2,778 research outputs found

    Microstrip Patch Antennas Fed by Substrate Integrated Waveguide

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    Dizertační práce je zaměřena na výzkum mikropáskových flíčkových antén a anténních řad napájených vlnovodem integrovaným do substrátu (SIW). Využitím vlnovodu integrovaného do substrátu pro napájení mikropáskové flíčkové antény dochází ke kombinaci výhodných vlastností obou struktur. Výsledkem je kompaktní anténní struktura, jejíž napájecí vedení neprodukuje parazitní záření a neovlivňuje tak vyzařovací charakteristiku antény. Práci lze z věcného hlediska rozdělit do dvou částí. První část práce (kapitola 2) je zaměřena na návrh flíčkových antén a jejich navázání na vlnovod integrovaný do substrátu. První dvě navržené flíčkové antény využívají vlnovod integrovaný do substrátu a štěrbinu nebo koaxiální sondu pro buzení lineárně polarizované vlny. Napájení koaxiální sondou je dále použito pro buzení kruhově polarizované flíčkové antény. Za účelem získání širšího pásma osového poměru je navrženo napájení flíčkové antény ve dvou bodech. Funkčnost všech anténních struktur je popsána pomocí parametrických simulací a ověřena realizací a měřením vyrobených prototypů antén. Prezentované napájecí metody představují nový způsob napájení pro mikropáskové antény využívající technologii SIW. Ve druhé části práce (kapitola 3) je pojednáno o implementaci štěrbinou napájené mikropáskové anténní struktury do malých anténních polí o velikosti 2x2 a 1x4. V případě lineární řady je uvažováno amplitudové rozložení pro optimální potlačení postranních laloků. Obě navržené anténní řady jsou ověřeny měřením a v porovnání s podobnými anténními řadami dostupnými v literatuře dosahují širšího pracovního pásma kmitočtů a vyššího zisku.The thesis deals with the research of microstrip patch antennas and antenna arrays fed by a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW). Exploiting an SIW structure for microstrip patch antenna feeding combines the benefits of both structures. The result is a compact antenna structure retaining advantageous properties of microstrip patch antennas and having a radiation characteristic non-effected by spurious radiation which is usually produced by a conventional feeding line. The thesis consists of two factual parts. The first one (Chapter 2) deals with the design of microstrip patch antennas and exploiting a substrate integrated waveguide for their feeding. The first two microstrip patch antennas exploit an SIW and a slot or a coaxial probe in order to excite a linearly-polarized wave. SIW-based probe feeding is further utilized for exciting a single- and dual-fed circularly-polarized microstrip patch. The functionality of the proposed antenna structures is described using parametric analyses and verified by measuring of fabricated prototypes. The proposed feeding methods represent a novel feeding approach for microstrip patch antennas exploiting SIW technology. The second part of the thesis (Chapter 3) deals with implementing the linearly-polarized aperture-coupled microstrip patch antenna structure fed by SIW into two small antenna arrays consisting of 2x2 and 1x4 radiators. An amplitude distribution is considered in the case of the linear antenna array for optimum suppression of side lobes. Both proposed antenna arrays are verified by measurements. Compared to similar antenna arrays available in the literature, they reach a wider operating frequency band and a higher gain.

    Wideband and UWB antennas for wireless applications. A comprehensive review

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    A comprehensive review concerning the geometry, the manufacturing technologies, the materials, and the numerical techniques, adopted for the analysis and design of wideband and ultrawideband (UWB) antennas for wireless applications, is presented. Planar, printed, dielectric, and wearable antennas, achievable on laminate (rigid and flexible), and textile dielectric substrates are taken into account. The performances of small, low-profile, and dielectric resonator antennas are illustrated paying particular attention to the application areas concerning portable devices (mobile phones, tablets, glasses, laptops, wearable computers, etc.) and radio base stations. This information provides a guidance to the selection of the different antenna geometries in terms of bandwidth, gain, field polarization, time-domain response, dimensions, and materials useful for their realization and integration in modern communication systems

    Single-band and Dual-band Beam Switching Systems and Offset-fed Beam Scanning Reflectarray

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    The reflectarray has been considered as a suitable candidate to replace the conventional parabolic reflectors because of its high-gain, low profile, and beam reconfiguration capability. Beam scanning capability and multi-band operation of the microstrip reflectarray have been main research topics in the reflectarray design. Narrow bandwidth of the reflectarray is the main obstacle for the various uses of the reflectarray. The wideband antenna element with a large phase variation range and a linear phase response is one of the solutions to increase the narrow bandwidth of the reflectarray. A four beam scanning reflectarray has been developed. It is the offset-fed microstrip reflectarray that has been developed to emulate a cylindrical reflector. Unlike other microstrip reflectarrays which integrates phase tuning devices such as RF MEMS switches and another phase shifters to the reflectarray elements and control the reflected phase, the beam scanning capability of the reflectarray is implemented by a phased array feed antenna. This method can reduce the complexity of the design of the beam switching reflectarray. A simple method has been investigated to develop multi-band elements in this dissertation. In approach to increase the coverage of the operation bands, a six-band reflectarray has been developed with two layers. Each layer covers three frequency bands. A Butler matrix is one of the useful beamforming networks for a phased array antenna. A Double-Sided Parallel-Strip Line (DSPSL) is adapted for the feeding network of eight array elements. The DSPSL operate very well to feed the microstrip antenna array over the bandwidth to reduce the sidelobe level and a high gain. In another topic of a Butler matrix, a dual-band Butler matrix has been proposed for multi-band applications. A modified Butler matrix is used to reduce a size and a sidelobe level. The bandwidth of the microstrip antenna is inherently small. A broadband circularly polarized microstrip antenna with dual-offset feedlines is introduced in this dissertation. Aperture-coupled feed method is used to feed the stacked patch antennas and a slotcoupled directional coupler is used for the circularly polarized operation. The research presented in this dissertation suggests useful techniques for a beam scanning microstrip reflectarray, phased array antenna, and wideband antenna designs in the modern wireless communication systems

    Antenna Array Designs For Directional Wireless Communicatoin

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Reconfigurable Reflectarrays and Array Lenses for Dynamic Antenna Beam Control: A Review

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    Advances in reflectarrays and array lenses with electronic beam-forming capabilities are enabling a host of new possibilities for these high-performance, low-cost antenna architectures. This paper reviews enabling technologies and topologies of reconfigurable reflectarray and array lens designs, and surveys a range of experimental implementations and achievements that have been made in this area in recent years. The paper describes the fundamental design approaches employed in realizing reconfigurable designs, and explores advanced capabilities of these nascent architectures, such as multi-band operation, polarization manipulation, frequency agility, and amplification. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing future challenges and possibilities for these antennas.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Wideband circularly polarized fractal antenna with SSRR metasurface for 5G applications

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    In this study, a 3.5 GHz wideband circularly polarised antenna design is presented. The suggested antenna is constructed using square and flower fractal shapes within the patch. The square fractal shapes and flower fractals are implemented inside the slot patch and in the top left and right corners of the patch. The key advantage of using this method is to increase the bandwidth of the antenna besides reduce the size and improve the axial ratio. Then a Square Split Ring Resonator (SSRR) metasurface is added above the antenna for enhancement of gain and back lobe. The metasurface is added on the front of the antenna in order to increase the gain directivity and decrease the sidelobes and back lobe. Using computer simulation software (CST), the proposed metasurface antenna is simulated and then constructed on FR4 substrate with dimensions of (ε_r=4.4 and h=1.6 mm). Operating bandwidth between 1.79 GHz and 5 GHz is achieved, the metasurface antenna\u27s performance attained a fractional bandwidth of 91%. An improved gain of 3.05 dB is observed when metasurface is applied. A measured AR below 3 dB is achieved over the obtained bandwidth. The proposed fractal was reduced in size by 40.43% as compared to conventional antennas. The antenna recommended is suitable for use in the fifth generation (5G) applications

    Dual Circularly Polarized Aperture Array Antenna in Gap Waveguide for High-Efficiency Ka-Band Satellite Communications

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    [EN] A novel fully metallic Ka-band dual circularly polarized antenna array is presented in this contribution. It consists of 64 circular apertures (8x8) and it is implemented in gap waveguide technology. The antenna includes 4 layers, which are completely metallic, leading to a highly efficient performance. The experimental results confirm reflection coefficient values lower than -10 dB from 29 GHz to 31 GHz as well as stable radiation patterns throughout the whole frequency range. Good average axial ratio (AR) of 1.5 dB has been measured in the working band for both polarizations. Measured directivity is 28 dBi and antenna efficiency keeps close to 80%.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) under Project TEC2016-79700-C2-1-R.Ferrando-Rocher, M.; Herranz Herruzo, JI.; Valero-Nogueira, A.; Bernardo-Clemente, B. (2020). Dual Circularly Polarized Aperture Array Antenna in Gap Waveguide for High-Efficiency Ka-Band Satellite Communications. IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation. 1:283-289. https://doi.org/10.1109/OJAP.2020.3001087S283289

    2009 Index IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters Vol. 8

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    This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. - that appeared in this periodical during the year, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in this year. Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author\u27s name. The primary entry includes the coauthors\u27 names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination. The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author\u27s name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages. Note that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index

    2008 Index IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Vol. 16

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    This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. - that appeared in this periodical during the year, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in this year. Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author\u27s name. The primary entry includes the coauthors\u27 names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination. The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author\u27s name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages. Note that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index