135 research outputs found

    Lower Mekong Portfolio: Interim Evaluation

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    This report summarizes a portfolio evaluation of the MacArthur Foundation's conservation investments in the Lower Mekong region since 2011. It is explicitly a portfolio-level evaluation, focusing on common themes rather than individual grants. The evaluation involved understanding the portfolio context through reviewing relevant documents and speaking with donor partners; gathering data from MacArthur grantees; calibrating initial evaluation findings through consultations with independent regional experts and donor partner grantees; improving future evaluation ability by cooperating with NatureServe to improve the Lower Mekong Dashboard; and presenting results in this evaluation report and to MacArthur directly

    A framework to evaluate user experience of end user application security features

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    The use of technology in society moved from satisfying the technical needs of users to giving a lasting user experience while interacting with the technology. The continuous technological advancements have led to a diversity of emerging security concerns. It is necessary to balance security issues with user interaction. As such, designers have adapted to this reality by practising user centred design during product development to cater for the experiential needs of user - product interaction. These User Centred Design best practices and standards ensure that security features are incorporated within End User Programs (EUP). The primary function of EUP is not security, and interaction with security features while performing a program related task does present the end user with an extra burden. Evaluation mechanisms exist to enumerate the performance of the EUP and the user’s experience of the product interaction. Security evaluation standards focus on the program code security as well as on security functionalities of programs designed for security. However, little attention has been paid to evaluating user experience of functionalities offered by embedded security features. A qualitative case study research using problem based and design science research approaches was used to address the lack of criteria to evaluate user experience with embedded security features. User study findings reflect poor user experience with EUP security features, mainly as a result of low awareness of their existence, their location and sometimes even of their importance. From the literature review of the information security and user experience domains and the user study survey findings, four components of the framework were identified, namely: end user characteristics, information security, user experience and end user program security features characteristics. This thesis focuses on developing a framework that can be used to evaluate the user experience of interacting with end user program security features. The framework was designed following the design science research method and was reviewed by peers and experts for its suitability to address the problem. Subject experts in the fields of information security and human computer interaction were engaged, as the research is multidisciplinary. This thesis contributes to the body of knowledge on information security and on user experience elements of human computer interaction security regarding how to evaluate user experience of embedded InfoSec features. The research adds uniquely to the literature in the area of Human Computer Interaction Security evaluation and measurement in general, and is specific to end user program security features. The proposed metrics for evaluating UX of interacting with EUP security features were used to propose intervention to influence UX in an academic setup. The framework, besides presenting UX evaluation strategies for EUP security features, also presents a platform for further academic research on human factors of information security. The impact can be evaluated by assessing security behaviour, and successful security breaches, as well as user experience of interaction with end user programs

    Assessment of Web-based Information Security Awareness Courses

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    Veebipõhised Infojulgeoleku Teadlikkuse Kursused on tavapäraselt soovitatud \n\rküberjulgeoleku strateegiates, aitamaks konstrueerida julgeoleku kultuuri, mis oleks \n\rvõimeline adresseerima infosüsteemi rikkumisi, põhjustatud kasutajate vigade poolt, kelle \n\rhooletus või eeskirjade teadmatus võib ohtu seada infosüsteemide vara. Veebipõhiste \n\rInfojulgeoleku Teadlikkuse Kursuste mõju uurimises esineb lõhe - need ei muuda osavõtjate \n\rkäitumist olulisel määral, mis puudutab kuuletumist ja töökust, resulteerudes järjepidevates \n\rnõrkustes. Käesoleva töö eesmärk on panustada teoreetilise ja empiirilise analüüsiga \n\rVeebipõhiste Infojulgeoleku Teadlikkuse Kursuste potentsiaalsete tugevuste ja nõrkuste \n\rkohta. Samuti panustada kahe valmis rakendatava praktilise töövahendiga veebipõhiste või \n\rvahendatud andmejulgeoleku teadlikkuse ning õpetuse kursuste kujundajatele ja \n\rarvustajatele. Uuringu disain püüab vastata kahele uurimisküsimusele. Esimene on \n\rmiinimumkriteeriumi formuleerimise kohta, mida saaks rakendada Veebipõhistes \n\rAndmeturbe Teadlikkuse Kursustes, et toetada nende tõelist mõju töötajate kuuletumisele \n\rja töökusele, andes tulemuseks üksteist kriteeriumit kursuste hinnanguks ning \n\rkontrollnimekirja. Teine küsimus puudutab olemasoleva kursuse kuuletumise ja töökuse \n\rsuhtes tõelist mõju uurivat reguleeritud katset, kasutades kalastusründe meile hariduslike \n\rvahenditena, mis kinnitab eelnevalt tehtud teoreetilisi oletusi. Miinimumkriteeriumi \n\rarendamine ning selle süstemaatiline rakendamine taotleb muutusi käitumises, rõhutab \n\rditsiplinaarintegratsiooni tähtsust küberjulgeoleku uurimistegevuses ning propageerib \n\rkindla kuuletumise ja töökuse julgeoleku kultuuri, mis oleks võimeline toetama \n\rorganisatsioonide kaitset infosüsteemi ohtude eest. Selles uurimuses näidatud tulemused \n\rpakuvad, et positiivsete tulemuste saavutamine olemasolevates infojulgeoleku testides, \n\rmis järgnevad julgeoleku kursustele, ei näita tingimata, et need töökust või infojulgeoleku \n\reeskirjadele kuuletust mõjutaks. Need esialgsed järeldused koguvad tõendeid käesolevas \n\rtöös sõnastatud soovituste rakendamise tähtsuse kohta.\n\rVõtmesõnad:Information security awareness web-based courses are commonly recommended in cyber security strategies to help build a security culture capable of addressing information systems breaches caused by user mistakes whose negligence or ignorance of policies may endanger information systems assets. A research gap exists on the impact of Information Security Awareness Web-Based Courses: these are failing in changing to a significant degree the behavior of participants regarding compliance and diligence, which translates into continuous vulnerabilities. The aim of this work is to contribute with a theoretical and empirical analysis on the potential strengths and weaknesses of Information Security Awareness Web-Based Courses and with two practical tools readily applicable for designers and reviewers of web-based or mediatized courses on information security awareness and education. The research design seeks to respond two research questions. The first on the formulation of a minimum set of criteria that could be applied to Information Security Awareness Web-Based Courses, to support their real impact on employee’s diligence and compliance, resulting in eleven criteria for courses’ assessment and a checklist. The second, about a controlled experiment to explore the actual impact of an existing course, in respect to diligence and compliance using phishing emails as educational tools, that reaffirms the theoretical assumptions arrived to earlier. The development of minimum criteria and their systematic implementation pursue behavioral change, emphasizes the importance of disciplinary integration in cyber security research, and advocates for the development of a solid security culture of diligence and compliance, capable of supporting the protection of organizations from information system threats. The results gathered in this study suggest that achieving positive results in the existing information security tests that follow security awareness courses does not necessarily imply that diligence or information security policies compliance are affected. These preliminary findings accumulate evidence on the importance of implementing the recommendations formulated in this work

    The UK's Changing Democracy

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    "The UK’s Changing Democracy presents a uniquely democratic perspective on all aspects of UK politics, at the centre in Westminster and Whitehall, and in all the devolved nations. The 2016 referendum vote to leave the EU marked a turning point in the UK’s political system. In the previous two decades, the country had undergone a series of democratic reforms, during which it seemed to evolve into a more typical European liberal democracy. The establishment of a Supreme Court, adoption of the Human Rights Act, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish devolution, proportional electoral systems, executive mayors and the growth in multi-party competition all marked profound changes to the British political tradition. Brexit may now bring some of these developments to a juddering halt. The UK’s previous ‘exceptionalism’ from European patterns looks certain to continue indefinitely. ‘Taking back control’ of regulations, trade, immigration and much more is the biggest change in UK governance for half a century. It has already produced enduring crises for the party system, Parliament and the core executive, with uniquely contested governance over critical issues, and a rapidly changing political landscape. Other recent trends are no less fast-moving, such as the revival of two-party dominance in England, the re-creation of some mass membership parties and the disruptive challenges of social media. In this context, an in-depth assessment of the quality of the UK’s democracy is essential. Each of the 2018 Democratic Audit’s 37 short chapters starts with clear criteria for what democracy requires in that part of the nation’s political life and outlines key recent developments before a SWOT analysis (of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) crystallises the current situation. A small number of core issues are then explored in more depth. Set against the global rise of debased semi-democracies, the book’s approach returns our focus firmly to the big issues around the quality and sustainability of the UK’s liberal democracy.

    A Continuum Approach to Identification and Mentoring of the Severely Discouraged for Successful Life Career Management

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    The purpose of the study was to assess sensitivity levels of four career classification groups on attitudinal and specific action variables to the severe discouragement of youthful individuals. Youthful discouragement may be considered the leading cause of death among the young, ages 14 through 24 years of age. Subintentioned and deliberate acts of self-harm resulting from discouragement include death from reckless accidents, substance abuse, eating disorders, suicide, and victim-precipitated homicides. Adults and peers in proximity of discouraged youth need to be trained appropriately in youthful selfharm prevention. An opinionnaire with three sections was used to assess participants’ sensitivity on attitudinal, demographic, and specific action variables. Four career classification groups were selected for their proximity and relationship to youth. Human services personnel, the most sensitive, receive professional referrals, but often are not adequately trained in recognition, assessment, and intervention strategies, and, therefore, fail to act appropriately. General educators are continually in proximity, but are less aware and generally untrained in self-harm prevention, failing to recognize and act on fatal warning signs. Vocational educators, in close proximity to youth for longer periods of time, are willing to be supportive of discouraged youth, but are less sensitive and are very apprehensive about dealing with death and professionals. They are prone to deny the existence of the problem. Public safety officials, the least sensitive, have emergency responsibility during brief contact with youth who are equally insensitive. Public safety officials were more reliable on assessment and intervention variables and are actionoriented when they believe there is a crisis. Police investigators were more willing to make suicidal assessments and interventions and make referrals for help more than all other groups, but police investigators were lower in sensitivity and lowest in understanding youthful grief. All groups were low in understanding youthful grief compared with other variables. Administrators were reluctant to allow their staff to be trained until a death occurred. Then administrators became confused, but would make token training gestures by providing awareness orientation, believing their responsibility would be fulfilled. All persons should help reduce youthful discouragement and self-harm death from all causes. Such efforts will be cost effective. ABSTRACT UPDATED March 2020 per request from Autho

    Cyber Threats and NATO 2030: Horizon Scanning and Analysis

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    The book includes 13 chapters that look ahead to how NATO can best address the cyber threats, as well as opportunities and challenges from emerging and disruptive technologies in the cyber domain over the next decade. The present volume addresses these conceptual and practical requirements and contributes constructively to the NATO 2030 discussions. The book is arranged in five short parts...All the chapters in this book have undergone double-blind peer review by at least two external experts.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/asbook/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Health Dimensions of COVID-19 in India and Beyond

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    This open access book addresses the multiple health dimensions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in India and other countries including nine in Asia, five in Sub-Saharan Africa, and New Zealand. It explores the impact of the pandemic on mental health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, health financing, self-care, and vaccine development and distribution. The contributing authors discuss its impact on vulnerable populations, including interstate migrants and female sex workers. The significant role of media and communications, rapid dissemination of information in social media, and its impact during the COVID-19 pandemic era are discussed. It closes with lessons learned from the experiences of countries that have contained the pandemic. With contributions from experts from around the world, this book presents solutions of problems that relate to COVID-19. It is a valuable resource appealing to a wide readership across the social sciences and the humanities. Readers include governments, academicians, researchers, policy-makers, program implementers, as well as lay persons

    Understanding User Resistance to Information Technology: Toward A Comprehensive Model in Health Information Technology

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    The successful implementation of health information systems is expected to increase legibility, reduce medical errors, boost the quality of healthcare and shrink costs. Yet, evidence points to the fact that healthcare professionals resist the full use of these systems. Physicians and nurses have been reported to resist the system. Even though resistance to technology has always been identified as key issue in the successful implementation of information technology, the subject remains largely under-theorized and deficient of empirical testing. Only two proposed model have been tested so far. Hence, though user resistance is clearly identified and defined in literature, not very much is known about its antecedents; and about how and why it comes about. This study seeks therefore, to fill this gap. If organizational change managers must go past the hurdle of under-utilized systems, low productivity and the high implementation costs associated with them, a clear understanding of the very nature of resistance is important. The following questions are investigated: (1) why do healthcare personnel resist health information technology? (2) What are the antecedents of perceived threats to health information technology? And, (3) does user resistance vary across healthcare professions? The study utilizes the theory of psychological reactance, the cognitive dissonance theory, the extended technology acceptance model and other relevant theories to build on the Lapointe and Rivard (2005) resistance framework. The resulting theoretical model is further tested empirically using primary data. Partial Least Squares technique will be used to analyze data and findings would be discussed. This work is expected to contribute to both our understanding of the resistance theory—through the extension of current theory—as well as provide useful tools for change practitioners to mitigate the phenomenon and improve electronic health records implementation outcomes

    Age(ing) in software development

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    Seeking justice and redress for victim-survivors of image-based sexual abuse

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    Despite apparent political concern and action – often fuelled by high-profile cases and campaigns – legislative and institutional responses to image-based sexual abuse in the UK have been ad hoc, piecemeal and inconsistent. In practice, victim-survivors are being consistently failed: by the law, by the police and criminal justice system, by traditional and social media, website operators, and by their employers, universities and schools. Drawing on data from the first multi-jurisdictional study of the nature and harms of, and legal/policy responses to, image-based sexual abuse, this article argues for a new joined-up approach that supports victim-survivors of image-based sexual abuse to ‘reclaim control’. It argues for a comprehensive, multi-layered, multi-institutional and multi-agency response, led by a government- and industry-funded online or e-safety organisation, which not only recognises the diversity of victim-survivor experiences and the intersection of image-based sexual abuse with other forms of sexual and gender-based violence and discrimination, but which also enables victim-survivors to reclaim control within and beyond the criminal justice system