive Heterogeneous Clusters; Deepak Condenser Model (DeCoM); Flight Software Math Library; Recirculating 1-K-Pot for Pulse-Tube Cryostats; 35 Method for Processing Lunar Regolith Using Microwaves; Wells for In Situ Extraction of Volatiles from Regolith (WIEVR); and Estimating the Backup Reaction Wheel Orientation Using Reaction Wheel Spin Rates Flight Telemetry from a Spacecraft

    UV Light Induced Surface Patterning and Recycling Strategies

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    Over the last decade prices for residential grid-connected PV systems have decreased by 50 to 80% depeding on the local market conditions. Electricity production from residential photovoltaic solar systems has shown that it can be cheaper as residential electricity prices in a growing number of countries, depending on the actual electricity price and the local solar radiation level. The article shows how the financing costs for a PV system and the actual electricity price determine the economics of a unsubsidised PV system.JRC.F.7-Renewable Energ

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    This dissertation covers advancements made to the technology of Centrifugally Tensioned Metastable Fluid radiation Detectors (CTMFDs) as well as potential application to nuclear waste reprocessing facilities. The CTMFD operates by stretching a fluid below vacuum pressure using centrifugal mechanical tension to destabilize the fluid to the point where radiation interactions in the fluid can cause rapid nucleation and boiling of the fluid. This interaction manifests as the rapid expansion of a vapor cavity within the detector that is visible to the naked eye and audible without amplification. This detection mechanism, while simple to observe, has opened up a wide variety of radiation detection applications. The detection process involves formation of a nanometer scale bubble from radiation interaction, then grown to the macro scale by the properties and tension of the fluid. The bubble growth, and thereby, the detection process is threshold based allowing the CTMFD to be tuned to allow detection of differing types of radiation or energy of particles. Typically the CTMFD is used to detect external neutron sources and internal alpha emitting sources. This work expanded those detection options to include internal fission events, both spontaneous and externally induced. The CTMFD has been previously shown to have effective discrimination of gamma photons, and this capability was further demonstrated as part of this work. Also demonstrated for the first time was the ability to completely ignore beta radiation inside the CTMFD. This is advantageous for measuring weak alpha signatures in the intense beta/gamma environment of spent nuclear fuel

    A gateway-based scalable architecture for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things is a wide research field, and a lot of problems still have to be solved. This work aims to solve some of them, with particular regard to identifications and end point communication using only standard protocols. It consists of a network of gateways connected to each other by an overlay network. Clients and servers, on the other hand, are connected only to their local gateway. In this way distributed resources are seen, by clients, as logically connected to their local gateway. The entire work has its focus on a SOA view, where clients ask for services and obtain responses without necessarily knowing anything about the overall system. Aiming to use standard protocols only, clients use CoAP for interacting with the overall system while a p2p network, called XMHT, forms the overlay network and is responsible for localizing resources. CoAP is also used for communications between gateways. Moreover the proposed architecture implements a new way for the observing feature that aims to solve performance issues when CoAp servers are hosted in constrained devices. For demonstration purposes a little prototype has been made. The prototype consists of two Alix, which operate as a gateway, and two different boards that are used to test a realistic scenario. The first board, in fact, can be used to remotely control a light bulb and also to detect the current consumption of the bulb itself. The second board, instead, has a light sensor and a water consumption sensor. In the testbed, clients send COAP requests only to their local gateway controlling, in this way, the whole environment

    Professional English for students of E-learning Institute in specialty of «Electrical Engineering and Electrical Power Engineering»

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    Пособие предназначено для студентов 3 курса ИнЭО, изучающих профессиональный курс английского языка и обучающихся по заочной классической, дистанционной и гибридной формам обучения по направлению 13.03.02 «Электроэнергетика и электротехника»

    Controladores LED eficientes para aplicações de iluminação geral

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesThe ever growing energy consumption trends and its impact on the environment has triggered worldwide attention. This has motivated several measures, such as the Kyoto protocol, or the 20 20 20 European strategy, aiming at the reduction of energy consumption. Globally, these measures defend a better and efficient usage of the available energy. This in turn is strongly linked to public awareness and the introduction of efficient electronic equipment. Public street lighting is a good example of these trends, where both aspects are of the utmost importance. The introduction of power LEDs as future lighting devices has motivated several advances coping with these strategies. On one side, LEDs are able to deliver higher efficiency when compared to conventional lighting devices. This has triggered the replacement of old style luminaires by LED based ones. However, their high cost has prevented full adoption and at the present stage, is acting as a slowing down force against this replacement trend. Better solutions are under research on the framework of several European projects. Power LEDs are solid-state devices able to support fast switching, a feature which was not fully supported by conventional lighting devices. Combining this feature with environmental sensing and intelligent control may lead to better power savings. A simple approach would be to consider the that the actual lighting demands depend on the street usage and surrounding lighting levels. For this purpose, the combination of twilight sensors, motion detectors and intelligent control schemes may provide a suitable approach. This way, the real lighting demands can be effectively taken into consideration, providing luminaires able to consume the least possible energy. For this to become a reality several challenges have to be addressed. One of the most important challenges is the LED driver design. Modern lighting systems based on LEDs, replace the traditional ballasts by LED drivers. When efficiency is a major concern, such as in public street lighting, these drivers have to be designed in order to be the most robust and efficient as possible. Recurring solutions resort to switched mode power supplies, able to support light dimming. One of the major problems with these drivers is the fact that their efficiency decreases for lower dimming levels. This is of the utmost importance for public street lighting, as most of the time during night, the luminaires are on a low lighting level (as changes to high lighting conditions depend on street usage). Thus, in order to promote better power savings, the efficiency of the driver should be high for both lighting conditions. Commercially available drivers, exhibit efficiencies on the 90% range for the high lighting conditions, with only 40% to 60% under the low lighting. On the framework of this master dissertation it was investigated the problem of LED driver design aiming at the highest possible uniformity of the efficiency curve, under different loading and dimming conditions. The selected approach was based on quasi-resonant flyback converter, backed up by an active power factor correcting block. The designed driver supports remote configuration and monitoring as well as sensor integration. The archived results show that this driver achieves a peak efficiency of 93% under maximum load and 100% duty-cycle. The efficiency for low dimming conditions (10% duty-cycle) achieves 75%.As tendências de consumo de energia cada vez maior e seu impacto sobre o meio ambiente tem captado a atenção a nível mundial. Isso tem motivado várias medidas, tais como o Protocolo de Quioto, ou a estratégia Europeia 20 20 20, visando a redução do consumo de energia. Globalmente, estas medidas defendem um uso melhor e eficiente da energia disponível. Este, por sua vez, está fortemente ligado à consciência pública e à introdução de equipamento eletrónico eficiente. A iluminação pública é um bom exemplo dessas tendências, em que ambos os aspetos são de extrema importância. A introdução de LEDs como dispositivos de iluminação tem motivado vários avanços que lidam com essas estratégias. De um lado, os LEDs são capazes de oferecer uma maior eficiência quando comparados com dispositivos de iluminação convencionais. Isso provocou a substituição de luminárias convencionais por luminárias baseadas em LED. No entanto, o custo elevado destes dispositivos tem impedido a adoção plena e na fase atual, está mesmo a atuar como uma força negativa contra esta tendência de substituição. Melhores soluções estão sob investigação no âmbito de vários projetos europeus. Os LEDs são dispositivos de estado sólido, capazes de suportar a comutação rápida, uma característica que não é totalmente suportada por dispositivos de iluminação convencionais. Combinando esta característica com sensores ambientais e controlo inteligente pode-se ambicionar melhores poupanças energéticas. Uma abordagem simples seria a de considerar o que as exigências de iluminação reais dependem do uso das ruas e os níveis de iluminação circundantes. Para este efeito, a combinação de sensores de crepúsculo, detetores de movimento e regimes de controlo inteligentes podem propiciar uma abordagem adequada. Desta forma, os requisitos reais de iluminação podem ser efetivamente considerados, fornecendo luminárias capazes de consumir apenas a energia necessária. Para que isto se torne uma realidade vários desafios têm de ser vencidos. Um dos desafios mais importantes é o projeto LED driver. Nos sistemas de iluminação modernos baseados em LEDs, substitui-se os balastros convencionais por LED drivers. Quando a eficiência é importante, como no caso da iluminação pública, O LED driver têm de ser concebido de forma a ser o mais robusto e eficiente possível. Soluções recorrentes usam a fontes de alimentação comutadas, capazes de suportar o escurecimento adaptativo do fluxo luminoso. Um dos problemas principais no projeto destes drivers é o facto de a sua eficiência diminuir para níveis de regulação mais baixos. Isto é de extrema importância para a iluminação pública, pois na maioria dos casos durante a noite, as luminárias estão num nível de iluminação de baixo. Assim, com a finalidade de promover uma melhor economia de energia, a eficiência do driver deve ser elevada para ambas as condições de iluminação. Drivers comercialmente disponíveis, exibem eficácias na gama de 90% com elevado fluxo luminoso, e apenas 40% a 60% na condição de baixo fluxo luminoso. No âmbito desta dissertação de mestrado foi investigado o problema do projeto de driver LED visando a maior uniformidade possível da curva de eficiência, sob diferentes condições de carga e de fluxo luminoso. A abordagem escolhida foi baseada no conversor flyback quasi-ressonante, apoiado por um bloco de correção de fator de potência ativa. O driver projetado suporta configuração e monitorização remota, bem como de integração de sensores. Os resultados alcançados mostram que este driver atinge um pico de eficiência de 93% na condição de carga máxima e máximo fluxo luminoso. A eficiência em condições de baixo fluxo luminoso é superior a 75%

    HIDE: User centred Domotic evolution toward Ambient Intelligence

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    Pervasive Computing and Ambient Intelligence (AmI) visions are still far from being achieved, especially with regard to Domotics and home applications. According to the vision of Ambient Intelligence (AmI), the most advanced technologies are those that disappear: at maturity, computer technology should become invisible. All the objects surrounding us must possess sufficient computing capacity to interact with users, the surroundings and each other. The entire physical environment in which users are immersed should thus be a hidden computer system equipped with the appropriate software in order to exhibit intelligent behavior. Even though many implementations have started to appear in several contexts, few applications have been made available for the home environment and the general public. This is mainly due to the segmentation of standards and proprietary solutions, which are currently confusing the market with a sparse offer of uninteroperable devices and systems. Although modern houses are equipped with smart technological appliances, still very few of these appliances can be seamlessly connected to each other. The objective of this research work is to take steps in these directions by proposing, on the one hand, a software system designed to make today’s heterogeneous, mostly incompatible domotic systems fully interoperable and, on the other hand, a feasible software application able to learn the behavior and habits of home inhabitants in order to actively contribute to anticipating user needs, and preventing emergency situations for his health. By applying machine learning techniques, the system offers a complete, ready-to-use practical application that learns through interaction with the user in order to improve life quality in a technological living environment, such as a house, a smart city and so on. The proposed solution, besides making life more comfortable for users without particular needs, represents an opportunity to provide greater autonomy and safety to disabled and elderly occupants, especially the critically ill ones. The prototype has been developed and is currently running at the Pisa CNR laboratory, where a home environment has been faithfully recreated