9 research outputs found

    Higher Order Barycentric Coordinates

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    Quadratic Serendipity Finite Elements on Polygons Using Generalized Barycentric Coordinates

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    We introduce a finite element construction for use on the class of convex, planar polygons and show it obtains a quadratic error convergence estimate. On a convex n-gon satisfying simple geometric criteria, our construction produces 2n basis functions, associated in a Lagrange-like fashion to each vertex and each edge midpoint, by transforming and combining a set of n(n+1)/2 basis functions known to obtain quadratic convergence. The technique broadens the scope of the so-called `serendipity' elements, previously studied only for quadrilateral and regular hexahedral meshes, by employing the theory of generalized barycentric coordinates. Uniform `a priori' error estimates are established over the class of convex quadrilaterals with bounded aspect ratio as well as over the class of generic convex planar polygons satisfying additional shape regularity conditions to exclude large interior angles and short edges. Numerical evidence is provided on a trapezoidal quadrilateral mesh, previously not amenable to serendipity constructions, and applications to adaptive meshing are discussed.Comment: 24 page

    Stokes Coordinates

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    Cage-based structures are reduced subspace deformers enabling non-isometric stretching deformations induced by clothing or muscle bulging. In this paper, we reformulate the cage-based rigging as an incompressible Stokes problem in the vorticity space. The key to our approach is a compact stencil allowing the expression of fluid-inspired high-order coordinates. Thus, our cage-based coordinates are obtained by vorticity transport as the numerical solution of the linearized Stokes equations. Then, we turn the incompressible creeping Newtonian flow into Stokes equations, and we devise a second-order compact approximation with center differencing for solving the vorticity-stream function. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to devise a vorticity-stream function formulation as a computational model for cage-based weighting functions. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our new techniques for a collection of cage-based shapes and applications

    On some interactive mesh deformations

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    Techniques devoted to deform 3D models are an important research field in Computer Graphics. They can be used in differentstages: the modelling phase, the animation process and also during some special simulations. Additionally, some applications may require the manipulation of 3D models under certain restrictions to preserve the volume of the modified object. Hence, thepresent PhD Dissertation explores new algorithms to perform flexible, robust and efficient 3D deformations. Apart from this, it also researches on a new methodology to restrict these deformations so that the volume of the manipulated model remains constant. Some of the most used methods to achieve smooth deformations are those included in the Cage-Based Deformation paradigm. Cage-based deformations enclose the model to be deformed in a coarse polyhedron, the cage. Then, they usually rely on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates to relate the model with the vertices, and other geometric elements, of this cage, which are the control points or the deformation handles. Finally, every time that one of these handles is dragged, the model is deformed accordingly. Although this paradigm is simple, elegant and performs efficient deformations, some cage-free space deformation techniques have recently appeared. They increase the flexibility of the deformation handles, which do not need to be connected, and define powerful tools that make the deformation process more versatile and intuitive. In this context, the Dissertation introduces new Generalized Barycentric Coordinate systems specially designed to be used in a cage-free environment. Any user who wants to use the presented schemes only needs to locate a set of control points in the vicinity of the model that he or she wants to deform. These handles can be placed wherever he or she considers mode suitable and the only requirement is that the model has to be enclosed in their convex hull. Up to now, there are few techniques to produce volume-preserving space deformations. However, in recent years there has been a growing interest in performing constrained deformations due to their more realistic and physically plausible results. Our contribution to this research line consists in a deformation framework that preserves the volume of the 3D models by means of its gradient and a control surface to restrict the movement of the handles. Moreover, the proposed methodology is not restricted to the cage-based schemes, but it can also be used in a cage-free environment. Finally, our research can be specially useful for spatial deformations of biological and medical models. This kind of models represent real organs and tissues, which are often soft and lack an internal rigid structure. In addition, they are elastic and incompressible. Any application designed to deal with this group of models and to train or assist doctors must be flexible, robust, efficient and user-friendly. The combination of the proposed cage-free systems with the presented volume-preserving deformation framework satisfiesLes deformacions de models 3D s'utilitzen en diverses etapes de la generació de continguts digitals: durant la fase de modelatge, durant el procés d'animació i en alguns tipus de simulacions. A més a més, hi ha aplicacions que necessiten que la manipulació dels models 3D es faci tenint en compte certes restriccions que permeten la conservació del volum de l'objecte modificat. Tot plegat fa que les tècniques de deformació 3D siguin un camp d'estudi molt important dins del món dels Gràfics. Per aquesta raó, aquesta Tesi Doctoral estudia nous algorismes que permetin realitzar deformacions 3D de manera flexible, robusta i eficient i que, a més a més, permetin conservar el volum dels objectes modificats. Un dels paradigmes més utilitzats per tal de realitzar deformacions suaus és el conegut amb el nom de Deformacions Basades en un Poliedre Englobant. Aquesta família de mètodes embolcalla el model que es vol deformar, normalment representat com una malla de triangles, dins d'un poliedre simple, amb poques cares. Un cop fet això, estableix un sistema de Coordenades Baricèntriques Generalitzades per tal de definir els vèrtexs del model a partir dels vèrtexs del poliedre englobant, els quals s'anomenen punts de control o controls de la deformació. D'aquesta manera, cada cop que s'arrossega o es modifica un d'aquests punts de control, el model que es troba dins del poliedre englobant es deforma segons el sistema de coordenades que s'ha definit. Tot i que aquest paradigma és simple, elegant i eficient, des de fa ja uns anys han començat a aparèixer noves tècniques que no necessiten el poliedre englobant per tal de realitzar la deformació. El seu principal objectiu és augmentar la flexibilitat dels controls de la deformació i definir eines que facin que el procés de deformació sigui més versàtil i intuïtiu. Tenint en compte aquest factor, aquesta Tesi també estudia sistemes de Coordenades Baricèntriques Generalitzades dissenyats per realitzar deformacions sense la necessitat de definir el poliedre englobant. D'aquesta manera, qualsevol usuari que vulgui utilitzar els mètodes que es presenten en aquesta Dissertació només s'ha d'encarregar de definir un conjunt de punts de control al voltant del model que vol deformar, podent-los posar allí on consideri més oportú segons la deformació que vulgui obtenir. L'únic requeriment necessari és que el model ha de quedar dins de l'envolupant convexa d'aquests punts de control. Actualment existeixen pocs mètodes que realitzin deformacions 3D amb preservació del volum. No obstant això, d'un temps ençà ha augmentat l'interès per realitzar deformacions subjectes a certes restriccions que fan que el resultat sigui més realista i físicament versemblant. La contribució d'aquesta Tesi dins d'aquesta línia de recerca consisteix en un sistema de deformació que preserva el volum dels objectes 3D gràcies a còmput del seu gradient i a una superfície de control que restringeix el moviment dels punts de control. Aquest mètode es pot aplicar tant als sistemes de deformació que necessiten un poliedre englobant com als que no el necessiten. Finalment, i ja per acabar, la recerca realitzada pot ser especialment útil per tal de realitzar deformacions de models mèdics i biològics. Aquests tipus de models poden representar òrgans i teixits reals, els quals, normalment, són tous, mancats d'una estructura rígida interna, elàstics i incompressibles. Qualsevol aplicació dissenyada per treballar amb aquest tipus de models i per entrenar i donar assistència a usuaris mèdics hauria de ser flexible, robusta, eficient i fàcil d'utilitzar. La combinació dels mètodes de deformació proposats conjuntament amb el sistema de preservació de volum satisfà totes aquestes condicions. Per aquesta raó es creu que les contribucions realitzades poden esdevenir eines importants per produir deformacions mèdiques.Postprint (published version

    Realistic Visualization of Accessories within Interactive Simulation Systems for Garment Prototyping

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    In virtual garment prototyping, designers create a garment design by using Computer Aided Design (CAD). In difference to traditional CAD the word "aided" in this case refers to the computer replicating real world behavior of garments. This allows the designer to interact naturally with his design. The designer has a wide range of expressions within his work. This is done by defining details on a garment which are not limited to the type of cloth used. The way how cloth patterns are sewn together and the style and usage of details of the cloth's surface, like appliqués, have a strong impact on the visual appearance of a garment to a large degree. Therefore, virtual and real garments usually have a lot of such surface details. Interactive virtual garment prototyping itself is an interdisciplinary field. Several problems have to be solved to create an efficiently usable real-time virtual prototyping system for garment manufacturers. Such a system can be roughly separated into three sub-components. The first component deals with acquisition of material and other data needed to let a simulation mimic plausible real world behavior of the garment. The second component is the garment simulation process itself. Finally, the third component is centered on the visualization of the simulation results. Therefore, the overall process spans several scientific areas which have to take into account the needs of each other in order to get an overall interactive system. In my work I especially target the third section, which deals with the visualization. On the scientific side, the developments in the last years have shown great improvements on both speed and reliability of simulation and rendering approaches suitable for the virtual prototyping of garments. However, with the currently existing approaches there are still many problems to be solved, especially if interactive simulation and visualization need to work together and many object and surface details come into play. This is the case when using a virtual prototyping in a productive environment. The currently available approaches try to handle most of the surface details as part of the simulation. This generates a lot of data early in the pipeline which needs to be transferred and processed, requiring a lot of processing time and easily stalls the pipeline defined by the simulation and visualization system. Additionally, real world garment examples are already complicated in their cloth arrangement alone. This requires additional computational power. Therefore, the interactive garment simulation tends to lose its capability to allow interactive handling of the garment. In my work I present a solution, which solves this problem by moving the handling of design details from the simulation stage entirely to a completely GPU based rendering stage. This way, the behavior of the garment and its visual appearance are separated. Therefore, the simulation part can fully concentrate on simulating the fabric behavior, while the visualization handles the placing of surface details lighting, materials and self-shadowing. Thus, a much higher degree of surface complexity can be achieved within an interactive virtual prototyping system as can be done with the current existing approaches

    Higher order barycentric coordinates

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    In recent years, a wide range of generalized barycentric coordinates has been suggested. However, all of them lack control over derivatives. We show how the notion of barycentric coordinates can be extended to specify derivatives at control points. This is also known as Hermite interpolation. We introduce a method to modify existing barycentric coordinates to higher order barycentric coordinates and demonstrate, using higher order mean value coordinates, that our method, although conceptually simple and easy to implement, can be used to give easy and intuitive control at interactive frame rates over local space deformations such as rotations