83 research outputs found

    Always-On 674uW @ 4GOP/s Error Resilient Binary Neural Networks with Aggressive SRAM Voltage Scaling on a 22nm IoT End-Node

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    Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) have been shown to be robust to random bit-level noise, making aggressive voltage scaling attractive as a power-saving technique for both logic and SRAMs. In this work, we introduce the first fully programmable IoT end-node system-on-chip (SoC) capable of executing software-defined, hardware-accelerated BNNs at ultra-low voltage. Our SoC exploits a hybrid memory scheme where error-vulnerable SRAMs are complemented by reliable standard-cell memories to safely store critical data under aggressive voltage scaling. On a prototype in 22nm FDX technology, we demonstrate that both the logic and SRAM voltage can be dropped to 0.5Vwithout any accuracy penalty on a BNN trained for the CIFAR-10 dataset, improving energy efficiency by 2.2X w.r.t. nominal conditions. Furthermore, we show that the supply voltage can be dropped to 0.42V (50% of nominal) while keeping more than99% of the nominal accuracy (with a bit error rate ~1/1000). In this operating point, our prototype performs 4Gop/s (15.4Inference/s on the CIFAR-10 dataset) by computing up to 13binary ops per pJ, achieving 22.8 Inference/s/mW while keeping within a peak power envelope of 674uW - low enough to enable always-on operation in ultra-low power smart cameras, long-lifetime environmental sensors, and insect-sized pico-drones.Comment: Submitted to ISICAS2020 journal special issu

    Linear Predistortion-less MIMO Transmitters

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    A Survey on Low-Power Techniques with Emerging Technologies: From Devices to Systems

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    Nowadays, power consumption is one of the main limitations of electronic systems. In this context, novel and emerging devices provide us with new opportunities to keep the trend to low-power design. In this survey paper, we present a transversal survey on energy efficient techniques ranging from devices to architectures. The actual trends of device research, with fully-depleted planar devices, tri-gate geometries and gate-all-around structures, allows us to reach an increasingly higher level of performance while reducing the associated power. In addition, beyond the simple device properties enhancements, emerging devices also lead to innovations at circuit and architectural levels. In particular, devices whose properties can be tuned through additional terminals enable a fine and dynamic control of device threshold. They also enable designers to realize logic gates and to implement power-related techniques in a compact way unreachable to standard technologies. These innovations reduce the power consumption at the gate level and unlock new means of actuation in architectural solutions like adaptive voltage and frequency scaling

    Reliability Investigations of MOSFETs using RF Small Signal Characterization

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    Modern technology needs and advancements have introduced various new concepts such as Internet-of-Things, electric automotive, and Artificial intelligence. This implies an increased activity in the electronics domain of analog and high frequency. Silicon devices have emerged as a cost-effective solution for such diverse applications. As these silicon devices are pushed towards higher performance, there is a continuous need to improve fabrication, power efficiency, variability, and reliability. Often, a direct trade-off of higher performance is observed in the reliability of semiconductor devices. The acceleration-based methodologies used for reliability assessment are the adequate time-saving solution for the lifetime's extrapolation but come with uncertainty in accuracy. Thus, the efforts to improve the accuracy of reliability characterization methodologies run in parallel. This study highlights two goals that can be achieved by incorporating high-frequency characterization into the reliability characteristics. The first one is assessing high-frequency performance throughout the device's lifetime to facilitate an accurate description of device/circuit functionality for high-frequency applications. Secondly, to explore the potential of high-frequency characterization as the means of scanning reliability effects within devices. S-parameters served as the high-frequency device's response and mapped onto a small-signal model to analyze different components of a fully depleted silicon-on-insulator MOSFET. The studied devices are subjected to two important DC stress patterns, i.e., Bias temperature instability stress and hot carrier stress. The hot carrier stress, which inherently suffers from the self-heating effect, resulted in the transistor's geometry-dependent magnitudes of hot carrier degradation. It is shown that the incorporation of the thermal resistance model is mandatory for the investigation of hot carrier degradation. The property of direct translation of small-signal parameter degradation to DC parameter degradation is used to develop a new S-parameter based bias temperature instability characterization methodology. The changes in gate-related small-signal capacitances after hot carrier stress reveals a distinct signature due to local change of flat-band voltage. The measured effects of gate-related small-signal capacitances post-stress are validated through transient physics-based simulations in Sentaurus TCAD.:Abstract Symbols Acronyms 1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 MOSFETs Scaling Trends and Challenges 2.1.1 Silicon on Insulator Technology 2.1.2 FDSOI Technology 2.2 Reliability of Semiconductor Devices 2.3 RF Reliability 2.4 MOSFET Degradation Mechanisms 2.4.1 Hot Carrier Degradation 2.4.2 Bias Temperature Instability 2.5 Self-heating 3 RF Characterization of fully-depleted Silicon on Insulator devices 3.1 Scattering Parameters 3.2 S-parameters Measurement Flow 3.2.1 Calibration 3.2.2 De-embedding 3.3 Small-Signal Model 3.3.1 Model Parameters Extraction 3.3.2 Transistor Figures of Merit 3.4 Characterization Results 4 Self-heating assessment in Multi-finger Devices 4.1 Self-heating Characterization Methodology 4.1.1 Output Conductance Frequency dependence 4.1.2 Temperature dependence of Drain Current 4.2 Thermal Resistance Behavior 4.2.1 Thermal Resistance Scaling with number of fingers 4.2.2 Thermal Resistance Scaling with finger spacing 4.2.3 Thermal Resistance Scaling with GateWidth 4.2.4 Thermal Resistance Scaling with Gate length 4.3 Thermal Resistance Model 4.4 Design for Thermal Resistance Optimization 5 Bias Temperature Instability Investigation 5.1 Impact of Bias Temperature Instability stress on Device Metrics 5.1.1 Experimental Details 5.1.2 DC Parameters Drift 5.1.3 RF Small-Signal Parameters Drift 5.2 S-parameter based on-the-fly Bias Temperature Instability Characterization Method 5.2.1 Measurement Methodology 5.2.2 Results and Discussion 6 Investigation of Hot-carrier Degradation 6.1 Impact of Hot-carrier stress on Device performance 6.1.1 DC Metrics Degradation 6.1.2 Impact on small-signal Parameters 6.2 Implications of Self-heating on Hot-carrier Degradation in n-MOSFETs 6.2.1 Inclusion of Thermal resistance in Hot-carrier Degradation modeling 6.2.2 Convolution of Bias Temperature Instability component in Hot-carrier Degradation 6.2.3 Effect of Source and Drain Placement in Multi-finger Layout 6.3 Vth turn-around effect in p-MOSFET 7 Deconvolution of Hot-carrier Degradation and Bias Temperature Instability using Scattering parameters 7.1 Small-Signal Parameter Signatures for Hot-carrier Degradation and Bias Temperature Instability 7.2 TCAD Dynamic Simulation of Defects 7.2.1 Fixed Charges 7.2.2 Interface Traps near Gate 7.2.3 Interface Traps near Spacer Region 7.2.4 Combination of Traps 7.2.5 Drain Series Resistance effect 7.2.6 DVth Correction 7.3 Empirical Modeling based deconvolution of Hot-carrier Degradation 8 Conclusion and Recommendations 8.1 General Conclusions 8.2 Recommendations for Future Work A Directly measured S-parameters and extracted Y-parameters B Device Dimensions for Thermal Resistance Modeling C Frequency response of hot-carrier degradation (HCD) D Localization Effect of Interface Traps Bibliograph

    Characterization of 28 nm FDSOI MOS and application to the design of a low-power 2.4 GHz LNA

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    IoT is expected to connect billions of devices all over world in the next years, and in a near future, it is expected to use LR-WPAN in a wide variety of applications. Not all the devices will require of high performance but will require of low power hungry systems since most of them will be powered with a battery. Conventional CMOS technologies cannot cover these needs even scaling it to very small regimes, which appear other problems. Hence, new technologies are emerging to cover the needs of this devices. One promising technology is the UTBB FDSOI, which achieves good performance with very good energy efficiency. This project characterizes this technology to obtain a set of parameters of interest for analog/RF design. Finally, with the help of a low-power design methodology (gm/Id approach), a design of an ULP ULV LNA is performed to check the suitability of this technology for IoT

    Design, Modeling and Analysis of Non-classical Field Effect Transistors

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    Transistor scaling following per Moore\u27s Law slows down its pace when entering into nanometer regime where short channel effects (SCEs), including threshold voltage fluctuation, increased leakage current and mobility degradation, become pronounced in the traditional planar silicon MOSFET. In addition, as the demand of diversified functionalities rises, conventional silicon technologies cannot satisfy all non-digital applications requirements because of restrictions that stem from the fundamental material properties. Therefore, novel device materials and structures are desirable to fuel further evolution of semiconductor technologies. In this dissertation, I have proposed innovative device structures and addressed design considerations of those non-classical field effect transistors for digital, analog/RF and power applications with projected benefits. Considering device process difficulties and the dramatic fabrication cost, application-oriented device design and optimization are performed through device physics analysis and TCAD modeling methodology to develop design guidelines utilizing transistor\u27s improved characteristics toward application-specific circuit performance enhancement. Results support proposed device design methodologies that will allow development of novel transistors capable of overcoming limitation of planar nanoscale MOSFETs. In this work, both silicon and III-V compound devices are designed, optimized and characterized for digital and non-digital applications through calibrated 2-D and 3-D TCAD simulation. For digital functionalities, silicon and InGaAs MOSFETs have been investigated. Optimized 3-D silicon-on-insulator (SOI) and body-on-insulator (BOI) FinFETs are simulated to demonstrate their impact on the performance of volatile memory SRAM module with consideration of self-heating effects. Comprehensive simulation results suggest that the current drivability degradation due to increased device temperature is modest for both devices and corresponding digital circuits. However, SOI FinFET is recommended for the design of low voltage operation digital modules because of its faster AC response and better SCEs management than the BOI structure. The FinFET concept is also applied to the non-volatile memory cell at 22 nm technology node for low voltage operation with suppressed SCEs. In addition to the silicon technology, our TCAD estimation based on upper projections show that the InGaAs FinFET, with superior mobility and improved interface conditions, achieve tremendous drive current boost and aggressively suppressed SCEs and thereby a strong contender for low-power high-performance applications over the silicon counterpart. For non-digital functionalities, multi-fin FETs and GaN HEMT have been studied. Mixed-mode simulations along with developed optimization guidelines establish the realistic application potential of underlap design of silicon multi-Fin FETs for analog/RF operation. The device with underlap design shows compromised current drivability but improve analog intrinsic gain and high frequency performance. To investigate the potential of the novel N-polar GaN material, for the first time, I have provided calibrated TCAD modeling of E-mode N-polar GaN single-channel HEMT. In this work, I have also proposed a novel E-mode dual-channel hybrid MIS-HEMT showing greatly enhanced current carrying capability. The impact of GaN layer scaling has been investigated through extensive TCAD simulations and demonstrated techniques for device optimization

    Regular cell design approach considering lithography-induced process variations

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    The deployment delays for EUVL, forces IC design to continue using 193nm wavelength lithography with innovative and costly techniques in order to faithfully print sub-wavelength features and combat lithography induced process variations. The effect of the lithography gap in current and upcoming technologies is to cause severe distortions due to optical diffraction in the printed patterns and thus degrading manufacturing yield. Therefore, a paradigm shift in layout design is mandatory towards more regular litho-friendly cell designs in order to improve line pattern resolution. However, it is still unclear the amount of layout regularity that can be introduced and how to measure the benefits and weaknesses of regular layouts. This dissertation is focused on searching the degree of layout regularity necessary to combat lithography variability and outperform the layout quality of a design. The main contributions that have been addressed to accomplish this objective are: (1) the definition of several layout design guidelines to mitigate lithography variability; (2) the proposal of a parametric yield estimation model to evaluate the lithography impact on layout design; (3) the development of a global Layout Quality Metric (LQM) including a Regularity Metric (RM) to capture the degree of layout regularity of a layout implementation and; (4) the creation of different layout architectures exploiting the benefits of layout regularity to outperform line-pattern resolution, referred as Adaptive Lithography Aware Regular Cell Designs (ALARCs). The first part of this thesis provides several regular layout design guidelines derived from lithography simulations so that several important lithography related variation sources are minimized. Moreover, a design level methodology, referred as gate biasing, is proposed to overcome systematic layout dependent variations, across-field variations and the non-rectilinear gate effect (NRG) applied to regular fabrics by properly configuring the drawn transistor channel length. The second part of this dissertation proposes a lithography yield estimation model to predict the amount of lithography distortion expected in a printed layout due to lithography hotspots with a reduced set of lithography simulations. An efficient lithography hotspot framework to identify the different layout pattern configurations, simplify them to ease the pattern analysis and classify them according to the lithography degradation predicted using lithography simulations is presented. The yield model is calibrated with delay measurements of a reduced set of identical test circuits implemented in a CMOS 40nm technology and thus actual silicon data is utilized to obtain a more realistic yield estimation. The third part of this thesis presents a configurable Layout Quality Metric (LQM) that considering several layout aspects provides a global evaluation of a layout design with a single score. The LQM can be leveraged by assigning different weights to each evaluation metric or by modifying the parameters under analysis. The LQM is here configured following two different set of partial metrics. Note that the LQM provides a regularity metric (RM) in order to capture the degree of layout regularity applied in a layout design. Lastly, this thesis presents different ALARC designs for a 40nm technology using different degrees of layout regularity and different area overheads. The quality of the gridded regular templates is demonstrated by automatically creating a library containing 266 cells including combinational and sequential cells and synthesizing several ITC'99 benchmark circuits. Note that the regular cell libraries only presents a 9\% area penalty compared to the 2D standard cell designs used for comparison and thus providing area competitive designs. The layout evaluation of benchmark circuits considering the LQM shows that regular layouts can outperform other 2D standard cell designs depending on the layout implementation.Los continuos retrasos en la implementación de la EUVL, fuerzan que el diseño de IC se realice mediante litografía de longitud de onda de 193 nm con innovadoras y costosas técnicas para poder combatir variaciones de proceso de litografía. La gran diferencia entre la longitud de onda y el tamaño de los patrones causa severas distorsiones debido a la difracción óptica en los patrones impresos y por lo tanto degradando el yield. En consecuencia, es necesario realizar un cambio en el diseño de layouts hacia diseños más regulares para poder mejorar la resolución de los patrones. Sin embargo, todavía no está claro el grado de regularidad que se debe introducir y como medir los beneficios y los perjuicios de los diseños regulares. El objetivo de esta tesis es buscar el grado de regularidad necesario para combatir las variaciones de litografía y mejorar la calidad del layout de un diseño. Las principales contribuciones para conseguirlo son: (1) la definición de diversas reglas de diseño de layout para mitigar las variaciones de litografía; (2) la propuesta de un modelo para estimar el yield paramétrico y así evaluar el impacto de la litografía en el diseño de layout; (3) el diseño de una métrica para analizar la calidad de un layout (LQM) incluyendo una métrica para capturar el grado de regularidad de un diseño (RM) y; (4) la creación de diferentes tipos de layout explotando los beneficios de la regularidad, referidos como Adaptative Lithography Aware Regular Cell Designs (ALARCs). La primera parte de la tesis, propone las diversas reglas de diseño para layouts regulares derivadas de simulaciones de litografía de tal manera que las fuentes de variación de litografía son minimizadas. Además, se propone una metodología de diseño para layouts regulares, referida como "gate biasing" para contrarrestar las variaciones sistemáticas dependientes del layout, las variaciones en la ventana de proceso del sistema litográfico y el efecto de puerta no rectilínea para configurar la longitud del canal del transistor correctamente. La segunda parte de la tesis, detalla el modelo de estimación del yield de litografía para predecir mediante un número reducido de simulaciones de litografía la cantidad de distorsión que se espera en un layout impreso debida a "hotspots". Se propone una eficiente metodología que identifica los distintos patrones de un layout, los simplifica para facilitar el análisis de los patrones y los clasifica en relación a la degradación predecida mediante simulaciones de litografía. El modelo de yield se calibra utilizando medidas de tiempo de un número reducido de idénticos circuitos de test implementados en una tecnología CMOS de 40nm y de esta manera, se utilizan datos de silicio para obtener una estimación realista del yield. La tercera parte de este trabajo, presenta una métrica para medir la calidad del layout (LQM), que considera diversos aspectos para dar una evaluación global de un diseño mediante un único valor. La LQM puede ajustarse mediante la asignación de diferentes pesos para cada métrica de evaluación o modificando los parámetros analizados. La LQM se configura mediante dos conjuntos de medidas diferentes. Además, ésta incluye una métrica de regularidad (RM) para capturar el grado de regularidad que se aplica en un diseño. Finalmente, esta disertación presenta los distintos diseños ALARC para una tecnología de 40nm utilizando diversos grados de regularidad y diferentes impactos en área. La calidad de estos diseños se demuestra creando automáticamente una librería de 266 celdas incluyendo celdas combinacionales y secuenciales y, sintetizando diversos circuitos ITC'99. Las librerías regulares solo presentan un 9% de impacto en área comparado con diseños de celdas estándar 2D y por tanto proponiendo diseños competitivos en área. La evaluación de los circuitos considerando la LQM muestra que los diseños regulares pueden mejorar otros diseños 2D dependiendo de la implementación del layout