53,398 research outputs found

    Sound and Automated Synthesis of Digital Stabilizing Controllers for Continuous Plants

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    Modern control is implemented with digital microcontrollers, embedded within a dynamical plant that represents physical components. We present a new algorithm based on counter-example guided inductive synthesis that automates the design of digital controllers that are correct by construction. The synthesis result is sound with respect to the complete range of approximations, including time discretization, quantization effects, and finite-precision arithmetic and its rounding errors. We have implemented our new algorithm in a tool called DSSynth, and are able to automatically generate stable controllers for a set of intricate plant models taken from the literature within minutes.Comment: 10 page

    Crone control of a nonlinear hydraulic actuator

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    The CRONE control (fractional robust control) of a hydraulic actuator whose dynamic model is nonlinear is presented. An input-output linearization under diffeomorphism and feedback is first achieved for the nominal plant. The relevance of this linearization when the parameters of the plant vary is then analyzed using the Volterra input-output representation in the frequency domain. CRONE control based on complex fractional differentiation is finally applied to control the velocity of the input-output linearized model when parametric variations occur

    'Constant in gain Lead in phase' element - Application in precision motion control

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    This work presents a novel 'Constant in gain Lead in phase' (CgLp) element using nonlinear reset technique. PID is the industrial workhorse even to this day in high-tech precision positioning applications. However, Bode's gain phase relationship and waterbed effect fundamentally limit performance of PID and other linear controllers. This paper presents CgLp as a controlled nonlinear element which can be introduced within the framework of PID allowing for wide applicability and overcoming linear control limitations. Design of CgLp with generalized first order reset element (GFORE) and generalized second order reset element (GSORE) (introduced in this work) is presented using describing function analysis. A more detailed analysis of reset elements in frequency domain compared to existing literature is first carried out for this purpose. Finally, CgLp is integrated with PID and tested on one of the DOFs of a planar precision positioning stage. Performance improvement is shown in terms of tracking, steady-state precision and bandwidth

    Evaluating Model Testing and Model Checking for Finding Requirements Violations in Simulink Models

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    Matlab/Simulink is a development and simulation language that is widely used by the Cyber-Physical System (CPS) industry to model dynamical systems. There are two mainstream approaches to verify CPS Simulink models: model testing that attempts to identify failures in models by executing them for a number of sampled test inputs, and model checking that attempts to exhaustively check the correctness of models against some given formal properties. In this paper, we present an industrial Simulink model benchmark, provide a categorization of different model types in the benchmark, describe the recurring logical patterns in the model requirements, and discuss the results of applying model checking and model testing approaches to identify requirements violations in the benchmarked models. Based on the results, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of model testing and model checking. Our results further suggest that model checking and model testing are complementary and by combining them, we can significantly enhance the capabilities of each of these approaches individually. We conclude by providing guidelines as to how the two approaches can be best applied together.Comment: 10 pages + 2 page reference

    Beyond the Waterbed Effect: Development of Fractional Order CRONE Control with Non-Linear Reset

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    In this paper a novel reset control synthesis method is proposed: CRONE reset control, combining a robust fractional CRONE controller with non-linear reset control to overcome waterbed effect. In CRONE control, robustness is achieved by creation of constant phase behaviour around bandwidth with the use of fractional operators, also allowing more freedom in shaping the open-loop frequency response. However, being a linear controller it suffers from the inevitable trade-off between robustness and performance as a result of the waterbed effect. Here reset control is introduced in the CRONE design to overcome the fundamental limitations. In the new controller design, reset phase advantage is approximated using describing function analysis and used to achieve better open-loop shape. Sufficient quadratic stability conditions are shown for the designed CRONE reset controllers and the control design is validated on a Lorentz-actuated nanometre precision stage. It is shown that for similar phase margin, better performance in terms of reference-tracking and noise attenuation can be achieved.Comment: American Control Conference 201

    Performance-based control system design automation via evolutionary computing

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    This paper develops an evolutionary algorithm (EA) based methodology for computer-aided control system design (CACSD) automation in both the time and frequency domains under performance satisfactions. The approach is automated by efficient evolution from plant step response data, bypassing the system identification or linearization stage as required by conventional designs. Intelligently guided by the evolutionary optimization, control engineers are able to obtain a near-optimal ‘‘off-thecomputer’’ controller by feeding the developed CACSD system with plant I/O data and customer specifications without the need of a differentiable performance index. A speedup of near-linear pipelineability is also observed for the EA parallelism implemented on a network of transputers of Parsytec SuperCluster. Validation results against linear and nonlinear physical plants are convincing, with good closed-loop performance and robustness in the presence of practical constraints and perturbations

    System-level, Input-output and New Parameterizations of Stabilizing Controllers, and Their Numerical Computation

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    It is known that the set of internally stabilizing controller Cstab\mathcal{C}_{\text{stab}} is non-convex, but it admits convex characterizations using certain closed-loop maps: a classical result is the {Youla parameterization}, and two recent notions are the {system-level parameterization} (SLP) and the {input-output parameterization} (IOP). In this paper, we address the existence of new convex parameterizations and discuss potential tradeoffs of each parametrization in different scenarios. Our main contributions are: 1) We first reveal that only four groups of stable closed-loop transfer matrices are equivalent to internal stability: one of them is used in the SLP, another one is used in the IOP, and the other two are new, leading to two new convex parameterizations of Cstab\mathcal{C}_{\text{stab}}. 2) We then investigate the properties of these parameterizations after imposing the finite impulse response (FIR) approximation, revealing that the IOP has the best ability of approximating Cstab\mathcal{C}_{\text{stab}} given FIR constraints. 3) These four parameterizations require no \emph{a priori} doubly-coprime factorization of the plant, but impose a set of equality constraints. However, these equality constraints will never be satisfied exactly in numerical computation. We prove that the IOP is numerically robust for open-loop stable plants, in the sense that small mismatches in the equality constraints do not compromise the closed-loop stability. The SLP is known to enjoy numerical robustness in the state feedback case; here, we show that numerical robustness of the four-block SLP controller requires case-by-case analysis in the general output feedback case.Comment: 20 pages; 5 figures. Added extensions on numerial computation and robustness of closed-loop parameterization

    Application of Computational Intelligence Techniques to Process Industry Problems

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    In the last two decades there has been a large progress in the computational intelligence research field. The fruits of the effort spent on the research in the discussed field are powerful techniques for pattern recognition, data mining, data modelling, etc. These techniques achieve high performance on traditional data sets like the UCI machine learning database. Unfortunately, this kind of data sources usually represent clean data without any problems like data outliers, missing values, feature co-linearity, etc. common to real-life industrial data. The presence of faulty data samples can have very harmful effects on the models, for example if presented during the training of the models, it can either cause sub-optimal performance of the trained model or in the worst case destroy the so far learnt knowledge of the model. For these reasons the application of present modelling techniques to industrial problems has developed into a research field on its own. Based on the discussion of the properties and issues of the data and the state-of-the-art modelling techniques in the process industry, in this paper a novel unified approach to the development of predictive models in the process industry is presented