135,437 research outputs found

    Document Classification Systems in Heterogeneous Computing Environments

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    Datacenter workloads demand high throughput, low cost and power efficient solutions. In most data centers the operating costs dominates the infrastructure cost. The ever growing amounts of data and the critical need for higher throughput, more energy efficient document classification solutions motivated us to investigate alternatives to the traditional homogeneous CPU based implementations of document classification systems. Several heterogeneous systems were investigated in the past where CPUs were combined with GPUs and FPGAs as system accelerators. The increasing complexity of FPGAs made them an interesting device in the heterogeneous computing environments and on the other hand difficult to program using Hardware Description languages. We explore the trade-offs when using high level synthesis and low level synthesis when programming FPGAs. Using low level synthesis results in less hardware resource usage on FPGAs and also offers the higher throughput compared to using HLS tool. While using HLS tool different heterogeneous computing devices such as multicore CPU and GPU targeted. Through our implementation experience and empirical results for data centric applications, we conclude that we can achieve power efficient results for these set of applications by either using low level synthesis or high level synthesis for programming FPGAs

    Mapping of Algorithms to FPGA Using High-Level Synthesis Tools

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    Tato práce se zabývá způsoby popisu hardware. Představuje metody používané při syntéze popisu a následně na sadě algoritmů porovnává dnes běžný nízkoúrovňový popis v jazyce VHDL s nově nastupující vysokoúrovňovou syntézou, kdy je komponenta popisována na algoritmické úrovni ve vyšším programovacím jazyce. Předmětem srovnání je poměr času potřebného pro implementaci a optimálnosti výsledné komponenty.This thesis deals with ways to describe hardware. It presents the methods used in the synthesis of the description and then it compares on a set of algorithms currently common low level description in VHDL with the newly emerging high-level synthesis, where a component is described at a algorithmic level in higher programming language. The object of comparison is the ratio of time required for implementation and optimality of the resulting components.

    Performing high-level synthesis via program transformations within a theorem prover

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    In this paper, we present a new methodology towards performing high-level synthesis. During high-level synthesis an algorithmic description is mapped to a structure of hardware components. In our approach, high-level synthesis is performed via program transformations. All transformations are performed within a higher order logic theorem prover thus guaranteeing correctness. Our approach is not restricted to data flow graphs but supports arbitrary computable functions, i.e. mixed control/data flow graphs. Furthermore, the treatment of algorithmic and interface descriptions is orthogonalised, allowing systematic reuse of designs

    HW/SW Architecture Exploration for an Efficient Implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-256

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    Hash functions are used in the majority of security protocol to guarantee the integrity and the authenticity. Among the most important hash functions is the SHA-2 family, which offers higher security and solved the insecurity problems of other popular algorithms as MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-0. However, theses security algorithms are characterized by a certain amount of complex computations and consume a lot of energy. In order to reduce the power consumption as required in the majority of embedded applications, a solution consists to exploit a critical part on accelerator (hardware). In this paper, we propose a hardware/software exploration for the implementation of SHA256 algorithm. For hardware design, two principal design methods are proceeded: Low level synthesis (LLS) and high level synthesis (HLS). The exploration allows the evaluation of performances in term of area, throughput and power consumption. The synthesis results under Zynq 7000 based-FPGA reflect a significant improvement of about 80% and 15% respectively in FPGA resources and throughput for the LLS hardware design compared to HLS solution. For better efficiency, hardware IPs are deduced and implemented within HW/SW system on chip. The experiments are performed using Xilinx ZC 702-based platform. The HW/SW LLS design records a gain of 10% to 25% in term of execution time and 73% in term of power consumption

    Invited: High-level design methods for hardware security: Is it the right choice?

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    Due to the globalization of the electronics supply chain, hardware engineers are increasingly interested in modifying their chip designs to protect their intellectual property (IP) or the privacy of the final users. However, the integration of state-of-the-art solutions for hardware and hardware-assisted security is not fully automated, requiring the amendment of stable tools and industrial toolchains. This significantly limits the application in industrial designs, potentially affecting the security of the resulting chips. We discuss how existing solutions can be adapted to implement security features at higher levels of abstractions (during high-level synthesis or directly at the register-transfer level) and complement current industrial design and verification flows. Our modular framework allows designers to compose these solutions and create additional protection layers

    A mathematical approach towards hardware design

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    Today the hardware for embedded systems is often specified in VHDL. However, VHDL describes the system at a rather low level, which is cumbersome and may lead to design faults in large real life applications. There is a need of higher level abstraction mechanisms. In the embedded systems group of the University of Twente we are working on systematic and transformational methods to design hardware architectures, both multi core and single core. The main line in this approach is to start with a straightforward (often mathematical) specification of the problem. The next step is to find some adequate transformations on this specification, in particular to find specific optimizations, to be able to distribute the application over different cores. The result of these transformations is then translated into the functional programming language Haskell since Haskell is close to mathematics and such a translation often is straightforward. Besides, the Haskell code is executable, so one immediately has a simulation of the intended system. Next, the resulting Haskell specification is given to a compiler, called CëaSH (for CAES LAnguage for Synchronous Hardware) which translates the specification into VHDL. The resulting VHDL is synthesizable, so from there on standard VHDL-tooling can be used for synthesis. In this work we primarily focus on streaming applications: i.e. applications that can be modeled as data-flow graphs. At the moment the CëaSH system is ready in prototype form and in the presentation we will give several examples of how it can be used. In these examples it will be shown that the specification code is clear and concise. Furthermore, it is possible to use powerful abstraction mechanisms, such as polymorphism, higher order functions, pattern matching, lambda abstraction, partial application. These features allow a designer to describe circuits in a more natural and concise way than possible with the language elements found in the traditional hardware description languages. In addition we will give some examples of transformations that are possible in a mathematical specification, and which do not suffer from the problems encountered in, e.g., automatic parallelization of nested for-loops in C-programs