683,788 research outputs found

    New understanding of the shape-memory response in thiol-epoxy click systems: towards controlling the recovery process

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    Our research group has recently found excellent shape-memory response in “thiol-epoxy” thermosets obtained with click-chemistry. In this study, we use their well-designed, homogeneous and tailorable network structures to investigate parameters for better control of the shape-recovery process. We present a new methodology to analyse the shape-recovery process, enabling easy and efficient comparison of shape-memory experiments on the programming conditions. Shape-memory experiments at different programming conditions have been carried out to that end. Additionally, the programming process has been extensively analysed in uniaxial tensile experiments at different shape-memory testing temperatures. The results showed that the shape-memory response for a specific operational design can be optimized by choosing the correct programming conditions and accurately designing the network structure. When programming at a high temperature (T » Tg), under high network mobility conditions, high shape-recovery ratios and homogeneous shape-recovery processes are obtained for the network structure and the programmed strain level (eD). However, considerably lower stress and strain levels can be achieved. Meanwhile, when programming at temperatures lower than Tg, considerably higher stress and strain levels are attained but under low network mobility conditions. The shape-recovery process heavily depends on both the network structure and eD. Network relaxation occurs during the loading stage, resulting in a noticeable decrease in the shape-recovery rate as eD increases. Moreover, at a certain level of strain, permanent and non-recoverable deformations may occur, impeding the completion and modifying the whole path of the shape-recovery process.Postprint (author's final draft

    Recipe-Based Batch Control Using High-Level Grafchart

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    High-Level Grafchart is a graphical programming language for control of sequential processes. Sequential control is important in all kinds of industries: discrete, continuous and batch. Sequential elements show up both on the local control level and on the supervisory control level. High-Level Grafchart combines the graphical syntax of Grafcet/SFC with high-level programming language constructs and ideas from High-Level Petri Nets. High-Level Grafchart can be used to control sequential processes both on the local level and on the supervisory control level. The main application area of High-Level Grafchart is control of batch processes, i.e., batch control. A batch process is a special class of sequential processes frequently occuring in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Batch processes and batch control is currently the subject of large interest. A recent standard, called ISA S88.01, provides an important step towards a formal definition of batch systems. The specification of how to produce a batch is called a recipe. In the thesis it is shown how High-Level Grafchart can be used for recipe strucuring. By using the features of High-Level Grafchart in different ways, recipes can be represented in a number of alternative ways. They still, however, comply with the standard ISA S88.01. The different structures are presented and discussed. A simulation of a multi-purpose, network structured batch plant has served as a test platform. High-Level Grafchart, the recipe-execution system ad the batch plant are implemented in G2, an object-oriented programming environment

    DPOS: A metalanguage and programming environment for parallel processors

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    Journal ArticleThe complexity and diversity of parallel programming languages and computer architectures hinders programmers in developing programs and greatly limits program portability. All MIMD parallel programming systems, however, address common requirements for process creation, process management, and interprocess communication. This paper describes and illustrates a structured programming system (DPOS) and graphical programming environment for generating and debugging high-level MIND parallel programs. DPOS is a metalanguage for defining parallel program networks based on the common requirements of distributed parallel computing that is portable across languages, modular, and highly flexible. The system uses the concept of stratification to separate process network creation and the control of parallelism form computational work. Individual processes are defined within the process object layer as traditional single threaded programs without parallel language constructs. Process networks and communication are defined graphically within the system layer at a high level of abstraction as recursive graphs. Communication is facilitated in DPOS by extending message passing semantics in several ways to implement highly flexible message passing constructs. DPOS processes exchange messages through bi-directional channel objects using guarded, buffered, synchronous and asynchronous communication semantics. The DPOS environment also generates source code and provides a simulation system for graphical debugging and animation of the programs in graph form

    DIPSTK-a Process Control Language

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    Process control languages are generally complex and machine-oriented. Their use requires a high degree of skill, not only in process control knowledge, but also in the programming. On one extreme, control programs are written in assembler language. This is a time-consuming process and the high investment is tailored to a specific application. The resulting programs are difficult to communicate between the programmer and the user. On the other extreme, recent attempts have used high-level languages, i.e., FORTRAN, but these still require assembly-level supplements. In general, only the programmers know what the program does. Thus, a void exists between the programmer and the user. This paper presents a segment of the user-oriented, high-level language, DIPSTK, which has the following design features: can control both digital and analog signals, is easy to learn and communicate, provides the necessary user-operating support, integrates a graphical data display, and is easily modified for additional control structures. The remainder of this language was developed by a co-investigator. This contribution included the fundamental syntax digital data handling

    High level language-based robotic control system

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    This invention is a robot control system based on a high level language implementing a spatial operator algebra. There are two high level languages included within the system. At the highest level, applications programs can be written in a robot-oriented applications language including broad operators such as MOVE and GRASP. The robot-oriented applications language statements are translated into statements in the spatial operator algebra language. Programming can also take place using the spatial operator algebra language. The statements in the spatial operator algebra language from either source are then translated into machine language statements for execution by a digital control computer. The system also includes the capability of executing the control code sequences in a simulation mode before actual execution to assure proper action at execution time. The robot's environment is checked as part of the process and dynamic reconfiguration is also possible. The languages and system allow the programming and control of multiple arms and the use of inward/outward spatial recursions in which every computational step can be related to a transformation from one point in the mechanical robot to another point to name two major advantages

    A control and sequencing language

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    Bibliography: leaves 102-104.In a process control environment, hatch processes, as opposed to continuous processes, are characterised by multi-product manufacturing lines which often involve frequent product changes. One component of batch control systems is a programming language which is used to control and synchronise the operations of the plant. Initially low-level languages (e.g. ladder logic, boolean algebra and assembly language) were used, but have now been replaced by specialised high-level languages. These languages provide more functionality and are easier to use. The dissertation examines one such high-level sequencing language (CASL) and identifies functionality, clarity and readability improvements that can be made to the language. An implementation of an upwardly compatible compiler for the improved language is described briefly

    High level language-based robotic control system

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    This invention is a robot control system based on a high level language implementing a spatial operator algebra. There are two high level languages included within the system. At the highest level, applications programs can be written in a robot-oriented applications language including broad operators such as MOVE and GRASP. The robot-oriented applications language statements are translated into statements in the spatial operator algebra language. Programming can also take place using the spatial operator algebra language. The statements in the spatial operator algebra language from either source are then translated into machine language statements for execution by a digital control computer. The system also includes the capability of executing the control code sequences in a simulation mode before actual execution to assure proper action at execution time. The robot's environment is checked as part of the process and dynamic reconfiguration is also possible. The languages and system allow the programming and control of multiple arms and the use of inward/outward spatial recursions in which every computational step can be related to a transformation from one point in the mechanical robot to another point to name two major advantages

    Scalable Design Space Exploration via Answer Set Programming

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    The design of embedded systems is becoming continuously more complex such that the application of efficient high level design methods are crucial for competitive results regarding design time and performance. Recently, advances in Boolean constraint solvers for Answer Set Programming (ASP) allow for easy integration of background theories and more control over the solving process. The goal of this research is to leverage those advances for system level design space exploration while using specialized techniques from electronic design automation that drive new application-originated ideas for multi-objective combinatorial optimization

    Віртуалізація систем керування та контролю як засіб навчання

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    Розглянуто проблему опанування практичної роботи з сучасними системами керування технологічними процесами в машинобудуванні. Обґрунтована необхідність використання комп’ютерних симуляторів CAD/CAM/CAE систем високого рівня складності та систем програмування різноманітних мікропроцесорів. Запропоновані варіанти використання потужних симуляторів СNС-програмування та мікропроцесорних систем. Окремо досліджена можливість симулювання роботи координатно-вимірювальної машини як системи об’єктивного контролю з особливо широкими можливостями.The article considers the problem of practical work mastering that contains modern systems for technological process control in machine building. The necessity has been grounded for the usage of computer simulators for high level complexity systems CAD/CAM/CAE and for programming systems of different microprocessors. Variants for the usage of powerful simulators of CNC-programming and microprocessor systems have been offered. The possibility has been separately investigated for simulating of coordinate measuring machine operation as a system of objective control with particularly wide possibilities

    Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors

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    P4 is a high-level language for programming protocol-independent packet processors. P4 works in conjunction with SDN control protocols like OpenFlow. In its current form, OpenFlow explicitly specifies protocol headers on which it operates. This set has grown from 12 to 41 fields in a few years, increasing the complexity of the specification while still not providing the flexibility to add new headers. In this paper we propose P4 as a strawman proposal for how OpenFlow should evolve in the future. We have three goals: (1) Reconfigurability in the field: Programmers should be able to change the way switches process packets once they are deployed. (2) Protocol independence: Switches should not be tied to any specific network protocols. (3) Target independence: Programmers should be able to describe packet-processing functionality independently of the specifics of the underlying hardware. As an example, we describe how to use P4 to configure a switch to add a new hierarchical label