630 research outputs found

    Geodesic growth in virtually abelian groups

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    We show that the geodesic growth function of any finitely generated virtually abelian group is either polynomial or exponential; and that the geodesic growth series is holonomic, and rational in the polynomial growth case. In addition, we show that the language of geodesics is blind multicounter.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, improved readabilit

    On the non-holonomic character of logarithms, powers, and the n-th prime function

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    We establish that the sequences formed by logarithms and by "fractional" powers of integers, as well as the sequence of prime numbers, are non-holonomic, thereby answering three open problems of Gerhold [Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 11 (2004), R87]. Our proofs depend on basic complex analysis, namely a conjunction of the Structure Theorem for singularities of solutions to linear differential equations and of an Abelian theorem. A brief discussion is offered regarding the scope of singularity-based methods and several naturally occurring sequences are proved to be non-holonomic.Comment: 13 page

    Weakly-Unambiguous Parikh Automata and Their Link to Holonomic Series

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    We investigate the connection between properties of formal languages and properties of their generating series, with a focus on the class of holonomic power series. We first prove a strong version of a conjecture by Castiglione and Massazza: weakly-unambiguous Parikh automata are equivalent to unambiguous two-way reversal bounded counter machines, and their multivariate generating series are holonomic. We then show that the converse is not true: we construct a language whose generating series is algebraic (thus holonomic), but which is inherently weakly-ambiguous as a Parikh automata language. Finally, we prove an effective decidability result for the inclusion problem for weakly-unambiguous Parikh automata, and provide an upper-bound on its complexity

    Multi-dimensional Boltzmann Sampling of Languages

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    This paper addresses the uniform random generation of words from a context-free language (over an alphabet of size kk), while constraining every letter to a targeted frequency of occurrence. Our approach consists in a multidimensional extension of Boltzmann samplers \cite{Duchon2004}. We show that, under mostly \emph{strong-connectivity} hypotheses, our samplers return a word of size in [(1ε)n,(1+ε)n][(1-\varepsilon)n, (1+\varepsilon)n] and exact frequency in O(n1+k/2)\mathcal{O}(n^{1+k/2}) expected time. Moreover, if we accept tolerance intervals of width in Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) for the number of occurrences of each letters, our samplers perform an approximate-size generation of words in expected O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) time. We illustrate these techniques on the generation of Tetris tessellations with uniform statistics in the different types of tetraminoes.Comment: 12p

    On the enumeration of closures and environments with an application to random generation

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    Environments and closures are two of the main ingredients of evaluation in lambda-calculus. A closure is a pair consisting of a lambda-term and an environment, whereas an environment is a list of lambda-terms assigned to free variables. In this paper we investigate some dynamic aspects of evaluation in lambda-calculus considering the quantitative, combinatorial properties of environments and closures. Focusing on two classes of environments and closures, namely the so-called plain and closed ones, we consider the problem of their asymptotic counting and effective random generation. We provide an asymptotic approximation of the number of both plain environments and closures of size nn. Using the associated generating functions, we construct effective samplers for both classes of combinatorial structures. Finally, we discuss the related problem of asymptotic counting and random generation of closed environemnts and closures

    Walks confined in a quadrant are not always D-finite

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    We consider planar lattice walks that start from a prescribed position, take their steps in a given finite subset of Z^2, and always stay in the quadrant x >= 0, y >= 0. We first give a criterion which guarantees that the length generating function of these walks is D-finite, that is, satisfies a linear differential equation with polynomial coefficients. This criterion applies, among others, to the ordinary square lattice walks. Then, we prove that walks that start from (1,1), take their steps in {(2,-1), (-1,2)} and stay in the first quadrant have a non-D-finite generating function. Our proof relies on a functional equation satisfied by this generating function, and on elementary complex analysis.Comment: To appear in Theoret. Comput. Sci. (special issue devoted to random generation of combinatorial objects and bijective combinatorics