14 research outputs found

    Aproximaciones a la ontología del arte (Approaches to the Ontology of Art)

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    El presenta trabajo describe y caracteriza de manera breve y concisa lo que podría ser una ontología del arte. En la primera sección se presentan las dificultades actuales, así\ud como las nociones y preguntas principales de la ontología. En la sección segunda, en base de los aportes del NCOR, se bosqueja las definiciones y caracterizaciones actuales\ud de la ontología, se hace especial hincapié, en la ontología aplicada. En la tercera y cuarta sección se caracteriza y configura lo que podría ser una ontología del arte, se\ud evidencian sus limitaciones así como sus perspectivas y trazabilidad para hacer viable dicha ontología; adicionalmente se abordan los aportes del realismo anglosajón a la cuestión. En la ultima sección se intenta abordar la situación de las artes en Latinoamérica, y de cómo una ontología del arte podría ayudar a su desarrollo. El propósito de esta caracterización es hacer evidente que es plausible dar un tratamiento integral al problema de la realidad y su configuración y desarrollo en los mundos\ud regionales, como, el mundo del arte. La mayor utilidad de este trabajo, reside en el impacto que en el mediano plazo tendrá en las técnicas y herramientas de análisis de la\ud realidad, así como, una mejor comprensión y entendimiento del mundo del arte

    Historical and conceptual foundations of diagrammatical ontology

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    Josep Ferrater i Mora i la història intel·lectual: mètode, ontologia i ontologies

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    L'ontologia de Ferrater Mora ja ha estat ben descrita i explorada. Tanmateix, la seva connexió amb l'epistemologia i la metodologia des de la perspectiva de la història intel·lectual encara no és ben coneguda. Aquest article representa un primer assaig de connectar aquests aspectes. Conté una síntesi de l'ontologia, seguida d'una descripció del context i desenvolupaments de la història intel.lectual en els primers anys cinquanta. L'article acaba amb una reflexió sobre la construcció i la funció d'ontologies computacionals en filosofia.Ferrater Mora’s ontology has already been described and explored. However, its connection with methodology and epistemology from the intellectual history perspective is not well known. This paper is a first attempt to bridge these different aspects. It contains a summary of his ontology, followed by an account of the context and developments of intellectual history in the early fifties. Some comments are added at the end concerning the role and construction of computational ontologies in philosophy

    Josep Ferrater Mora i la història intel·lectual : mètode, ontologia i ontologies

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    L'ontologia de Ferrater Mora ja ha estat ben descrita i explorada. Tanmateix, la seva connexió amb l'epistemologia i la metodologia des de la perspectiva de la història intel·lectual encara no és ben coneguda. Aquest article representa un primer assaig de connectar aquests aspectes. Conté una síntesi de l'ontologia, seguida d'una descripció del context i desenvolupaments de la història intel·lectual en els primers anys cinquanta. L'article acaba amb una reflexió sobre la construcció i la funció d'ontologies computacionals en filosofia.Ferrater Mora's ontology has already been described and explored. However, its connection with methodology and epistemology from the intellectual history perspective is not well known. This paper is a first attempt to bridge these different aspects. It contains a summary of his ontology, followed by an account of the context and developments of intellectual history in the early fifties. Some comments are added at the end concerning the role and construction of computational ontologies in philosophy

    TOTh 2010, Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications

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    International audienceAvant proposCette année la conférence a été précédée d’une journée de formation consacrée à la terminologie et l’ontologie, à leurs liens et leurs apports mutuels. L’intérêt qu’a suscité cette journée nous amènera certainement à réitérer l’opération les années suivantes.Le succès de la conférence d’ouverture de notre collègue Frédéric Nef, portant sur l’ontologie prise dans sa dimension philosophique, a montré, s’il en était encore besoin, la richesse d’une approche pluridisciplinaire.Animées par différents présidents, les sessions ont alterné présentations théoriques et démonstrations de systèmes, offrant ainsi l’opportunité à plusieurs industriels de nous parler de leurs projets. L’éventail des sujets abordés, à travers les quatorze présentations retenues (incluant la conférence d’ouverture) réparties sur deux jours, illustre la richesse mais aussi la vitalité de notre communauté : aide à la traduction, thésaurus multilingue, phraséologie, entité nommé, recherche d’information, etc. L’ « actualité » n’était pas oubliée à travers une ontologie des risques financiers.Enfin, les Conférences TOTh sont devenues internationales à partir de cette année avec le français et l’anglais comme langues officielles. Le comité de programme s’est ouvert à de nouveaux membres portant à dix le nombre de pays représentés et à plus de 40% le nombre de personnalités étrangères. Gageons que cette ouverture sera prometteuse.Christophe RochePrésident du Comité Scientifiqu

    Ontologia e ontologias: contributos teóricos para uma perspectiva transdisciplinar

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    Tese de mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem (área de especialização em Línguas e Tecnologias de Informação)As ontologias, pensadas desde a Antiguidade no âmbito da Filosofia, ganharam importância no contexto das Ciências da Computação, principalmente com o advento da Web Semântica. Mas não é apenas no contexto das Ciências da Computação que as ontologias têm interesse. Elas têm vindo a desenvolver-se rapidamente noutras áreas científicas, nomeadamente na Geografia, no Direito na Linguística e, muito particularmente, na Biomedicina. Construir um quadro comum a partir do qual pudéssemos descrever a realidade, sem incoerências ou divergências, tem sido o propósito de diversas personalidades ao longo da história, inseridas nas mais diversas áreas de pesquisa, desde a ontologia de Aristóteles, passando pelos esquemas didácticos de Lorhard e pelos dicionários onomasiológicos, desde Roget até Hallig e Wartburg, até chegarmos às ontologias computorizadas. Alguns destes quadros cabem neste trabalho. Estão aqui reunidos conceitos e terminologia das três disciplinas basilares para a construção de ontologias computorizadas: a Filosofia, as Ciências da Computação e a Linguística. Este trabalho levanta ainda questões importantes acerca dos fundamentos teóricos das ontologias formais e pretende contribuir para a clarificação de alguns dos conceitos que constituem os blocos de construção de uma ontologia: as instâncias, as classes e as suas relações.Ontologies, thought since antiquity within Philosophy, have gained importance in the context of Computer Sciences, especially with the advent of the Semantic Web. But it is not only in the context of Computer Science that the ontologies have been gaining adherents. They have been developing rapidly in other scientific fields, including Geography, Law, Linguistics and, particularly, Biomedicine. Building a common framework from which we could describe the reality, without inconsistencies or discrepancies has been the purpose of various personalities in history, set in several areas of research, since the ontology of Aristotle, through the educational schemes of Lorhard and the onomasiological dictionaries provided by Roget, Hallig and Wartburg, until we reach the computerized ontologies. Some of these works are examined in this work. Gathered here are concepts and terminology of the three basic disciplines for the construction of computerized ontologies: Philosophy, Computer Science and Linguistics. This work also raises important questions about the theoretical foundations of formal ontology. It aims to clarify some of the concepts that are considered the building blocks of ontology: instances, classes and their relationships

    Model systemu informacji terminologicznej

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    Within science and technology, specialist language is a basic cognitive and communication tool, whose constitutive element lies in its terminology. Specialist vocabulary is an object of interest to researchers in many areas of study, for a well-ordered, coherent set of terms and definitions makes a considerable impact upon the development of each discipline of study. Terminology is also a part of the interdisciplinary research that aims to broaden one’s knowledge of terms and concepts representing them in different aspects, such as linguistic, cognitive, and socio-cultural in addition to technical ones which are predominantly related to the organization of terminological databases and providing access to them. Free and easy access to well-organized terminological databases enables multidisciplinary and multilingual communication (scientific, technical, business). This access facilitates the creation of linguistic information databases, which is essential to building effective tools of automatic analysis and indexing specialist titles as well as intelligent searching for information on the Internet. The purpose of the reflections and analyses presented in this book is to propose an original, nationwide, multidisciplinary model of the information terminology system that would allow for solving current problems of organization and access to terminology as well as information related to terminological activities. Among the more important characteristics of the model would be: multidisciplinary and complex information that determines terms and concepts, high functionality and flexibility, and an openness to users’ changing needs. As far as scientific and practical points of view are concerned, this model is designed in such a way that elements of different terminological and linguistic theories along with author’s concepts meet together (e.g. multiple definitions of particular terms, a variety of definition types, synchronic-diachronic approach, descriptive-prescriptive function, proper names inclusion, storage of bibliographic and factual information related to terminological activities and the application of topic maps to represent, store, and provide access to information terminology). In order to achieve this goal, qualitative research methods have been applied. An analysis of written materials from the fields of information science, terminology and terminography have been done, which allowed for introducing the hitherto theoretical models of terminology. The analysis mainly focused on assumptions, characteristics and functions of the models so as to identify their advantages and disadvantages in linguistic, cognitive and communicational aspects. Furthermore, content analysis has been used to research both Polish and international terminology web services, which led to obtaining answers regarding the extent to which they include the theoretical assumptions of the existing models of terminology. While gathering information on the subject of the implementation of international terminological projects a free-form technique has been applied. The collected information made itpossible to delineate weak points of the existing models of terminological data. The data also enabled us to determine the functionality of the current models of access to terminology as well as to unveil potential reasons for a lack of a well-coordinated, nationwide terminological activity in Poland. Knowledge gained on the basis of the above data paved the way for proposing a new model for a national system of terminology information which reduces the problems noticed in terminology management. The book is comprised of a preface, three chapters and a conclusion. Chapter one is divided into three subchapters that present issues concerned with information, terminology, and terminology information. Subchapter one illustrates different approaches to information and its importance in organized structures. Subchapter two explains the nature of concepts and terms, as well as the status of terminology, focusing on: determination of the scope of terminological activity, illustrating major terminological theories, describing the application of terminology in specialist communication, translations and information-retrieval languages. Subchapter three provides a definition of information terminology, its characteristics, role and significance. It also describes sources and users of terminology information. Chapter two begins by going over the problems of terminology information, that is: poor quality of lexical resources, fragmentation and dissemination of sources, and difficulties in accessing terminology databases. Following this, chapter two proceeds to discuss technical issues related to organization and accessibility of terminology information. A meta-model and a format for exchanging terminological data has been presented and apart from that also a project for the Semantic Network and its most important components. Special focus is placed on one of the concepts of Semantic Network implementation, namely topic maps which have been proposed to manage terminology information. Chapter three aims to present the author’s model of terminology information. It provides a depiction of its assumptions and characteristics at all levels: (1) microstructure which encompasses the elements related to the ways of information organization in entries (records); (2) macrostructure which includes, among other things, the thematic scope of the system, order of entries, documentation, and software; (3) infrastructure such as institutions, organizations, companies, and specialists involved in building and providing access to terminological resources within the system as well as technical equipment (appliances, networks), rules and procedures used in terminological activity. The subject of terminology information has been taken up due to the significant role of terminology in specialist communication, information processing, and in knowledge representation and transfer that overcomes systemic, disciplinary, linguistic, and also cultural barriers. The formation of the open terminology information system in Poland will certainly enable comprehensive access to updated and complete terminology of many disciplines and businesses. What is more, it will contribute to raising social awareness of the role of terminology in science, technology, and social life, and thus it will enrich language culture

    A hermeneutics of the ontology of time and technology

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    There is a double meaning in the name of this thesis. This duality emerges from how the term ‘hermeneutics’ can be applied. In one sense the hermeneutics of this thesis is a textual interpretation of the philosophical history of ontology. This is an interpretation of ontological theory from its genesis with the Pre-Socratic concern with the ‘question of being’ and onwards through its salient historical developments up until the early twentieth century. The thesis interprets these developments as nevertheless maintaining a foundational understanding of ‘being’ as ‘quiddity’ or ‘what-ness’. While the ontological tradition diverges over disagreements about ‘realism’, ‘idealism’, or ‘nominalism’, for example, these disagreements are interpreted as having an unchanging understanding of ‘being’ in terms of ‘what-ness’ that unites them. Furthermore, this traditional understanding of ‘being’ as ‘what-ness’ is documented as having an implicit connection to a conceptual model of human understanding that divides the knowing subject from the known object. In opposition to a prominent interpretation that identifies this model as a Cartesian development, it is rather presented that it has roots that can be found within the philosophy of Plato. Moreover, this model is interpreted as being contingent on the technological development and adoption of literacy that predicated an emergent and reflexive understanding of the ‘what-ness’ of the self-subject. However, this textual hermeneutics of the history of ontology also presents the challenge to understanding ‘being’ as ‘what-ness’ that occurred in the early twentieth century. This is found in the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, and in particular in his treatise Being and Time. This alternative understanding of ‘being’ is interpreted as presenting an ontology of ‘how-ness’. This understanding of ‘being’ as ‘how-ness’, as opposed to ‘what-ness’, is presented through Heidegger’s introduction of the concept of the ‘ontological difference’. This concept, it is shown, enables Heidegger’s understanding of human existentiality as self-interpretation. In addition, the inheritance of this ontological thesis of self-interpretative existence is traced from its phenomenological, hermeneutic, and existentialist roots. This includes the analysis of the ideas of such scholars as Friedrich Schleiermacher, Wilhelm Dilthey, and Edmund Husserl. Through documenting this provenance, the duality of this thesis’ title is demonstrated. It is not only a textual hermeneutics that is presented in this treatise, but also an example of hermeneutic phenomenology. Hermeneutic phenomenology, as Heidegger argued, is presented as the methodology for an ontology that understands human existentiality as self-interpretative. This methodology is analysed, and differing interpretations of its processes are critiqued. Furthermore, by interpreting human existentiality as hermeneutic, Heidegger’s understanding of ‘being’ as temporal is elucidated. The thesis of the temporality of human existentiality is then explained in terms of its structure as ‘being-in-the-world’. The equiprimordial characteristics of ‘being-in-the-world’ are analysed, such as ‘who-ness’, ‘there-ness’, and ‘world-ness’, and these are shown to together constitute human existentiality. The thesis then concludes by demonstrating how this hermeneutic phenomenology of ontological ‘how-ness’ also enables the explication of the temporality of technological existentiality