1,162 research outputs found

    Mensageiros do jazz: sistema de catalogação

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaWith the evolution of the WWW (World Wide Web), Web Portals have become the main distributors of services to users. These services can take many forms such as: e-mail, news, blogs, forums and search engines among many others. Besides offering all these services to users, Web Portals have to store all the information related to these services. In order to create Web Portals it is necessary to have some knowledge on Programming Languages. The existence of WCMS (Web Content Management Systems) is very important because they will allow any regular user (without programming background) to create, modify, publish and share its own contents and make it visible to a large number of users through the Internet. This content can be any type of data, for example it can be regular files, scientific documents, videos, pictures, etc. The objective of this work is to build a WCMS to support the Jazz messengers project that will allow non-programmers users to store and search all types of media using a friendly web user interface. This will allow the publishing of historical documents about the history and contribution of these Jazz Messengers to the Portuguese Jazz.Com a evolução da WWW (World Wide Web),os portais tornaram-se os principais distribuidores de serviços aos utilizadores. Esses serviços podem assumir várias formas, tais como: e-mail, notícias, blogs, fóruns e sites de busca, entre outros. Além de oferecer todos esses serviços aos utilizadores, estes também servem para armazenar todas as informações relacionadas com esses serviços. A existência de WCMS (Web Content Management Systems) é muito importante porque vai permitir que qualquer utilizador normal (sem experiência em programação) possa criar, modificar, publicar e compartilhar os seus próprios conteúdos e torná-los visíveis a um grande número de utilizadores através da Internet. Este conteúdo pode ser qualquer tipo de dados, por exemplo, pode-se partilhar arquivos, documentos científicos, vídeos, fotos, entre outros. O objetivo deste trabalho é construir um portal que permitirá aos utilizadores não-programadores armazenar todo o tipo de arquivos sobre os Mensageiros do Jazz Português e permitir efetuar pesquisas através de uma interface Web amigável. Isso permitirá a publicação de documentos históricos sobre a história e contribuição dos Mensageiros do Jazz Português

    Distributed resource discovery: architectures and applications in mobile networks

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    As the amount of digital information and services increases, it becomes increasingly important to be able to locate the desired content. The purpose of a resource discovery system is to allow available resources (information or services) to be located using a user-defined search criterion. This work studies distributed resource discovery systems that guarantee all existing resources to be found and allow a wide range of complex queries. Our goal is to allocate the load uniformly between the participating nodes, or alternatively to concentrate the load in the nodes with the highest available capacity. The first part of the work examines the performance of various existing unstructured architectures and proposes new architectures that provide features especially valuable in mobile networks. To reduce the network traffic, we use indexing, which is particularly useful in scenarios, where searches are frequent compared to resource modifications. The ratio between the search and update frequencies determines the optimal level of indexing. Based on this observation, we develop an architecture that adjusts itself to changing network conditions and search behavior while maintaining optimal indexing. We also propose an architecture based on large-scale indexing that we later apply to resource sharing within a user group. Furthermore, we propose an architecture that relieves the topology constraints of the Parallel Index Clustering architecture. The performance of the architectures is evaluated using simulation. In the second part of the work we apply the architectures to two types of mobile networks: cellular networks and ad hoc networks. In the cellular network, we first consider scenarios where multiple commercial operators provide a resource sharing service, and then a scenario where the users share resources without operator support. We evaluate the feasibility of the mobile peer-to-peer concept using user opinion surveys and technical performance studies. Based on user input we develop access control and group management algorithms for peer-to-peer networks. The technical evaluation is performed using prototype implementations. In particular, we examine whether the Session Initiation Protocol can be used for signaling in peer-to-peer networks. Finally, we study resource discovery in an ad hoc network. We observe that in an ad hoc network consisting of consumer devices, the capacity and mobility among nodes vary widely. We utilize this property in order to allocate the load to the high-capacity nodes, which serve lower-capacity nodes. We propose two methods for constructing a virtual backbone connecting the nodes

    Hierarchical categorisation of tags for delicious

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    In the scenario of social bookmarking, a user browsing the Web bookmarks web pages and assigns free-text labels (i.e., tags) to them according to their personal preferences. In this technical report, we approach one of the practical aspects when it comes to represent users' interests from their tagging activity, namely the categorization of tags into high-level categories of interest. The reason is that the representation of user profiles on the basis of the myriad of tags available on the Web is certainly unfeasible from various practical perspectives; mainly concerning the unavailability of data to reliably, accurately measure interests across such fine-grained categorisation, and, should the data be available, its overwhelming computational intractability. Motivated by this, our study presents the results of a categorization process whereby a collection of tags posted at Delicious #http://delicious.com# are classified into 200 subcategories of interest.Preprin

    An Efficient Holistic Data Distribution and Storage Solution for Online Social Networks

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    In the past few years, Online Social Networks (OSNs) have dramatically spread over the world. Facebook [4], one of the largest worldwide OSNs, has 1.35 billion users, 82.2% of whom are outside the US [36]. The browsing and posting interactions (text content) between OSN users lead to user data reads (visits) and writes (updates) in OSN datacenters, and Facebook now serves a billion reads and tens of millions of writes per second [37]. Besides that, Facebook has become one of the top Internet traffic sources [36] by sharing tremendous number of large multimedia files including photos and videos. The servers in datacenters have limited resources (e.g. bandwidth) to supply latency efficient service for multimedia file sharing among the rapid growing users worldwide. Most online applications operate under soft real-time constraints (e.g., ≤ 300 ms latency) for good user experience, and its service latency is negatively proportional to its income. Thus, the service latency is a very important requirement for Quality of Service (QoS) to the OSN as a web service, since it is relevant to the OSN’s revenue and user experience. Also, to increase OSN revenue, OSN service providers need to constrain capital investment, operation costs, and the resource (bandwidth) usage costs. Therefore, it is critical for the OSN to supply a guaranteed QoS for both text and multimedia contents to users while minimizing its costs. To achieve this goal, in this dissertation, we address three problems. i) Data distribution among datacenters: how to allocate data (text contents) among data servers with low service latency and minimized inter-datacenter network load; ii) Efficient multimedia file sharing: how to facilitate the servers in datacenters to efficiently share multimedia files among users; iii) Cost minimized data allocation among cloud storages: how to save the infrastructure (datacenters) capital investment and operation costs by leveraging commercial cloud storage services. Data distribution among datacenters. To serve the text content, the new OSN model, which deploys datacenters globally, helps reduce service latency to worldwide distributed users and release the load of the existing datacenters. However, it causes higher inter-datacenter communica-tion load. In the OSN, each datacenter has a full copy of all data, and the master datacenter updates all other datacenters, generating tremendous load in this new model. The distributed data storage, which only stores a user’s data to his/her geographically closest datacenters, simply mitigates the problem. However, frequent interactions between distant users lead to frequent inter-datacenter com-munication and hence long service latencies. Therefore, the OSNs need a data allocation algorithm among datacenters with minimized network load and low service latency. Efficient multimedia file sharing. To serve multimedia file sharing with rapid growing user population, the file distribution method should be scalable and cost efficient, e.g. minimiza-tion of bandwidth usage of the centralized servers. The P2P networks have been widely used for file sharing among a large amount of users [58, 131], and meet both scalable and cost efficient re-quirements. However, without fully utilizing the altruism and trust among friends in the OSNs, current P2P assisted file sharing systems depend on strangers or anonymous users to distribute files that degrades their performance due to user selfish and malicious behaviors. Therefore, the OSNs need a cost efficient and trustworthy P2P-assisted file sharing system to serve multimedia content distribution. Cost minimized data allocation among cloud storages. The new trend of OSNs needs to build worldwide datacenters, which introduce a large amount of capital investment and maintenance costs. In order to save the capital expenditures to build and maintain the hardware infrastructures, the OSNs can leverage the storage services from multiple Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) with existing worldwide distributed datacenters [30, 125, 126]. These datacenters provide different Get/Put latencies and unit prices for resource utilization and reservation. Thus, when se-lecting different CSPs’ datacenters, an OSN as a cloud customer of a globally distributed application faces two challenges: i) how to allocate data to worldwide datacenters to satisfy application SLA (service level agreement) requirements including both data retrieval latency and availability, and ii) how to allocate data and reserve resources in datacenters belonging to different CSPs to minimize the payment cost. Therefore, the OSNs need a data allocation system distributing data among CSPs’ datacenters with cost minimization and SLA guarantee. In all, the OSN needs an efficient holistic data distribution and storage solution to minimize its network load and cost to supply a guaranteed QoS for both text and multimedia contents. In this dissertation, we propose methods to solve each of the aforementioned challenges in OSNs. Firstly, we verify the benefits of the new trend of OSNs and present OSN typical properties that lay the basis of our design. We then propose Selective Data replication mechanism in Distributed Datacenters (SD3) to allocate user data among geographical distributed datacenters. In SD3,a datacenter jointly considers update rate and visit rate to select user data for replication, and further atomizes a user’s different types of data (e.g., status update, friend post) for replication, making sure that a replica always reduces inter-datacenter communication. Secondly, we analyze a BitTorrent file sharing trace, which proves the necessity of proximity-and interest-aware clustering. Based on the trace study and OSN properties, to address the second problem, we propose a SoCial Network integrated P2P file sharing system for enhanced Efficiency and Trustworthiness (SOCNET) to fully and cooperatively leverage the common-interest, geographically-close and trust properties of OSN friends. SOCNET uses a hierarchical distributed hash table (DHT) to cluster common-interest nodes, and then further clusters geographically close nodes into a subcluster, and connects the nodes in a subcluster with social links. Thus, when queries travel along trustable social links, they also gain higher probability of being successfully resolved by proximity-close nodes, simultaneously enhancing efficiency and trustworthiness. Thirdly, to handle the third problem, we model the cost minimization problem under the SLA constraints using integer programming. According to the system model, we propose an Eco-nomical and SLA-guaranteed cloud Storage Service (ES3), which finds a data allocation and resource reservation schedule with cost minimization and SLA guarantee. ES3 incorporates (1) a data al-location and reservation algorithm, which allocates each data item to a datacenter and determines the reservation amount on datacenters by leveraging all the pricing policies; (2) a genetic algorithm based data allocation adjustment approach, which makes data Get/Put rates stable in each data-center to maximize the reservation benefit; and (3) a dynamic request redirection algorithm, which dynamically redirects a data request from an over-utilized datacenter to an under-utilized datacenter with sufficient reserved resource when the request rate varies greatly to further reduce the payment. Finally, we conducted trace driven experiments on a distributed testbed, PlanetLab, and real commercial cloud storage (Amazon S3, Windows Azure Storage and Google Cloud Storage) to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed systems in comparison with other systems. The results show that our systems outperform others in the network savings and data distribution efficiency

    Hierarchical categorisation of web tags for Delicious

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    In the scenario of social bookmarking, a user browsing the Web bookmarks web pages and assigns free-text labels (i.e., tags) to them according to their personal preferences. The benefits of social tagging are clear – tags enhance Web content browsing and search. However, since these tags may be publicly available to any Internet user, a privacy attacker may collect this information and extract an accurate snapshot of users’ interests or user profiles, containing sensitive information, such as health-related information, political preferences, salary or religion. In order to hinder attackers in their efforts to profile users, this report focuses on the practical aspects of capturing user interests from their tagging activity. More accurately, we study how to categorise a collection of tags posted by users in one of the most popular bookmarking services, Delicious (http://delicious.com).Preprin

    Anycast services and its applications

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    Anycast in next generation Internet Protocol is a hot topic in the research of computer networks. It has promising potentials and also many challenges, such as architecture, routing, Quality-of-Service, anycast in ad hoc networks, application-layer anycast, etc. In this thesis, we tackle some important topics among them. The thesis at first presents an introduction about anycast, followed by the related work. Then, as our major contributions, a number of challenging issues are addressed in the following chapters. We tackled the anycast routing problem by proposing a requirement based probing algorithm at application layer for anycast routing. Compared with the existing periodical based probing routing algorithm, the proposed routing algorithm improves the performance in terms of delay. We addressed the reliable service problem by the design of a twin server model for the anycast servers, providing a transparent and reliable service for all anycast queries. We addressed the load balance problem of anycast servers by proposing new job deviation strategies, to provide a similar Quality-of-Service to all clients of anycast servers. We applied the mesh routing methodology in the anycast routing in ad hoc networking environment, which provides a reliable routing service and uses much less network resources. We combined the anycast protocol and the multicast protocol to provide a bidirectional service, and applied the service to Web-based database applications, achieving a better query efficiency and data synchronization. Finally, we proposed a new Internet based service, minicast, as the combination of the anycast and multicast protocols. Such a service has potential applications in information retrieval, parallel computing, cache queries, etc. We show that the minicast service consumes less network resources while providing the same services. The last chapter of the thesis presents the conclusions and discusses the future work

    Collaborative geographic visualization

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Gestão e Sistemas AmbientaisThe present document is a revision of essential references to take into account when developing ubiquitous Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with collaborative visualization purposes. Its chapters focus, respectively, on general principles of GIS, its multimedia components and ubiquitous practices; geo-referenced information visualization and its graphical components of virtual and augmented reality; collaborative environments, its technological requirements, architectural specificities, and models for collective information management; and some final considerations about the future and challenges of collaborative visualization of GIS in ubiquitous environment