136 research outputs found

    Tecnologias em aulas de escrita em inglês como segunda língua/língua estrangeira

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    This paper presents a systematic review on the use of technologies in English as a Second Language (ESL) and as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing classes. The pursued objectives were to: 1) review recent empirical studies for the use of technologies in ESL/EFL writing classes; and 2) synthesize and assess the impacts of digital technologies on written texts and the writing process. Hence, the findings of this review are relevant because the arrival of new technologies has changed the environment in which digital writing is practiced and there is a lack of rigorous literature reviews that allow a better comprehension of these impacts (Lira-Gonzales & Grégoire, 2022).Este artículo presenta una revisión sistemática sobre el uso de tecnologías en clases de escritura de inglés como Segunda Lengua (ISL) y Lengua Extranjera (ILE). Los objetivos perseguidos fueron: 1) revisar estudios empíricos recientes para el uso de tecnologías en las clases de escritura de ISL/ILE; y 2) sintetizar y evaluar los impactos de las tecnologías digitales en los textos escritos y en el proceso de escritura. Por lo tanto, los hallazgos de esta revisión son relevantes porque la llegada de las nuevas tecnologías ha cambiado el entorno en el que se practica la escritura digital y existe un vacío de revisiones bibliográficas rigurosas que permitan una mejor comprensión de estos impactos (Lira-Gonzales y Grégoire, 2022).Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sistemática sobre o uso de tecnologias em aulas de escrita de Inglês como Segunda Língua (ISL) e Língua Estrangeira (ILE). Os objetivos foram: 1) revisar estudos empíricos recentes para o uso de tecnologias nas aulas de redação ISL/ILE; e 2) sintetizar e avaliar os impactos das tecnologias digitais em textos escritos e no processo de escrita. Portanto, os achados desta revisão são relevantes porque a chegada de novas tecnologias mudou o ambiente em que a escrita digital é praticada e há um vácuo de rigorosas revisões bibliográficas que permitem uma melhor compreensão desses impactos (Lira-Gonzales e Grégoire, 2022)


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    ABSTRAK Maylin Yohana, (2020): Kinerja Belajar Siswa dalam Menggunakan Kelas Google sebagai Sistem Manajemen Pembelajaran di Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UIN Suska Riau Berdasarkan penelitian awal peneliti, penelitian, para peneliti menemukan kinerja belajar siswa menggunakan Google Classroom sebagai sistem manajemen pembelajaran di Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UIN Suska Riau. Selain itu, peneliti juga menemukan teori yang relevan yang mengatakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja belajar siswa yang menggunakan Google Classroom dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja belajar siswa. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif yang membantu peneliti untuk mengetahui kinerja belajar siswa menggunakan Google Classroom. peserta dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di UIN Suska Riau. Sampling bertujuan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Untuk penelitian ini peneliti memberikan kuesioner untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja belajar siswa, kemudian mereka juga diberikan pertanyaan dalam wawancara yang ditranskripsikan. Kemudian data dikategorikan ke dalam 2 kategori yang telah ditentukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya. Akhirnya, hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja belajar siswa dengan menggunakan Google Classroom meliputi; (1) komunikasi dan iteraksi (2) kolaborasi (3) koordinasi (4) kemudahan akses Kata kunci; Kinerja belajar siswa, sistem manajemen pembelajara

    Inquiry-based learning in the remote learning sphere : an education 4.0 response to the emergency remote teaching challenges

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    The term 4.0 was presented at the “Hannover Fair” (Germany) in 2011, as a transfiguring concept of Industry, Education, and Information operations. Currently, looking at education, the acceleration of the technology integration process is an inevitable consequence of the constraints associated with the recent pandemic situation. Thus, the opportunity arises to deepen the study of the harmonization of digital transformation in education to the challenges posed by emergency remote teaching. This study aims to measure and characterize the consequences of the abrupt transition to a fully online system, articulating “Inquiry-based Learning (IBL)” solutions to the emerging concept of “platformization” of education. This purpose forces us to evaluate innovative alternatives to respond to the reduction in levels of communication, personalization, engagement, and knowledge retention, namely through the conceptualization of an institutional digital platform for sharing/consumption of explanatory videos. This study uses a triangulation approach of quantitative and qualitative data to generate assumptions about students' perceptions of remote learning, IBL and the “platformization” of education. The sample is composed of 18 Portuguese higher education students, to allow for a more in-depth and detailed study. Results confirm the drop in the levels of communication, engagement, and knowledge retention in the remote regime, highlighting benefits inherent to autonomous/collaborative research, supported by positive inferences on the conceptualized digital platform in order to counteract academic isolation.O termo 4.0 foi apresentado na “Hannover Fair” (Alemanha) no ano de 2011, como um conceito transfigurador das operações na Indústria, Educação e Informação. Lançando o olhar sob o ensino atual, a aceleração do processo de integração da tecnologia foi uma consequência inevitável dos condicionalismos associados à recente situação pandémica. Surge assim a oportunidade de aprofundar o estudo da harmonização da transformação digital na educação aos desafios impostos pelo ensino remoto de emergência. Este estudo propõe-se a analisar as consequências da transição abrupta para um sistema totalmente online, articulando soluções de “Inquiry-based Learning” ao conceito de “platformização” da educação. Este propósito obriga a avaliar alternativas inovadoras para responder à redução dos níveis de comunicação, motivação e retenção de conhecimento, através da conceção de uma plataforma digital institucional para partilha/consumo de vídeos entre alunos. Este estudo utiliza uma abordagem de triangulação de dados quantitativos e qualitativos para gerar assunções sobre as perceções dos alunos relativamente ao ensino remoto, IBL e “platformização” da educação. A amostra é composta por 18 alunos do ensino superior portugueses, para possibilitar a concretização de um estudo mais aprofundado e detalhado. Os resultados confirmam a queda dos níveis de comunicação, motivação e retenção de conhecimento em regime remoto, apontando benefícios inerentes à pesquisa autónoma/colaborativa, acompanhada por inferências positivas sobre a plataforma digital conceptualizada para contrariar o isolamento académico

    Pre-Service English teachers' perceptions of online English learning at secondary schools

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    In the digital era, the development of technology influences the way students learn and the teachers teach. The technology enables teachers to do online teaching and create flexible and innovative materials that allow students to collaborate and work in creative ways. This study aims to explore pre�service English teachers’ perceptions on the use of online English learning at secondary schools. This research employed a descriptive qualitative design by interviewing 5 pre-service teachers who had completed teaching practice II at secondary schools. The result of the study showed that Pre�service training English teachers have four perceptions on the use of online English learning: ease of accessing resources from many sources, exploring something different from the Internet, increasing knowledge, and flexibility in teaching. The results also identified some challenges in applying online teaching, such as students' lack of discipline and low responses and less interactive learning. The use of online learning for English teachers can assist teachers in increasing their technological knowledge. However, teachers must be more creative in their use of online learning to increase their students' participation in the learning proces

    Transforming teaching through the transformative integration of emerging technologies in the ePlay MakerSpace: a critical, socio-cultural design-based study

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    Despite South African schools and teachers gaining greater access to the tools, innovations, concepts and advancements of emerging technologies (ETs), the potential of ETs to transform teaching and improve learning remains largely unexploited. The majority of the country’s schools are classified as disadvantaged, being resource constrained and functioning in contexts of multiple deprivation and poverty. Learning is severely compromised in many disadvantaged schools, as evidenced by learners’ persistent underachievement in standardised national and international assessments. Consequently, improving the quality of teaching especially at primary school level, is identified as a national priority. Three extensive curriculum reforms, intensified teacher professional development, and the provision of ETs, have however not achieved widespread and sustained change to teaching practices. This suggests that existing teacher professional development (TPD) initiatives do not effectively prepare teachers from the country’s disadvantaged schools to exploit the transformative potential of ETs, to change their practice and manage change within their complex and dynamic education contexts. Instead, ETs that originate in advanced economies are frequently assumed universally applicable and application-neutral. Informed by this perspective, TPD is designed to prepare teachers to use or teach with ETs, either emphasizing technical skills or competencies to use tools, or in rare cases focussing on the concepts, innovations and advancements of ETs. TPD models that systematically and explicitly prepare South Africa’s teachers from disadvantaged schools to exploit the transformative potential of ETs and change their practice is not available. This study employs a socially embedded, progressive transformation perspective to ET. Accordingly, while it is assumed ETs have the capacity to improve learning, the form and processes of improvement and change to teaching practices are understood as locally developed by teachers. Informed by this perspective, transformative ET integration is conceptualised as contextually embedded, locally developed innovation and knowledge production to effect change to teaching and improve learning driven by contextually specific requirements and priorities. The transformative integration of ETs emphasizes the need to develop teachers dispositions to innovate and create, to experiment and take risks. However, within the field of education in South Africa, teachers’ dispositions reflect capacities to reproducing the structures of the field intent on increasing the flow of cultural capital, rather than dispositions of creativity and innovation. This study employs a critical, socio-cultural design-based theoretical frame and asks how the transformation of teachers’ dispositions may translate into their transformative integration of emerging technologies. The ePlay MakerSpace model is conceptualised as providing both inculcation processes and enabling conditions to transform teachers’ dispositions. Using a design-based research approach, two iterations of the ePlay MakerSpace model are designed, enacted and formatively evaluated to refine the design principles for the ePlay MakerSpace inculcation processes and enabling conditions. Data is collected through teachers’ created artifacts, their reflections and online posts, the formative evaluations of each iteration, and school-visits and interviews with teachers 3 – 4 weeks after each ePlay MakerSpace iteration. The evidence presented indicates that the majority of teachers transformatively integrated ET in their classrooms and/or schools, to address local priorities and solve contextual challenges. Through a retrospective analysis of the data, the process to transform teachers’ dispositions was refined, as well as the design framework and design methodology for the ePlay MakerSpace. The study contributes to the development of theory relating to teacher change, and the processes and conditions that support teacher’ change


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    The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of the introduction of new methods on the teaching and learning of chemistry in different educational contexts. The key points of this research lie first in the design and then in the assessment stage of the didactic proposals following their implementation in terms of their impact on students’ and teachers’ perceptions of their approach to learning and teaching, respectively. The research explores different learning contexts of chemistry education, starting from the didactics of chemistry addressed to high school students, then concerning the training of high school science teachers, till the development of a suitable method of study and problem solving skills in first year students of a general and inorganic chemistry academic course. Some of the studies were realized in the framework of Piano Lauree Scientifiche whose activities have been contributing for several years to bring the academic world closer to school’s needs, with the common aim to motivate students to scientific careers. In this perspective, the complex task of identifying and measuring the efficacy of these strategies and its impact was described in detail. The choice to undertake this direction was suggested by different factors. The first factor is that, as shown by national and international studies, most students lack basic knowledge regarding general chemical concepts and principles, both at high school level and even in the early university years. The inadequate skills in acquiring the required content knowledge are a deterrent for students wishing to join a university chemistry course or they could hinder their academic success. However, research studies show a wide range of pedagogical strategies whose results have variously contributed to an increased understanding of the learning process in chemistry and, consequently, to more effective methods of instruction. For these targets, high school students and freshmen, some suitable strategies were identified and adopted in this study and its impact analyzed with quantitative and qualitative methods. The second factor is teachers’ increasing need for implementing new instructional strategies that can be motivating and lead students to acquire not only disciplinary knowledge, but even transversal skills, as a suitable method of study or the ability to design an experiment. This implies more training needs to be provided with the aim to encourage and support teachers to develop new teaching conceptions and V practices. A line of research of the present study addressed these teachers’ demands, using a variety of tools and training strategies and analyzing teachers’ opinions and general satisfaction. The third factor is the recognition of the current impact of ICT on both teaching and learning Chemistry at all levels of education. Computer simulations, online resources and freeware programs can help students in better understanding chemical concepts and even develop problem solving skills. On the other hand, instruction in blended modality, integrating online and face-to-face activities, is nowadays widespread, as in the Flipped Classroom methodology, and adopted even for teachers’ training. Furthermore, most of the teachers lack the technical and pedagogical skills to effectively incorporate the use of digital tools to enhance learning and therefore need a help to move from simply technology users to developers of learning units including ICT tools. In three of the four lines of this study, digital tools and blended learning approaches were adopted and their efficacy on users’ learning outcomes and general satisfaction analyzed and reported with qualitative and quantitative methods. The entire PhD project provided information that can contribute to a body of knowledge for the improvement of instruction in chemistry classroom and provided quantitative data to validate the benefits of new approaches on chemistry learning outcomes and motivation to study. My point of view developed in this training, being a high school teacher and researcher during my PhD study, provides me the capacity to capture several issues and the big picture. This thesis includes a general introduction, reporting the barriers to learning Chemistry in the considered educational contexts, the drivers for change and the needs of innovation for teaching and learning Chemistry and four chapters, each one describing a line of research, as synthetically described below

    Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities

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