592 research outputs found

    Global dynamic E-marketplaces, and their role in the internet-based economy

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    Collaboration capabilities are what will most probably create the gap between winners and losers in business-to-business (B2B) commerce. In this context, the electronic marketplace (EM) comes as a medium for trade and collaboration, and a common entry point where partners can share business processes and adopt a decentralized business model fuelled by market evolution. The thesis illustrates the advantages of collaborative business and presents the information technologies that support it. The purpose of this thesis is to educate both the author and the reader on the technology and infrastructure that supports collaborative business and to posit that among the three major information technology infrastructures that enable B2B commerce, the EM model provides significant advantages for individual companies and industries compared to Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P). The thesis identifies key tools and value-added services EM\u27s should provide their participants to meet the requirements of modern companies and the Internet-based economy. Finally, the thesis suggests potential impacts of EM\u27s on the modern business ecosystem

    Creating business value through e-marketplace trading

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    Electronic marketplaces (e-marketplaces) have been researched over many years from the study of electronic data interchange (EDI) systems to the current internet based trading platforms. Early e-marketplaces connected a buyer and supplier using proprietary systems that established a market hierarchy. The buyer was responsible for the system, established the terms of trade and the electronically enabled supplier could connect to the system. These systems were costly to build, which limited their use, and only organisations with an integrated system could use them. The web based e-marketplaces opened up the possibility of connecting many buyers and suppliers and enabling electronic transactions. The e-marketplace offers opportunities for establishing trade relationships with many organisations across the world. Business to business (B2B) e-commerce is a significant part of the Australian economy and there are opportunities to take advantage of e-marketplace trading. One of the advantages of electronic trading is the ability of the technology to deliver transaction benefits; these can have a significant impact on organisations regardless of organisational size. However, despite the potential of the e-marketplace to deliver organisational benefits there have been limited studies which consider the strategic implementation of e-marketplace trading. Organisational strategy and the implementation of strategic initiatives involve interactions between organisational structures and agents. The analytical dualism this represents complicates uncovering the fundamental causes of e-marketplace participation. Not only does the adoption of e-marketplace trading impact on the buyer and supplier organisations, it introduces the e-marketplace vendor organisation and the e-marketplace technology into the participation decision. The complexity of the interactions across organisational structures and between organisational agents and technology adoption can produce a diversity of outcomes. The philosophical underpinning of critical realism for the study is supported by the lack of understanding as to why, and in what circumstances, organisations successfully participate in e-marketplace trading. The critical realist philosophy provides the opportunity to understand the interrelationships between context, organisational structures and agents and identify the causal mechanisms involved in producing various outcomes. It allows for the development of middle level theory as existing theories are examined to explain the perceived phenomena. Large organisations operating in Western Australia are used as case studies to uncover the causal relationships between context, structures and agents that can produce successful, strategic implementation of e-marketplace participation. Existing literature in relation to e-marketplaces and IT adoption is used to develop the research questions and formulate the interview questions. The structured case methodology is used to analyse each case and relate the findings to possible explanatory theories. Context, mechanism and outcome patterns, identified in each case, are presented. Building on economic market, institutional and network theories the research identifies organising vision theory and community discourse as explanations for organisational legitimation that can circumscribe the use of e-marketplace trading. Six types of community group that influence organisational adoption of e-marketplace technology are identified. The research suggests that the influence of these groups within the organisation, the fit with organisational culture and strategic objectives can prevent or instigate change. Further, the decision making process supported by the group (or group member) is more influential in the strategic adoption of the e-marketplace than the ability of the technology to deliver efficiency or transaction processing gains. This implies that technology adoption studies should include contextual and environmental issues and practitioners should examine how much their decision making is influenced by organisational and environmental features. The thesis contributes to the discussion on organising vision theory, e-marketplace trading and business value creation. It demonstrates the application of the structured case study methodology to research that is underpinned by critical realism

    Value Creation in B2B E-Markets of China: A Practical Perspective

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    In China, the development of e-market has unique characteristics in the transactional processes and market mechanisms, which relate largely to the current industry structure, financial infrastructure and organization structure. This paper seeks to develop a conceptual model of B2B e-market value creation strategy, and can also be used to highlight the complexity of such activities for Chinese B2B e-markets. A process-oriented approach to modelling the value of e-market, rather than strategic position theory or a simple descriptive approach, is found to be more suitable and has been selected. The model consists of two dimensions: the e-commerce process and the controlling complexity. We apply the model in an actual Chinese B2B e-market (Alibaba.com). The crucial value creation activities and strategies in the four phases of e-commerce process are identified, and the controlling complexity of these activities is evaluated in the model. The model offers an effective approach to study the dynamic structure of transactional processes and bring into light the special issues of e-market development in China. Managers can resort to the model to offer more value to their customers by designing an effective e-market process

    Open Food Network: the Role of ICT to Support Regional Food Supply Chains in Australia

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    Many organizations have introduced various ICT-enabled innovations to improve economic, environmental and social performance. The Open Food Network (OFN) is an example of an ICT enabled innovation that has the potential to enhance the sustainability of regional food supply chain by improving farmers’ access to local and regional markets and consumers’ access to fresh local produce, as well as optimizing the regional food distribution and improving local community welfare. OFN has just been recently launched in Australia and currently there is a limited understanding of the actual impacts. This research-in-progress paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the OFN system in connecting and supporting the sustainability of regional food supply chain communities in Australia that will help devise strategies for expanding the use beyond Australia. The findings contribute to a longer term research program that investigates how ICT can support sustainability initiatives within organizations and supply chains

    Structural changes in online retailing and the marketing mix: An analysis considering multichannel online retailing and voice dialog interfaces

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    The online retail environment is expanding, enhancing the possibilities for customers to shop online. On the one hand, a proliferation of online channels establishes a multichannel online retailing landscape, which offers customers more alternatives in terms of where to shop online. On the other hand, a change in the user interaction mode of existing customer touchpoints, from graphics to voice, creates new voice dialog interfaces, which enhance the way with regard to how customers can shop online. In this context, this publication-based dissertation aims to generate theoretical and practical contributions on these two most recent developments in online retailing, i.e., multichannel online retailing and voice dialog interfaces, to improve marketing mix decision-making

    Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing

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    The importance of demonstrating the value achieved from IT investments is long established in the Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) literature. However, emerging technologies such as the ever-changing complex area of cloud computing present new challenges and opportunities for demonstrating how IT investments lead to business value. Recent reviews of extant literature highlights the need for multi-disciplinary research. This research should explore and further develops the conceptualization of value in cloud computing research. In addition, there is a need for research which investigates how IT value manifests itself across the chain of service provision and in inter-organizational scenarios. This open access book will review the state of the art from an IS, Computer Science and Accounting perspective, will introduce and discuss the main techniques for measuring business value for cloud computing in a variety of scenarios, and illustrate these with mini-case studies

    Virtual kitchens: A new business model in the foodservice industry

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    Over the last years, restaurants have been forced to adapt to new circumstances. Changing eating trends, technological advancements and fierce competition made it harder for some to stay afloat. On top of that, a global pandemic compelled everyone to shut their doors overnight, posing extra pressure on the sector. The latest consumer trend indicates strong affluence to online food delivery services and many restaurants are struggling to respond to this shift and evolve accordingly. This pedagogical case study focuses on a business model that emerged to support restaurants to optimise off-premise operations and thrive in the digital space, known as Virtual Kitchens. As the object of study, it was chosen the start-up Kitch, one of the first companies to introduce the concept in Portugal. Thus, this paper allows to verify how innovative businesses models can arise on long-established markets and have a great impact on the evolution of supply chains. It also enables to verify the potential of VKs in the Portuguese context through the use of a Dynamic SWOT and an adapted statistical model (UTAUT). To collect the necessary data, the research combined a questionnaire to Portuguese restaurateurs (n=55), an interview with Kitch’s Product Manager and desk research. The present case is expected to be a useful tool for students and companies attracted to emerging market areas, especially in the hospitality scope, providing theoretical and practical approaches to uncover new value through unforeseen partnerships and innovative business models that defy the ordinary to fit the latest market needs.Nos últimos anos, os restaurantes têm sido forçados a adaptarem-se a novas circunstâncias. A mudança nas tendências alimentares, os avanços tecnológicos e a concorrência intensa tornaram mais difícil para alguns manterem-se à tona. Além disso, a pandemia obrigou todos a fecharem as portas, colocando uma pressão extra no sector. A última tendência dos consumidores indica uma forte afluência aos serviços online de entrega de alimentos e muitos restaurantes estão a lutar para responder eficazmente a esta mudança e evoluir em conformidade. Este caso de estudo pedagógico centra-se num modelo de negócio que surgiu para apoiar os restaurantes a otimizar operações de takeaway no espaço digital, designado por Cozinhas Virtuais. Como objeto de estudo, foi escolhida a start-up Kitch, uma das primeiras empresas a introduzir o conceito em Portugal. Assim, este caso permite verificar como modelos de negócios inovadores podem surgir em mercados consolidados e ter um grande impacto na evolução das cadeias de abastecimento. Permite também verificar o seu potencial no contexto português através da utilização da SWOT Dinâmica e de um modelo estatístico adaptado (UTAUT). Para a recolha de dados, a pesquisa combinou um questionário a restaurantes portugueses (n=55), uma entrevista com o Gestor de Produto da Kitch, e pesquisa de dados secundários. O presente caso adivinha-se útil para estudantes e empresas interessados em áreas de mercados emergentes no âmbito da hospitalidade, facultando abordagens teóricas e práticas para descobrir novos produtos através de parcerias e modelos de negócios que desafiam o comum para se adaptarem às necessidades do mercado

    Electronic procurement: dealing with supplier adoption

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    E-procurement systems make purchasing activities more effective in terms of both time and cost. However over the past years there is evidence that some of the expected benefits have not been achieved. Among several appointed causes, supplier‟s adherence to such platforms has been regarded as one. The focus of this research is in supplier adoption of e-Procurement. Such a study is important in order to better address the issues actually faced by suppliers within e-Procurement. We have conducted a questionnaire-based survey to 721 Portuguese companies and performed an empirical analysis of the results. The findings from this work provide empirical evidence that the supplier perceived benefits and business partner pressures are positively related to e-Procurement adoption while some barriers like implementation costs have the opposite effect. The main critical success factors on e-Procurement adoption are also presented.Os sistemas de e-Procurement permitem melhorias significativas no tempo e custo associados aos processos de compra. No entanto, nos últimos anos existe evidência de que alguns dos benefícios esperados não têm sido alcançados. Entre as várias causas apontadas, a falta de adesão dos fornecedores a esse tipo de plataformas foi apontada como uma. O foco desta pesquisa está na adopção dos fornecedores ao e-Procurement, mais especificamente nos factores que levam a sua adesão. Foi realizado um questionário a 721 empresas Portuguesas e os dados obtidos analisados. Os resultados deste trabalho fornecem evidências de que os benefícios percebidos pelos fornecedores e as pressões dos parceiros de negócios estão positivamente relacionados com a intenção de adopção, enquanto algumas barreiras, como custos de implementação têm o efeito oposto. Os principais factores críticos de sucesso na adesão ao e-Procurement são também apresentados

    Critical success criteria for B2B E-commerce systems in Chinese medical supply chain.

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    The paper presents an exploratory investigation to determine and prioritise the critical success criteria, which can measure and guide the successful application and performance improvement of business to business e-commerce system (BBECS) in a medical supply chain's selling and buying functions, in the context of global business expansion. The research reveals that the buying and the selling functions have different prioritisations on the majority of the determined critical success measuring criteria. These criteria are categorised into three Critical Success Measuring Criteria Groups, for the selling and the buying functions, respectively, guiding medical supply chain members in harnessing the full advantage of a BBECS. For the selling function, the top critical success measuring criteria are as follows: integrating information searching/transmission and application processes, ensuring the reliability and timeliness of technical support, ensuring recognition and acceptance of e-commerce processes, displaying the organisation's business focus and product/service provisions online, securing a large scale/amount of business transactions, adjusting production outputs and inventory levels and having more registered users than competitors do. The top critical success measuring criteria for the buying function are as follows: securing the establishment of business relationships between businesses, displaying the measures ensuring mutual trust and cooperation online, ensuring employees' recognition of the benefit of e-commerce in increasing revenue, ensuring the contribution to the development and realisation of corporate strategy, achieving cost reduction for the organisation, making the purchase of famous brand products available/doable, securing a large scale/amount of business transactions, and ensuring the attainability of products/services at a lower price

    Assessing the success and evaluating the benefits of government-sponsored regional internet-trading platforms for small and medium enterprises: A Western Australian perspective

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    The Internet has been viewed as an opportunity for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to efficiently compete in the global arena with their larger counterparts by overcoming distance and size. However, research has shown that actual uptake of Internet e-commerce by SMEs has been lagging behind that of larger companies. Fearing a growing digital divide between large companies and SMEs, some governments have taken specific measures to encourage SME participation in ecommerce. One of the more direct government initiatives to hasten the progression of SMEs on the e-commerce adoption curve is the creation, sponsorship and management of regional Internet trading platforms for these enterprises. Such a move is predicated on the belief that these platforms will offer SMEs a low-cost introduction to participation in Internet trading platforms without the need for significant technology investments, allowing them to reap benefits like lower costs, improved customer service and new levels of innovation through knowledge-sharing
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