14 research outputs found

    Unified functional network and nonlinear time series analysis for complex systems science: The pyunicorn package

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    We introduce the \texttt{pyunicorn} (Pythonic unified complex network and recurrence analysis toolbox) open source software package for applying and combining modern methods of data analysis and modeling from complex network theory and nonlinear time series analysis. \texttt{pyunicorn} is a fully object-oriented and easily parallelizable package written in the language Python. It allows for the construction of functional networks such as climate networks in climatology or functional brain networks in neuroscience representing the structure of statistical interrelationships in large data sets of time series and, subsequently, investigating this structure using advanced methods of complex network theory such as measures and models for spatial networks, networks of interacting networks, node-weighted statistics or network surrogates. Additionally, \texttt{pyunicorn} provides insights into the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems as recorded in uni- and multivariate time series from a non-traditional perspective by means of recurrence quantification analysis (RQA), recurrence networks, visibility graphs and construction of surrogate time series. The range of possible applications of the library is outlined, drawing on several examples mainly from the field of climatology.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure

    Statistical Analysis of Seismicity Catalog of Alaska: The mysteries of the timeseries

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    Abstract:This dissertation presents the results of applying three independent statistical techniques on the seismic catalog of Alaska and Aleutian subduction zone. I perform Visibility Graph Analysis and Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis respectively on the seismic catalogs of several defined seismogenic zones in surface and depth. Forecasting earthquake hazard is based on the assumption that the Gutenberg-Richter relation represents the size distribution of future earthquakes and we show that the series produced by these methods have properties with close correlation with the b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter law. Visibility graph analysis basically maps a time series into the networks of nodes and connection and we want to show that produced network keeps a relationship with seismic characteristics of the region. Same goes for the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis which studies the multifractality of the seismic catalogs as magnitude time series. I am also trying to improve the spatial information of the catalog using the Condensation method based on the location error. It will produce a new catalog that differs with the original one by the new assigned weight to the events according to their accuracy relative to the neighboring events. Using this statistical method will contribute to the discovery of previously unknown active structures and a better understanding of seismic hazards in Alaska

    Recurrence network analysis of EEG signals: A Geometric Approach

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    Understanding the neuronal dynamics of dynamical diseases like epilepsy is of fundamental importance. For instance, establishing the presence of deterministic chaos can open up possibilities that can lead to potential medical applications, including timely prevention of seizures. Additionally, understanding the dynamics of interictal activity can greatly aid the localization of epileptic foci without the need for recording seizures. Recurrences, a fundamental property of dynamical systems, are useful for characterizing nonlinear systems. Recurrence networks, which are obtained by reinterpreting the recurrence matrix as an adjacency matrix of a complex network, are useful in characterizing the structural or geometric properties of the underlying system. Recurrence network analysis has established itself as a versatile tool in the field of nonlinear time series analysis and its applicability in investigating neural dynamics remains unexplored. Certain recurrence network measures are particularly sensitive to the presence of unstable periodic orbits (UPOs), which are important for detecting determinism and are the backbone of chaotic attractors.In this thesis, we introduce recurrence network analysis as a tool for nonlinear time series analysis of epileptic electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. We present novel results based on the application of recurrence network analysis combined with surrogate testing to intracranial and extracranial epileptic EEG signals. In addition, using paradigmatic examples of dynamical systems, we present theoretical results exploring the effect of increasing noise levels on recurrence network measures.Using paradigmatic model systems, we first demonstrate that recurrence network measures can distinguish between deterministic (chaos) and stochastic processes, even at short data lengths (≈ 200 samples). In particular, our results from theoretical simulations show that recurrence network measures, particularly transitivity, local clustering coefficient, assortativity, and betweenness centrality can successfully distinguish between deterministic chaotic and stochastic processes (after additional embedding) due to their sensitivity to the presence of UPOs. Our results also show that recurrence network measures like transitivity and average path length are robust against noise and perform better than the Complexity-Entropy plane method at short data lengths. Furthermore, our results show that the effect of noise on the recurrence network measures can be minimized by increasing the recurrence rate.For the analysis of real-world data such as EEG signals, we combined the recurrence network approach with surrogate data to test for the structural complexity in healthy and epileptic EEG signals. Here our results point to an increasing complexity of EEG recordings when moving from healthy to epileptic conditions. Furthermore, we used both univariate network measure and bivariate cross-network measure to distinguish between the structural properties of interictal EEG signals recorded from epileptic and nonepileptic brain areas. Here, our results clearly demonstrated that interictal EEG signals recorded from epileptic areas are more deterministic and interdependent compared to interictal activity recorded from nonepileptic areas. Finally, we show that recurrence network analysis can be applied to uncover the dynamical transitions in neural signals using short segments of data (≈ 150 to 500 samples). To demonstrate this, we used two kinds of neural data - epileptic EEG data and local field potential (LFP) signals recorded during a visuomotor task. We observed that the temporal fluctuations observed in the recurrence network measures are consistent with the dynamical transitions underlying the epileptic and task-based LFP signals.To conclude, recurrence network analysis analysis can capture the complexity in the organization of EEG data in different dynamical states in a more elaborated fashion compared to other approaches such as nonlinear prediction error or correlation dimension. By means of the recurrence network measures, this difference can be assessed not only qualitatively (as when using as tests for nonlinearity), but also quantitatively. Thus, coupled with its ability to operate on short-window sizes and robustness to noise, recurrence network analysis can be a powerful tool to analyze the dynamics of multi-scale neural signals

    MAPiS 2019 - First MAP-i Seminar: proceedings

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    This book contains a selection of Informatics papers accepted for presentation and discussion at “MAPiS 2019 - First MAP-i Seminar”, held in Aveiro, Portugal, January 31, 2019. MAPiS is the first conference organized by the MAP-i first year students, in the context of the Seminar course. The MAP-i Doctoral Programme in Computer Science is a joint Doctoral Programme in Computer Science of the University of Minho, the University of Aveiro and the University of Porto. This programme aims to form highly-qualified professionals, fostering their capacity and knowledge to the research area. This Conference was organized by the first grade students attending the Seminar Course. The aim of the course was to introduce concepts which are complementary to scientific and technological education, but fundamental to both completing a PhD successfully and entailing a career on scientific research. The students had contact with the typical procedures and difficulties of organizing and participate in such a complex event. These students were in charge of the organization and management of all the aspects of the event, such as the accommodation of participants or revision of the papers. The works presented in the Conference and the papers submitted were also developed by these students, fomenting their enthusiasm regarding the investigation in the Informatics area. (...)publishe

    Збірник наукових праць 10-ї Міжнародної конференції з моніторингу, моделювання та управління емерджентною економікою (M3E2-MLPEED 2022). Віртуальний захід, Кривий Ріг, Україна, 17-18 листопада 2022 року

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    Proceedings of the Selected and Revised Papers of 10th International Conference on Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy.Збірник наукових праць 10-ї Міжнародної конференції з моніторингу, моделювання та управління емерджентною економікою

    Horizontal visibility graph transfer entropy (HVG-TE): A novel metric to characterize directed connectivity in large-scale brain networks

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    We propose a new measure, horizontal visibility graph transfer entropy (HVG-TE), to estimate the direction of information flow between pairs of time series. HVG-TE quantifies the transfer entropy between the degree sequences of horizontal visibility graphs derived from original time series. Twenty-one Rössler attractors unidirectionally coupled in the posterior-to-anterior direction were used to simulate 21-channel Electroencephalography (EEG) brain networks and validate the performance of the HVG-TE. We showed that the HVG-TE is robust to different levels of coupling strengths between the coupled Rössler attractors, a wide range of time delays, different sample sizes, the effects of noise and linear mixing, and the choice of reference for EEG data. We also applied HVG-TE to EEG data in 20 healthy controls and compared its performance to a recently introduces phase-based TE measure (PTE). We found that compared with PTE, HVG-TE consistently detected stronger posterior-to-anterior information flow patterns in the alpha-band (8–13 Hz) EEG brain networks for three different references. Moreover, in contrast to PTE, HVG-TE does not require an assumption on the periodicity of input signals, therefore it can be more widely applicable, even for non-periodic signals. This study shows that the HVG-TE is a directed connectivity measure to characterise the direction of information flow in large-scale brain networks

    Proposal of an adaptive infotainment system depending on driving scenario complexity

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    Tesi en modalitat Doctorat industrialPla de Doctorat industrial de la Generalitat de CatalunyaThe PhD research project is framed within the plan of industrial doctorates of the “Generalitat de Catalunya”. During the investigation, most of the work was carried out at the facilities of the vehicle manufacturer SEAT, specifically at the information and entertainment (infotainment) department. In the same way, there was a continuous cooperation with the telematics department of the UPC. The main objective of the project consisted in the design and validation of an adaptive infotainment system dependent on the driving complexity. The system was created with the purpose of increasing driver’ experience while guaranteeing a proper level of road safety. Given the increasing number of application and services available in current infotainment systems, it becomes necessary to devise a system capable of balancing these two counterparts. The most relevant parameters that can be used for balancing these metrics while driving are: type of services offered, interfaces available for interacting with the services, the complexity of driving and the profile of the driver. The present study can be divided into two main development phases, each phase had as outcome a real physical block that came to be part of the final system. The final system was integrated in a vehicle and validated in real driving conditions. The first phase consisted in the creation of a model capable of estimating the driving complexity based on a set of variables related to driving. The model was built by employing machine learning methods and the dataset necessary to create it was collected from several driving routes carried out by different participants. This phase allowed to create a model capable of estimating, with a satisfactory accuracy, the complexity of the road using easily extractable variables in any modern vehicle. This approach simplify the implementation of this algorithm in current vehicles. The second phase consisted in the classification of a set of principles that allow the design of the adaptive infotainment system based on the complexity of the road. These principles are defined based on previous researches undertaken in the field of usability and user experience of graphical interfaces. According to these of principles, a real adaptive infotainment system with the most commonly used functionalities; navigation, radio and media was designed and integrated in a real vehicle. The developed system was able to adapt the presentation of the content according to the estimation of the driving complexity given by the block developed in phase one. The adaptive system was validated in real driving scenarios by several participants and results showed a high level of acceptance and satisfaction towards this adaptive infotainment. As a starting point for future research, a proof of concept was carried out to integrate new interfaces into a vehicle. The interface used as reference was a Head Mounted screen that offered redundant information in relation to the instrument cluster. Tests with participants served to understand how users perceive the introduction of new technologies and how objective benefits could be blurred by initial biases.El proyecto de investigación de doctorado se enmarca dentro del plan de doctorados industriales de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Durante la investigación, la mayor parte del trabajo se llevó a cabo en las instalaciones del fabricante de vehículos SEAT, específicamente en el departamento de información y entretenimiento (infotainment). Del mismo modo, hubo una cooperación continua con el departamento de telemática de la UPC. El objetivo principal del proyecto consistió en el diseño y la validación de un sistema de información y entretenimiento adaptativo que se ajustaba de acuerdo a la complejidad de la conducción. El sistema fue creado con el propósito de aumentar la experiencia del conductor y garantizar un nivel adecuado en la seguridad vial. El proyecto surge dado el número creciente de aplicaciones y servicios disponibles en los sistemas actuales de información y entretenimiento; es por ello que se hace necesario contar con un sistema capaz de equilibrar estas dos contrapartes. Los parámetros más relevantes que se pueden usar para equilibrar estas métricas durante la conducción son: el tipo de servicios ofrecidos, las interfaces disponibles para interactuar con los servicios, la complejidad de la conducción y el perfil del conductor. El presente estudio se puede dividir en dos fases principales de desarrollo, cada fase tuvo como resultado un componente que se convirtió en parte del sistema final. El sistema final fue integrado en un vehículo y validado en condiciones reales de conducción. La primera fase consistió en la creación de un modelo capaz de estimar la complejidad de la conducción en base a un conjunto de variables relacionadas con la conducción. El modelo se construyó empleando "Machine Learning Methods" y el conjunto de datos necesario para crearlo se recopiló a partir de varias rutas de conducción realizadas por diferentes participantes. Esta fase permitió crear un modelo capaz de estimar, con una precisión satisfactoria, la complejidad de la carretera utilizando variables fácilmente extraíbles en cualquier vehículo moderno. Este enfoque simplifica la implementación de este algoritmo en los vehículos actuales. La segunda fase consistió en la clasificación de un conjunto de principios que permiten el diseño del sistema de información y entretenimiento adaptativo basado en la complejidad de la carretera. Estos principios se definen en base a investigaciones anteriores realizadas en el campo de usabilidad y experiencia del usuario con interfaces gráficas. De acuerdo con estos principios, un sistema de entretenimiento y entretenimiento real integrando las funcionalidades más utilizadas; navegación, radio y audio fue diseñado e integrado en un vehículo real. El sistema desarrollado pudo adaptar la presentación del contenido según la estimación de la complejidad de conducción dada por el bloque desarrollado en la primera fase. El sistema adaptativo fue validado en escenarios de conducción reales por varios participantes y los resultados mostraron un alto nivel de aceptación y satisfacción hacia este entretenimiento informativo adaptativo. Como punto de partida para futuras investigaciones, se llevó a cabo una prueba de concepto para integrar nuevas interfaces en un vehículo. La interfaz utilizada como referencia era una pantalla a la altura de los ojos (Head Mounted Display) que ofrecía información redundante en relación con el grupo de instrumentos. Las pruebas con los participantes sirvieron para comprender cómo perciben los usuarios la introducción de nuevas tecnologías y cómo los sesgos iniciales podrían difuminar los beneficios.Postprint (published version

    Proposal of an adaptive infotainment system depending on driving scenario complexity

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    The PhD research project is framed within the plan of industrial doctorates of the “Generalitat de Catalunya”. During the investigation, most of the work was carried out at the facilities of the vehicle manufacturer SEAT, specifically at the information and entertainment (infotainment) department. In the same way, there was a continuous cooperation with the telematics department of the UPC. The main objective of the project consisted in the design and validation of an adaptive infotainment system dependent on the driving complexity. The system was created with the purpose of increasing driver’ experience while guaranteeing a proper level of road safety. Given the increasing number of application and services available in current infotainment systems, it becomes necessary to devise a system capable of balancing these two counterparts. The most relevant parameters that can be used for balancing these metrics while driving are: type of services offered, interfaces available for interacting with the services, the complexity of driving and the profile of the driver. The present study can be divided into two main development phases, each phase had as outcome a real physical block that came to be part of the final system. The final system was integrated in a vehicle and validated in real driving conditions. The first phase consisted in the creation of a model capable of estimating the driving complexity based on a set of variables related to driving. The model was built by employing machine learning methods and the dataset necessary to create it was collected from several driving routes carried out by different participants. This phase allowed to create a model capable of estimating, with a satisfactory accuracy, the complexity of the road using easily extractable variables in any modern vehicle. This approach simplify the implementation of this algorithm in current vehicles. The second phase consisted in the classification of a set of principles that allow the design of the adaptive infotainment system based on the complexity of the road. These principles are defined based on previous researches undertaken in the field of usability and user experience of graphical interfaces. According to these of principles, a real adaptive infotainment system with the most commonly used functionalities; navigation, radio and media was designed and integrated in a real vehicle. The developed system was able to adapt the presentation of the content according to the estimation of the driving complexity given by the block developed in phase one. The adaptive system was validated in real driving scenarios by several participants and results showed a high level of acceptance and satisfaction towards this adaptive infotainment. As a starting point for future research, a proof of concept was carried out to integrate new interfaces into a vehicle. The interface used as reference was a Head Mounted screen that offered redundant information in relation to the instrument cluster. Tests with participants served to understand how users perceive the introduction of new technologies and how objective benefits could be blurred by initial biases.El proyecto de investigación de doctorado se enmarca dentro del plan de doctorados industriales de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Durante la investigación, la mayor parte del trabajo se llevó a cabo en las instalaciones del fabricante de vehículos SEAT, específicamente en el departamento de información y entretenimiento (infotainment). Del mismo modo, hubo una cooperación continua con el departamento de telemática de la UPC. El objetivo principal del proyecto consistió en el diseño y la validación de un sistema de información y entretenimiento adaptativo que se ajustaba de acuerdo a la complejidad de la conducción. El sistema fue creado con el propósito de aumentar la experiencia del conductor y garantizar un nivel adecuado en la seguridad vial. El proyecto surge dado el número creciente de aplicaciones y servicios disponibles en los sistemas actuales de información y entretenimiento; es por ello que se hace necesario contar con un sistema capaz de equilibrar estas dos contrapartes. Los parámetros más relevantes que se pueden usar para equilibrar estas métricas durante la conducción son: el tipo de servicios ofrecidos, las interfaces disponibles para interactuar con los servicios, la complejidad de la conducción y el perfil del conductor. El presente estudio se puede dividir en dos fases principales de desarrollo, cada fase tuvo como resultado un componente que se convirtió en parte del sistema final. El sistema final fue integrado en un vehículo y validado en condiciones reales de conducción. La primera fase consistió en la creación de un modelo capaz de estimar la complejidad de la conducción en base a un conjunto de variables relacionadas con la conducción. El modelo se construyó empleando "Machine Learning Methods" y el conjunto de datos necesario para crearlo se recopiló a partir de varias rutas de conducción realizadas por diferentes participantes. Esta fase permitió crear un modelo capaz de estimar, con una precisión satisfactoria, la complejidad de la carretera utilizando variables fácilmente extraíbles en cualquier vehículo moderno. Este enfoque simplifica la implementación de este algoritmo en los vehículos actuales. La segunda fase consistió en la clasificación de un conjunto de principios que permiten el diseño del sistema de información y entretenimiento adaptativo basado en la complejidad de la carretera. Estos principios se definen en base a investigaciones anteriores realizadas en el campo de usabilidad y experiencia del usuario con interfaces gráficas. De acuerdo con estos principios, un sistema de entretenimiento y entretenimiento real integrando las funcionalidades más utilizadas; navegación, radio y audio fue diseñado e integrado en un vehículo real. El sistema desarrollado pudo adaptar la presentación del contenido según la estimación de la complejidad de conducción dada por el bloque desarrollado en la primera fase. El sistema adaptativo fue validado en escenarios de conducción reales por varios participantes y los resultados mostraron un alto nivel de aceptación y satisfacción hacia este entretenimiento informativo adaptativo. Como punto de partida para futuras investigaciones, se llevó a cabo una prueba de concepto para integrar nuevas interfaces en un vehículo. La interfaz utilizada como referencia era una pantalla a la altura de los ojos (Head Mounted Display) que ofrecía información redundante en relación con el grupo de instrumentos. Las pruebas con los participantes sirvieron para comprender cómo perciben los usuarios la introducción de nuevas tecnologías y cómo los sesgos iniciales podrían difuminar los beneficios