567 research outputs found

    Application of extended time-frequency domain average in ultrasonic detecting

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    Ultrasonic signal detection is essential for the ultrasonic-based applications such as ultrasonic flow measurements and nondestructive testing. The paper proposes three extended time-frequency domain average (ETFDA) techniques, which are based on the smoothed pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution, continuous wavelet transform and Hilbert-Huang transform. These techniques combine beneficial time-frequency localization characteristics of the time-frequency analysis and abilities of the time domain averaging (TDA) to suppress noise interference. They are thus well adapted for detection of the ultrasonic signals even when they are strongly smeared by the noise or distorted in the medium. A number of tests conducted on simulated and actual ultrasonic signals have demonstrated that ETFDA provides a solid performance

    Wavelet Transform Applied to Internal Defect Detection by Means of Laser Ultrasound

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    Laser-generated ultrasound represents an interesting nondestructive testing technique that is being investigated in the last years as performative alternative to classical ultrasonic-based approaches. The greatest difficulty in analyzing the acoustic emission response is that an in-depth knowledge of how acoustic waves propagate through the tested composite is required. In this regard, different signal processing approaches are being applied in order to assess the significance of features extracted from the resulting analysis. In this study, the detection capabilities of internal defects in a metallic sample are proposed to be studied by means of the time-frequency analysis of the ultrasonic waves resulting from laser-induced thermal mechanism. In the proposed study, the use of the wavelet transform considering different wavelet variants is considered due to its multi-resolution time-frequency characteristics. Also, a significant time-frequency technique widely applied in other fields of research is applied, the synchrosqueezed transform

    Experimental investigations of two-phase flow measurement using ultrasonic sensors

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    This thesis presents the investigations conducted in the use of ultrasonic technology to measure two-phase flow in both horizontal and vertical pipe flows which is important for the petroleum industry. However, there are still key challenges to measure parameters of the multiphase flow accurately. Four methods of ultrasonic technologies were explored. The Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) was first applied to the ultrasound signals of air-water flow on horizontal flow for measurement of the parameters of the two- phase slug flow. The use of the HHT technique is sensitive enough to detect the hydrodynamics of the slug flow. The results of the experiments are compared with correlations in the literature and are in good agreement. Next, experimental data of air-water two-phase flow under slug, elongated bubble, stratified-wavy and stratified flow regimes were used to develop an objective flow regime classification of two-phase flow using the ultrasonic Doppler sensor and artificial neural network (ANN). The classifications using the power spectral density (PSD) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) features have accuracies of 87% and 95.6% respectively. This is considerably more promising as it uses non-invasive and non-radioactive sensors. Moreover, ultrasonic pulse wave transducers with centre frequencies of 1MHz and 7.5MHz were used to measure two-phase flow both in horizontal and vertical flow pipes. The liquid level measurement was compared with the conductivity probes technique and agreed qualitatively. However, in the vertical with a gas volume fraction (GVF) higher than 20%, the ultrasound signals were attenuated. Furthermore, gas-liquid and oil-water two-phase flow rates in a vertical upward flow were measured using a combination of an ultrasound Doppler sensor and gamma densitometer. The results showed that the flow gas and liquid flow rates measured are within ±10% for low void fraction tests, water-cut measurements are within ±10%, densities within ±5%, and void fractions within ±10%. These findings are good results for a relatively fast flowing multiphase flow

    Guided Lamb Wave Based 2-D Spiral Phased Array for Structural Health Monitoring of Thin Panel Structures

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    In almost all industries of mechanical, aerospace, and civil engineering fields, structural health monitoring (SHM) technology is essentially required for providing the reliable information of structural integrity of safety-critical structures, which can help reduce the risk of unexpected and sometimes catastrophic failures, and also offer cost-effective inspection and maintenance of the structures. State of the art SHM research on structural damage diagnosis is focused on developing global and real-time technologies to identify the existence, location, extent, and type of damage. In order to detect and monitor the structural damage in plate-like structures, SHM technology based on guided Lamb wave (GLW) interrogation is becoming more attractive due to its potential benefits such as large inspection area coverage in short time, simple inspection mechanism, and sensitivity to small damage. However, the GLW method has a few critical issues such as dispersion nature, mode conversion and separation, and multiple-mode existence. Phased array technique widely used in all aspects of civil, military, science, and medical industry fields may be employed to resolve the drawbacks of the GLW method. The GLW-based phased array approach is able to effectively examine and analyze complicated structural vibration responses in thin plate structures. Because the phased sensor array operates as a spatial filter for the GLW signals, the array signal processing method can enhance a desired signal component at a specific direction while eliminating other signal components from other directions. This dissertation presents the development, the experimental validation, and the damage detection applications of an innovative signal processing algorithm based on two-dimensional (2-D) spiral phased array in conjunction with the GLW interrogation technique. It starts with general backgrounds of SHM and the associated technology including the GLW interrogation method. Then, it is focused on the fundamentals of the GLW-based phased array approach and the development of an innovative signal processing algorithm associated with the 2-D spiral phased sensor array. The SHM approach based on array responses determined by the proposed phased array algorithm implementation is addressed. The experimental validation of the GLW-based 2-D spiral phased array technology and the associated damage detection applications to thin isotropic plate and anisotropic composite plate structures are presented

    High accuracy ultrasonic degradation monitoring

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    This thesis is concerned with maximising the precision of permanently installed ultrasonic time of flight sensors. Numerous sources of uncertainty affecting the measurement precision were considered and a measurement protocol was suggested to minimise variability. The repeatability that can be achieved with the described measurement protocol was verified in simulations and in laboratory corrosion experiments as well as various other experiments. One of the most significant and complex problems affecting the precision, inner wall surface roughness, was also investigated and a signal processing method was proposed to improve the accuracy of estimated wall thickness loss rates by an order of magnitude compared to standard methods. It was found that the error associated with temperature effects is the most significant among typical experimental sources of uncertainty (e.g. coherent noise and coupling stability). By implementing temperature compensation, it was shown in laboratory experiments that wall thickness can be estimated with a standard deviation of less than 20 nm when temperature is stable (within 0.1 C) using the signal processing protocol described in this thesis. In more realistic corrosion experiments, where temperature changes were of the order of 4 C), it was shown that a wall thickness loss of 1 micron can be detected reliably by applying the same measurement protocol. Another major issue affecting both accuracy and precision is changing inner wall surface morphology. Ultrasonic wave reflections from rough inner surfaces result in distorted signals. These distortions significantly affect the accuracy of wall thickness estimates. A new signal processing method, Adaptive Cross-Correlation (AXC), was described to mitigate the effects of such distortions. It was shown that AXC reduces measurement errors of wall thickness loss rates by an order of magnitude compared to standard signal processing methods so that mean wall loss can be accurately determined. When wall thickness loss is random and spatially uniform, 90% of wall thickness rates measured using AXC lie within 7.5 ± 18% of the actual slope. This means that with mean corrosion rates of 1 mm/year, the wall thickness estimate with AXC would be of the order of 0.75-1.1 mm/year. In addition, the feasibility of increasing the accuracy of wall thickness loss rate measurements even further was demonstrated using multiple sensors for measuring a single wall thickness loss rate. It was shown that measurement errors can be decreased to 30% of the variability of a single sensor. The main findings of this thesis have led to 1) a solid understanding of the numerous factors that affect accuracy and precision of wall thickness loss monitoring, 2) a robust signal acquisition protocol as well as 3) AXC, a post processing technique that improves the monitoring accuracy by an order of magnitude. This will benefit corrosion mitigation around the world, which is estimated to cost a developed nation in excess of 2-5% of its GDP. The presented techniques help to reduce response times to detect industrially actionable corrosion rates of 0.1 mm/year to a few days. They therefore help to minimise the risk of process fluid leakage and increase overall confidence in asset management.Open Acces

    Application and Challenges of Signal Processing Techniques for Lamb Waves Structural Integrity Evaluation: Part A-Lamb Waves Signals Emitting and Optimization Techniques

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    Lamb waves have been widely studied in structural integrity evaluation during the past decades with their low-attenuation and multi-defects sensitive nature. The performance of the evaluation has close relationship with the vibration property and the frequency of Lamb waves signals. Influenced by the nature of Lamb waves and the environment, the received signals may be difficult to interpret that limits the performance of the detection. So pure Lamb waves mode emitting and high-resolution signals acquisition play important roles in Lamb waves structural integrity evaluation. In this chapter, the basic theory of Lamb waves nature and some environment factors that should be considered in structural integrity evaluation are introduced. Three kinds of typical transduces used for specific Lamb waves mode emitting and sensing are briefly introduced. Then the development of techniques to improve the interpretability of signals are discussed, including the waveform modulation techniques, multi-scale analysis techniques and the temperature effect compensation techniques are summarized

    Application of extended time-frequency domain average in ultrasonic detecting

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    Ultrasonic signal detection is essential for the ultrasonic-based applications such as ultrasonic flow measurements and nondestructive testing. The paper proposes three extended time-frequency domain average (ETFDA) techniques, which are based on the smoothed pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution, continuous wavelet transform and Hilbert-Huang transform. These techniques combine beneficial time-frequency localization characteristics of the time-frequency analysis and abilities of the time domain averaging (TDA) to suppress noise interference. They are thus well adapted for detection of the ultrasonic signals even when they are strongly smeared by the noise or distorted in the medium. A number of tests conducted on simulated and actual ultrasonic signals have demonstrated that ETFDA provides a solid performance

    Application of extended time-frequency domain average in ultrasonic detecting

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    Ultrasonic signal detection is essential for the ultrasonic-based applications such as ultrasonic flow measurements and nondestructive testing. The paper proposes three extended time-frequency domain average (ETFDA) techniques, which are based on the smoothed pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution, continuous wavelet transform and Hilbert-Huang transform. These techniques combine beneficial time-frequency localization characteristics of the time-frequency analysis and abilities of the time domain averaging (TDA) to suppress noise interference. They are thus well adapted for detection of the ultrasonic signals even when they are strongly smeared by the noise or distorted in the medium. A number of tests conducted on simulated and actual ultrasonic signals have demonstrated that ETFDA provides a solid performance

    Wavelet-based 2D fusing of ultrasonic pulse-echo traces measured from two arrays radiating orthogonal beams

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    Ultrasonic measurements using orthogonal collimated beams provide both complementary and redundant information about internal parts of pieces or structures being tested, which must be fused. In this paper, a new wavelet-based digital-processing technique which fuses ultrasonic pulse-echo traces obtained from several transducers located in two perpendicularly coupled arrays is proposed. This is applied to accurately visualize the location of a small internal reflector by means of two-dimensional (2D) displays. A-scans are processed in a wavelet domain and fused in a common 2D pattern. A mathematical expression of the resulting 2D signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived, and its accuracy is confirmed using benchmark tests performed with simulated registers and real measurements acquired using a multi-channel laboratory prototype. The measurement system consists of two properly coupled perpendicular arrays comprising four square pulsed transducers and electronic driving circuitry. This technique improves the 2D-SNR by a factor of twice the number of bands. In addition, good reflector location is obtained, since submillimeter 2D resolution is achieved, despite only requiring eight ultrasonic channels. This good performance is confirmed by comparing the new wavelet fusing method with the two previously described techniques. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was supported by the National Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (R&D Project DPI2008-05213).Rodríguez-Hernández, MA.; Ramos, A.; San Emeterio Prieto, JL. (2011). Wavelet-based 2D fusing of ultrasonic pulse-echo traces measured from two arrays radiating orthogonal beams. Measurement Science and Technology. 22(10). https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-0233/22/10/105701S221
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