65 research outputs found


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    This research is aimed to know effect of implementation strategy Giving Questions and Getting Answer (GQGA) towards biology learning achievement. This research held upon senior high school student of SMA N Banyudono in academic year 2011/2012. Giving Questions and Getting Answer (GQGA) was expected to be more effective rather than if use convensional method. All student of SMA N Banyudono had been chosen as a research population.Since, not all student was not attending biological class, hence, randomly, 2 clusters were selected representing the control class (for where the experimental treatment was not carried out) and the experimental class for where the Giving Questions and Getting Answer (GQGA). Quasy-experimental method was designed to achieve the stated research objectives following the quantitative paradigm used in this research. In addition, Randomized Subjects Posstest Only Control Group Design was used as a research design to facilitate the data collection procedures. The data were collected using several techniques namely, questionnaire, posttest with multiple choice, observation tools and related document. The final obtained data were then analyzed using t- test method. The results of this research showed that the implementation of the strategy has significantly affected the biology learning achievement. It has been proven to have an impact towards cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects

    Pelatihan Penyusunan Soal Berbasis HOTS Untuk Guru SD Kelas Rendah

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    Penelitian ini merupakan jenis research and develoment (penelitian pengembangan)yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kepada guru tentangkonsep dan karakteristik penilaian Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) secaramendalam dan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan para guru dalam mengembangkanpenilaian dan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana efektifitas pelaksanaan pendampinganklasikal dan individual dalam upaya meningkatkan kompetensi guru SD kelas rendah.Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilakukan melalui enam tahap, yaitu; (1) Tahapobservasi, (2) Tahap ceramah dan diskusi, (3) Tahap demonstrasi, (4) Tahaplatihanterbimbing, (5) Taha pevaluasi program, dan (6) Tahap keberlanjutan program. Luarandari pelatihan ini adalah diperolehnya penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dari guru tentangbagaimana cara membuat soal berbasis Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS). Pelatihandilengkapi dengan power point tentang Hakikat Higher Order Thinking, ranahpengetahuan yang termasuk dalam Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS), Tips membuatsoal Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS), dan contoh soal berbasis Higher OrderThinking Skill (HOTS). Dalam pelatihan ini juga dilengkapi dengan instrumentpembuatan kisi-kisi soal dan instrumen pembuatan soal Higher Order Thinking Skill(HOTS). Hasil kegiatan pengabdian diperoleh kumpulan soal yang telah di analisis olehguru dan telah diarsipkan pada bank soal sekolah

    Health knowledge among the millennial generation

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    The Millennial Generation, also known as Generation Y, is the demographic cohort following Generation X, and is generally regarded to be composed of those individuals born between 1980 and 2000. They are the first to grow up in an environment where health-related information is widely available by internet, TV and other electronic media, yet we know very little about the scope of their health knowledge. This study was undertaken to quantify two domains of clinically relevant health knowledge: factual content and ability to solve health related questions (application) in nine clinically related medical areas. Study subjects correctly answered, on average, 75% of health application questions but only 54% of health content questions. Since students were better able to correctly answer questions dealing with applications compared to those on factual content contemporary US high school students may not use traditional hierarchical learning models in acquisition of their health knowledge


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    The purpose of this research is to ascertain the influence of Quantum Learning toward biology learning achievement of 10 th grade students at SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta in academic year 2011/2012. The research was quasi experiment research using quantitative approach. The research was designed using posttest only control design. Experimental group applied Quantum Learning. Control group applied discussion, classical course and question-answer method. The populations of this research were all of 10 th degree students at SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta in academic year 2011/2012. The samples of this research were the students of 10 th K as experiment group and 10 th J as control group. The sample of this research was established by cluster random sampling. The data was collected using questionnaire, multiple choice test, observation form, and document. The hypotheses analyzed by t-test. The research concluded that application of Quantum Learning had significant effect toward biology learning achievement in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor of 10 th grade students at SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta in academic year 2011/2012. Kata kunci: Quantum Learning, Biology Learning Achievemen

    I Need Help Finding it: Understanding the Benefits of Research Skill Acquisition in Competitive Forensics

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    Research skill acquisition is an invaluable but under explored benefit of forensics participation. Although coaches, students, and administrators acknowledge that participants gain research skills via forensics, little is known about what these skills are and how they specifically benefit students. This paper isolates three specific research dimensions students learn while participating in competitive speech and debate: locating, examining, and applying source mate-rial. Connections are then drawn between these dimensions and the attainment of high level learning resulting in the creation of educational outcomes related to research skill acquisition via forensics. Understanding the process and importance of research skill acquisition is critical to address the need for forensics educators to articulate ways in which forensics pedagogy and larger educational goals are connected


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan penelitian ini yaitu menghasilkan Instrumen Asesmen HOTS yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Model pengembangan ini adalah Plomp yang terdiri dari 3 tahap, yaitu penelitian pendahuluan (Preliminary reseach), fase pengembangan atau prototipe (development of prototype phase), dan fase penilaian (Assesment phase). Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket validitas, angket praktikalitas, dan angket efektifitas. Uji validitas asesmen HOTS diberikan kepada 3 orang validator ahli dinilai dari aspek materi, media, dan bahasa. Uji praktikalitas asesmen HOTS diberikan kepada 2 orang pendidik fisika dan 20 orang peserta didik dinilai dari aspek kemudahan dan keterbacaan soal dalam pelaksanaan tes. Uji efektifitas diujikan kepada 20 orang peserta didik kelas XI IPA MAN 1 Padang dengan memberikan asesmen HOTS. Hasil penelitian ini telah dihasilkan asesmen HOTS yang valid, praktis dan efektif. asesmen HOTS tersebut valid baik dari segi materi, media dan bahasa dengan nilai rata-rata 87,10% dengan kategori sangat valid. Kepraktisan soal HOTS Fisika tersebut mempunyai nilai rata-rata yaitu 80,6% dengan kategori praktis, sedangkan untuk keefektifan produk dilihat dari segi angket memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 82,6% dengan kategori sangat efektif, sedangkan untuk asesmen HOTS diperoleh efektifitas soal sebesar 79,8% dengan kategori efektif. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa Asesmen Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Berbantuan Aplikasi Lectora Inspire Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dan Berpikir Kreatif Peserta Didik memenuhi criteria valid, praktis dan efektif


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    This study examines the development and implementation of a distance education course review process at a mid-sized public university. Four primary goals were set for the process:  to provide substantive feedback, to cultivate engagement between DE faculty and staff, to provide support to course developers and reviewers, and to establish an effective balance between faculty resources and the value of feedback generated through the process. Feedback was collected through a survey of participating developers and reviewers (n=52). Responses broadly supported achievement of the four primary goals. Those who participated in multiple roles gave stronger ratings on all survey questions than those who participated through a single role. Based on qualitative and quantitative feedback, strengths, weaknesses, and possible adjustments to the process are discussed

    Implementation of Mechanical Technology Competence Learning Model with Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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    Developed countries in the world need evaluation in the world of education. This evaluation is used to formulate policies that support the creation of competitive human resources against the industrial era 4.0. This research conducted to analyze and look at the mechanical, technological competencies of students who are influenced by factors of learning psychology, namely the scientific approach to learning, the level of student independence and the reasoning abilities of students. This study will use a non-probability sampling technique, namely accidental sampling technique. This method is a sampling procedure that selects samples from people or units that are most easily found or accessed as respondents. It is undoubtedly by the size of the sample in the Structural Equation Model with the estimation model using a minimum Maximum Likelihood (ML). The population of this research is the tenth-grade students in the Mechanical Engineering expertise program which consists of the Field of Mechanical Engineering and Welding Techniques in the Vocational High School in Makassar City, amounting to 248 students. The number of samples used was 120 respondents considering the outlier numbers at the period of the examination. The exogenous variable in this study is the implementation of the scientific approach, learning independence. The endogenous variable in this study is the achievement of mechanical technology competencies while the intervening variable or connecting variable is reasoning ability. From the consequences of the analysis, there is a significant influence between the variable ability to mechanical technology competence and the variable self-regulated learning to mechanical technology competence. It shows that students mandate learning, either directly or indirectly, will improve student competence but must be through understanding students' ethical reasoning. From the results of the study, there is a significant influence between the variable ability to mechanical technology competence and the variable self-regulated learning to mechanical technology competence. It shows that students mandate learning, either directly or indirectly, will improve student competence but must be through understanding students' ethical reasoning

    Investigating the effects of authentic activities on foreign language learning: A design-based research approach

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    Achieving communicative competency in English classes has been a key goal in contexts where English is taught as a foreign language (EFL). During this process, however, integrating the difficulty and complexity of real life tasks into classroom teaching has often been disregarded. Lack of opportunities for authentic language use often results in learners’ gaining extensive knowledge about the target language (know what) while they are weak in using the language in a meaningful way (know how). Accordingly, while learners can talk about grammar rules, they usually fail to use these rules for real communicative purposes in unstructured genuine settings. The present study employed a design-based research approach to investigate the use of authentic activities in EFL classes. For this purpose, an e-learning environment was created based on initial design principles of authentic activities and implemented in three pre-university level EFL classes in North Cyprus in two research cycles. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, work samples, and observations. In accordance with the findings and continuous literature review, 11 design principles were derived from the initial design principles for the EFL context in order to facilitate competency-based foreign language use
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