982,907 research outputs found

    A Paraconsistent Higher Order Logic

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    Classical logic predicts that everything (thus nothing useful at all) follows from inconsistency. A paraconsistent logic is a logic where an inconsistency does not lead to such an explosion, and since in practice consistency is difficult to achieve there are many potential applications of paraconsistent logics in knowledge-based systems, logical semantics of natural language, etc. Higher order logics have the advantages of being expressive and with several automated theorem provers available. Also the type system can be helpful. We present a concise description of a paraconsistent higher order logic with countable infinite indeterminacy, where each basic formula can get its own indeterminate truth value (or as we prefer: truth code). The meaning of the logical operators is new and rather different from traditional many-valued logics as well as from logics based on bilattices. The adequacy of the logic is examined by a case study in the domain of medicine. Thus we try to build a bridge between the HOL and MVL communities. A sequent calculus is proposed based on recent work by Muskens.Comment: Originally in the proceedings of PCL 2002, editors Hendrik Decker, Joergen Villadsen, Toshiharu Waragai (http://floc02.diku.dk/PCL/). Correcte

    Topos Semantics for Higher-Order Modal Logic

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    We define the notion of a model of higher-order modal logic in an arbitrary elementary topos E\mathcal{E}. In contrast to the well-known interpretation of (non-modal) higher-order logic, the type of propositions is not interpreted by the subobject classifier ΩE\Omega_{\mathcal{E}}, but rather by a suitable complete Heyting algebra HH. The canonical map relating HH and ΩE\Omega_{\mathcal{E}} both serves to interpret equality and provides a modal operator on HH in the form of a comonad. Examples of such structures arise from surjective geometric morphisms f:F→Ef : \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{E}, where H=f∗ΩFH = f_\ast \Omega_{\mathcal{F}}. The logic differs from non-modal higher-order logic in that the principles of functional and propositional extensionality are no longer valid but may be replaced by modalized versions. The usual Kripke, neighborhood, and sheaf semantics for propositional and first-order modal logic are subsumed by this notion

    A Relational Logic for Higher-Order Programs

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    Relational program verification is a variant of program verification where one can reason about two programs and as a special case about two executions of a single program on different inputs. Relational program verification can be used for reasoning about a broad range of properties, including equivalence and refinement, and specialized notions such as continuity, information flow security or relative cost. In a higher-order setting, relational program verification can be achieved using relational refinement type systems, a form of refinement types where assertions have a relational interpretation. Relational refinement type systems excel at relating structurally equivalent terms but provide limited support for relating terms with very different structures. We present a logic, called Relational Higher Order Logic (RHOL), for proving relational properties of a simply typed λ\lambda-calculus with inductive types and recursive definitions. RHOL retains the type-directed flavour of relational refinement type systems but achieves greater expressivity through rules which simultaneously reason about the two terms as well as rules which only contemplate one of the two terms. We show that RHOL has strong foundations, by proving an equivalence with higher-order logic (HOL), and leverage this equivalence to derive key meta-theoretical properties: subject reduction, admissibility of a transitivity rule and set-theoretical soundness. Moreover, we define sound embeddings for several existing relational type systems such as relational refinement types and type systems for dependency analysis and relative cost, and we verify examples that were out of reach of prior work.Comment: Submitted to ICFP 201

    Mass problems and intuitionistic higher-order logic

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    In this paper we study a model of intuitionistic higher-order logic which we call \emph{the Muchnik topos}. The Muchnik topos may be defined briefly as the category of sheaves of sets over the topological space consisting of the Turing degrees, where the Turing cones form a base for the topology. We note that our Muchnik topos interpretation of intuitionistic mathematics is an extension of the well known Kolmogorov/Muchnik interpretation of intuitionistic propositional calculus via Muchnik degrees, i.e., mass problems under weak reducibility. We introduce a new sheaf representation of the intuitionistic real numbers, \emph{the Muchnik reals}, which are different from the Cauchy reals and the Dedekind reals. Within the Muchnik topos we obtain a \emph{choice principle} (∀x ∃y A(x,y))⇒∃w ∀x A(x,wx)(\forall x\,\exists y\,A(x,y))\Rightarrow\exists w\,\forall x\,A(x,wx) and a \emph{bounding principle} (∀x ∃y A(x,y))⇒∃z ∀x ∃y (y≤T(x,z)∧A(x,y))(\forall x\,\exists y\,A(x,y))\Rightarrow\exists z\,\forall x\,\exists y\,(y\le_{\mathrm{T}}(x,z)\land A(x,y)) where x,y,zx,y,z range over Muchnik reals, ww ranges over functions from Muchnik reals to Muchnik reals, and A(x,y)A(x,y) is a formula not containing ww or zz. For the convenience of the reader, we explain all of the essential background material on intuitionism, sheaf theory, intuitionistic higher-order logic, Turing degrees, mass problems, Muchnik degrees, and Kolmogorov's calculus of problems. We also provide an English translation of Muchnik's 1963 paper on Muchnik degrees.Comment: 44 page

    Modal Linear Logic in Higher Order Logic, an experiment in Coq

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    The sequent calculus of classical modal linear logic KDT 4lin is coded in the higher order logic using the proof assistant COQ. The encoding has been done using two-level meta reasoning in Coq. KDT 4lin has been encoded as an object logic by inductively defining the set of modal linear logic formulas, the sequent relation on lists of these formulas, and some lemmas to work with lists.This modal linear logic has been argued to be a good candidate for epistemic applications. As examples some epistemic problems have been coded and proven in our encoding in Coq::the problem of logical omniscience and an epistemic puzzle: ’King, three wise men and five hats’

    Formalization of Complex Vectors in Higher-Order Logic

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    Complex vector analysis is widely used to analyze continuous systems in many disciplines, including physics and engineering. In this paper, we present a higher-order-logic formalization of the complex vector space to facilitate conducting this analysis within the sound core of a theorem prover: HOL Light. Our definition of complex vector builds upon the definitions of complex numbers and real vectors. This extension allows us to extensively benefit from the already verified theorems based on complex analysis and real vector analysis. To show the practical usefulness of our library we adopt it to formalize electromagnetic fields and to prove the law of reflection for the planar waves.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Indexed linear logic and higher-order model checking

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    In recent work, Kobayashi observed that the acceptance by an alternating tree automaton A of an infinite tree T generated by a higher-order recursion scheme G may be formulated as the typability of the recursion scheme G in an appropriate intersection type system associated to the automaton A. The purpose of this article is to establish a clean connection between this line of work and Bucciarelli and Ehrhard's indexed linear logic. This is achieved in two steps. First, we recast Kobayashi's result in an equivalent infinitary intersection type system where intersection is not idempotent anymore. Then, we show that the resulting type system is a fragment of an infinitary version of Bucciarelli and Ehrhard's indexed linear logic. While this work is very preliminary and does not integrate key ingredients of higher-order model-checking like priorities, it reveals an interesting and promising connection between higher-order model-checking and linear logic.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2014, arXiv:1503.0437
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