16 research outputs found

    How Cations Can Assist DNase I in DNA Binding and Hydrolysis

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    DNase I requires Ca2+ and Mg2+ for hydrolyzing double-stranded DNA. However, the number and the location of DNase I ion-binding sites remain unclear, as well as the role of these counter-ions. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we show that bovine pancreatic (bp) DNase I contains four ion-binding pockets. Two of them strongly bind Ca2+ while the other two sites coordinate Mg2+. These theoretical results are strongly supported by revisiting crystallographic structures that contain bpDNase I. One Ca2+ stabilizes the functional DNase I structure. The presence of Mg2+ in close vicinity to the catalytic pocket of bpDNase I reinforces the idea of a cation-assisted hydrolytic mechanism. Importantly, Poisson-Boltzmann-type electrostatic potential calculations demonstrate that the divalent cations collectively control the electrostatic fit between bpDNase I and DNA. These results improve our understanding of the essential role of cations in the biological function of bpDNase I. The high degree of conservation of the amino acids involved in the identified cation-binding sites across DNase I and DNase I-like proteins from various species suggests that our findings generally apply to all DNase I-DNA interactions

    Evaluating the Recovery of DNA from Adhesive Tape after Exposure to Heat and Humidity: Assessing the Degradation Index and STR Profile

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    It is not uncommon for forensic DNA samples to be degraded or of low quantity; these types of samples can pose challenges throughout analysis and an informative STR profile is not guaranteed. DNA analysis is also very expensive and timely; therefore, it is necessary to understand where to sample a piece of evidence to obtain the best quality and quantity of DNA from the substrate, especially in the case of trace DNA samples which may be difficult to detect. It is also necessary to know when to proceed with analysis given the quality of the sample. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of adhesive tape on the degradation of DNA when exposed to heat and humidity and to assess the usefulness of the QuantifilerTM Trio degradation index to estimate the level of degradation in an STR profile. DNA was deposited on or between layers of duct tape or electrical tape and incubated in a humidity chamber for up to two weeks. The degradation index and profile slope were determined for each sample to assess whether the type of tape or number of layers had a significant effect on the degradation of the DNA sample. Multiple linear regression was also used to assess the relationship between the degradation index, amplification input, and the profile slope. The type of tape, number of layers of tape, and treatment length were found to have a significant effect on the degradation index of DNA samples, however, the treatment length was the only factor that had a significant effect on the slope of the DNA profile. These results indicate that the type of tape and number of layers may significantly affect the degradation of a DNA sample given a long enough treatment period, however the degradation index alone cannot be used to evaluate the level of degradation in a DNA sample or estimate the slope of a DNA profile; factors such as the quantity of DNA amplified and method of degradation affect the profile slope as well

    Investigating Multispecies Biofilms on Steel Surfaces in Seawater and Biofilm Inhibition by a Novel, Multifunctional Inhibitor

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    Biofilm formation is a global, $multi-billion phenomenon spanning a plethora of stakeholders. This thesis investigates critical fundamental aspects of biofilm formation on steel and evaluates the efficacy of a novel, environmentally sustainable and multifunctional inhibitor compound developed through a broader Australian Research Council Discovery Project collaboration. Focused on sustainable and effective biofilm disruption, results from this thesis are used to expand fundamental knowledge and generate a targeted approach to biofilm mitigation that improves biocide function


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    Algal cultures exhibit the potential as robust systems for pharmaceutical production, as sustainable sources of nutrition both for humans and livestock, and as renewable biomass feedstock for biofuel production. Algal biomass grows quickly, requires minimal nutrient supplementation and sunlight, and has the ability to sequester environmental CO2. Although these properties seem attractive, algal industrial cultivation is still far from optimal; leading to non-ideal culture conditions which induce cellular stress that cause a loss in productivity. Furthermore, bioprocessing of algal biomass for biofuel production is still in its infancy and encounters many obstacles and bottlenecks after mass cultivation, mainly cell separation from culture. In this study we aim to address these industrial issues by employing the power of genetic and metabolic engineering. Specifically, we employ a two-fold plan to increase the stress tolerance and intracellular iron concentration of model organism, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, by overexpressing mammalian anti-apoptotic BCL-XL protein and the native membrane coupled iron transporter IRT2. In order to achieve our goal a gene construct driven the native hsp70/rbcS2 tandem promoter was constructed containing the appropriate gene of interest and carrying a Hygromycin B resistance marker for downstream selection. After transformation, resulting colonies were screened via colony PCR; positive colonies were subcultured and exposed to a variety apoptosis inducing agents tailored to mimic stresses involved with industrial cultivation; mainly photooxidative damage, exposure to reactive oxygen species, osmotic pressure change, and intracellular damage caused by high irradiance. While the transgenic cell line experienced a reduced growth rate, it reached a higher cell density and featured higher cell longevity in comparison to the wild type after prolonged culture. Furthermore, in all stress related experiments the transgenic cell line outperformed the wild type, often with stark phenotypic changes. Moreover, RT-PCR analysis confirmed RNA level expression of this peptide allowing us to conclude that the transgenic cell line was producing a functional form of this recombinant anti-apoptotic protein leading to more robust stress tolerance

    \u3ci\u3eIn Vivo\u3c/i\u3e And \u3ci\u3eIn Vitro\u3c/i\u3e Studies Of Polyamides That Are Active Antiviral Agents Against HPV16

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    Long-term, persistent infection with high-risk strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the precursor of most cervical cancers and an increasing number of the head and neck cancers. While HPV vaccines can protect patients under twenty-five years old from possible infections, no HPV antiviral drugs are available for the definitive treatment of preexisting or future viral infections. To treat current or future HPV infections, drugs that selectively block virus-specific processes, but do not damage the host cells, are needed. The compounds developed in our group are unique Imidazole-pyrrole polyamides, analogs of natural products Distamycin A and Netropsin that function by interfering with natural virus-host interactions. Within the overall program of my group, my work focuses on three specific projects. The first project (Chapter 2) includes bioavailability LC-MS/MS analysis study of one of the leading compounds in plasma and whole blood. The second project includes the biophysical study of interactions between two polyamides, called TMG Asymmetric Hairpin Polyamides (TMG-AHP), and an essential viral DNA segment. The aim of this study was to determine where and how strongly the compounds bind to the viral DNA. In this work, two methods were used: the quantitative deoxyribonuclease (DNase I) footprinting method and the affinity cleavage assay (AC). The results are presented in Chapters 3 and 4. The remarkable findings resulted in binding location maps that help us to better understand the mechanism of action of AHPs and to address the question: what is the primary reason for neutralizing a virus by our polyamides. Based on the knowledge gathered from the results of the first project, a complex study (RNA-Seq) concerned with genome expression was performed. The aim of the third project is to find the common features and differences in the polyamides’ mechanism of action by quantifying messenger RNA (mRNA), after treatment of HPV infected skin cells with 8 different polyamides. In parallel with the analysis of human and viral transcriptome, a separate study concerned with the differential expression profile of seven DDR genes that are components of the homologous recombination (HR) pathway have been studied by RT-qPCR method. The results are presented in Chapter 5 and 6. Data gathered from the third project help us further understand the mechanism of polyamide action

    Inhibicija dezoksiribonukleaze I derivatima tiazolidina, benzimidazola, 4H- hromena i 5,6,7,8-tetrahidrobenzo[4,5] tieno[2,3-d]pirimidina u in vitro uslovima

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    In this doctoral dissertation the inhibition of deoxyribonuclease I by the derivatives of thiazolidine, benzimidazole, 4H-chromene and 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine was evaluated in vitro. As a result, 23 compounds, out of 91 tested, inhibited DNase I with IC50 values below 200 ÎŒM, including ten thiazolidine, four benzimidazole, one 4H-chromene, and eight 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives. These compounds were more effective DNase I inhibitors than crystal violet (IC50 > 300 ÎŒM), used as a positive control. According to the Lineweaver-Burk plots, some of the most effective DNase I inhibitors show non-competitive type of inhibition. The intermolecular interactions of the tested compounds with DNase I were predicted by molecular docking studies. To provide a more complete picture of possible therapeutic applications of the investigated thiazolidines, benzimidazoles, 4H-chromenes and 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines that inhibited DNase I with IC50 values below 200 ÎŒM, in silico study of their physico-chemical, biopharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, and toxicological properties was performed. Most DNase I inhibitors fulfilled Lipinski’s and Veber’s rules predicting good oral bioavailability in in vitro/in vivo conditions. All compounds were predicted as able to be absorbed by intestine, as well as permeable across blood-brain barrier. Most of the tested derivatives could be preliminary classified as biopharmaceutical class I and/or II. The investigated DNase I inhibitors are generally predicted as slightly toxic and non-carcinogenic compounds, without risk of mutagenic, tumorigenic and/or irritant effects. The general conclusion of this doctoral dissertation is that the most effective DNase I inhibitors from the groups of the investigated thiazolidines, benzimidazoles, 4H-chromenes and 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines represent a good basis for the development of novel and more efficient DNase I inhibitors with potential therapeutic applications, considering the importance of DNase I in the pathophysiology of numerous disease conditions. Since there is no DNase I inhibitor defined as a "gold standard", the tested compounds could represent a new ones in future research

    Detektion bakterieller NukleinsÀuren im Atemkondensat am Beispiel von Pseudomonas aeruginosa bei CF-Patienten

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    Ziel dieser Studie war es, in EBC von an CF erkrankten Patienten NukleinsĂ€uren von P. aeruginosa mit Hilfe biochemischer Methoden zu detektieren. Hierzu wurde zuerst untersucht, ob im Sputum und EBC endogene Nukleasen enthalten sind. ZunĂ€chst wurden vierzehn Sputumproben von CF-Patienten nach einem standardisierten Protokoll gesammelt und aufbereitet. Darauffolgend wurden einundzwanzig EBCProben von einem anderen CF-Patientenkollektiv gewonnen. Von diesen wiesen zwölf Patienten einen positiven P. aeruginosa-Nachweis in der zuletzt durchgefĂŒhrten Sputumkultur auf. Zur Untersuchung von RNasen bzw. DNasen im Sputum oder EBC wurde den Atemwegssekreten RNA bzw. DNA zugesetzt und inkubiert. FĂŒr den Nachweis von P. aeruginosa-DNA in EBC und Sputum wurde eine PCR durchgefĂŒhrt. Zur Detektion von P. aeruginosa-RNA erfolgte vor der PCR ein DNase-Verdau sowie eine RT. Es wurde jeweils die Nachweisgrenze ermittelt. Außerdem fand ein Test auf Inhibitoren der PCR und RT-PCR statt. Beim Nukleasenachweis wiesen alle vierzehn Sputumproben nach 15 Minuten Reaktionszeit eine starke RNase-AktivitĂ€t auf. In fĂŒnfzehn EBC-Proben hingegen konnte nach 20-stĂŒndiger Inkubation allenfalls eine geringe RNase-AktivitĂ€t festgestellt werden, unabhĂ€ngig davon, ob es sich um Proben gesunder Labormitarbeiter oder CF-Patienten mit und ohne P. aeruginosa-Besiedelung handelte. Zwei der vierzehn Sputumproben zeigten eine starke, zehn eine mittlere und zwei keine DNase-AktivitĂ€t (20-stĂŒndige Inkubationszeit). Die EBC-Proben waren nach 20 Stunden Reaktionszeit frei von DNase-AktivitĂ€t. Es ergab sich kein Unterschied zwischen gesunden und CF-Probanden. Der NukleinsĂ€urenachweis mittels RT-PCR und PCR ergab in zwölf EBC-Proben weder mit dem Ps. ae.- noch mit dem Ps. sp.-Primerpaar einen positiven Nachweis von P. aeruginosa- RNA oder -DNA bei P. aeruginosa-positiven CF-Patienten. Die Nachweisgrenze fĂŒr die Detektion von P. aeruginosa-RNA mit dem Ps. ae.-Primerpaar wurde mittels einer VerdĂŒnnungsreihe auf 2,14 ng festgelegt. Beim Nachweis von P. aeruginosa-DNA lag sie bei einem Wert von 0,15 ng. In keinem der zwölf getesteten EBCs konnten Inhibitoren der RT-PCR oder PCR detektiert werden. Keine der vierzehn Sputum-Proben von CF-Patienten wies einen positiven P. aeruginosa-RNA-Nachweis mit dem Ps. ae.-Primerpaar auf. In sieben Sputumproben wurde mit Hilfe des Ps. ae.-Primerpaares P. aeruginosa-DNA detektiert. Die hohe RNase-AktivitĂ€t im Sputum von CF-Patienten stellt ein entscheidendes Hindernis fĂŒr die pulmonale Applikation von In-vitro-Transfektions-RNA dar. Bei Kindern wĂ€re die Inhalationstherapie gegenĂŒber einer Verabreichung mittels Spritze vorzuziehen. FĂŒr eine effektive Transfektion mĂŒssten deshalb zusĂ€tzliche Vorkehrungen wie die Zugabe von komplexbildenden Agentien getroffen werden. Die Resultate der RT-PCR und PCR unterstĂŒtzen in Zusammenschau mit den Ergebnissen anderer Studien die These, dass fĂŒr einen positiven NukleinsĂ€urenachweis im EBC zwei Schritte entscheidend sind. Zum einen ist das die Zugabe von Nukleaseinhibitoren direkt nach der Probengewinnung und zum anderen die Extraktion der im EBC enthaltenen DNA. Auf diese Weise könnte sich die EBC-Analyse zu einem interessanten diagnostischen Werkzeug entwickeln, welches die nicht-invasive FrĂŒhdetektion von Infektionen der Lunge ermöglichen wĂŒrde. Insbesondere Kinder, welche hĂ€ufig kein Sputum abgeben können, da sie es hinunterschlucken, wĂŒrden von diesem Verfahren profitieren. Ein ebenso bedeutender Anwendungsbereich stellt die Diagnostik der Tuberkulose dar. Es ist denkbar, dass eine einfach und schnell durchzufĂŒhrende EBC-Diagnostik die langen Wartezeiten bei der Anzucht von Sputumkulturen ablösen könnte

    Detektion bakterieller NukleinsÀuren im Atemkondensat am Beispiel von Pseudomonas aeruginosa bei CF-Patienten

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    Ziel dieser Studie war es, in EBC von an CF erkrankten Patienten NukleinsĂ€uren von P. aeruginosa mit Hilfe biochemischer Methoden zu detektieren. Hierzu wurde zuerst untersucht, ob im Sputum und EBC endogene Nukleasen enthalten sind. ZunĂ€chst wurden vierzehn Sputumproben von CF-Patienten nach einem standardisierten Protokoll gesammelt und aufbereitet. Darauffolgend wurden einundzwanzig EBCProben von einem anderen CF-Patientenkollektiv gewonnen. Von diesen wiesen zwölf Patienten einen positiven P. aeruginosa-Nachweis in der zuletzt durchgefĂŒhrten Sputumkultur auf. Zur Untersuchung von RNasen bzw. DNasen im Sputum oder EBC wurde den Atemwegssekreten RNA bzw. DNA zugesetzt und inkubiert. FĂŒr den Nachweis von P. aeruginosa-DNA in EBC und Sputum wurde eine PCR durchgefĂŒhrt. Zur Detektion von P. aeruginosa-RNA erfolgte vor der PCR ein DNase-Verdau sowie eine RT. Es wurde jeweils die Nachweisgrenze ermittelt. Außerdem fand ein Test auf Inhibitoren der PCR und RT-PCR statt. Beim Nukleasenachweis wiesen alle vierzehn Sputumproben nach 15 Minuten Reaktionszeit eine starke RNase-AktivitĂ€t auf. In fĂŒnfzehn EBC-Proben hingegen konnte nach 20-stĂŒndiger Inkubation allenfalls eine geringe RNase-AktivitĂ€t festgestellt werden, unabhĂ€ngig davon, ob es sich um Proben gesunder Labormitarbeiter oder CF-Patienten mit und ohne P. aeruginosa-Besiedelung handelte. Zwei der vierzehn Sputumproben zeigten eine starke, zehn eine mittlere und zwei keine DNase-AktivitĂ€t (20-stĂŒndige Inkubationszeit). Die EBC-Proben waren nach 20 Stunden Reaktionszeit frei von DNase-AktivitĂ€t. Es ergab sich kein Unterschied zwischen gesunden und CF-Probanden. Der NukleinsĂ€urenachweis mittels RT-PCR und PCR ergab in zwölf EBC-Proben weder mit dem Ps. ae.- noch mit dem Ps. sp.-Primerpaar einen positiven Nachweis von P. aeruginosa- RNA oder -DNA bei P. aeruginosa-positiven CF-Patienten. Die Nachweisgrenze fĂŒr die Detektion von P. aeruginosa-RNA mit dem Ps. ae.-Primerpaar wurde mittels einer VerdĂŒnnungsreihe auf 2,14 ng festgelegt. Beim Nachweis von P. aeruginosa-DNA lag sie bei einem Wert von 0,15 ng. In keinem der zwölf getesteten EBCs konnten Inhibitoren der RT-PCR oder PCR detektiert werden. Keine der vierzehn Sputum-Proben von CF-Patienten wies einen positiven P. aeruginosa-RNA-Nachweis mit dem Ps. ae.-Primerpaar auf. In sieben Sputumproben wurde mit Hilfe des Ps. ae.-Primerpaares P. aeruginosa-DNA detektiert. Die hohe RNase-AktivitĂ€t im Sputum von CF-Patienten stellt ein entscheidendes Hindernis fĂŒr die pulmonale Applikation von In-vitro-Transfektions-RNA dar. Bei Kindern wĂ€re die Inhalationstherapie gegenĂŒber einer Verabreichung mittels Spritze vorzuziehen. FĂŒr eine effektive Transfektion mĂŒssten deshalb zusĂ€tzliche Vorkehrungen wie die Zugabe von komplexbildenden Agentien getroffen werden. Die Resultate der RT-PCR und PCR unterstĂŒtzen in Zusammenschau mit den Ergebnissen anderer Studien die These, dass fĂŒr einen positiven NukleinsĂ€urenachweis im EBC zwei Schritte entscheidend sind. Zum einen ist das die Zugabe von Nukleaseinhibitoren direkt nach der Probengewinnung und zum anderen die Extraktion der im EBC enthaltenen DNA. Auf diese Weise könnte sich die EBC-Analyse zu einem interessanten diagnostischen Werkzeug entwickeln, welches die nicht-invasive FrĂŒhdetektion von Infektionen der Lunge ermöglichen wĂŒrde. Insbesondere Kinder, welche hĂ€ufig kein Sputum abgeben können, da sie es hinunterschlucken, wĂŒrden von diesem Verfahren profitieren. Ein ebenso bedeutender Anwendungsbereich stellt die Diagnostik der Tuberkulose dar. Es ist denkbar, dass eine einfach und schnell durchzufĂŒhrende EBC-Diagnostik die langen Wartezeiten bei der Anzucht von Sputumkulturen ablösen könnte

    La synthÚse de NETs par les angiopoïétines -1 et -2 contribue à des activités pro-inflammatoires et pro-angiogéniques

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    Les angiopoĂŻĂ©tines (Ang1 et Ang2) sont des protĂ©ines reconnues pour leur implication dans le processus angiogĂ©nique. La dĂ©couverte de leur rĂ©cepteur (Tie2) Ă  la surface des neutrophiles a permis d’étudier leur rĂŽle dans certaines activitĂ©s pro-inflammatoires des neutrophiles comme leur adhĂ©sion aux cellules endothĂ©liales (CE), l’augmentation de leur viabilitĂ© et la synthĂšse et relĂąche de diverses cytokines. RĂ©cemment, il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que les neutrophiles peuvent relĂącher des Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs), des filaments d’ADN sous forme de toile en rĂ©ponse Ă  une infection ou Ă  l’inflammation. Puisque les angiopoĂŻĂ©tines ont la capacitĂ© d’activer les neutrophiles, nous avons voulu dĂ©terminer leur effet sur la relĂąche de NETs, et le rĂŽle de ceux-ci dans des situations pro-inflammatoires et pro-angiogĂ©niques in vitro. Des neutrophiles humains ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©s Ă  partir de sang de donneurs sains en accord avec le comitĂ© d’éthique de l’Institut de cardiologie de MontrĂ©al. Nous avons observĂ© que l’Ang1 et l’Ang2, seules ou combinĂ©es (10 nM; 3 heures) augmentent la relĂąche de NETs (≈2,5 fois) comparativement aux neutrophiles stimulĂ©s au PBS. Cette NETose est dĂ©pendante du rĂ©cepteur Tie2, et requiert la participation des voies de signalisation PI3K, p38 et p42/44 MAPK, de la production de dĂ©rivĂ©s rĂ©actifs de l’oxygĂšne (ROS), de la relĂąche du calcium intracellulaire, et de l’activation de la protĂ©ine arginine dĂ©iminase 4 (PAD4). Ces NETs isolĂ©s induisent l’activation des neutrophiles et des CE, menant Ă  l’adhĂ©sion des neutrophiles Ă  la matrice extracellulaire humaine (hECM) et Ă  des CE provenant des veines de cordons ombilicaux humains (HUVEC). Ces NETs induisent aussi la formation in vitro de tubules de type capillaire chez les HUVEC. Cette Ă©tude est la premiĂšre Ă  rapporter la capacitĂ© des deux angiopoĂŻĂ©tines Ă  induire la production de NETs et leur contribution dans les activitĂ©s pro-inflammatoires et pro-angiogĂ©niques des angiopoĂŻĂ©tines.Angiopoietins (Ang1 and Ang2) are proteins known for their implication in angiogenesis. The discovery of their receptor (Tie2) on neutrophil surface led to numerous studies about their role in pro-inflammatory activities of neutrophils, like neutrophil adhesion onto endothelial cells (EC), pro-survival activity and synthesis and release of various cytokines. Recently, it has been reported that neutrophils have the capacity to release Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs), nuclear DNA extruded in a web-like structure in response to infection or inflammation. Since angiopoietins can activate neutrophils, we address if they can induce NETs release, and if these NETs have an in vitro effect in pro-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic activities. Neutrophils were isolated from blood of healthy volunteers in accordance with the guidelines of the Montreal Heart Institute’s ethical committee. We observed that Ang1 and Ang2, alone or combined (10 nM; 3 hours) increase NETs release (≈2.5-fold) as compared to PBS-treated neutrophils. This NETosis is Tie2-dependent, and requires intracellular participation of PI3K, p38 and p42/44 MAPK pathways, ROS production, intracellular calcium release, and protein arginine deiminase 4 (PAD4) activation. These isolated NETs induced neutrophils and endothelial cells activation, leading to neutrophil adhesion onto human extracellular matrix (hECM) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and in vitro HUVEC capillary-like tube formation. This study is the first one to report the capacity of both angiopoietins to promote the release of NETs and to demonstrate that angiopoietins-mediated NETs contribute to pro-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic activities

    Surface nano-patterning using the coffee-stain effect

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    Addition of nanopacticles in a base solvent leads to suspensions with enhanced physiochemical properties, compared to base solvent. This new type of suspensions is called nanofluids, with applications ranging from biomedicine to automotives. As a consequence extensive research is being conducted in the field, in particular, on the evaporation of these fluids as it leads to well-defined and highly ordered coffee-rings. However, the exact physics governing this phenomenon remain elusive. The goal of this experimental investigation is to elucidate how various parameters affect the progression of nanofluid coffee-stain formation. Examination of the coffee-ring structuring, produced by the free evaporation of sessile droplets containing nanoparticles, revealed an unexpected, disordered region at the exterior edge of the ring. A self-assembly mechanism with two components, particle velocity and wedge constraints, was proposed to describe the deposition of particles at contact lines of evaporating drops. Environmental pressure was used as a method to control particle crystallinity in the coffee-rings. Essentially, evaporation rate and pressure were found to be inversely proportional. Macroscopically, lowering pressure led to a transition from “stick-slip” to constant pinning. Nanoscopically, lowering pressure promoted crystallinity. Findings supported the proposed, in this thesis, particle self-assembly mechanism. Particle aspect ratio and flexibility were subsequently examined. Pinning strength was found to be a function of particle aspect ratio and rigidity, leading to constant pinning. The proposed, in this thesis, particle self-assembly mechanism was found to be applicable to a variety of aspect ratios and flexibilities. Lastly, particulate crystals grew following different pathways depending on particle flexibility