8 research outputs found

    Automated Oracle Generation via Denotational Semantics

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    Software failure detection is typically done by comparing the running behaviors from a software under test (SUT) against its expected behaviors, called test oracles. In this paper, we present a formal approach to specifying test oracles in denotational semantics for systems with structured inputs. The approach introduces formal semantic evaluation rules, based on the denotational semantics methodology, defined on each productive grammar rule. We extend our grammar-based test generator, GENA, with automated test oracle generation. We provide three case studies of software testing: (i) a benchmark of Java programs on arithmetic calculations, (ii) an open source software on license identification, and (ii) selenium-based web testing. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and illustrate the success of the application on the software testing

    Concurrent Transaction Frame Logic Formal Semantics for UML Activity and Class Diagrams

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    A Semantic Information Management Approach for Improving Bridge Maintenance based on Advanced Constraint Management

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    Bridge rehabilitation projects are important for transportation infrastructures. This research proposes a novel information management approach based on state-of-the-art deep learning models and ontologies. The approach can automatically extract, integrate, complete, and search for project knowledge buried in unstructured text documents. The approach on the one hand facilitates implementation of modern management approaches, i.e., advanced working packaging to delivery success bridge rehabilitation projects, on the other hand improves information management practices in the construction industry

    Web service detection in service-oriented software development

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    Service Orientierung ist ein wichtiger Trend in der aktuellen Software Entwicklung, von dem sich die Befürworter eine Erhöhung des Wiederverwendungsgrads von Software Komponenten erhoffen. Jedoch fehlt bislang eine erprobtes Vorgehen zur Entwicklung service-orientierter Architekturen, das die Wiederverwendung unterstützt. In dieser Arbeit wird anhand eines Beispiels aus dem Finanzdienstleistungssektor ein "meet-in-the-middle" Vorgehen vorgestellt und aufgezeigt, an welchen Stellen Wiederverwendungspotential besteht. Ein relationales Repository für Web Service Operationen wird vorgestellt und die Anfragemöglichkeiten mittels Description Logic erweitert. Techniken des relationalen Schema Matchings und Description Logic werden kombiniert, um eine effiziente Suche nach Web Service Operationen zu unterstützen. Service orientation has become a buzzword in research and practice during the last years, but a mature development methodology for service-oriented architectures does not exist yet. This thesis makes a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the organization of service-oriented application development to increase the reuse of Web services. Based on an example from the financial industry, a meet-in-the-middle development approach is presented. A relational Web service operation schema repository is introduced and semantically extended with description logic. Relational schema matching techniques and description logic are combined to support efficient syntactic-semantic search for Web service operations in the repository

    Uma linguagem para formalização de discursos com base em ontologias

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2015.Esta pesquisa propõe a arquitetura da informação de uma linguagem formal textual para representar discursos sobre entidades ontológicas e obter deduções a respeito de ontologias de domínio. Por meio do paradigma de metamodelagem, a linguagem permite tratamento de ontologias heterogêneas que podem ser descritas como instâncias de uma ou mais ontologias de fundamentação. A linguagem suporta comportamentos clássicos e modais sustentados por noções de prova baseadas no paradigma de Programação em Lógica (Modal). O arcabouço modal desenvolvido possibilita que diferentes interpretações modais sejam introduzidas às especificações das ontologias, e contempla especialmente sistemas baseados em lógicas de múltiplos agentes. Uma sistematização do fragmento endurante da Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) é realizada com objetivo de compor parte do marco teórico que fundamenta a proposta e de servir de exemplo de instanciação do arcabouço desenvolvido. Como resultados complementares, destacam-se: uma sistematização de um conjunto ampliado de regras para produção de modelos conceituais e um glossário detalhado de termos e conceitos da UFO-A; protótipos funcionais que implementam os sistemas elaborados; traduções das teorias descritas no arcabouço proposto para linguagens visuais, como extensões da representação gráfica da OntoUML; e discussões a respeito da integração de Arquitetura da Informação, Modelagem Conceitual e Programação em Lógica (Modal) no contexto social aplicado.This research proposes the information architecture of a textual formal language to represent and reason about ontological entities based on foundational ontologies. Through metamodeling, the language is able to deal with heterogeneous ontologies that can be described as instances of one or more foundational ontology. The language provides classic and modal inference mechanisms supported by proof notions based on the (Modal) Logic Programming paradigm. The modalities introduced by the modal framework allow a wide range of interpretations, including multi-agent systems. A systematization of the endurant fragment of the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) is produced in order to compose part of the theoretical framework underlying the proposal, and to serve as an example instantiating the developed framework. As complementary results we highlight: a systematization of an extended set of rules for conceptual modeling and a detailed glossary of terms and concepts of UFO-A; functional prototypes implementing the developed systems; translations of the theories described as instances of the framework to diagramatic representations, as extensions of the OntoUML visual language; and discussions regarding the integration of Information Architecture, Conceptual Modeling and Logic Programming within Applied Social Science