14 research outputs found

    Risk Management of Innovation Activities

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá řízením rizik inovačních aktivit společnosti Oscar Tech, s.r.o. V první části práce jsou popsána elementární teoretická východiska související s riziky a inovacemi. V další části je popsána společnost Oscar Tech, s.r.o. a její zamýšlená inovace produktu, jsou provedeny analýzy vybranými metodami a dále jsou identifikována rizika pomocí metody brainstormingu a na základě poznatků z analytické části práce. Tato rizika jsou ohodnocena pomocí Skórovací metody. V poslední praktické části jsou navrhnuta opatření ke snížení rizik.This master´s thesis deals with risk management of innovative activities of Oscar Tech, s.r.o. Elementary theoretical background associated with risks and innovations is described in the first part of the thesis. Oscar Tech, Inc. and its planned product innovation is described in the analytical part. Consequently analysis using selected methods are performed and risks are identified using brainstorming method and outcomes of the analysis. These risks are evaluated using Scoring method. Proposals for risk elimination are suggested in the last chapter.

    Business Model Innovation in European SMEs - Descriptive analysis of quantitative survey and case survey data

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    In this paper we analyse Business Model Innovation (BMI) in European micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SME). We present descriptive findings from our quantitative survey and qualitative case survey on how SMEs are innovating their Business Models. Our survey indicates that 37% of European SMEs innovate their Business Model. We found some differences in BMI depending on the age and industry sectors. We also describe the changes the SMEs make in differing Business Model components when they are improving their Business Model

    Innovation in Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: New Product Development, Business Model Innovation and Effectuation

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    Digitalization increases the need for innovation of the business models to a new high, also in micro, small and medium sized businesses (SMEs). Every third SME is engaged in Business Model Innovation (BMI) activities, but few of them in a systematic manner. Earlier empirical and theoretical research suggest that BMI is, and should be, an iterative process of adjustments in pursuit for better performance and success with New Product Development (NPD). NPD and BMI research streams use causal constructs with focus on external technology driven or market driven internal resource optimization. Studies on effectuation and bricolage, in turn, indicate that entrepreneurs’ passion, curiosity, and originality can compensate limited resources for innovation in SMEs. Building on these approaches, we propose a framework to analyze innovation in SMEs with case studies. The empirical data was collected in in Horizon2020 funded Envision project, where we use multiple case study approach. For this study, we select failed, surviving, and successful BMI cases to recommend effective BMI for SMEs and line out directions for future research

    Business Model Innovation Paths and Tools

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    There is a multitude of tools available for Business Model Innovation (BMI). However, Business models (BM) and supporting tools are not yet widely known by micro, small and medium sized companies (SMEs). In this paper, we build on analysis of 61 cases to present typical BMI paths of European SMEs. Firstly, we constructed two paths for established companies that we named as \u27I want to grow\u27 and \u27I want to make my business profitable\u27. We also found one path for start-ups: \u27I want to start a new business\u27. Secondly, we suggest appropriate BM toolsets for the three paths. The identified paths and related tools contribute to BMI research and practise with an aim to boost BMI in SMEs

    Bridging entrepreneurial competencies and business model innovation: insights on business renewal in the small horticulture businesses in Finland

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    Entrepreneurial competencies are connected to venture performance, but the link between these competencies and the business model (BM) innovation is scarcely studied. This article is among the first to study entrepreneurial competencies as a driving force for BM innovation. This paper presents a qualitative empirical study of six innovative horticulture entrepreneurs in Finland. We contribute to two separate literature streams, competence and BM literature, by combining competence categories (Mitchelmore and Rowley 2010) and BM Innovation model (Foss and Saebi 2017) in the analysis of innovative entrepreneurs. This paper provides evidence on entrepreneurial competencies being internal drivers for BM innovation, and also identifies the core entrepreneurial competences related to BM innovation

    Policy Briefs at the National Level : Deliverable 7.2 of the CASI project

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    This CASI deliverable 7.2 first presents the issues examined and the process used in the national level policy briefs. Key insights from the policy briefs are presented next, followed by a reflection of the further analytical contributions of the outcomes. Finally, a concluding discussion includes an assessment of the usability of the policy brief process in future endeavours

    Stairway to Excellence. Country Report: Bulgaria

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    In the frame of the Stairway to Excellence project, complex country analysis was performed for the EU MS that joined the EU since 2004, with the objective to assess and corroborate all the qualitative and quantitative data in drawing national/regional FP7 participation patterns, understand the push–pull factors for FP7/H2020 participation and the factors affecting the capacity to absorb cohesion policy funds. This report articulates analysis on selected aspects and country-tailored policy suggestions aiming to tackle the weaknesses identified in the analysis. The report complements the complex qualitative/ quantitative analysis performed by the IPTS/KfG/S2E team. In order to avoid duplication and cover all the elements required for a sound analysis, the report builds on analytical framework developed by IPTSJRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    30th Bled eConference: Digital Transformation – From Connecting Things to Transforming Our Lives

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    Digitalization increases the need for innovation of the business models to a new high, also in micro, small and medium sized businesses (SMEs). Every third SME is engaged in Business Model Innovation (BMI) activities, but few of them in a systematic manner. Earlier empirical and theoretical research suggest that BMI is, and should be, an iterative process of adjustments in pursuit for better performance and success with New Product Development (NPD). NPD and BMI research streams use causal constructs with focus on external technology driven or market driven internal resource optimization. Studies on effectuation and bricolage, in turn, indicate that entrepreneurs’ passion, curiosity, and originality can compensate limited resources for innovation in SMEs. Building on these approaches, we propose a framework to analyze innovation in SMEs with case studies. The empirical data was collected in in Horizon2020 funded Envision project, where we use multiple case study approach. For this study, we select failed, surviving, and successful BMI cases to recommend effective BMI for SMEs and line out directions for future research. Keywords: • Business Model Innovation • New Product Development • Effectuation • Bricolage • SME • Market strategy • Performance</p

    How can the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation increase the economic and societal impact of RDI funding in Finland?

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    Tämä selvitys käsittelee Euroopan Unionin Tutkimuksen ja innovoinnin puiteohjelman tuottamaa lisäarvoa ja tapoja, joilla puiteohjelman vaikuttavuutta Suomessa voidaan parantaa. Hanketasolla puiteohjelmista saadulla rahoituksella on selkeä lisäarvo osallistujille, ja rahoitusta saaneet osallistujat ovat hyvin tyytyväisiä kokemuksiinsa ja hankkeiden tuloksiin. Keskimäärin puiteohjelmista rahoitetut hankkeet ovat tuottaneet uutta tietoa ja uusia taitoja sekä tukeneet kansainvälisten verkostojen syntymistä ja uuden teknologian kehittämistä. Yleistasolla, Suomen rahoituksen saanto puiteohjelmasta ylittää laskennallisen maksuosuuden, mutta haasteena on, että suomalaisten hakemusten hyväksymisprosentti on suhteellisen alhainen muihin Pohjois-Euroopan pieniin tietotalouksiin verrattuna. Keskeiset suositukset arvioinnin perusteella ovat: 1. Työtä jatkettava EU-puiteohjelmayhteistyön kansallisten painopistealueiden ja tavoitteiden kirkastamiseksi 2. Analysoidaan suomalaisen hakumenestyksen juurisyyt 3. Tuki- ja tehostamistoimia hakemusten laadun ja relevanssin vahvistamiseen 4. Hakemus- ja hankeosaamisen tehokkaampi hyödyntämine