509 research outputs found

    A robot uses its own microphone to synchronize its steps to musical beats while scatting and singing

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    Abstract—Musical beat tracking is one of the effective technologies for human-robot interaction such as musical ses-sions. Since such interaction should be performed in various environments in a natural way, musical beat tracking for a robot should cope with noise sources such as environmental noise, its own motor noises, and self voices, by using its own microphone. This paper addresses a musical beat tracking robot which can step, scat and sing according to musical beats by using its own microphone. To realize such a robot, we propose a robust beat tracking method by introducing two key techniques, that is, spectro-temporal pattern matching and echo cancellation. The former realizes robust tempo estimation with a shorter window length, thus, it can quickly adapt to tempo changes. The latter is effective to cancel self noises such as stepping, scatting, and singing. We implemented the proposed beat tracking method for Honda ASIMO. Experimental results showed ten times faster adaptation to tempo changes and high robustness in beat tracking for stepping, scatting and singing noises. We also demonstrated the robot times its steps while scatting or singing to musical beats. I

    Système d'audition artificielle embarqué optimisé pour robot mobile muni d'une matrice de microphones

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    Dans un environnement non contrôlé, un robot doit pouvoir interagir avec les personnes d’une façon autonome. Cette autonomie doit également inclure une interaction grâce à la voix humaine. Lorsque l’interaction s’effectue à une distance de quelques mètres, des phénomènes tels que la réverbération et la présence de bruit ambiant doivent être pris en considération pour effectuer efficacement des tâches comme la reconnaissance de la parole ou de locuteur. En ce sens, le robot doit être en mesure de localiser, suivre et séparer les sources sonores présentes dans son environnement. L’augmentation récente de la puissance de calcul des processeurs et la diminution de leur consommation énergétique permettent dorénavant d’intégrer ces systèmes d’audition articielle sur des systèmes embarqués en temps réel. L’audition robotique est un domaine relativement jeune qui compte deux principales librairies d’audition artificielle : ManyEars et HARK. Jusqu’à présent, le nombre de microphones se limite généralement à huit, en raison de l’augmentation rapide de charge de calculs lorsque des microphones supplémentaires sont ajoutés. De plus, il est parfois difficile d’utiliser ces librairies avec des robots possédant des géométries variées puisqu’il est nécessaire de les calibrer manuellement. Cette thèse présente la librairie ODAS qui apporte des solutions à ces difficultés. Afin d’effectuer une localisation et une séparation plus robuste aux matrices de microphones fermées, ODAS introduit un modèle de directivité pour chaque microphone. Une recherche hiérarchique dans l’espace permet également de réduire la quantité de calculs nécessaires. De plus, une mesure de l’incertitude du délai d’arrivée du son est introduite pour ajuster automatiquement plusieurs paramètres et ainsi éviter une calibration manuelle du système. ODAS propose également un nouveau module de suivi de sources sonores qui emploie des filtres de Kalman plutôt que des filtres particulaires. Les résultats démontrent que les méthodes proposées réduisent la quantité de fausses détections durant la localisation, améliorent la robustesse du suivi pour des sources sonores multiples et augmentent la qualité de la séparation de 2.7 dB dans le cas d’un formateur de faisceau à variance minimale. La quantité de calculs requis diminue par un facteur allant jusqu’à 4 pour la localisation et jusqu’à 30 pour le suivi par rapport à la librairie ManyEars. Le module de séparation des sources sonores exploite plus efficacement la géométrie de la matrice de microphones, sans qu’il soit nécessaire de mesurer et calibrer manuellement le système. Avec les performances observées, la librairie ODAS ouvre aussi la porte à des applications dans le domaine de la détection des drones par le bruit, la localisation de bruits extérieurs pour une navigation plus efficace pour les véhicules autonomes, des assistants main-libre à domicile et l’intégration dans des aides auditives

    Automatic acoustic detection of birds through deep learning : the first bird audio detection challenge

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    Assessing the presence and abundance of birds is important for monitoring specific species as well as overall ecosystem health. Many birds are most readily detected by their sounds, and thus passive acoustic monitoring is highly appropriate. Yet acoustic monitoring is often held back by practical limitations such as the need for manual configuration, reliance on example sound libraries, low accuracy, low robustness, and limited ability to generalise to novel acoustic conditions. Here we report outcomes from a collaborative data challenge. We present new acoustic monitoring datasets, summarise the machine learning techniques proposed by challenge teams, conduct detailed performance evaluation, and discuss how such approaches to detection can be integrated into remote monitoring projects. Multiple methods were able to attain performance of around 88% AUC (area under the ROC curve), much higher performance than previous general‐purpose methods. With modern machine learning including deep learning, general‐purpose acoustic bird detection can achieve very high retrieval rates in remote monitoring data ̶ with no manual recalibration, and no pre‐training of the detector for the target species or the acoustic conditions in the target environment.</ol

    Perception in real and artificial insects: a robotic investigation of cricket phonotaxis

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate a methodology for studying percep¬ tual systems by building artificial ones. It is proposed that useful results can be obtained from detailed robotic modelling of specific sensorimotor mechanisms in lower animals. By looking at the sensory control of behaviour in simple biological organisms, and in working robots, it is argued that proper appreciation of the physical interaction of the system with the environment and the task is essential for discovering how perceptual mechanisms function. Although links to biology, and concern with perceptual competence, are fields of growing interest in Artificial Intelligence, much of the current research fails to adequately address these issues, as the model systems being built do not represent real sensorimotor problems.By analyzing what is required for a model of a system to contribute to ex¬ plaining that system, a particular approach to modeling perceptual systems is suggested. This involves choosing an appropriate target system to model, building a system that validly represents the target with respect to a particular hypothesis, and properly evaluating the behaviour of the model system to draw conclusions about the target. The viability and potential contribution of this approach is demonstrated in the design, implementation and evaluation of a mobile robot model of a hypothesised mechanism for phonotaxis in the cricket.The result is a robot that successfully locates a specific sound source under a variety of conditions, with a range of behaviour that resembles the cricket in many ways. This provides some support for the hypothesis that the neural mechanism for phonotaxis in crickets does not involve separate processing for recognition and location of the signal, as is generally supposed. It also shows the importance of un¬ derstanding the physical interaction of the system's structure with its environment in devising and implementing perceptual systems. Both these results vindicate the proposed methodology

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    ‘Did the speaker change?’: Temporal tracking for overlapping speaker segmentation in multi-speaker scenarios

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    Diarization systems are an essential part of many speech processing applications, such as speaker indexing, improving automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance and making single speaker-based algorithms available for use in multi-speaker domains. This thesis will focus on the first task of the diarization process, that being the task of speaker segmentation which can be thought of as trying to answer the question ‘Did the speaker change?’ in an audio recording. This thesis starts by showing that time-varying pitch properties can be used advantageously within the segmentation step of a multi-talker diarization system. It is then highlighted that an individual’s pitch is smoothly varying and, therefore, can be predicted by means of a Kalman filter. Subsequently, it is shown that if the pitch is not predictable, then this is most likely due to a change in the speaker. Finally, a novel system is proposed that uses this approach of pitch prediction for speaker change detection. This thesis then goes on to demonstrate how voiced harmonics can be useful in detecting when more than one speaker is talking, such as during overlapping speaker activity. A novel system is proposed to track multiple harmonics simultaneously, allowing for the determination of onsets and end-points of a speaker’s utterance in the presence of an additional active speaker. This thesis then extends this work to explore the use of a new multimodal approach for overlapping speaker segmentation that tracks both the fundamental frequency (F0) and direction of arrival (DoA) of each speaker simultaneously. The proposed multiple hypothesis tracking system, which simultaneously tracks both features, shows an improvement in segmentation performance when compared to tracking these features separately. Lastly, this thesis focuses on the DoA estimation part of the newly proposed multimodal approach. It does this by exploring a polynomial extension to the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm, spatio-spectral polynomial (SSP)-MUSIC, and evaluating its performance when using speech sound sources.Open Acces

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics: translating ecological data into knowledge and decisions in a rapidly changing world: ICEI 2018

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    The Conference Proceedings are an impressive display of the current scope of Ecological Informatics. Whilst Data Management, Analysis, Synthesis and Forecasting have been lasting popular themes over the past nine biannual ICEI conferences, ICEI 2018 addresses distinctively novel developments in Data Acquisition enabled by cutting edge in situ and remote sensing technology. The here presented ICEI 2018 abstracts captures well current trends and challenges of Ecological Informatics towards: • regional, continental and global sharing of ecological data, • thorough integration of complementing monitoring technologies including DNA-barcoding, • sophisticated pattern recognition by deep learning, • advanced exploration of valuable information in ‘big data’ by means of machine learning and process modelling, • decision-informing solutions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable ecosystem management in light of global changes

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics: translating ecological data into knowledge and decisions in a rapidly changing world: ICEI 2018

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    The Conference Proceedings are an impressive display of the current scope of Ecological Informatics. Whilst Data Management, Analysis, Synthesis and Forecasting have been lasting popular themes over the past nine biannual ICEI conferences, ICEI 2018 addresses distinctively novel developments in Data Acquisition enabled by cutting edge in situ and remote sensing technology. The here presented ICEI 2018 abstracts captures well current trends and challenges of Ecological Informatics towards: • regional, continental and global sharing of ecological data, • thorough integration of complementing monitoring technologies including DNA-barcoding, • sophisticated pattern recognition by deep learning, • advanced exploration of valuable information in ‘big data’ by means of machine learning and process modelling, • decision-informing solutions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable ecosystem management in light of global changes